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Maturity level

No. Klausul Element Level 1 Level 2
1 4 What is the The focus is on The focus is on
managemen products, shareholders customers and
t focus? and some customers, statutory/regulatory
with ad hocreactions to requirements, with some
changes, problems and structured reaction
2 4 What is the opportunities.
The approach is toproblems
The approachandis
leadership reactive, and is based on opportunities.
reactive, and is based on
approach? top-down instructions. decisions by managers at
different levels.

3 5 How is it Decisions are based on Decisions are based on

decided informal inputs from the customer needs and
what is market and other expectations.
important? sources.

4 6 What is Resources are managed Resources are managed

needed to in an ad hoc manner. effectively.
get results?

5 7 How are the There is a non- Activities are organised

activities systematic approach to by function, with a basic
organised? the organisation of quality management
activities, with only system in place.
some basic working
procedures or
instructions in place.

6 8 How are Results are achieved in a Some predicted results

results random manner. are achieved. Corrective
achieved? Corrective actions are ad and preventive actions
hoc. are performed in a
systematic way.
7 8 How are Financial, commercial Customer satisfaction,
results and productivity key realisation processes
monitored? indicators are in place. and the performance of
suppliers are monitored.

8 9 How are Improvement priorities Improvement priorities

improvemen are based on errors, are based on customer
t priorities complaints or financial satisfaction data, or
decided? criteria. corrective and
preventive actions.

9 9 How does Learning occurs There is systematic

learning randomly, at an learning from the
occur? individual level. organisation's successes
and failures.
Maturity level
Level 3 Level 4 Level 5
The focus is on people The focus is on The focus is on 3.5
and some additional balancing the needs of balancing the needs of
interested parties. identified interested emerging interested
Processes are defined parties. Continual parties. Best in class
and implemented for improvement is performance is set as a
reacting toproblems
The approach is and emphasised
The approach as isa part primaryobjective.
The approach is 2.5
proactive, and the ofthe organisation's
proactive, with high proactive and learning-
authority to take focus.
involvement ofthe oriented, with the
decisions is delegated. organisation's people in empowerment of people
its decision making. at all levels.

Decisions are based on Decisions are based on Decisions are based on

the strategy and linked the deployment of the the need for flexibility,
to needs and strategy into operational agilityand sustained
expectations of needs and processes. performance.
interested parties.

Resources are managed Resources are managed The management and

efficiently. efficiently and in a way useof resources is
that takes into account planned, efficiently
their individual scarcity. deployed, andsatisfies
the interested parties.

Activities are organised There is a quality There is a quality

in a process-based management system that management system that
quality management iseffective and efficient, supports innovation and
system that is effective with good interactions benchmarking, and
and efficient, and which between its processes, which addresses the
enables flexibility. and which supports needs and expectations
agility and improvement. of emerging, as well as
The processes address identified, interested
the needs of identified parties.
interested parties.

Predicted results are There are The achieved results are

achieved, especially for consistent,positive, above the sector average
identified interested predicted results, with for the organisation, and
parties. sustainable trends. are maintained in the
There is consistent use of Improvements and long term.There is
monitoring, innovations are implementation of
measurement and performed in a improvement and
improvement. systematic way. innovation throughout
the organisation
The satisfaction of the Key performance Key performance
organisation's people indicators are aligned indicators are integrated
and its interested parties with the organisation's into the real-time
is monitored. strategy and are used for monitoring of all
monitoring. processes, and
performance is
efficiently communicated
to relevant interested

Improvement priorities Improvement priorities Improvement priorities

are based on the needs are based on trends and are based on inputs
and expectations of inputs from other fromemerging interested
some interested parties, interested parties, as parties.
as well as those of well as analysis of social,
suppliers and the environmental and
organisation's people. economic changes.

A systematic and shared There is a culture of The organisation's

learning process is learning and sharing in processes for learning
implemented in the the organisation that are shared with relevant
organisation. isharnessed for interested parties, and
continualimprovement. support creativity and

What is the management focus?

How does learning occur? What is the leaders hi p approach

How are improvement priorities decided? How is it decided what i

How are results moni tored? What is needed to get resul

How are results

are the activi ties organised?

t focus?

What is the l eaders hip approach?

How is it decided what is i mportant?

What is needed to get results?

ities organised?

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