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Se11 Ext.Str : Z0XDV10072

CMOD : clik Enhancement Components

1. include zxrsau01.
2. include ztop_zxrsau01. global declarations
3. case i_datasource.
when 'ZSERVICE'.
include zbw_zservice (Dbl click)

include zbw_zservice:

loop at c_t_data into l_t_zservice1.

clear lt_packno.
l_tabix = sy-tabix.
36 * To get Frmvalue1,Frmvalue2 and Frmvalue3.
37 select single packno
38 into lt_packno
39 from essr
40 where lblni = l_t_zservice1-lblni.
42 if sy-subrc eq 0.
43 lt_packno = lt_packno + 1.
45 select frmval1 frmval2 frmval3
46 into (l_t_zservice1-zzfrm_val1,l_t_zservice1-zzfrm_val2,
47 l_t_zservice1-zzfrm_val3)
48 from esll
49 where packno = lt_packno
50 and introw = l_t_zservice1-introw.
51 append l_t_zservice1.
52 endselect.
53 endif.
54 *comment ends
55 l_t_zservice = l_t_zservice1.
56 clear l_t_zservice1.
57 modify c_t_data from l_t_zservice index l_tabix.
58 endloop.

RSA6 DS remove check marks for HIDE

RSA3 See data

BW Replicate, Map zz_fileds with InfoObject in transfer rules, Maintain
infocube, Load data

Business Content:

r/3 rsa5ds LBWE


100 * (-1)

Business Content for Other Areas:
a. Demo Content
Demo cube for purchasing, CO-PA, sales.

b. Meta Data Repository

c. Data Flow at Target level
d. Analytical Application
BW Statistics:
You use BW statistics to evaluate the fundamental functional areas of the Business Information
BW statistics provides you with the following options that allow you to evaluate data from both the
OLAP processor and warehouse management. You are able to
get an overview of how InfoProviders, InfoObjects, InfoSources, source systems, queries,
and aggregates are used
determine the system performance and improve it
improve the way in which aggregates are selected and used and reduce the cost of
updating them
The types of questions that BW statistics helps you to answer can be grouped as follows:
Which InfoCubes, InfoObjects, InfoSources, source systems, queries, and aggregates are
currently being used in the system? How often are these objects being used? Which
datasets are in use? Which users are currently working in the system?
Are there any queries that have been running for longer than the fixed time for online
processing allows? Are tasks that run for a long time, such as loading data, carried out
when the system is not working to capacity? (See Optimization.)
How does the data flow through the data warehouse? (Where does the data come from?)
To which data targets is it moved?
Which departments or users have used BW over a particular period of time (for example,
during the last quarter, in the last year)?
How has the workload for the database, for the OLAP processor, or for the frontend
changed over time? What new demands can you expect for the future?
From time to time a job that runs for a considerable amount of time has to be scheduled.

Printing reports in the background.

Loading large volumes of data.
Rolling-up the data in aggregates.
When is the best time to schedule this kind of job? When is the system least busy?
You can check the schedule later: Was this really the best time to schedule the job,
or was there overlapping that lead to the system being overloaded?
Which aggregates could you use to reduce the runtime of the queries? At what rate does
the time taken to load the data, including the time it takes to roll-up the aggregates,
Which aggregates, InfoCubes, InfoObjects, or InfoSources are no longer used and can
therefore be deleted? Are you able to or must you change the periodic loading of
Performance: To what extent do queries put pressure on the database, the OLAP server,
and the front end? Can this pressure be reduced by changing the definition of the queries?
How much or how little is the InfoCube used, and how complicated is it to load data into
the InfoCube?

Info cube types:

InfoCubes are the central objects of the multi-dimensional model in SAP BW. Reports and
analyses are based on these. An InfoCube describes a self-enclosed dataset for a business area
from a reporting view, that is, for the reporting end user. Queries can be defined and/or executed
in the basis of an InfoCube.

There are following InfoCube types inSAP BW:

. BasisCube
. VirtualCube:
. RemoteCube
. SAP RemoteCube
. Virtual InfoCube with Services:

Only BasisCubes physically contain data in the database. By doing so, they are also data
targets. (BW objects are data targets when data can be loaded into them.) In contrast, virtual
Cubes only represent logical views of a dataset. There is no difference between these InfoCube
types as far as the reporting end user is concerned. Queries can be defined based on all
InfoCube types. InfoCubes are thus InfoProviders. (BW objects are InfoProviders when queries
can be defined/executed based on them in
SAP BW Reporting.)


As already mentioned in the The SAP BW Star Schema Concept lesson, a BasisCube consists of
a quantity of relational tables arranged together in a star schema.
. Fact table A BasisCube consists of precisely one fact table, in which key figure values are
stored. A fact table can contains a maximum of 233 key figures.
. Dimension tables A BasisCube usually has four dimension tables.
. Units dimension table
. Data package dimension table
. Time dimension Table
. for example material dimension table

Virtual Cube
Virtual cubes are special InfoCubes. A virtual cube represents a logical view. Unlike with
BasisCubes however, no data is physically stored in SAP BW. The data is taken from the source
systems only after a query has been executed. There are three types of virtual cube. They can be
distinguished by the way in which they retrieve data.

Overview: Virtual Cube Types

SAP RemoteCube A SAP RemoteCube allows you to define queries with direct access to
transaction data in other SAP systems.
A SAP RemoteCube is an InfoProvider. This is a special RemoteCube that allows you to define
queries with direct access to transaction data in other SAP systems. SAP RemoteCubes are
defined on the basis of an InfoSource with flexible updating, and assume the characteristics and
key figures of the InfoSource.

Use/Data Flow
Unlike with other RemoteCubes, it is not necessary to program extractors. The same extractors
are used to select data in the source system that are also used when replicating data into the
BW.When executing a query, each navigation step sends a request to the extractors for the
assigned source systems. In addition, characteristics selection and selection criteria for
these characteristics are transformed to fields in the transfer structure, in accordance with the
transfer rules. They are transferred to the extractor in this form. The delivered datasets run
through the transfer rules in BW and are filtered once again in the query.

General RemoteCube: A general Remote Cube allows reporting using data from non-SAP
systems. The external system transfers the requested data to the OLAP processor via the BAPI.

A general RemoteCube is an InfoProvider whose transaction data is managed externally. Only
the structure of the general RemoteCube is determined in BW. The data for reporting is read from
another system using a BAPI. Unlike the SAP RemoteCube, data from non-SAP systems is
transferred into BW with the general RemoteCube.
The general RemoteCube is used in special situations, for example, with market research data.
The source system transfers the requested data to the OLAP processor via the BAPI. The
general RemoteCube gives you the opportunity to connect non-SAP systems, in particular non-
relational structures (hierarchical databases).

Virtual InfoCube with Services:

A virtual InfoCube with Services is an InfoCube without its own physical data store in BW. A user-
defined function module is used as a data source. The properties of the data source can be
specified in greater detail using a range of options. The Data Manager provides services for the
conversion of parameters and the data in accordance with these properties.
A virtual InfoCube with Services can be used when data from non-BW data sources is to be
displayed in BW, without copying the dataset in BW structures. The data can exist locally or
remotely. It is thus also possible to change the data using your own calculations before
transferring to the OLAP processor.
This function is primarily of use in SAP Strategic Enterprice Management

A MultiProvider is a type of InfoProvider that combines data from a number of InfoProviders and
makes it available for reporting purposes. The MultiProvider does not itself contain any data. Its
data comes entirely from the InfoProviders on which it is based. These InfoProviders are
connected to one another by a union operation.
InfoProviders and MultiProviders are the objects or views that are relevant for reporting.
You can divide MultiProviders into the following categories:

1. Homogenous MultiProviders:
These consist of technically identical InfoProviders, such as InfoCubes with exactly the
same characteristics and key figures, where one InfoCube contains the data for 2001, for
example, and a second InfoCube contains data for 2002. Homogenous MultiProviders can
be used to partition on the modeling level of the InfoProvider.
2. Heterogeneous MultiProviders:
These are made up of InfoProviders that only have a certain number of characteristics and
key figures in common. Heterogeneous MultiProviders can be used to simplify the
modeling of scenarios by dividing them into sub-scenarios. Each sub-scenario is
represented by its own InfoProvider. An example is a sales scenario made up of the sub-
processes order, delivery and payment.

Advantages of the MultiProvider

Thisconcept provides you with advanced analysis options, without you having to fill new and
extremely large InfoCubes with data. You can construct simpler BasisCubes with smaller tables
and with less redundancy.
. The individual BasisCubes and ODS objects can be individually partitioned.

Info set :
ODS: Operational Data Store
Process chain
Infopackage group:

Another example:
LO With Direct Delta:
To Check the Data Source : SE11 , ROOSOURCE:
Package creation: Saving BW objects under objects:
Jobs: SM37

Time dependent table / Time independent dependent table



- selection
- formula

Restricted KFG

Calculated KFG

Web reporting:


BW Land scape:

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