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Muhammad, the inspired man who founded Islam, was born about A.D 570 into an Arabian tribe
that worshiped idols. Orphaned at birth, he was always particularly solicitous of the poor and
needy, the widow and orphan, the slaves and the downtrodden. At twenty he was already a
successful businessman, and soon became director of caravans for a wealthy widow. When he
reached twenty-five his employer recognizing his merit, proposed marriage. Even though she
was fifteen years older, he married her and as long as she liived remained a devoted husband.
The man who, of all men, has exercised the greatest influence upon the human race..... To be
the religious head of many empires, to guide the daily life of one – third of the human race, may
justify the title of a Messenger of God.

“The creed of Mohammad is free from the suspicions of ambiguity and the Quran is a glorious
testimony to the unity of GOD” – Gibbon in his 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'.

Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) was great proponent of unity. According to the historical and
scientific approach, the origin of human life comes on the category of single unity. This unity of
the creation of mankind indicates that our destination is also the attainment of unity.

Holy Prophet (S.A.W) reversed the basis of infidelity and idoltary and disseminated a thorough
monotheism. He was the comprehensive symbol of morality. The Glorious Quran presents him
as the manisfestation of divine`s mercy upon the worldwide people and regards his tenderness,
kindness and his good behavior as the God`s infinite favours. Addressing to him, the Glorious
Quran says, “ And had you been rough, hard – hearted, they would certainly have dispersed
from around you, pardon them therefore and ask pardon for them and take councel with them in
the affair. ” (chapter: the family of Imran/verse 159). He was the messenger of mercy and in
reply to rancor and enmity he should affection and kindness. With sweet odor and fragrance of
serene and friendship, he spread the wing of mercy over his faithful followers. He was as such
that he said: “I was appointed to prophetess in order to complete the virtues of morality.” (28/p
288/number 1372).

Prophet (S.A.W) was not only talked about peace and love but each and every step of his life
was the example of peace, love and feternity.

Let me state at the outset categorically and unambiguiously that the message of Islam is peace,
tranquility and unity. If one concentrates on the meaning of word `Islam`, it appears that this
word take its origin from saluma (safety) or slim (peace). Etymologically and literally the word
`Islam` means `peace, tranquility and harmony`. The word `Imaan` can be translated into or
more clearly it means `faith`. Every religion is based on faith. Faith is known as Imaan in islamic
terminology. Imaan has its own root-word and that is amn. Amn again means `peace, tranquility
and harmony`. The difference in both of these: The faih is known as Imaan and the practical
order is known as Islam.

In our ever increasing chaotic (also termed as modern) world, the peace of heart is a rare thing.
It has become such rare that many of us don`t even know if there is such a thing. We are
constantly bombarded with so many mundane things that are enough to keep up preoccupied
from the moment we wake up till we go to sleep, worried again for the next day and this cycle
goes on. There is a sure struggle of setting preferences in our daily activities; in our living. And
perhapes as a guide we can recall one of the saying of the Last Messenger, Prophet
Muhammad, upon him be peace; when he mentioned the most simple rule of living for peace of
our heart. He says the following: When a thing disturbs (the peace of ) your heart, give it up.The
saying might sound very simple, devoid of any complex philosophical doctrine; yet again this
zen like saying expresses the essence that can lead to the inner peace of the heart.

Enlightened people know well who controls the media in America and the western world.
Decades ago, with the emergence of the first signs of a disintegrating Communist Bloc, the
world has moved towards a one polar system with the US declaring itself as a global policeman.
Then the American Rapid Deployment Force were formed to deal with emergencies such as
the one which occured in Iran, when the late Ayatollah was empty – handedly able to topple the
most powerful Western – backed ruler in the muslim world. The three Persian Gulf War and the
issue of Palestine are the result of this policeman. In this light, one can understand the Zionist –
Christian collaboration against Islam and the emergence of the Zionist – Christians, or better
known neoconservatives in the American political arena. By controlling America in order to
control the world, a special interest group has mobilized all of its power all of its power in this
existencial ”Clash of Civilization.”

Profiling Prophet Jesus`universal massage, Muhammad (S.A.W) invited the entire humanity
towards living (co-existing) in tranquility, harmony, and peace. Of course for stopping the
progress of the mischievous in land, he kept the option of usig force in self defence open on the
table. Even a caged bird will use its beak to defend itself when a mischievous child attempts to
annoy it. Those who have difficulty in understanding the defensive Jihad should know well that
the Muslims will never seek a fatwa, when they are constantly assulted in their besieged
countries. Resisting illegal occupations is a natural instinct in all human beings. Holy Prophet
Muhammad (S.A.W) has shaped the Muslims conduct at peace and war. In brief, the Creator
has sent Prophet (S.A.W) as a mercy for mankind. Highlighting his statue in the minds of those
who believe in his message, Allah and His angles constantly salute him, and He ordered the
believers to the same and come to him in total submission. His message has spread in the
world by peaceful means because it is about nothing but peace. For being morally upright, they
lead by example and invited those non – Muslim, indigenous inhabitants of that land to Islam.
No sword was used. No 9/11 conspiracy or its like was forged. Projecting this scnerio on the
contemporary political reality, all Arab and Muslim countries need the Western Technology for
their survival. The West (and for that reason the rest of the world) obviously needs their oil to
run the wheels of its industry. There should be an end to the US dollar hegemony on the oil
market, for the benefit of all sides. Just look at the recent soaring price of the oil and the decline
value of the (petro) dollar. Trading on equitable, fair basis is the best course. It is more cost
effective than war. This is exactly what the young Muhammad (S.A.W) did when he joined his
uncle`s caravan to Syria and later partnered with a rich Arabian business lady – Khadijah bint
Khowailid. He adviced his follower to seek knowledge even if it was in China! Further stressing
the importance of knowledge, he stated “the pen`s ink of the scholars is more honourable than
the blood of the martyrs”.While this Prophet lives in the hearts of at least one fifth of the world`s
population, the entire huminity has a lot more to learn from him. The Creator has shaped him as
a perfect model for others to emulate. It is the Creator`s plan to save the Saviour the same way
He took Jesus in His custody Holy Prophet Muhammad`s (S.A.W) migration to Madinah, fleeing
the persecution in Makkah, is a proof for his non – violent approach in spreading his message.
Leave alone, the pardon he gave to his arch enemies when he became victorious at the end.

Mahatama Gandhi, statement published in `Young India,` 1924. I wanted to know the best of
thelife of one who holds today an undisputed sway over the hearts of millions of mankind...... I
became more than ever convinced that it was not the sword that won a place for Islam in those
days in the scheme of life. It was the rigid simplicity, the utter self-effacement of the Prophet the
scrupulous regard for pledges, his intense devotion to his friends and followers, his intrepidity,
his fearlessness, his absolute trust in God and his own mission. These and not the sword
carried everything before them and surmounted every obstacle.

Prophet (S.A.W) gave proper attention to morality in his life and stressed to do so. The more
science and technology advances, the greater is the need for the observance and practice of
the teachings and instructions of divine prophets in human societies. This is because science
and technology provide only machines and instruments and by means prevent their misuse by
human beings.

The terrible rise in murder, other felonies, corruption, suicide and so on clearly points to this very
fact. If morality, which is a significant part of the teachings of divine prophets, does not prevail
and govern in human societies, surely not only will advance science and technology fail to
ensure human peace and prosperity, but they will add to our problems and miseries. For the
exploiters and colonialists utilize advance technology and science for thier own satanic
purposes. They murder or make homeless millions of human beings as they have always done
and trample upon the rights of the weak and defenseless.

The fact of the matter is, the only factor that can halter man`s restive soul and control his stormy
instincts passions and thus utilize science and technology for human prosperity and pecific life
is true morality, which originate in faith in Allah (SWT). The moral teachings and precepts of the
divine prophets and their moral behaviour are the best means of leading man to his ideal life.
However, for those who must lead societies and guide the people, this requirement is much
greater, because, first, the one who is the instructor of society must himself be a model of
supreme moral behaviour and excellent human characterstics, so he will be able to wipe moral
decay out of people`s hearts and minds. Obviously if he himself is lacking is morality, he will fail
to lead the people onto the path of humanity and virtue. For this reason, Allah (SWT) selected
his prophets from among those who possessed exalted spirits, great tolerence, extraordinary
patience, and other excellent moral characterstics.

Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) has said, “you cannot treat people by means of your wealth,
hence, you should treat them by means of your moral conduct.”

In spite of all, he gave the teaching of tolerence through his own life.Prophet Muhammad
(S.A.W) never attempted to retaliate against the insult and dis respect of any body, and forgave
people`s mistake or their misconduct. His reaction to the torment and disregard of the ignorant
people was forgiveness and tolerence. In spite of all tortures and torments that the Quraish had
inflicted upon Muhammad (S.A.W), on conquering Makkah, he forgave them and set them free.

In the battle of Uhud, a man named Wahshi killed Hamza ibn Abd Al-Muttalib, the beloved uncle
of Muhammad (S.A.W). However, he forgave his sin. Also, he forgave the many torments and
troubles that Abu Sufyan ibn Harb and his wife, Hind bint Utbah, had caused for him and he did
not take revenge. Howevver, for all his tolerance and mercifulness, he did not take pity on those
who violated Allah`s (SWT) threshold and sacred precepts and would punish the violator in
accordence with divine rule.

People are trying to give a political colour to the events related to terror and are defaming Islam.
Islam talks about humanity but after the 9/11 incident, people have been trying to take political
mileage by linking religion with an act of terrorism. “Islam does not support terrorism”,

Explaining the features of proper morality described in the Old and New Testament and the, compassion, tolerance and the only way to do away with
terrorism. Our Prophet (S.A.W) was a man of tolerance and love.
In his last sermon delivered to the believers, the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) eliminated the unjust
order imposed upon the mankind. That unjust order at that time was based on human
degradation, social injustice, economic exploitation and political supression. The Prophet
(S.A.W) inaugurated a new world order based upon four concepts namely respect for humanity,
social equality, economic justice and political freedom.

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