Zola Grey Shepherd: Meredith Bonds With Zola

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Zola Grey Shepherd Edit

Meredith bonds with Zola.

Meredith and Derek met Zola when she was brought to the hospital for an operation as part of
Alex's program. The couple had recently been told that Meredith had a hostile uterus and
conceiving a child would be hard. Derek immediately bonded with Zola and suggested adoption.
Meredith took a little longer to bond, but eventually couldn't help falling in love with the child.
However, Derek found out that Meredith tampered with his Alzheimer's trial just as the couple
was granted temporary custody of Zola. When the social worker on their case, Janet, discovered
that Meredith and Derek weren't living together, Zola was taken away from them for a time,
during which Meredith and Derek rekindled their relationship. They were given a date to see a
judge about the adoption after Alex went to the judge directly. That date was subsequently
cancelled and Janet told them that it was unlikely that it would end in their favor and suggested
that they move on. Then, one night after a long day of work, Janet showed up at their door with
Zola and told the couple that she was theirs.

Derek Bailey Shepherd Edit

Meredith and Derek's son was a surprise to both, because an OB/GYN had described Meredith's
uterus as hostile.

Ellis Shepherd Edit

Ellis was conceived before Derek's death. During her birth, Meredith was bleeding heavily. Zola
called an ambulance, saving her.

Lexie Grey Edit

Meredith makes Lexie some breakfeast.

Although Meredith originally hated Lexie, she quickly realized that although she had reason to
hate the idea of her, she had no reason to hate Lexie herself. Initially, she didn't like the way
Lexie followed her around and seemed envious of her rapport with Derek. She claimed that Lexie
was someone she never wanted to know, even denying that Lexie was her sister. However, after
Bailey explained that Lexie probably thought she hated her, because of their family links, and
after a traumatic day when Cristina brought Lexie home with her, Meredith made an effort to
bond with her and they danced and drank tequila. The next morning, Meredith even tried to make
breakfast for her and Lexie was so enthusiastic that she ate it, despite knowing she would have
an allergic reaction. Lexie and Meredith didn't get too close, both having two different sets of
friends, but they did eventually become friends which was made easier with the presence
of George O'Malley who was good friends with both of them. Lexie gave up the apartment that
she and George had rented, and moved into the attic of Meredith's house, where she
occasionally bemoaned the fact that she didnt have a proper room instead. They later become
so close, that Meredith gave Thatcher a piece of her liver, because Lexie asked her to and she
doesnt want to her sister to feel the loss of her father, something of which she had experienced
herself. She also sat with Lexie for 36 hours, after she has a PTS breakdown and had to be
committed to the psychiatric ward, against her will. And when Lexie got jealous over how April
was all chummy with Meredith, she told her the reasons for that, and the fact that "you're not
crazy, you're a Grey and you're my sister, Lexie,." At the end of Meredith's residency, Lexie died
after the plane crash because she was stuck under the debris. Upon hearing of her death,
Meredith cried hysterically.

Later, Meredith obsessed over saving a patient's life when she had the same injuries as Lexie
after being crushed by a car. At the end of the day, Meredith was talking to Cristina and simply
said that, "Lexie's dead." From that, it appeared that Meredith had accepted the fact that Lexie
was gone and was at peace.

Ellis Grey Edit

Ellis tells Meredith to be extraordinary.

Ellis Grey was the mother of Meredith Grey. Their relationship was strained due to Ellis's
devotion to Richard Webber and her work, often forgetting about Meredith. Meredith was a
rebellious teenager and she drank excessively and partied during college. However, while
traveling in Europe, she received a call and was told that her mother had Alzheimer's. Meredith
was made look after Ellis and keep her secret from the rest who knew her. Ellis would rarely
recognize Meredith but one day she woke up and was lucid, but it wouldn't last long, she found
herself very disappointed in her daughter who was no longer driven, just "happy." However,
before she died, Meredith saw Ellis in a vision and Ellis hugged her and told her she was
extraordinary and to continue being extraordinary. Later, Meredith found her mother's old diaries
and used them to get to know who her mother was and she realized that she liked her and her
mother was quite similar to her best friend, Cristina Yang.

Thatcher Grey Edit

Thatcher apologizes to Lexie and Meredith.
Due to Ellis and Richard's affair, Thatcher left Ellis and Meredith when Meredith was very young.
Ellis asked him not to visit and Meredith did not see him again until she was in her thirties and
she discovered he had another family. His wife Susan persisted in trying to get them to bond and
they began to but when Susan died in a surgery, Thatcher blamed Meredith, even going so far as
to slap her across the face and asked her not to attend the funeral. Weeks later he arrived back
at Seattle Grace and told her he was sorry and so proud of her but Lexie later informed her that
he only said it because he was drunk and he did it all the time. Thatcher went into a program and
he started making amends. He asked Meredith and Lexie to forgive him, Lexie hugged him and
Meredith congratulated him and said good luck and then left the office they were in. Several
months later, Thatcher came in to Seattle Grace vomiting blood. He was found to have cirrhosis
of the liver. He was told that to be put on the transplant list, he had to be sober for at least a year,
but he had only been sober for 90 days. Lexie was not to be a match for her father's liver, but
Meredith was. Willingly, she offers up her liver, not for Thatcher, but for Lexie's sake. Meredith
then spent several weeks at home in bed, recovering from the transplant operation. When
Thatcher quietly returned to the hospital, with bouts of pain, neither Grey knew, until Miranda
Bailey informed them of his check in. When he revealed that he had a young girlfriend, Meredith
was actually happy for him, and had to talk to Lexie, who was not to pleased at that discovery.

Susan Grey Edit

Susan Grey was the second wife of Meredith's father, Thatcher. After Ellis Grey died, Susan
reached out to Meredith and after a rough start, Susan and Meredith bonded. Susan would wash
her clothes and make dinner for her, and was like a surrogate mother to her. However, she came
to Seattle Grace with the hiccups and she died during a relatively easy procedure, due to

Doc Edit

Meredith and Izzie play with Doc.

Doc was Derek, Addison, and Meredith's dog. She and Izzie rescued him from a shelter and
brought him back to their home. Doc was very playful, but he became too much for Izzie and
George who quickly demanded that he leave. Due to Meredith's friendship with Derek, Derek and
Addison agreed to take him in. After taken to a vet, Doc was diagnosed with bone cancer. When
the cancer spread, he was put down and Meredith and Derek agreed to bury him on his favorite
spot on Derek's land. During her near death experience, the very first being she wanted to meet
was Doc.

Maggie Pierce Edit

Maggie is Meredith's half sister, daughter of Ellis Grey and Richard Webber. She was adopted as
a newborn and moved to Seattle and got a job at GSMH to know more about her biological
mother, whom she only knew by name. Meredith and Maggie were immediately in conflict at
work. Eventually, it came out that Maggie was Ellis' daughter. Initially, Meredith didn't believe it.
The next day, Meredith, helped by Alex, matched the information about Maggie's birth with what
she remembered and was able to access about Ellis' hospitalization, and she had to admit that
Ellis Grey was actually Maggie's birth mother. After that, Meredith and Maggie ignored each
other, but Derek pushed Meredith to make the first move with Maggie (like he had done for
Lexie), so Meredith showed Maggie the old diaries of her mother that correspond to the period in
which Maggie was conceived.

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