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Biological Reactor Design and Analysis

BTE 4412

Assignment 1

Guideline for writing the assignment

Title page (inclusive IIUM logo, students name, matric number, section,
assignment number)
Table of contents
The main report
Double line spacing centre 12 times new roman fonts size
List of references
Your assignment should not less than 4 pages, type-written, and has a correct
format of citation (APA system) with reference. Submit a complete and finish
work to me on Wednesday, 25 Oct 2017 (during class).

Assignment 1 [100 Marks]

Media development and optimization has become an eminent practice in laboratory

and industrial scale of fermentation process nowadays. As bioprocess engineer and
scientist, one should be able to identify the suitable biological system and media,
develop and optimize the media in order to achieve a significant production of desired
product. For the given journals, extract the important information to assist you in
solving the problems below:

a) Identify the macro- and microelements, and other sources such as growth
factors for the growth requirement of the microorganisms used in the research.
b) Compare the medium components among microorganisms used and give your
own reason why such composition of media is required for that particular
c) Criticize the media development done by the researcher and suggest/propose
better solutions/media development with a concrete justification to support
your proposal.

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