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World Literature (T-F 4:30-6:00 pm)

Mrs. Aleli Garcia

by: Gellie-May B. De Belen

She can be someone else.

She can be more than that someone she admire the most.
She can be that beautiful flower that everyone planting.
She can be that moon shines brightly,
Even if everyone is busy counting and chasing for the stars.

She is that happy, sweet and strong lady that everyone adores.
She will do everything for the people she loved.
She is always doing her best to make everyone proud of her.
She is the type of girl who forgives easily but hardly forgets.

She can be that hardworking daughter to her parents.

She can be that sweet sister to her siblings.
She can be that friend that will always there for you,
She can be that loyal and faithful partner
And give her whole heart purely.

She can be that armour that will protect you.

She is that ambitious lady busy aiming the universe.
She always brings joys and touches the heart of everyone.
She will risk everything to be the sources of light to everyone.

She is hard to deal with but easy to broke.

She has flaws and insecurities that make her beautiful.
She is good at hiding everything on her mask called smile
She managed to do everything with her best.

But one thing she forgot to do,

She doesnt know how to be herself.
She doesnt know how to find herself.
She lost herself to be that gold that everyones
looking for though she is born to shine like a diamond.
Gellie-May De Belen
Mrs. Aleli Garcia
TF 4:30-6:00
World Literature
Test 1. Short Story Analysis
1. How did the narrator reveal the characters of (a) Mr. Student and (b) Teresa in this story? Do
you think the author was successful in his characterization?

From my own understanding, the author reveals himself as the Mr. Student because of
When I was a student at Moscow that may read in the story. For Teresa, the author reveals his
character by telling Teresas physical apperances. She was a tallish, powerfully-built brunette,
with black, bushy eyebrows and a large coarse face as if carved out by a hatchet--the bestial
gleam of her dark eyes, her thick bass voice, her cabman-like gait and her immense muscular
vigour, worthy of a fishwife, inspired me with horror. For me, yes because the authors choice
of words to describe the two major characters are very detailed that makes me imagine how the
characters look like.
2. Choose a character. Summarize the story from that characters point of view.

Teresa created an imaginary boyfriend to satisfy her herself that enables her to
survive the loneliness and misery of her life. In order to make it realistic she
asked the author to write the letter. For me, Teresa is such a lonely lady but a
strong woman as well she managed to do everything to survive the loneliness
shes dealing with even if it make her looks pathetic.

3. What is the conflict of the story? Explain your answer.

The conflict of the story is when Mr. Student finds out that Teresas boyfriend
does not really exist. This revelation made Mr. Student confused and mad because
he thinks that he was being deceived and fooled by Teresa and he is asking for an
explanation and reason why Teresa did that. Look here my lady I said, there
are no Boleses or Teresas at all, and youve been telling me a pack of lies.
Dont you come sneaking about me any longer I have no wish whatever to
cultivate your acquaintance Do you understand?

4. What is the message of the story?

Well, well, the more a human creature has tasted of bitter things the more it hungers after
the sweet things of life. For me, the message of the story is a person who experiences a lot of
difficulties and obstacles on their own lives will do everything just to make their selves happy
and to ease the loneliness they feel.

Test 2. Poetry Analysis

A. Rhyme Scheme
Identify the rhyme scheme used and explain the role of the rhyme in the poetry.

The rhyme scheme of the poem is AB AB AA. Rhyme functions in much the
same way as rhythm. It keeps the poem in harmony, and a rhyme scheme helps
the audience to understand what is coming. Rhyme scheme can be figured by
looking at the last word in each line and assigning a letter. The last word in the
first line gets an "a." The last word in the second line, if it rhymes, also gets an
"a." If a word does not rhyme, it gets the next letter, "b" in this case. Discerning
the rhyme scheme is important because the pattern brings the poem to life and
helps the audience feel connected.

B. Figurative Language
1. What kind of poetry is Nightfall in Soweto? Justify your answer.

The Nightfall in Soweto is free verse poetry because this poem does not have any
rhyme scheme and measurement of syllables per line. The author has the freedom
to write on his own without a rule to follow.
2. Identify the figure of speech used per stanza, one per stanza only. Explain each.

1. Nightfall comes like

A dreaded disease
This line is an example of simile because the author used the word like to
compare the nightfall into a dreaded disease.

2. A murderers hand
Lurking in the shadow
It is an example of symbolism because the author used the use of an object to
represent an abstract idea.

3. I am the victim
I am slaughtered
This line is an example of metaphor because the author compares it directly
without using the words like or as.
4. Man becomes beast
It is metaphor because of direct comparison.

5. I am the prey
The author compares it directly so it is a metaphor.

6. Not in my matchbox house

The author makes the house extremely small which means it is a hyperbole.

7. Open Up he barks like a rabid dog

It is an example of simile because of the word like.
3. The poet employed parallelism. Identify the lines with parallelism.

Lurking in the shadows

Man has become beast
Man has become prey

C. Theme
What is the message of the poem Nightfall in Soweto? Can you relate to the experiences of
the poet? Why or Why not?

In my own understanding, the message of the poem is about discrimination to an

individuals personality. It shows that we must have equal treatment whatever
your skin color, gender, beliefs, race and own characteristic is.
Yes, somehow in my life because I think bullying is close to discrimination
when I was young I am bullied by those people pulling me down by how I look or
based on my physical appearance I feel humiliated and down. Just like in the
poem some Man has become a beast in my eyes and mind but thankfully I
managed to handle it correctly and now it serves me as my motivations on
working to the best of me.

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