Figurative Language Rubric and Assignment

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Song Analysis

Show what you know about poetry through an

analysis of a song of your choice.

For this assignment you will be given the chance to show me what you have learned so
far about Figurative and Literary devices. To do so, you will analyze the lyrics of
a song.
Choose a song that means something to you. Be sure that it is a song that is
appropriate for school (no vulgar or offensive language, or over-emphasis on
violence or sexual themes). Choose a song that contains poetic devices like the
ones we have been discussing in class. To earn Level 4, you will have to be able to
identify at least 7-10 figurative devices in your song.

Provide a copy of the lyrics. Be sure to include the performers/groups name.

You must also number each verse (line) of the song (poem). To save time, you
can just number every fifth line if you like.

Write a response that addresses the following aspects of the song you chose.
Your paragraphs should focus on:

ChoiceIdentify the song and performer/composer. Why do you like this

song? Out of all the songs you listen to, what is it about this song that made
you choose it for analysis? Do you admire the performer? Do you like other
songs by the same performer?

MeaningWhat is the songs meaning? Look closely! Analyze! Is there a

meaning deeper than just the surface? What is the songwriter trying to tell
the listener? What is the authors purpose for writing it? Does the song tell a
story? Does it address certain emotions or issues? Etc.

Devices and TermsWhat figurative language devices are used within the
lyrics? Look for the devices that weve been talking about in class (similes,
repetition, alliteration, etc.) On the copy of the song lyrics underline, circle,
or somehow note each device that is used. In your write-up, refer to each of
the devices by naming the line number in which they appear. To receive
full marks you must not only state the figurative language devices
but also briefly explain their meaning/what they add to the song.

You must also include a title page for this project. Altogether, your project must
- Response/Write-up
- copy of the lyrics with devices circled, highlighted, underlined, etc.
Name: _______________________________________

Song Analysis Rubric

Song Analyzed: _______________________________________________

Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1

Reason for Reason for choosing Reason for Reason for choosing
Choice choosing song song choosing song can song cannot be
is well-stated is stated and be inferred, inferred,
and thoroughly adequately but little or no And no support is
supported supported support is given given

Songs meaning is Songs meaning is Songs meaning is Songs meaning is

Meaning fully fully analyzed on a Not analyzed or
analyzed with in- analyzed with some superficial level reasons are not on
depth discussion of literal topic
probing of the and/or figurative
literal and interpretations

Devices 7 or more poetic At least 4-7 poetic At least 2-3 poetic No poetic or 1
and devices/terms are devices/terms are devices/terms are devices/terms are
Terms correctly identified correctly identified correctly identified correctly identified
by by line number and by line number and by line number and
line number and adequately explained explained
thoroughly explained

Conventio Few distracting Some distracting Many distracting Errors are to

ns errors errors errors distracting to the

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