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Literature Survey on the Performance of the ZigBee Standard

EE 359 Final Project, Autumn 2015

Rachel Luo,

Abstract We conduct a literature This IEEE 802.15.4-based protocol uses a

survey of four papers examining the mesh network to transmit data, and provides
performance of the ZigBee standard. The first a relatively simple and low-cost solution for
and second papers describe the maximum maintaining long device battery life. The low
throughput and minimum delay of the ZigBee
power consumption of the ZigBee standard
protocol, with the second one focusing on
limits its transmission distance to relatively
indoor settings, and the third and fourth
papers describe its energy consumption. We short ranges, but with a mesh network of
then discuss these four papers as they relate to ZigBee devices, data can be relayed longer
two important metrics for the ZigBee wireless distances.
standard: throughput and energy efficiency. Two important metrics for evaluating
Finally, we briefly identify the potential future any wireless protocol are its throughput and
impact of the ZigBee protocol and the its energy consumption. The throughput
suggested optimizing algorithms. measures the rate of successful message
delivery over the channel, and thus it
I. INTRODUCTION provides valuable information about the
amount of data that can be transmitted.
As the world becomes increasingly Additionally, because the ZigBee standard is
interconnected, wireless networks are designed for low power applications, its
becoming increasingly important from energy consumption is essential to any
controlling remote video systems to assessment of its performance, and
monitoring equipment status, from operating determines the lifetime of battery-powered
sensor systems to communicating with smart devices.
devices, these nearly-ubiquitous networks For this project, we examine four
allow people to communicate, acquire papers that study the ZigBee protocol and its
information, and connect with others. The performance under several metrics; we will
Internet of Things (IoT), in particular, has focus on throughput and energy
recently gained traction as a way for billions consumption. The rest of this report is
of devices to be interconnected and to collect organized as follows. In Section II, we
and exchange data. However, this vision also summarize the four main papers considered
presents a new set of challenges. For in this literature survey. In Section III, we
instance, communication across IoT channels discuss the throughput and energy efficiency
requires both sufficient power and achieved by the schemes proposed in the
throughput. One wireless standard that has papers. In Section IV, we comment briefly on
shown some promise in solving these the potential impact of the ZigBee protocols.
problems is the ZigBee standard. Finally, Section V concludes the report.
The ZigBee specification is designed
for low data rate, low power applications.
II. SUMMARY OF PAPERS After providing analytical equations
for the throughput and delay times, Latr et
A. Maximum Throughput and Minimum al. discuss the ZigBee throughput, bandwidth
Delay in IEEE 802.15.4 [1] efficiency, and lower delay limit. They
consider the following scenarios: a 64 bit
In Maximum Throughput and address, a 16 bit address, and no address, both
Minimum Delay in IEEE 802.15.4, Latr et with and without the use of ACKs in all cases.
al. investigate the maximum throughput and They use the following formula for
minimum delay of the then-new ZigBee bandwidth efficiency:
standard and study the impact of various
address schemes.
The authors assume a perfect channel where Rdata is the raw data rate, and find the
with a BER of zero and consider the case of results shown in Fig. 2. They note that the
a single sender and a single receiver which efficiency increases with the number of
are located close to each other, with no losses payload bits and is also higher with no ACK.
from collisions or buffer overflow. They Under optimal circumstances (no address, no
examine the unslotted version of the ZigBee ACK), they find an efficiency of 64.9%.
protocol in the 2.4 GHz band using CSMA Under the worst conditions (long address,
with a back-off scheme. An example of a using ACK), the efficiency is only about
ZigBee frame sequence is shown in Fig. 1 49.8%. The highest throughput under the
below. optimal circumstances is about 163 kbps.

Fig. 1. ZigBee frame sequence

They then calculate the maximum

throughput as follows:
where TP represents the throughput and x Fig. 2. ZigBee bandwidth efficiency
represents the number of bytes received from
the upper layer. The delay includes the back Finally, the authors experimentally
off period, the transmission time for a validate the theoretically calculated
payload of x bytes, the turn around time, the maximum throughput using two radios,
transmission time for an ACK, and the IFS obtaining the curves shown in Fig. 3. The two
time. The authors include equations for curves have the same shape, but the
calculating each term in the delay as well as experimental curve is about 11% lower than
a table with delay times for different numbers the analytical curve.
of address bits.
indication (RSSI) as a function of the
distance between two nodes for three
different transmit powers: 0 dBm, -10 dBm,
and -25 dBm. The authors ascertain that the
RSSI decreases log-linearly as a function of
distance, and that increasing the transmit
power leads to better performance.

Fig. 3. Analytical (dashed) vs. experimental (solid)

results with acknowledgments and short addressing

B. Wireless Sensor Networks: Performance

Analysis in Indoor Scenarios [2]

In their paper, Ferrari et al. consider

the delay and throughput of ZigBee and Z-
Wave protocols for sensor networks in indoor Fig. 4. ZigBee network topologies (a) Direct
transmission between RFD and coordinator; (b)
settings. They compare the two technologies
Transmission through one router; (c) Transmission
and study how different performance metrics through two routers; (d) Transmission from two
(including delay and packet error rate) are RFDs to coordinator
affected by the distribution of the sensors.
They begin the paper with an
overview of the ZigBee and Z-Wave
standards. Like ZigBee, Z-Wave is designed
to be high efficiency and low-cost, and it also
uses a mesh topology. However, unlike
ZigBee, it is a proprietary wireless
communication protocol intended for home
Fig. 5. Z-Wave network topologies (a) Direct
The authors then create the transmission between slaves and controller (b)
experimental setup shown in Fig. 4 for Transmission with one slave acting as an
ZigBee and Fig. 5 for Z-Wave. With the intermediate router
ZigBee networks, four topologies are
considered, and each experimental trial is Ferrari et al. then measure throughput
repeated 500 times. All experiments occur for all four of the cases shown in Fig. 4. For
indoors, with node distances of only a few the point-to-point link of Fig. 4a, they assess
meters. With the Z-Wave networks, two throughput as a function of the packet length
topologies are considered, and measurements and find that it increases less than linearly.
are averaged over 10,000 trials. For the topologies shown in Figs. 4b and 4c,
The topology of Fig. 4a is used to packets are relayed by one and two routers,
determine the received signal strength respectively, from an end device (or reduced
function device, RFD) to a coordinator. The The average delay between two
presence of a router has a strong effect on the consecutive packets is another important
data rate because according to the CSMA metric that is measured. The delay Ddirect can
protocol, a node sends data only when the be described by the equation
channel is free; with a single RFD, the
= + +
channel is always free for transmission. Thus,
with two hops, the throughput is halved, and where L is the packet length, Rb is the
in general, the throughput decreases as transmission rate, Tprop is the propagation
1/nhops, where nhops is the number of hops delay, and Tproc is the processing time at the
traversed by a packet in route to its node. This equation is further approximated
destination. Results from the first two by
configurations are shown in Fig. 6. With two
routers (as in Fig. 4c), the authors of this
paper find results that are very similar to The results obtained for a direct transmission
those of the one router case even though in and indirect transmission through a router are
theory the throughput should be smaller than shown in Fig. 7.
the ideal case by a factor of three; however,
because the nodes tend to route packets
through paths that minimize the number of
hops with the ZigBee protocol, the first router
communicates directly with the coordinator,
skipping the second router. In the presence of
two RFDs transmitting simultaneously to the
coordinator (as in Fig. 4d), the number of
collisions increases and the throughput goes
down slightly.

Fig. 7. Delay measurements for ZigBee network

configurations shown in Fig. 4a (black circles) and
Fig. 4b (red squares)

The last ZigBee metric tested in the

paper is the packet error rate (PER), or the
ratio of the number of erroneous received
packets to the total number of transmitted
packets. They find that at short distances, the
network experiences full connectivity and
communication can be sustained with low
PER. However, as the distance increases
Fig. 6. Throughput measurements for ZigBee
beyond a certain threshold, the connectivity
network configurations shown in Fig. 4a (black
circles) and Fig. 4b (red squares) falls rapidly, and the PER shoots up. The
maximum distance for connectivity indoors cross-layer approach for data collection in
seems to be around 20 m. wireless sensor networks; specifically, they
The Z-Wave metrics that are propose the relatively simple ADaptive
characterized are the PER and the delay. The Access Parameters Tuning (ADAPT)
PER is measured in three different scenarios: algorithm, which works under a wide range
the topology of Fig. 5a, with no of operating conditions and can be integrated
retransmission and no routing, the topology into ZigBee based sensor networks without
of Fig. 5a, with retransmission but no routing, requiring any further modifications.
and the topology of Fig. 5b, with both The proposed scheme adds a vertical
retransmission and routing. The PER component to the communication channels
increases with distance, and is highest for the layered architecture (see Fig. 8) to make it
first scenario. easier to share information between layers.
The delay of a packet in the Z-Wave Doing this allows for a more efficient system
network is calculated as the difference in time design, since information from one layer can
between the beginning of the transmission of be used to tune parameters in another. The
one packet and the beginning of the adaptation module then continuously
transmission of the next packet. The authors monitors the MAC layer performance and
find delays of 39 to 86 ms amongst the tunes parameters. ADAPT estimates current
different scenarios tested, and realize that the traffic conditions and changes MAC
delay with a variable value transmission parameters according to the required
(where the transmitted value needs to written reliability level.
into the flash memory every time) is higher
than with a fixed value transmission.
After all of these experimental
proceedings, Ferrari et al. perform
simulations to verify their results for the
ZigBee networks. A direct comparison
between experimental and simulation results
is performed for a single-RFD scenario, and
although the trends remain the same, the
simulation yields somewhat better results Fig. 8. Channels layered architecture, along with
cross-layer adaptation module
than observed experimentally the
throughput is higher and the delay lower.
The authors describe a method for
estimating communication reliability using
C. Reliability and Energy-Efficiency in IEEE
the proxies of contention and channel errors.
802.15.4/ZigBee Sensor Networks: An
Contention occurs when multiple nodes
Adaptive and Cross-Layer Approach [3]
attempt to access the channel at the same
time, while channel errors affect already
Di Francesco et al. describe a new
transmitted messages independently of
algorithm under the ZigBee standard for
contention. Using local nodes that can
near-optimal energy efficiency while still
differentiate between messages dropped
achieving an applications reliability
because the maximum number of backoff
requirements. They take an adaptive and
stages was exceeded and those dropped
because the maximum number of (DPS), Constant Parameters Set (CPS), and
retransmissions was exceeded, the authors Optimal Parameters Set (OPS).
claim that the former case is due to For the single-hop scenario, a
contention, and the latter due to channel network with 20 sensor nodes is placed in a
errors, and thus these sensor nodes can circle with a 10 meter radius with a sink node
provide a good estimate for channel in the center. Evaluating the delivery ratio as
reliability. a function of the number of nodes for each of
To mitigate the effects of contention, the four schemes, the authors show that
a scheme is suggested in which the ADAPT ADAPT performs comparably to CPS and
algorithm uses two thresholds, dlow and dhigh, OPS, and significantly better than DPS. In
such that the delivery ratio is at least dlow and terms of the energy consumption, ADAPT
at most dhigh. To mitigate the effects of achieves almost the same level as the optimal
channel errors, an approach exploiting solution (OPS) see Fig. 10. In terms of
timeouts/acknowledgments and retrans- latency, ADAPT achieves the lowest latency
missions is suggested, and a threshold value among the schemes with sufficient delivery
= (1 + ) is used, where v ratios. Even when measured as a function of
indicates sensitivity to the message loss and the number of messages per beacon interval,
ddes is the desired delivery ratio. These ADAPT achieves almost the same delivery
schemes are shown in Fig. 9. ratio as OPS for large numbers of messages,
close to optimal energy efficiency, and low

Fig. 10. Energy consumption as a function of the

Fig. 9. Estimation-based adaptation of the delivery number of nodes in the single-hop scenario
ratio for (a) congestion control; (b) error control

Several of the experiments are then

Di Francesco et al. then run some
repeated under dynamic conditions. ADAPT
simulations to evaluate the performance of again performs close to OPS in terms of the
the proposed ADAPT algorithm. They delivery ratio, close to optimally for the
consider the performance metrics of delivery energy consumption, and with the lowest
ratio, average energy per message, and latency of the schemes with high delivery
average latency, and compare the proposed ratios.
algorithm against three other parameter Even when considering a multi-hop
setting schemes Default Parameters Set scenario, ADAPT performs similarly to the
other schemes in all metrics tested, and it deviation in energy compared to a constant-
consumes energy close to the optimal value cost algorithm, and thus assert that their
in almost all cases. Thus, the framework algorithm is effective.
proposed in this paper guarantees the
reliability value specified by the application III. DISCUSSION
while maintaining very low energy
A. Throughput
consumption and low latency. The
framework autonomously tunes the The first two papers both discuss and
parameters of the ZigBee MAC protocol evaluate the ZigBee protocol in relation to
without requiring any modification to the several metrics, including throughput. Since
standard and can be adapted for diverse Latr et al. is an earlier paper, it focuses on a
policies. more fundamental understanding of ZigBee.
The authors of that paper consider their
D. ZigBee Routing Selection Strategy Based metrics in ideal scenarios, with a BER of
on Data Services and Energy-balanced zero, a single sender and a single receiver
ZigBee Routing [4] located close to each other, and no losses
from collisions or buffer overflow. They also
In [4], Peng et al. propose a power perform a theoretical analysis of the protocol,
control strategy in the ZigBee specification deriving analytical equations for the
for low energy consumption that also throughput for example, before attempting to
balances the nodes energy; doing this validate their model experimentally.
decreases the probability of having a single Ferrari et al., meanwhile, consider a
node in the network that uses up all of the wider range of topologies but limit their
available power. analyses to indoor settings. They also
Because the authors want to avoid consider environmental interference such as
nodes that act as power hogs, their energy- people walking across the sensor network
balancing algorithm takes factors into (which has a deleterious effect). The authors
consideration when calculating the link loss experimentally characterize the ZigBee and
such as the energy of a node, the energy of Z-Wave protocols with a variety of metrics
adjacent nodes, and the link quality. They before turning to simulations to corroborate
define the link loss pl as their results.
Because of the more realistic non-
= ( ( , , ) + ())
idealities considered in Ferrari et al., the
where f is a function of the energy of a node
throughputs that they obtain are much lower
itself Ei, the energy of the adjacent node Ej,
than those of Latr et al. in both the analytical
and the mean area energy Eavg. g is a function
and the experimental cases. For instance,
of the link quality LQI, and and are
Latr et al. obtain an experimental bitrate of
quantities that are experimentally determined
about 8104 bps for a payload size of 60
in this case = 1 and = 0. P(x) ensures
bytes, which is approximately three times
that the link loss remains between 0 and some
higher than the value obtained for the same
developer-defined constant (7 in this case).
payload size from the highest throughput
They then use this link loss definition in the
topology of the Ferrari paper.
ZigBee standard to choose the routing path.
Using simulations, Peng et al. find that when
B. Energy Consumption
using this energy balancing algorithm, the
nodes in the network have a smaller standard
The third and fourth papers both The optimizations suggested may also be
propose algorithms to optimize ZigBee significant for further extending device
wireless networks with respect to energy battery life.
efficiency. They then characterize the
network performance under these newly V. CONCLUSION
proposed algorithms with a few metrics
including energy consumption. Di Francesco Several papers were examined which
et al. propose an algorithm that satisfies an benchmarked ZigBee network performance
applications reliability requirements and with various metrics and under various
then optimizes for energy consumption. This topologies. We discussed them with an
scheme autonomously tunes the parameters emphasis on throughput and energy
of the ZigBee MAC protocol, and because it efficiency, and considered proposed
does not require any modification to the optimizations to the protocol.
standard, it can be integrated into a diverse
set of ZigBee sensor networks. It sustains REFERENCES
near optimal energy consumption and very
low latency. [1] B. Latr, P.De Mil, I. Moerman, N. Van
Peng et al. propose a strategy to Dierdonck, B. Dhoedt, and P. Demeester.
balance the energy of the nodes in a network, Maximum Throughput and Minimum Delay in
IEEE 802.15.4., Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor
such that no single node consumes the
Networks, pp. 866-76, Dec. 2005.
majority of the power. This algorithm would [2] G. Ferrari, P. Medagliani, S. Di Piazza, and M.
help extend battery life, but requires some Martal. Wireless Sensor Networks:
tuning of parameters. Performance Analysis in Indoor Scenarios,
Although the two papers have EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications
somewhat different goals with respect to the and Networking, 2007.
energy consumption in a ZigBee network, [3] M. Di Francesco, G. Anastasi, M. Conti, S.K. Das,
both provide potentially useful and V. Neri. Reliability and Energy-Efficiency
optimizations; perhaps both algorithms could in IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee Sensor Networks: An
Adaptive and Cross-Layer Approach, IEEE
be used in conjunction to provide even
Journal on Selected Areas in Communications,
greater total energy savings. 29(8), pp. 1508-24, Sept. 2011.
[4] R. Peng, S. Mao-heng, and Z. You-min. ZigBee
IV. POTENTIAL IMPACT Routing Selection Strategy Based on Data
Services and Energy-Balanced ZigBee Routing,
As the Internet of Things and the low APSCC 2006, pp. 400-4, Dec. 2006.
power devices associated with it become
more ubiquitous, low power communication
systems such as ZigBee will become
increasingly important. These wireless
communication networks will benefit from
relatively high latency so that data can be
transferred more quickly as well as low
energy consumption so that devices in the
network can be powered for a long time. The
papers examined in this report provide useful
insights for understanding what can currently
be achieved under the ZigBee specifications.

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