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Department Of Chemical Engineering



Student Name Student Number

Adriano Q.P Chikande N01413534K

Tinashe Mahuku N01415158W

Mitchell Chidziva N01414334F

Godfrey .N. Sanhehwe N01416905X

Evelyn Magaya N01414611D

The Sulphur content in the transportation fuels is a serious environmental concern because
sulfur in fuel is converted to toxic sulphide oxides and contributes to acid rain. This report
focuses on oxidative desulphurization which is a process by which sulfur compounds are
removed from diesel by use of an oxidizing agent. Oxidizing agents used for oxidative
desulphurization are hydrogen peroxide, dry air, nitrogen dioxide and ozone. This process
involves two stages which are reaction step and the adsorption step. Catalyst used for system
include platinum on cerium oxide, copper on cerium oxide and palladium on carbon. In this
report the oxidizing agents are oxygen in alcohol or aldehyde ant the catalyst are palladium on
carbon and cobalt salt.

Declaration and Acknowledgement

First and foremost, we would like to thank God for providing us an opportunity to engage into
education and achieve our goals. We would also like to thank our families for their selfless love
and affection.

We would like to extend our gratitude to our lecturer, Mr L.L Mguni for being a guide
throughout the course of our project. It has been a priviledge to be associated with him and we
sincerely appreciate all his efforts.

Thorough investigation and analysis has led to some interesting conclusions from this research
and our gratitude goals to our friends and family.

Lastly, as individual group members we appreciate each other for the contributions towards the
overall success of our report.
Table of Contents
Introduction 1

Experimental procedure 1 3

Results and discussion 5

Conclusion 10

Experimental procedure 2 11

Results and discussion 13

Recommendations 15

References 16

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