Insurance Rates

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Travel & Culture Services PAKISTAN

Phone: +92-321-2424778, +92-21-3521-8097

Website :

Travel Insurance Rates

Schengen Insurance Package

This is for the International travel from Pakistan to schengen countries, as it is required by the
visa application. The policy offers health and other travel hassles protection.

Following are the rates for the Insurance You may buy these by depositing the premium in our
account, all Insurance policies are sent electronically and are verifiable by the Embassies.

Price for Age Limit 0 to 65 Yrs For Age Limit 65 to 70

Number of Days Insured
For Individual Traveller
7 Days 2850 5700
14 Days 4950 9900
21 Days 6950 13900
31 Dyas 8450 16900
62 Days 13300 26600
92 Days 19300 38600
365 Days (1 year Multiple 27100 54200

Premium or the cost of the policy per person in Pakistan rupees

Number of Days Insured Price for Cost for

For Family Travelling together Age Limit 0 to 65 Age Limit 65 to 70
Husband Wife and Years
maximum 4 children under 12
7 Days 4450 8900
14 Days 7500 15000
21 Days 10250 20500
31 Dyas 12250 24500
62 Days 17850 35700
92 Days 27100 54200
365 Days (1 year Multiple Trips) 51350 102700

All Terms, Conditions & Exclusions as per AGI Generals Via Care Policy. Family consist of a
spouse and maximum of 4 children within age limit of 6 months to 18 years. Schengen Family
Family Individual Age Limit 0-65 Age Limit 66-70 Individual Maximum stay limit for Multi trip
packages (365 days package) is 92 days

Required details: Name, CNIC, Address, Passport number, ticket number, flights, Heir/Next to
kin Name, CNIC, Address
Travel & Culture Services PAKISTAN
Phone: +92-321-2424778, +92-21-3521-8097
Website :

How to get the travel Insurance

Please fill in the details below and send the payment as per the tariff above to our bank account
we will make the insurance and send you the insurance document immediately

Your full name as in Passport

Your CNIC No.

Your home address

Your Phone number

Your Passport number

Passport Expiry date

Departure date & Flight

Return date and flight

Total number of days

Your next to kin i.e. Brother, Father,

Mother, Wife and one persons name

Next to Kins Addrees

Next to Kins CNIC

Next to Kins address

Next to Kins Phone number

How to send us the payment

You can send payment via bank transfer

Travel & Culture Services PAKISTAN
Phone: +92-321-2424778, +92-21-3521-8097
Website :

Askari Bank

please visit any Askari Bank branch and deposit the above amount to our account No.
00960101005635 Beneficiary Travel & Culture Services, ASKARI BANK LTD. Atrium Mall,
Saddar Karachi, Pakistan.

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