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Summative Assessment Concept Map with Written Explanation and Presentation

Students will create a model of the ecosystem that they investigated during the field study. It
must contain at least three of each of the following: abiotic elements, plants, herbivores,
carnivores, and omnivores.
Interactions in the ecosystem must be indicated through the use of a food web which indicates
producers, primary consumers, and secondary consumers.
Students are encouraged to be creative in the presentation of their model, and to include as
many artifacts, photos, or sketches as possible from the field study.
Students will also compose a short explanatory writing piece that explains their ecosystem and
food web. The written explanation must include definitions, identification of the elements in the
ecosystem, and the interactions between elements. Students will also be assessed on their
writing being grammatically correct, clear, and organized.
Students will present their concept map to their classmates with a brief oral explanation.

4 3 2 1

Demonstration of Model includes all Model includes all Model is missing a Model is missing
knowledge and required elements required few elements or many elements or
understanding and additional elements and some elements many elements are
ones. All elements they are all are incorrectly incorrectly
are correctly correctly identified. identified.
identified. identified.
The food web is The food web is
The food web The food web missing few missing many
includes all includes all elements. elements.
required elements required
and additional elements. Accurate Inaccurate
information. illustration of some illustration of the
Accurate of the interactions interactions in the
Accurate illustration of in the ecosystem. ecosystem.
illustration of all of most of the
the interactions interactions
between the between the
elements in the elements in the
ecosystem. ecosystem.

Communication Vocabulary and Vocabulary and Vocabulary and Vocabulary and

terminology of the terminology of the terminology of the terminology of the
discipline is used discipline is used discipline is used discipline is used
with a high degree effectively with with some with limited
of effectiveness few or no errors. effectiveness effectiveness
and no errors. because of errors. because of many

Writing Format is very Format is clear Format is mostly Format is unclear

clear and the and information is clear and and information is
information is easy easy to read. information is hard to difficult to
to read. presented. read.
Sentences are
Sentence structure complete and Sentences are Sentences are
is exemplary and punctuation is mostly complete incomplete and
includes correct appropriate. and punctuation is punctuation is
punctuation. used correctly rarely used
sometimes. correctly.

Oral presentation Presentation is Presentation is Presentation is Presentation is

logically organized. organized and all somewhat unorganized and
All required required organized and important
information is information is most of the information is not
presented in an presented. important presented.
engaging way. information is

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