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John Nikko L.

Science and Health writing

Keeping away from the danger of Bird Flu

Bird Flu is like love because no one knows when it will stop from spreading. Yes, no one
knows when it will stop but people can do such things just to prevent it from spreading.

Reports are saying that bird flu being present was earlier this month. The virus was found
in birds in seven different farms in San Luis, Pampanga. This news was horrible to hear beacause
it can also be transmitted to humans that can cause you death. Many Filipinos have been afraid of
this deadly flu so Pampanga has been under state of calamity.

Dr. Rhodora Cruz of the Department of Health said in a recent interview that people
should be afraid more of dengue than bird flu because of the rainy season. She gauranteed that
nobody got sick or died yet of bird flu because it inflicts more in animals and hardly
transmits to humans is more of a concern of the Department of the Agriculture than the DOH she
said. This statement by Dr. Rhodora Cruz states that we people should be more cautious about
dengue rather bird flu but I think both must be focused well.

Due to recent avian flu in Pampanga wherein around 200,000 birds have been culled
which is a large amount to the people to be worried about specially those leaving in Pampanga.
This is shocking because the flu is spreading fast that is dangerous to tourism not only to

The greatest risk factor for bird flu seems to be contact with sick birds or with surfaces
contaminated by their feathers, saliva or droppings. So as much as possible avoid going to open-
air markets where egss and birds are sold in crowded and unsanitary conditions that can spread
the disease into a wider community. Some symptoms are cough, fever, sore throat, muscle aches,
headache, and shortness of breath, if this symptoms are present go to a doctor to check your

The pattern of human transmission remains mysterious. People of all ages have
contracted bird flu, though the average age of people affected seems to depend on the type of
bird flu. All must be prepared, ready and have the knowledge to know how to prevent the human
transmission of Bird Flu.

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