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Half- Yearly Examination, 2016

Class XI (SET2)
Time : 3 Hrs. M.M. 100

General Instruction:
1. All Questions are compulsory
2. The question paper consists of 29 questions divided into four sections A, B, C and D. Section
A comprises of 4 questions of 1 mark each. Section B comprises of 8 questions of 2 marks each.
Section C comprises of 11 questions of 4 marks each. Section D comprises of 6 questions of 6
marks each.
3. There is no overall choice. However, internal choice has been provided in 4 questions of 4
marks each and 2 questions of 6 marks each. You have to attempt only one of the alternatives in
all such questions.
4. Use of calculators is not permitted.

Section A
1. Let R {( x, y ) : x, y Z , y 2 x 4} be a relation on Z. If (a,-2) and (4, b2) belong to
R, then find the values of a and b.
2. Find the value of the following: sin(400 ) cos(100 ) cos(400 ) sin(100 ) .
3. Find the mirror image of the point (-7, 2, -1) in the ZX-plane.
4. Find the length of the perpendicular drawn from the point P (3, 4, 5) on y-axis.

Section B
5. A market research group conducted a survey of 1000 consumers and reported that 720
consumers like product A and 450 consumers like product B, what is the least number that
must have liked both products?
6. Find the domain and range of a real function f defined by f ( x) 1 x 2 .
7. Prove that : cos 2 2 x cos2 6 x sin 4 x sin 8 x .
8. If P(n) be a statement : n(n+1)(n+2) is divisible by 6, then prove that P(n+1) is true
whenever P(n) is true.
9. Solve: 1 x 2 3 .
10. Using factorization method solve the following equation: x 2 ( 2 3 3i ) x 6 3i 0 .
11. If z = x +iy and z 1 z 2(1 i ) then find z.
12. The centroid of triangle ABC is at the point (1,1,1). If the co-ordinates of A and B are
(3, -5,7) and (-1, 7, -6) respectively, find the co-ordinates of the point C.

Section C
13. For sets A, B and C using properties of sets, prove that :
A ( B C ) ( A B) ( A C )
14. Find the domain and range of the real function defined by: f ( x) .
1 x2

15. For any triangle ABC, prove that : (b 2 c 2 ) cot A (c 2 a 2 ) cot B (a 2 b 2 ) cot C 0 .

16. Solve for x, if sec x cos 5 x 1 0 , where 0 x .
Solve for x, if 3 cos x sin x 2

x x x 4
17. Find sin , cos and tan for tan x , where x lies in second quadrant.
2 2 2 3
18. Using Principle of Mathematical Induction, prove that : 1 2 3 4 ... n (2n 1) .

19. Solve the following inequation : 2.
A solution of 8% boric acid is to be diluted by adding a 2% boric acid solution to it.
The resulting mixture is to be more than 4% but less than 6% of boric acid. If we
have 640 liters of 8% solution, how many liters of 2% solution will have to be

20. If and are different complex numbers with 1, the find 1
1 2i
Find the polar form of the complex number .
1 3i
21. Find the equation of the locus of points P, the sum of whose distances from the points
A(4, 0, 0) and B (- 4, 0, 0) is equal to 10.
22. If the points A(1,0,-6), B(-3, p, q) and C(-5, 9, 6)are collinear , find the values of p and q.
Find the co-ordinates of the points which trisect the line segment PQ formed by joining
the points P(4,2,-6) and Q(10, -16, 6).
23. i) Identify the type of Or used in the following statement and check whether the
statement is true or false : 2 is a rational number or an irrational number.
ii) Write the negation of the following statement: All students study Mathematics at the
elementary level.
iii) Write the converse and contrapositive of the following statement : If two lines are
parallel, then they do not intersect in the same plane.

Section D
24. In a town of 10,000 families it was found that 40% families buy newspaper A, 20%
families buy newspaper B and 10% families buy newspaper C. 5% families buy A
and B , 2% buy B and C and 4% buy A and C. If 2% families buy all the three
newspapers, find the number of families which buy
i) Newspaper C only,
ii) none of the newspapers A, B and C,
iii) at least two newspapers,
iv) at most two newspapers.

25. a) If A = {2, 4, 6, 9}, B = {4, 6, 18, 27, 54} and a relation R from A to B is defined by

R {(a,b) : a A,b B , a is a factor of b and a < b}, then find R in Roster form.

Also find its domain and range.

b) If A {x : x W , x 2} , B {x : x N ,1 x 5} and C = {3,5}, then find
A ( B C ) and ( A B ) C .

26. Two ships leave a port at the same time. One goes 24 km per hour in the direction
N450E and other travels 32 km per hour in the direction S750E. Find the distance
between the ships at the end of 3hours.
If sin sin a and cos cos b then prove that
a 2 b2 2
i) cos( )
4 a 2 b2
ii) tan
2 a 2 b2

27. Prove that 5n 5 is divisible by 4 for all n N . Hence prove that 2.7 n 3.5n 5 is
divisible by 24 for all n N .

Prove by Principle of Mathematical Induction that for all n N,

12 n
3.2 2 32.23 33.24 ... 3n.2n 1 (6 1).
28. Solve the following system of inequalities graphically :
x 2 y 3,3 x 4 y 12, x 0, y 1

29. a) Find the square root of the complex number : 4 4 3i .

b) Find the number of nonzero integral solutions of the equation 1 i 2x .

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