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R-Controlled Vowel Lesson

Name: Lindsay Crandall

Date: 5/15/2017

Learning Objective: Students will be able to pronounce and identify r-controlled vowel
patterns within words.

Lesson time: 30 minutes

Common Core Standard: Grade 1Phonics/Word Recognition 3.b & Fluency 4


Informal Assessment

I noticed that in the past they have completed r-controlled vowel worksheets so I am
curious to see if I hold up the r-controlled vowel sounds, if they will remember the sound
it makes.

Cards I will be holding up, -ar -er -ir and -ur

I will say something along the lines of, I know I have seen you work on r-controlled
vowels in the past. I want to see if you remember the sounds these vowels make? If not
thats okay! Because we will learn these sounds today.


Say, Today we are going to learn about special vowel combinations that include the
letter R. I have a special guest with me today. His name is bossy R. (holds up bossy R)
Do you think Bossy R would be a good friend?

Let me tell you why bossy R is so bossy. When a vowel is followed by the letter R, the
sound changes to something new. Some people call this the Bossy R for this reason.

Guided Practice:

Ask students to notice the vowel followed by the letter r. Demonstrate how to read each
word, noting whether the combination sounds like: Bossy R sounds like a pirate when a
word has /ar/ in it. Lets practice reading together. Get your pirate hooks out Shape one
finger in a shape of a hook and say the /ar/ sound together. /ir/ /er/ and /ur sound like a
race card driver. Lets get our wheels out and stir as we say this sound, have both
hands out as if driving a car and say the sound for /ir/ /er/ and /ur/ together.
Have the students draw their own Bossy R. I want them to draw their own bossy R so
that way they can engrave the idea of Bossy R better in their mind, while at the same
time they will be having fun because they get to draw.


Playing a game where the students will have to sound out words with r-controlled
vowels. The students will take turns picking a card. If their card is a real word then they
can move up a space, but if their card is not a real word they have to stay in the same
place. This game will help them to not only practice the r-controlled vowel sounds in
both real and fake words but also to help them increase their vocabulary since they may
not be familiar with a few of the words. Whoever reaches the end first wins the game.

Differentiated instruction:

Help Elyse decode the words and encourage her to stay on task. Challenge Esteban
and try to let him figure it out himself before helping him.

Back up Activity:

If we do not take up all 30 minutes then we will play a matching game with sight words
(another item their teacher wants them to work on when they can).

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