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Materials have played an important role in advancing our civilization.

Search for new and exotic materials has been

the domain of experimentalists for a long time. Using first-principles calculations based on the principles of quantum
mechanics, particularly, the Density Functional Theory, theoretical calculations have enabled the materials scientists
to predict the structure and lattice constants of a material accurately. It is possible to design a material with desired
properties on paper, which has been a long cherished dream of materials scientists.


R. Prasad Department of Physics

Abstract: During the last two decades first- materials, multiferroics, metamaterials etc.
principles calculations have played an These materials have potential to produce
increasingly important role in the design of technologies which will completely change
new and exotic materials. This has been our lives.
possible due to the rapid development of the
Density functional theory and fast algorithms. Search for new and exotic materials has been
Also increasing power of computers has made the domain of experimentalists for a long
such calculations possible. These calculations time. However, during the last two decades
have predictive power and can be used for the theoretical calculations have started playing
search of new and exotic materials. This article an important role. This has been largely due
will give an overview of the role played by such to the development of first-principles
calculations. After discussing the basic calculations based on the principles of
principles of materials design and some quantum mechanics, particularly, the Density
introduction to the first-principles Functional Theory. These calculations use no
calculations, the article will focus on few adjustable parameters and the only input they
selected examples. This will include atomic require are atomic numbers and masses of
clusters, magnetic multilayers and lithiated the constituent atoms. As a result the
manganese oxides, on which work is already in structure and lattice constants of a material
progress at IIT Kanpur. can be predicted accurately. Once the
structure is known, the electrical, optical and
1. Introduction magnetic properties can be calculated. Thus it
is possible to design a material with desired
Materials have played an important role in properties on paper, which has been a long
advancing our civilization. Their importance is cherished dream of materials scientists.
apparent as various periods in our history have Fortunately, the computing power has
been named after materials such as Stone age, increased several folds during the last decade
Bronze age, Iron age and now Silicon age. As together with rapid progress in the
we know silicon and silicon based devices have development of fast algorithms and it is
changed the way we live. But our search for now possible to do such calculations. Since
new materials has not ended there and still experiments are very expensive and time
continues. There is a tremendous amount of consuming, such theoretical calculations
ongoing research for new and exotic materials could be of immense value in the search for
such as high Tc superconductors, new and exotic materials. In future, perhaps
nanomaterials, spintronics materials, battery such calculations will precede the

experimental work on materials design. In this 2. First-principles Calculations
article I will give a few examples of such
calculations performed at IIT Kanpur. The first- principles calculations are based on
the principles of quantum mechanics and do
Properties of a material depend on type of not have any adjustable parameters. The only
constituent atoms, atomic arrangement, size input quantities are atomic numbers and
and dimensionality of the material. Thus new masses of constituent atoms. The method is
materials can be designed by (i) doping or accurate and can make predictions regarding
alloying (ii) changing structure (iii) changing structure and material properties.
size and (iv) dimensionality. For example, a
small doping of boron or phosphorus The most popular first-principles methods are
impurities in silicon can change its electrical based on the Density functional theory
conductivity by a huge amount and this has led (DFT)[1]. The density functional theory deals
to the development of silicon based with the problem of interacting electrons. In
electronics. Alloying has been used very density functional theory the basic quantity is
effectively in changing the band gaps and is the the density of electrons and not the many body
basis of band gap engineering. A very good electron wave function. The DFT essentially
example of how changing the structure of a reduces the many body problem to one body
material can change its properties is carbon. problem. Using this theory, the ground state
Carbon in diamond structure shows totally energy can be calculated very accurately. By
different properties compared to when it is in optimizing ground state energy, it is possible to
graphite structure. Also when a material's size determine atomic arrangement, structure,
is less than a nanometer it starts showing elastic constants, transport, magnetic
different properties from its bulk form due to properties etc. For developing this theory
q u a n t u m c o n f i n e m e n t e f f e c t s. I t s Walter Kohn was awarded the Nobel Prize in
dimensionality also affects its properties i.e. a 1998.
material in a thin wire form (1 d) or in thin sheet
form (2d) can show very different properties A very important development in this field
from its bulk form. Understanding correlations occurred in 1985 when Car and Parrinello
between these parameters and properties is key showed how first-principles molecular
to designing new and exotic materials. dynamics can be done by combining the DFT
with statistical mechanics[2]. By using this
The plan of this article is as follows. In Section method one could predict the structure of a
2, I shall give a brief introduction to first- material , predict its vibrational spectrum and
principles calculations and their limitations. In calculate finite temperature properties such as
Section 3-5, I shall discuss how such melting point and specific heat.
computations can be used to design (i) atomic
clusters (ii) magnetic multilayers and (iii) a The first-principle calculations have many
stable phase of LiMnO2 for cathode material in limitations at present. The method is
rechargeable batteries. computationally very expensive. It can deal

with only order of few thousand atoms with geometry of a large number of clusters have
present computers. However, infinite solid can been studied. As an example, in Fig. 1, we show
be handled using the periodic boundary the ground state structure of Si5 cluster and
condition. This limits the length scales to the how it grows due to addition of hydrogen[3].
order of 100 A. Also time scales are very small
of the order 10 s. It also uses approximations
such as the local density approximations or the
generalized gradient approximations, which
may do very poorly when applied to some
materials such as strongly correlated systems.
However, in spite of these limitations, the
method has proven very useful in designing
new materials.

3. Atomic Clusters

Atomic clusters are finite aggregates of atoms

containing a few to several thousands atoms.
Atomic clusters can have very different
properties from isolated atoms or bulk material
and thus can be considered to constitute a new
type of material. The electronic, magnetic,
optical and chemical properties of these
clusters have been found to be very different
Fig. 1. Evolution of Si5 cluster with hydrogenation .
from their bulk form and depend sensitively on The bigger circle s are Si and dark dots are H.
their size, shape and composition. Highly
stable clusters have been designed which can As the cluster grows it undergoes significant
act as building blocks or basis to form a cluster rearrangements and reconstructions. Si5 cluster
assembled solid. These developments are has a symmetric cage like closed structure
adding new frontiers to material science and which is a trigonal bipyramid. When hydrogen
offer possibilities of designing new materials is added, the structure of Si5 cage does not
with desirable properties by assembling change up to the addition of 3 hydrogen atoms.
suitably chosen clusters. But with the addition of 4 hydrogen atoms Si5
cage begins to distort. With 6 hydrogens the
Since many cluster properties such as geometry Si5H6 structure is fully saturated as each Si has 4
and structure of a cluster are not directly saturated bonds. We also note that Si5H6 has a
measurable from experiments, theoretical highly symmetric structure. With 7 hydrogen
models and the first-principles calculations atoms, the structure of Si5 is completely
play important roles in the study of clusters. changed and takes the shape of a pentagonal
Using the Car-Parrinello method, structure and ring. With 10 hydrogen atoms this pentagonal

structure gets fully saturated. With 12 hydrogen in Fig 3, I show the energy gap between first
atoms the Si5 structure goes into a more open excited state and the highest occupied state for
structure and results in a symmetric tetrahedral hydrogenated Si clusters as a function of size,
structure. Thus, we see that addition of when the number of atoms is small[4]. We see
hydrogen atoms can cause drastic changes in that the gap fluctuates. But as the number of
the geometry and structure of Si clusters. In atoms in cluster gets larger, the fluctuations
certain cases even a single impurity atom can become very small and the gap approaches the
cause a large change in the geometry and bulk value as shown in Fig 4[5].
structure of the cluster. This change in
structure can cause drastic changes in chemical


properties also. Although these results pertain
to Si clusters, they have relevance for
hydrogenated amorphous silicon and porous
silicon as these systems contain some

Properties of a cluster depend on its size and

this is schematically shown in Fig 2.

Cluster Property vs Size NUMBER OF SILICON ATOMS

Value of physical property

quantum size Fig. 3. First excited state electronic level gap of Si nH and
effect regime Sin cluster versus number of silicon atoms in the cluster.
The circles and squares correspond to Si nH and Si n clusters

Number of atoms in cluster

Fig.2: A schematic diagram showing change in a
physical property as a function of the size of a cluster

When the size of the cluster is small, say up to

20 or 30 atoms, the value of a physical property
fluctuates with size due to quantum size effect,
but as the size grows and the cluster has a large
number of atoms, the fluctuations get smaller
and eventually it converges to the bulk value. Fig. 4. Energy gap between the first excited state and
Thus by tuning its size, a cluster having the highest filled level in hydrogenated silicon clusters
desired value can be designed. As an example,

Note that the method and approximations geometry as CH4 . These surprising results can
used in the calculations shown in Fig. 3 and be understood very simply in terms of electro
Fig.4 on page 83 are different : in the first, the negativities of the constituent atoms and
LDA is used while in the other it is charge transfer between them[6].
TDDFT/B3LYP. Nonetheless, the qualitative
nature of the results conforms to the trend 4. Magnetic Multilayers
shown in Fig. 2 on page 83.
Magnetic multilayers are artificially designed
Clusters can show very large change in its materials which have found important
properties by a slight manipulation in its applications in magnetic sensors and magnetic
structure or its charged state[6,7]. For example, storage media like computer disks and random
neutral SiH4 has a very symmetric tetrahedral access memories. A typical magnetic multilayer
structure as shown in Fig. 5. has several thin layers of magnetic

Fig. 5. Effect of charging on the geometry of SiH 4 and CH4 clusters.

When it is charged, it shows a very large change materials(FM) separated by thin layers of
in its geometry and has no longer the nonmagnetic material (NM) in a periodic
tetrahedral symmetry [6]. This is often referred arrangement as shown schematically in Fig. 6
to as symmetry breaking. Interestingly, SiH4 has on page 85.
different structures when charged positively
and negatively. This symmetry breaking is due The magnetic layers can interact magnetically
to the fact that in the distorted structure, the with interlayer exchange coupling, J. It was
system lowers its energy by lifting the found that the interlayer coupling J shows
degeneracy of electronic levels in the damped oscillatory behaviour with the
symmetric structure. This is called the Jahn- thickness, d of the nonmagnetic layer as shown
Teller effect. Surprisingly, CH4 cluster distorts schematically in Fig. 6[8]. This means that
+ -
differently from SiH4 but CH4 has the same depending on the thickness of the

Fig.6. Magnetic Multilayer
and damped oscillations

nonmagnetic layer the magnetic layers could magnetic field is applied, the
align ferromagnetically or magnetic layers get ferromagnetically aligned
antiferromagnetically. This was a very resulting in a large drop in the resistance. It is
interesting result which provoked a lot of the GMR effect of these materials which is
interest in these materials. exploited in various applications and started
intense search for materials showing GMR.
Another interesting result which makes the
magnetic multilayers technologically important The first-principles calculations can be very
is the large change in their electrical resistance useful in the search of magnetic multilayers
due to the application of magnetic field and showing GMR and interlayer exchange
known as giant magnetoresistance (GMR)[9]. coupling (IEC). Also these could be used to
For example Fig. 7 on page 86 shows the explore fundamental issues, such as mechanism
resistance of various Fe-Cr alloys as a function of GMR and IEC. We have tried to explore the
of applied magnetic field . One notices a large mechanism of IEC in Fe/Nb magnetic
drop in the resistance as a function of the multilayers using the first-principles
applied magnetic field. In the absence of calculations [10,11]. There are basically two
magnetic field these alloys had prominent theoretical models which have been
antiferromagnetic arrangement. When the proposed to explain IEC; first is known as the

Fig. 7: Resistance of Fe-Cr
alloys in magnetic field

Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida (RKKY) exchange coupling between FM layers, Fe/Nb

model and the other, the quantum well (QW) superlattices have another interesting
model. The RKKY interaction stems from the phenomenon known as the "proximity effect",
spin-polarization of the inter vening which paves the way for new sources of
conduction electrons in the spacer layer. In the magneto-resistance with potential applications
Quantum Well model, the coupling arises due in magneto-electronics. The presence of the
to the spin-dependent confinement of internal magnetic field in Fe layers weakens the
electrons inside the spacer medium as the size phenomena of superconductivity, due to the
of the multilayer system is reduced to the breaking of Cooper pairs. Among various
nanometer range. By comparing the results of FM/SC hetero-str uctures, where
these models with the results of the first- superconductivity gets induced in the
principle calculations, it should be possible to ferromagnet by bringing it in contact with the
elucidate the mechanism of IEC for this superconductor, Fe/Nb multilayers have been
system. studied experimentally to an appreciable
extent. Since Nb is the highest known Tc
Fe/Nb is an interesting system to study the element, its interplay with Fe continues to
interlayer exchange coupling, in the sense that remain an active field in the study of such
Fe is a strong transition-metal ferromagnet heterostructures.
(FM) while the spacer layer can be a
superconductor (SC) at low temperatures. Total energy calculations have been carried out
Thus apart from the phenomena of oscillatory for Fe/Nb multilayers in the framework of the

linearized-muffin-tin-orbitals method [11]. The bcc Fe layers are stacked along the [001]
Various tetragonal supercells are constructed growth direction in ferromagnetic (FM) as well
out of Fe and Nb monolayers (ML) as shown in as antiferromagnetic (AFM) orientations.
Fig 8.
The interlayer exchange coupling (IEC ), J,
corresponds to the energy difference between
FM and AFM configurations per unit cell
structure. The IEC for Fe/Nb multilayers is
shown in Fig. 9. Rapid oscillations are
observed up to 9 monolayers (ML) of Nb
thickness, after which the oscillatory exchange
coupling becomes appreciably weak. The
Fig. 8: Unit cell of coupling changes from ferromagnetic to
Fe/Nb multilayer antiferromagnetic configuration at about 2, 7
and 10 monolayers of Nb spacer, resulting in
oscillation periods of 7.7 and 4.6 A respectively.
These results were then analyzed to elucidate
the RKKY or QW nature of coupling. Our
analysis indicates that the quantum well model
gives a better description of the oscillatory
behavior of the exchange coupling in Fe/Nb
erlayeerr Exchange Couplin
Coupling g (meV)

Fig. 9: Interlayer exchange

coupling of Fe/Nb multilayer
with spacer thickness

Number of Nb layers

5. Lithiated Manganese Oxide: A Battery that it will lead to cooperative monoclinic
Material distortion (Fig. 11 on page 89) which is absent
in LiCoO2. If somehow, the oxidation state of
At present rechargeable lithium-ion batteries Mn could be pushed to 4+, such a distortion
are the batteries of choice for applications in could be suppressed as Mn4+ is not a Jahn-
portable electronic devices such as mobile Teller ion. This could be achieved by doping of
phones and laptop computers. This is because certain elements such as Co or Mg at the
they offer high energy density, are lightweight manganese site. To find out which dopant
and last longer than other batteries. In these would be most suitable, we have performed the
batteries the charge transport occurs via first-principles calculations of total energy for
lithium ions. At present LiCoO2 is the material pure and doped LiMnO2 in rhombohedral and
which is used as cathode material. However, monoclinic phases. From these calculations, it
this material is very expensive, toxic and poses was possible to estimate the concentrations of
safety problems, and therefore there is a need dopants, which would be necessary to suppress
for its inexpensive replacement. LiMnO2 could monoclinic distortion. These concentrations
be a cheap alternative at approximately 1% are given in Table 1[15]. The table clearly shows
cost. There is further incentive to develop this that Mg is the best dopant, as it requires
material for cathode, as India has large reserves minimum amount to stabilize the
of manganese. Although LiMnO2 is chemically rhombohedral phase. Further study found that
similar to LiCoO2, it poses several problems. the divalent dopants, such as Mg and Zn
The stable form of LiMnO2 is orthorhombic produce the best results as they force the
which is less favorable for Li neighbouring Mn to 4+ state[14]. It should be
insertion/extraction cycling than the layered pointed out that the numbers given in Table 1
rhombohedral strucrure of LiCoO2. However, are rather approximate and perhaps, are on
a metastable form of layered LiMnO2 has been higher side. This is due to various
synthesized but this phase is not stable during approximations used in our calculations which
Li insertion/extraction cycles. Thus the seem to overestimate the concentration to
problem of phase stability has to be solved s t a b i l i z e t h e r h o m b o h e d r a l p h a s e.
before this material could be used as a cathode Nevertheless, these calculations could be used
material. to guide the design of suitable material for
cathode in a lithium-ion battery.
First-principles calculations could guide the
design of such a material[12-15]. First it has to Table 1
be understood, why the rhombohedral phase Minimum concentrations of dopants
(Fig. 10 on page 89) of LiMnO2 becomes Ni 27%
unstable. This is because the oxidation state of Co 28%
Mn in LiMnO2 is 3+ and it is a Jahn-Teller ion in Fe 32%
the rhombohedral environment. This means Mg 26%

Fig.10: Rhombohedral LiMnO 2

Fig.11: Monoclinic LiMnO 2

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Prof. Rajendra Prasad is a Ph.D from the University of Roorkee, India.

He is a Condensed Matter physicist, whose chief interest lies in the
Electronic structure of disordered systems. Currently, he is working
on hydrogenated silicon clusters, lithiated manganese oxides and
magnetic multilayers. Dr. Prasad is also interested in molecular
dynamics simulations and genetic algorithms..


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