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A Quick Guide

Bare With
This mode is exactly like normal mode. There are only small
differences that will be explained per encounter.

You may enter through the underbelly as you would normally, or

go to the Castellum to try and save some time.

This is a new guide, and I am sure some of my strategies will be

updated to be even easier.

I will not be going into detail... With the small thingsjust new
encounters, new load outs, and strategies.
The Royal Baths
The Royal Baths
This is probably the toughest encounter in terms of being killed easily.
Everyone should run this as normally done.

When bathers come out, empty a clip of auto or SMG ammow, throw
grenades on floor in front of them and go to town. Then use power.
down, they drop a buff that will take off your protection in stacks of 5
instead of the normal one.

Once the locks secure, run to center plate and start DPS.

It may be essential to run a heavy ammo run prior to starting for real.
Damage Phase
The difference here is that Bathers will spawn much faster in the center. It is
EXTREMELY important that you call out who is casting which super and when you
need someone else to clear adds this way you can maximize your DPS.

TRY to aim to get rid of all the lanterns in one roundthis will make the encounter
much easier. In order to get this to work out, everyone needs to cooperate and
plan everything from whos shooting which lantern, where the grenades are
going, whos supering and so on and so forth.

In the event you do not get it in one round, the Psions will spawn as normal BUT
a symbol. That is the plate you run to. If you dont, the team wipes. If you dont
see anything youre the starter that relieves the first plate on your side.
Top Right is Chalice Top Left is Axes Bottom Right is Dudes Bottom Left is Dog.

Continue the run as normal.

Royal Baths
Suggested Load outs!
Kinetic: Something with explosive rounds like Better Devils, or Nameless Midnight
Energy: Fast shooting gun, an SMG like the Mob Justice or an Auto rifle.
HEAVY weapon should be the merciless (3 shots with a pulse grenade, 5 shots normally). If you
do not have the merciless ward cliff coil should be fine.

WARLOCKS: For add control a storm caller would be ideal. If you are not in need of an add clearer, go
with void walker. Using vortex grenades and novas will help with the lanterns drastically. If you have more
than one on the team, one uses Healing as the other uses Empowering on the center circle for DPS.
TITANS: With out a doubt, Striker with double pulse grenades will melt everything! Use the rally barricade
on the center plate when shooting the lanterns. Any striker should be on add control. If you have 2 titans
one use hammers for lanterns.
HUNTERS: If you have Celestial Nighthawk, you should be gunslinger. It will take out one lantern
instantaneously. Make sure to coordinate if you have more than one on the team. Arc strider is good for
add clearing and night stalker is great for tethering adds.
*Three Novas, One/Two Striker, One/Two Golden/Tether is GREAT*
The Pleasure Gardens
The Pleasure Gardens
The difference with this encounter is simple: 2 more dogs.
Assign everyone a dog on the outer walls, not Tree or Rock.
There are two ways to tackle this encounter:
First way is to get to a good amount of buff on round one and damage your dogs. If you have
time, depending on your Dogs health, damage Tree and Rock if not, go to the safe room. Next
round, kill your dog and go to Tree or Rock depending on your side and triple team the new

The second way is to get high power stack, and kill your dog, then go to the Tree or
Rockwhich ever side you are on and triple team the dog in one phase.
Pleasure Gardens
Suggested Load outs!
KINECTIC and ENERGY weapons should just be something the player is
comfortable with to take out enemies as fast as possible.
HEAVY weapon should either be an adaptive sword (uppercut does
work), or the Merciless. DO NOT USE A SNIPER. If you do not have a
good sword or the Merciless try a close ranged gun like a shotgun.

WARLOCKS: Use Void walker with a vortex grenade. Throwing both a
grenade and a nova at your dog will take out most of its health at a
x36/x48 damage stack.
TITANS: Striker with double pulseof course.
HUNTERS: Hardest class for dogs You can tether with way of the
trapper and a grenadebut I suggest Celestial/Gunslinger Critical
The Gauntlet
Gauntlet Overview
This encounter changes ever so slightly. If you are used to working as a team and NOT
ROTATING, good news for you. If you are used to rotatingyou need to learn a new

Changes for Gauntlet:

Everyone must run once
Enemies are DANGEROUS
There are only three Orbs in final running phase
No one can miss a charge when running solo
At least two Psions will spawn per Orb picked up
Strategy for Plates
Bare with me here:

Everyone needs to pick teams. DOG/SUN and CUP/AXES (3 per team).

There will be a rotation within your team: Each plate and a runner will need to be taken.
Work together to get adds cleared per team
Once the yellow bar is down, runner needs to grab orb and go inside. The runners will need to
announce what plate and which one is lit upExample Dog Middle
Now the people on the Orb plates, DOG and CUP will ALWAYS shoot the highest arrow. SUN and AXES
will ALWAYS shoot the lowest arrow.
Once the arrows get shot, the person whose plates arrows were shot will jump off and melee their
Psion while their teammate on the other plate will shoot the Psion floating in the air. The person
punching the Psion will get back on their plate ASAP to shoot the arrow for his partner. And do the
same for them.

Once the runner comes out everyone moves up a space. DOG and CHALICE become
floaters/runners SUN moves to DOG & AXES moves to CHALICE. The past runners take SUN and AXES.
Strategy for Plates
Adds come out, Runner will help with adds on both sides (Dog and Sun)
When all enemies are down Player 1 will take orb and start callouts. He calls out DOG/TOP
Dog plate shoots Middle / Sun plate shoots Bottom
Dog runs to melee their Psion / Sun will shoot the floating Psion
Dog gets back on plate and focuses on Suns arrows.
Runner calls out SUN/BOTTOM
Sun plate shoots Middle / Dog plate shoots Top
Sun runs to melee their Psion / Sun will shoot the floating Psion
Sun gets back on plate and focuses on Dogs arrows.
This gets done once morethen you rotate. Dogs becomes runner, Sun becomes dogs and prior
runner becomes Sun.
Strategy for Plates
Once third round is down, everyone should have run already.
Everyone goes to center and grabs a charge.
DOG/SUN team gets 1st and 3rd charges
Cup/Axes team gets 2nd and 4th charges

Try and call out which ones you are getting and try not to jump off
each others bodies/heads

This should conclude Gauntlet.

Gauntlet Suggested
Load outs!
Kinetic: Something with explosive rounds like Better Devils, or Nameless Midnight
Energy: Fast shooting gun, an SMG like the Mob Justice or an Auto rifle.
HEAVY weapon should be the merciless (3 shots with a pulse grenade, 5 shots
normally). If you do not have the merciless ward cliff coil should be fine.

Use any subclass that can do super damage to the Centurions.
Overview Of Calus
Only real change here is add difficulty and every time a Psion on a plate is punched, the
person who punched it gets swapped with someone from the Shadow Realm.

This strategy works very well. I call it the 3x3 (4/2):

Before starting this encounter, have four people who are comfortable with shadows
speak up. The other two should be good with add clearing for throne room.

After adds, everyone will go into the Shadow Realm. Both throne room players and one
shadow realm player should take the orbs to go back to the throne room. The two throne
room players should focus solely on adds. The Shadow Realm player should only hit the
Psion that is needed. They will go into the Shadows. Who ever goes into the throne room
should say what position they were in so the new person can get to that spot and make
the correct callout.CALLOUTS GO LEFT TO RIGHT.
Overview Of Calus
The next Psion will be punched by the second person from the Shadow Realm that got
put into the throne room.
The idea here is that the two people in charge of adds will NEVER go into the shadows
unless someone doesin that case one will hit the plate, and the other will get the revive.

Example: All Shadow players will be known as Players 1, 2, 3, and 4.

Player 1 will come out first with two throne room players and hit the first Psion.
Player 1 goes into shadows and Player 2 gets pulled and says Middle so player one will take
over middle Psions. Player 2 will melee the next Psion.
Player 3 now gets swapped and yells out Right. Player 2 will take over right side (third call out)
and Player 3 will punch the next Psion and this goes on until skulls.
(It wont always be in order)

The rest of the encounter is the same.

Calus Suggested
Load outs!
Some different load outs some in handy depending on guns available:
Any Kinetic, Coldheart and a rocket launcher (hopefully with clusters)
Two Auto rifles, and Merciless (only use on the plates nearest Calus for DPS)
Sniper as power weapon if you dont have rockets or Merciless.

Shadow Realm: Have a scout, pulse or auto for Psions and Projections, as well as a cold heart for skulls!
WARLOCKS: Make sure you have a healing rift if you are staying in the throne room. All other warlocks
should have empowering rifts. You can put arc souls on the first and last plates. Nova is great for DPS.
TITANS: All should have on rally barricades. If you are in the shadow realm use one for skulls. Plan out when
to put each persons down, skulls and plates. Strikers in the throne room are great for add control and DPS
HUNTERS: Celestial Nighthawk with golden gun for Calus is great. An arcstrider is good if you are in the
throne room for adds. Use vortex grenades and single tether for callus on the first plate.
Strategies of the from my raid
team/clan, 50 Shaders of

I also want to thank Tomorrow

Comes Today for inspiring the
idea, suppling images.

I am open to corrections, ideas

and new clan members.


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