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A Polygon Modeler


Home Circularise


Circularise takes a group of edges and organizes them into a circular arrangement. In its basic
form this tool is easy to use, however there are more advanced functions available through the
RMB and MMB options. Its also worth noting that the tool operates differently depending on the
initial selection. If the initial selection is a Closed Loop, then the tool will solve for a Cicle. If the
initial selection is an Open Loop, then the tool solves for an Arc. Also note that mid-drag options
available through the numeric options (in the lower right corner, while draging) differ slightly for
Arcs and Circles.

The LMB variation of Circularise
automatically picks the Selection Center
and Plane upon which the results will be
derived for both Arcs and Circles (open and
closed edges loops). Often times this is all
that is necessary, but if more specific
parameters are required to achieve a
result, then use the RMB or MMB options.

For closed loops the Plane that the circle Closed Edge Loop example

will flatten to is based on the loop normal.

Open edge loops are a little trickier since a straight line of edges does not necessarily describe a

If theres a kink in the edge selection, then

it becomes possible to derive a plane and
therefore the arc is flattened to the plane
created by the kink. In cases where there
isnt a way to determine the plane using the
edges alone, Circularise will look at the Open Edge Loop example
surrounding geometry to determine a
plane. The Open Edge Loop example
image to the side depicts a situation where the edge selection does not describe a plane. In this
case, the Plane was automatically interpolated from the surrounding faces.

In the Open Edge Loop example of

automatic Plane Selection picture, you can
see how kinked edge loops can be used to
determine an Arcs Plane, and in the same
example you can see how unkinked open
edge loops determine their Arc Plane from
the surrounding faces. Open Edge Loop example of automatic Plane Selection

Drag Modes
[1]: Flatten/Dont Flatten Flattens all points the common or chosen plane
[2]: Reverse Arc Normal Flips the arcing direction 180 degrees (Arcs only)
[3]: Use Absolute Diameter/Use Relative Diameter Absolute Diameter is in Wings Units.
Diametric Factor is based on the shortest distance across the initial selection. (Circles Only)

Drag Parameters
L: Adjusts the Radius. Circles are adjusted according to an Absolute or Relative Diameter,
where as Arcs are adjusted according to the number of Degrees that the Arc represents of a
total circle. So adjusting an Arc to 180 degrees would make it a semi-circle.
L + Drag: Adjusts the percenage on the solution applied as a percentage. For instance, 100%
is the pefect circular solution, and 0% places the selected elements at their initial positions.


In cases where automatic Plane selection isnt going to work, you can used either the RMB or
MMB options which allow Secondary Selections to define to the Plane.

The RMB variation of Circularise lets you define the Plane upon which the Circle or Arc will rest

MMB For Open Edge Loops (Arcs)

The MMB Variation of Circularise for Arcs lets you pick the Plane upon which the Arc is flattened
and the Center point from which the Bulge of the Arc is determined.

If the Bulge of the arc seems reversed, try toggling the Acute/Obtuse Drag Mode.
MMB For Closed Edge Loops (Circles)
For Circles, you pick the Circles Center point, the Plane on which the circle will rest, and a single
Vertex or Edge from the initial selection which will remain stationary and from which the rest of the
circle will be calculated.

Multiple Edge Loops

When multiple edge loops or segments are processed processed using the LMB mode, each loop
is automatically assigned a Plane independently. This can result in different parts of the initial
selection being flattened to different planes. If you want all the loops to be flattened to a single
plane, you can define a specific plane using the RMB mode.

Straightening Loop Segments

Though the tool is called Circularise, many users have noted that Circularise is great for
straightening and equalizing edge loop segments when used on open edge loops. Also,
Circularise makes perfect squares and triangles too, which can be useful at times.


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