Grading Rubric For Atomic Bomb Timeline Assignment

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Grading Rubric for Atomic Bomb Timeline Assignment

Teacher Name: Mr. Webster

Student Name: ________________________________________

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Title The timeline has a The timeline has an The timeline has a The title is
creative title that effective title that title that is easy to missing or
accurately accurately locate. difficult to locate.
describes the describes the
material and is easy material and is easy
to locate. to locate.
Dates An accurate date An accurate date An accurate date Dates are
has been included has been included has been included inaccurate
for each event. for almost every for most events. and/or missing
Each event is event. Almost every Most events are for most events.
placed in event is placed in placed in Most events are
chronological chronological chronological placed out of
order. order. order. chronological
Content/Facts Facts were Facts were accurate Facts were Facts were often
accurate for all for almost all accurate for most inaccurate for
events reported on events reported on (~75%) of the events reported
the timeline. the timeline. events reported on the timeline.
on the timeline.
Significance Included events are Most of the Most of the No major events
important and can included events are included events are included, and
lead to a important or are are trivial, and too many trivial
conversation. No worthy of a major events are events are
major details are conversation. One missing. included.
excluded. or two major
events may be
Resources The timeline The timeline The timeline The timeline
contained at least contained at least contained at least contained fewer
18-20 events 16-17 events 15 events related than 15 events.
related to the topic related to the topic to the topic being
being studied. being studied. studied.
Media All images and/or All images and/or Some images Several images
videos are effective videos are and/or videos are and/or videos
and balanced with effective, but there effective, and are not effective.
text use. appear to be too their use is
few or too many. balanced with text
Readability The overall The overall The timeline is The timeline is
appearance of the appearance of the relatively difficult to read.
timeline is pleasing timeline is readable.
and easy to read. somewhat pleasing
and easy to read.
Spelling and Spelling and Spelling and Spelling and There were many
Capitalization capitalization were capitalization were capitalization spelling and
checked by another checked by another were mostly capitalization
student and are student and were correct, but were errors.
correct throughout. mostly correct. not checked by
another student.

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