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GET QUOTES Finance Search Fri, Aug 20, 2010, 10:51PM EDT - U.S. Markets closed

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Figures on government spending and debt

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On Friday August 20, 2010, 4:39 pm EDT - AP

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Recession hits smart-phone makers in the chips -


Figures on government spending and debt (last six digits are eliminated). The Nearly 50 percent leave Obama mortgage-aid
government's fiscal year runs Oct. 1 through Sept. 30.
Total public debt subject to limit Aug. 19 13,310,379 program - AP
Statutory debt limit 14,294,000
Total public debt outstanding Aug. 19 13,363,228 Regulators shut 4 California banks, 4 others - AP
Operating balance Aug. 19 230,177
Net interest fiscal year 2010 thru July 185,248
Net interest same period 2009 167,706 AdChoices
Deficit fiscal year 2010 thru July 1,169,071
Deficit same period 2009 1,266,963 Click Here
Receipts fiscal year 2010 thru July 1,752,541
Receipts same period 2009 1,739,949
Outlays fiscal year 2010 thru July 2,921,612
Outlays same period 2009 3,006,912
Gold assets in August 11,041

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Whatisgoingon 3 minutes ago Report Abuse 0 0

What is scary to me is the money the Federal Reserve sends to foreign central banks to
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bail out country's like Greece. We have no idea how much money is going over there or
what is owed, since the Federal Reserve has never been audited. Talk about inflation and The BP Oil Spill Will Bring Long-Term Job Growth
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super inflation. This house of cards could fall and we are left with hyper-inflation. Our money
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Celente Says - Peter Gorenstein
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Matthew 9 minutes ago Report Abuse 0 0 View More
I'm amazed at the comments made here and agree with them. It seems comments on
stories are the only place to see the real concerns about the national debt. Yet... Its all
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talk. Vote this Nov? For who? Mickey Mouse or Donald Duck? Nobody that will get elected
is going to do a @#$% thing about it. I dont think they can either. There is no answer to the Top Stories
debt issue that a standard elected official can actually pull off. Add Alert

In a big way, we the people did this to our selves when we started buying stuff made from See all RSS links
other countries when we were buying it "made in the USA" before. We took short term
gains at the cost of long term pain. A country cant keep pushing jobs off shore year after
year without it hurting something eventually.

Many of us bought into that idea of spending 150% of whatever we earn, no matter how
much or little it was. It was never good enough to live on 80% of what we earned. The
government's choices in spending are a reflection of our own choices of spending. I forget
the figures that both gov and personal debt add up to, but it isnt pretty. I dont think I have
ever seen fed gov, state gov, local gov, personal and corporate debt added up before. That
is the real number. What does all the debt from the people of the USA really add up to,
regardless of label like fed versus state versus corp versus people?

The answer to this doesnt look good. The question I have is, why are countries, institutions,
and people still buying US gov debt? Is this a foreign government's ace in the hole for the
future? Is this Asia's trump card against us in the future?
A Yahoo! User 21 minutes ago Report Abuse 2 0

Everybody enjoying their "Hope and Change" now?!

Wascally Wabbit 29 minutes ago Report Abuse 4 0

A little perspective:

$130 trillion is 6 1/2 times the value of all homes in America! If we sold every single home in
the USA, it wouldn't even come close to what we have promised in entitlements! And yet
we keep spending...

$130 trillion is more than double the value of every asset in America. If we sold every home,
every business, every stock, every building, every bond, right down to the last car in every
driveway and every television set in every living room, it would still amount to less than half
the amount we've promised in entitlements. And yet we keep spending...

We have promised things are impossible to pay for!

By the end of next year, the interest alone on our national debt, according the the Chairman
of the Joint Chiefs, will be equal to the entire military budget! And yet we keep spending...

One day, probably soon, this house of cards is going to fall, and the government humpy
dumpty won't be able to put things back together again! We have created a black hole of
debt that will soon suck us in! When that day comes, life will change forever as we have
known it!

Ben Smith 42 minutes ago Report Abuse 4 0

Funny no Dems wandering over to read this article. The cold truth is quite unpleasant.

Alex 45 minutes ago Report Abuse 2 4

Stop our enormous welfare payments to that rogue terrorist state they call "Israel."

54 minutes ago Report Abuse 3 0

Two plus two really does equal five.

American Eagle 57 minutes ago Report Abuse 3 0

this is all well and good, but actual government debt (including fed, state, local govt) is 130
trillion (roughly ten times that claimed by the article and govt and media). That includes 110
trillion that the govt 'borrowed' from Social Security Fund (in exchange for non-negotiable
bonds). So, folks, every american owes 440,000 rather than 44,000.

Michael 1 hour ago Report Abuse 1 0

Bottom line, buy back the Fed and we get out of this mess, stop getting taxed and turn the
economy. Look it up, the gov can buy the fed back for 450 million. But will never happen if
we don't unite. The fed banks now own big stakes in all the media outlets so has to be

Whippers 1 hour ago Report Abuse 2 0

Dear Uncle Sam:

Blow it out your @#$%.

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