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For the

Oct. 20

10-Year Republican Budget: Voting 51-49,

N N the Senate adopted a Republican budget
plan for fiscal 2018-2027 that would pave the
way for later legislative action on corporate
and individual tax reductions increasing
deficits by up to $1.5 trillion. A yes vote was
to adopt H Con Res 71.
Restoring $473 Billion for Medicare: The
Y Y Senate rejected, 47-51, a Democratic bid to
prevent $473 billion in Medicare cuts
endorsed by Republicans in their 10-year
budget plan (H Con Res 71, above) as part of
a major scaling back of entitlement programs.
A yes vote opposed Medicare cuts.
Ending State and Local Tax Deduction:
N N The Senate adopted, 52-47, a GOP
amendment to H Con Res 71 (above) setting
the stage for later action to end or narrow the
state and local tax deduction on federal
returns. A yes vote was to endorse GOP
plans to end the deduction.
Restoring $1 Trillion for Medicaid: The
Y Y Senate defeated, 47-51, a Democratic bid to
restore $1 trillion in Medicaid spending that
the Republican-drafted budget plan (H Con
Res 71, above) proposes to cut over 10
years. A yes vote was in opposition to the
GOPs scaling back of Medicaid.
Advance Notice of Budget Impacts: The
Y Y Senate refused, 48-51, to strip H Con Res 71
(above) of its waiver of a requirement that
Congressional Budget Office scores of bills
fiscal impacts be published at least one day
before debate. A yes vote was to retain the
transparency rule.
Callista Gingrich, Envoy to Vatican: The
N N Senate confirmed, 70-23, Callista L. Gingrich,
51, the wife of former House speaker Newt
Gingrich, as U.S. ambassador to the Holy
See, a sovereign entity in Rome that is the
worlds smallest country. A yes vote was to
confirm Gingrich.
KEY VOTES AHEAD 2017 Voterama in Congress
The Senate will take up hurricane and wildfire disaster aid in the week
of Oct. 23, while the House schedule was to be announced.

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