Grossman Performance Improvement Plan

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yr a) Town of Buckeye a "PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT PLAN You are being glven a Performance Improvement Plan to outline specific aroas of deficiency or concer, corrective ‘action designed to improve those areas, and expected outcomes. Employee Name: _David Grossman Job Title: Police Officer Supervisor: Michael Haddad Department: Police Directions: The purpose of the plan is to help the omployee improve in areas noted below. The plan Isto specify ‘areas for Improvement, Identiy actviles dosignod to strengthen the employee's porformanca, and incloato ‘expected outcomes. A separate form can be used for each area requiing improvement, or all eraas may bo Usted ‘on one form, ‘Areas Needing Improvement: 1. Fallure to Act 41. Buckeye PD assists withthe pursull of carjacking suspects from Avondale. During the course of this pursuit, Officer Hannaman gets shot at by the suspects as he is trying to deploy stop sticks. After being shot at, Officer Hannaman advised that he observed, who he believed was, Officer Grossman drive away from the suspect vehlele after announcing that shots had Just been fired at him, ‘While discussing this later, you offered two separate justiications/exouses, advising that “blocking’ is against policy. You also stated that there was another entrance fo the development and wanted to get to thal exit to make sure the suspects didn’t escape via that entrancelext. This type of call requires that you respond directly to the threat and utilize all possible tools at your disposal to deal with the situation at hand. 2, Buckeye officers responded to a domestic disturbance (Bigler, Beaver, Grossman, Sot Haley). While Biglor and Beaver are dealing with a female armed with two machetes, you are observed running from the Incident, around a comer, folowing the female's husband, You later advised that you were trying to keep the parties separated. You stated that while speaking with the male, you observed the female through a window as she was walking towards a door. You continued stating that felt you should remove the male from the erea to keep the situation from escalating, You further advised that you had no idea unl after everything was over that there were any edged instruments involved. You were adamant thal you never heard or saw anything about any knives. You also did not hear your fellow officers commanding the women to drop the knives, Sgt Haley advised that when he arrived on scene he heard the verbal ‘commands from the other officers to drop the knives. Its worrisome to me if you did not hear these same commands. | am concerned thal your situallonal awareness may not be adequate ‘enough for the rigors of law enforcement. 3. During the 2010 year-ond decision shoot, a scenario is presented that escalates to lethal force. When the role-player displays and points his weapon al you, you tured your body and retreated, running into your cover officer. | later explained to you thal you constantly have to ‘assess siluations for appropriate rosponse. | continued that when you blindly retreated, you ‘effectively removed your cover officer response from belng able to assist you withthe situation you are now dealing with and you are empowering the suspect fo persevere over this situation, 4, Officer Glenn recognized a subject known to have a valid felony warrant for his arrest. He Ofna - HR Personnel Fe Employee Copy Dopartmant Copy azacatshargelColtetshGessnanF-Grssnarossma PfemnancolnrororetPsn-WodoSOS81h doc a2 Town of Buckeye requested that units set up a perimeter around the residence prior to attempting contact, You advised that you were in position behind the residence with a view of the back door. The subject sees officers and runs into his house. Consent is granted at the front door by the suspect's mother (homeowner) fo search the residence although all present state that the suspect fled from the residence via the rear door. Checks are made with you and you reportedly advised that no one came out. Subsequent search shows where the suspect went over the wall and landed in the neighbor's yard (frash prints in mud). You were not spoken to about this by me although other officers, to include Sot Hayman later chastised you about this performance (or lack thereof) in not apprehending or seeing the suspect run from the back door ofthe residence you were watching. Applicable Departmental Policles: ADM 530 Causos For Disciplinary Action (Performance actions, le Cowardlce, Unsatisfactory Performance) FLD 210 Use of Force (Inaction) 2. Search and Seizure 1. You were involved with a noise/party call where you entered a residence against the consent of the homeowner and made an arrest. This incident has already been documented and additional training received. 2, You respond to a Disorderly call involving teenagers, backing up Officer Beaver. On your ariva in the area, two male subjects are observed. While you are exiting your Vehicle, you state that you hear Officer Beaver meking a comment (words to the effect of) "Don't you do i.” At this point, the two Individuals turn around and run away from your location. You run after one and when you get close enough, you grab the subject and wrestle him to the ground. This was while you are asking why the individual ls running from the police after he was told not to, The individual continues struggling and you deployed a chemical agent to the subjects face twice before being able to gain Compliance and get handcuffs on the subject. An open mike transmission allowed us to hear that you were asking the subject why he ran wiven he was told nolo, Dispatch ends up requesting Code Three response of addtional responding units. While en route | asked for an update and heard you reply that you could not feel your hand, This caused me to respond Code Three. As |artved in the area (within visual sight of you), ‘you advised over the alr that units can slow down, everything Is Code Four. Code Three operation is extremely dangerous, to say the least, and puls us and the general motoring public at great risk for injury and Itigation. There Is no excuse for allowing us fo respond in that manner when you know or have ascertained there sno exigency supporting such response. When questioned about your “hand” statement you advised that what you said was that you could not free your hand. This is sill not an appropriate radio transmission as it promotes an implied exigency. ‘As we have previously discussed, *selzing” a person requires articulation which you could not provide when you performed these actions. Adding to the situation, you used chemical agents against the person. Looking for charges after an arrest is made is unacceptable and unconstitutional. 3. During a traffic stop you request a consensual search of the vehicle which you get. During this search you encounter a set of “brass knuckles" which you ultimately seize stating that they are legal. You then log them into evidenca for destruction, This is another example of making a decision that has you operating against current law. Applicable Departmental Policies: Original -HR Personne! Fla Employee Copy Department Copy ‘WhadaanglConfdenfelGessneni?P -GessmariGosinan Feomanc inorenee!Pan-Moded O01 do0 A901 ;— iy ————— Town of Buckeye ADM 531 Responsibilities (Knowledge to Laws and Regulations) ‘ADM 532 Conduct (Respect for Constitutional Rights) FLD 210 Use of Force (Authorization to Use Force) 3. Report Writing 4. Your reports that aro of a substantive nature continually have to be returned for extensive modification, In our previous discussion regarding your report writing skils, you mentioned ahead injury, explaining that you write reports from memory (almost template format). Unfortunately, with the diversity of calls seen in law enforcement, there is not a template available for everything you will encounter, Your skils inthis arena will have to be developed, Applicable Departmental Policies: ADM 1320 Departmental Reports A. Vehicle Operation 1. Your driving has been observed and reported by fellow officers to be unsafe, le, driving too fast, following others too closely, and inappropriate response to calls for service. | have spoken with you regarding these Issues. You have, reportedly, continued to operate your police vehicle in disregard of policy during response to noniife threatening calls for service, Applies FLD 130 Vehicle Operations (General Guidelines) Activities Designed to Improve Performanc: 4, Attendance of Rio Salado Community College Report Writing Gourse. Upon complotion of this course you will have been provided with the basics to gather Information and prepare a coherent and proseculable report through improved written communication and eral thinking, This class is April 18", through June 27", 2014 and Is an On Line program. 2. Attendance of Defensive Tactics rofresher course. After completing this "in house" area of instruction you will have been provided with various options of appropriate empty hand, Impact ‘weapon, all the way to lethal force options to deal with the situations commonly encountered on the street. 3. Attendance of Buckeye Use of Force Continuum Training. Upon completing this Instruction you «wll have been provided with an in depth view of the Buckeye Police Department Use of Force Matric. ‘This is a necessary tool for the correct application of the appropriate force for any given situation. To compliment this “in house" training, you wil also attend two blocks of instruction; one ls Complex Issues in the Use of Force on March 26", 2011 from 0800 to 1200 at Tolleson PD and the second is Use of Force Refresher on March 31", 2011 from 0800-1200 at Marana PD. 4, Attendance of Force on Force Training. This Buckeye Police Department training will occur prior {o the end of the PIP but after the Laws of Arrest, Complex Issues in the Use of Foree, and Use of Force Refresher instruction. This Force on Force training will encompass sconarios to test and ‘evaluate your decision making as well as response level for appropriateness in given situations. Criginal - HR Personnel Fle Employee Copy Department Copy ‘esa nga CadendeioeamanPtP -GrosneniassmanPecrmanoslnpovenenPlen-Maed 8284 1dos S201 Town of Buckeye 6, Attendance of additional 4" Amondment basod training. Upon completion of these blocks of instruction, you will have been provided with the additional training to deal with the, sometimes complex, yel erucial issues encompassed within the realm of the 4" Amendment. ‘This wil help you make sound and legal decisions. The Instruction daterlocation is Laws of Avrast & Seizure and Vehicle ‘Searches on March 22, 2011 from 1200-1600 at Goodyear PD 6, Activation of vehicle GPS. This provides the Buckeye Police Department with Instant information regarding your driving habits should a complaint or concern be raised by a citizen or other Town ‘employes, The technology itself being activated should provide the Incentive to correct any driving Issues, You wore also provided with 2.6 hours of Pursull Driving Instruction that entailed a Code Three description and when this type of driving is authorized on July 28, 2010, ‘Timeline for Improvement: 95 days Date this performance plan begins: March 22” Follow-Up dates: April 28", May june 26", 2014 Supervisor Signature: Happ pate: | 92/9. Lioutenant Signature: apa bh EBCE | one | BLL) Chiat of Ptico signature: IW aviad “2553 | owe: | 03/S//par1 ur stat signatures Vi7 WATT = pate: | 4 4¢€ (1 Employee Signature BPE O | pate: | Prd fou Failure to follow and/or improve areas outlined above will result in disciplinary action up to and Including termination. 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