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Question One

Improve the following sentences through the use of

proper parallel constructions (4 marks)
1. Cindy's cat likes sleeping in the dryer, lying in
the bathtub, and to chase squirrels.
Cindy's cat likes sleeping in the dryer, lying
in the bathtub, and chasing squirrels.
2. We asked the town council to repair the
potholes, and that a traffic light be installed.
We asked the town council to repair the pothole,
and to install the traffic lights.
3. When I saw my girlfriend, I felt worried, angry,
and embarrassment as well.
When I saw my girlfriend, I felt worried, angry and
4. The bacon was fatty, grease was on the
potatoes, and the eggs were cold.
The bacon was fatty, the potatoes were greasy
and the eggs were cold.
Question Two
Each of the following is a run-on. Correct the run-on
and identify the different types of clauses or
phrases in each sentence.
1- Though we sat only ten feet from the magician
we still could not see where all the birds came from.
Though we sat only ten feet from the magician, we
still could not see where the birds came from.
Though we sat only ten feet from the magician: a
dependent clause.
We still could not see: an independent clause
Where the birds came from: a dependent clause.
2- A bird went into the house we had to catch it
before the cat did.
A bird went into the house, and we had to catch it
before the cat did.
A bird went into the house: an independent clause
We had to catch it: an independent clause.
Before the cat did: a dependent clause.
3- Completely out of touch with his friends and
family Tom felt so lonely.
Completely out of touch with his friends and family,
Tom felt so lonely.
Completely out of touch with his friends and family:
a phrase.
Tom felt so lonely: an independent clause.
4- Having been our high school teacher Mr. Tim
knew us the moment he saw us.
Having been our school teacher, Mr. Tim knew us
the moment he saw us.
Having been our school teacher: a phrase.
Mr. Tim knew us the moment he saw us: an
independent clause.

Question Three
Combine each group of sentences into one
effective sentence containing only one independent
1- I had no time to type the paper
- I printed it out neatly in black ink
Though I had no time to print the paper, I printed
out neatly in black ink.
2- Tony tried to split open the cellophane covering
with his thumbnail.
- The cellophane refused to tear.
Though Tony tried to split open the cellophane
covering with his thumbnail, it refused to tear.
3- The alarm sounded.
- We got up immediately.
When the alarm sounded, we got up immediately.
4- ER is my favorite television program.
- ER is now in its third year.
- It has won many Emmy Awards.
ER, my favorite television program, now in its
third year, has won many Emmy awards.
Question Four
Re-write the following sentences to achieve a more
concise statement.
1- There is a desire on the part of many of us to vote
for Tom.
Most of us want to vote for Tom.
- Something in the nature of a repeal may take place.
Something as a repeal may take place.
3- To cut a long short story, he was fired because he
was not efficient enough.
He was fired because he was not efficient.
4- The file, which was updated, should be handed in
The updated file should be handed in tomorrow.
Question Five
Read through the following paragraphs and
mention the function of each of the underlined
Border Castle has a secret which terrifies its
inhabitants and their guests.(1) The castle stands
isolated in a bleak moor area of swirling mists and
strange, dark clouds. One night, in late November,
when the bell had tolled twelve times at midnight,
the horror began.(2)
Everyone in the castle was suddenly awakened
by a sudden creaking noise, as if a heavy door was
being very slowly opened. While some guests ran
to the castle's main door, others ran to check the
side doors. However, they could not find the source
of the noise. The creaking sound continued. At this
point, they all realized that it was coming from the
dungeon area. The crept quietly down the old, worn
stone steps until they reached the ancient dungeon
of the castle with its damp walls and cold air.
Having got that far, they suddenly noticed that the
awful sound had stopped.
As they were debating what to do next, one of the
women shrieked in terror at which point everybody
started looking around to see what had scared her.
Finally they saw it. A ghostly pale, grey light was
shining from as open cell door and in the middle of
the light was the shadow of a man. The man had no
head.(3) Some of the men rushed to the cell, but as
soon as they reached it, the light and the shadow
To this day nobody can really explain what
happened. However, it is known that in the fifteenth
century, a knight was executed in the dungeon for
murdering a young woman.(4) He kept swearing he
was innocent till the moment the executioner's act
fell on his neck, decapitating him.
1- Topic sentence
2- Thesis statement.
3- Support sentence.
4- Major sentence.

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