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NURS 2021H Clinical Course Evaluation

Final Evaluation

Student: Melissa Friskney

Clinical Instructor: Lori Vandenberg

Placement: MC3

Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
Please circle the appropriate outcome

NURS 2021H Clinical Course Final Evaluation

Course Objective Evidence/Indicators Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
Recognize and begin to - Has developed an understanding that every persons experience of YES
navigate the having a child is different. I have observed this by watching how
complexities of family mothers bond with their babies.
nursing. - I have been able to see how different families interact with each other.
For example some dads are very supportive and involved in the babies
care and others are not.
- I have been able to apply the theories and lenses learned in NURS 2001
about families to my practice. For example, I am able to use the
Hermeneutic Phenomenology to look at the families from different
points of view other than my own.
- Formed therapeutic relationships with moms, babies, dads and
extended family and friends.
- I ensure that I treat every patient family equally and leave my opinions
and bias at home.
- When performing patient education I make sure that I communicate the
skills to both the mother and her partner to ensure they both know how
to properly care for their child.
Integrate knowledge - Able to perform a basic head-to-toe assessment using the skills learned YES
from previous courses to in NURS 1020.
support diverse - Able to apply theories to practice that I learned in NURS 1001 and 2001.
populations. - Use my knowledge from anatomy and physiology to understand the
changes that occur to the body during pregnancy and assess the health
of the babies and moms post partum.
- Use my skill of therapeutic communication that I learned and developed
in first year when forming therapeutic relationships with my patients
and their families.
- Practice proper hand hygiene and infection control practices (such as
gowning before entering a room with droplet precautions).
- When performing my head- to-toe assessment I also make sure I wear
gloves to not only protect myself but also my patients because the
mothers and babies are more prone to infections while they are
- Using information learned in 2001 helps me to acknowledge that every
situation is different and as a nurse I need to leave my bias at the door
in order to give my patients and their family the best possible care.
Critically appraise - At the beginning of my shift I introduce myself to the nurse I am YES
relational inquiry assigned to and discuss my patient with her.
processes and begin to - Answer questions families have or assist them in getting the answer by
develop meaningful finding someone who can help them.
relationships with - I introduce myself to my patients and their family when I enter the
health care providers room and spend some time getting to know them by asking their names
and family members. and if they have any questions or concerns.
- I assist other nurses with their tasks when they ask, such as talking vital
- I inform my clinical instructor when I am leaving and returning from my
- Collaborate well with other nursing students and staff members to
ensure we are providing our patients with the best care.
- Throughout my Clinical experience I have developed many meaningful
relationships with the staff. For example, while working L&D I formed a
relationship with the nurse I was working with. She took her time to
explain to me the process of birth and the role of an L&D nurse. I felt
like I was able to really take away a lot from that experience because
she was so open to showing and teaching me about everything that
happens in L&D.
- After completing my tasks I find the nurse I am assigned to and ask her
if there is anything I can assist her with (such as taking vital signs,
getting a patient water, making a bed).
- I really feel I have developed many meaningful relationships with my
patients and their families because I take extra time to talk and get to
know them. For example, while working on L&D I found out the couple I
was caring for were dairy farmers something I would have never known
if I had just simply gone into their room to perform assessments.
Collaboratively - At the beginning of every shift I take the time to go through my YES
formulate a plan of care patients chart to collect information and form a plan of care.

based on knowledge of - During post conference I have been informed about different illnesses
family nursing, related that are common during pregnancy through presentations by my peers
theories and scholarly (such as Group B Streptococcus).
literature. - I have been able to apply theories learned in NURS 2001 to my practice
such as the proximal- distal view by viewing situations that are
happening in the moment and also taking a step back to look at the
bigger picture.
- I have performed research and asked nurses questions about diagnoses
that are new to me such as necrotizing fasciitis (flesh eating disease) to
broaden my knowledge.
- Before giving oral medications I looked up the medication, the side
affects, drug interactions and other important information before
administering it to my patient.
- Worked along side nurses in the NICU to develop a plan of care for a
baby who had a subdermal bleed and needed to be transferred to Sick
- Educated myself on Precipitate delivery when I had a patient with that
type of delivery, to better understand how they might be feeling (often
mothers who have a precipitate delivery feel more overwhelmed and
Develop, implement and - Educate patients and their families about the importance of breast- YES
evaluate the feeding, and observe and assist in helping moms achieve a good
effectiveness of health- position and latch.
promoting, evidence- - I have used my knowledge of health promotion to educate families on
based practice, how to properly perform a baby bath, how to keep a baby warm, how a
reflecting principles of baby should sleep, tummy time and skin- to-skin contact.
family nursing as - I also participated in reflective principles by writing a journal entry after
relational practice.
each placement expressing my feelings throughout the day and by
completing my LEARN reflections.
- While in the NICU I had the chance to educate a father on the
importance of erythromycin and the vitamin K injection for newborns.
- To teach fathers how to properly swaddle their babies I watched
YouTube videos so I could teach fathers, who are sports fans, the
baseball field method, to help them easily remember the skill.
- During post- conference I talk with my peers about my day and we

reflect back on our day by discussing things we did well and things we
can change to improve our care for our patients.
Demonstrate increasing - I am able to perform a full set of vitals on both mom (Bp, O2, R, HR, T) YES
competence and and baby (HR,T,R).
confidence in the - I can confidently perform a full post-partum, head-to-toe assessment on
application of a mom and a full new born assessment on a baby.
psychomotor skills in - I can successfully bath, swaddle and change diapers on a baby.
practice settings. - I can properly perform a head circumference measurement.
- I am able to take urine samples from a catheter.
- I can properly remove a catheter.
- I am able to remove and dismantle an IV.
- Able to confidently teach parents about their baby and explain to them
how to bath their newborn.
- Able to assess how a mom is bonding with their new baby by looking for
both verbal and non-verbal cues.
Demonstrate - Arrive to clinical prepared with my proper uniform including white YES
accountability and shoes, clean scrubs and my ID badge.
professionalism that is - I am able to work on my own to complete tasks but seek help/ guidance
consistent with a nurse from my clinical instructor or nurses on the floor when I am unsure.
entering a self- - I also demonstrate this by documenting all my findings and assessments
regulating profession. in my patients chart.
- I always introduce my role and myself to my patient.
- I ensure patient confidentiality and privacy.
- I arrive on time to clinical.
- Ensure that I am performing tasks at proper times (for example
completing assessments at the required time).
- Demonstrate respect to my peers, clinical instructor, the staff, my
patient and their family.
- Uses a professional tone when speaking with the staff and patients and
their family and friends.
Select appropriate - There are many community support services for families such as the YES
community support breast feeding clinical at PRHC.
services for families - Moms can see a lactation consultant to help them properly and
needing referral to successfully breast feed.
enhance coping with - Another program is Healthy Babies, Healthy Children which is a program
diverse transitional
experiences. that will help pregnant moms get ready for their new baby; public
health nurses will call new moms to answer questions and provide links
to other recourses.
- I educate my patients on the recourses and supports that are available
and can help them find the right person to get in contact with to discuss
their needs during this transitional time.
- I have educated myself on the many different community supports,
allowing me to have a greater knowledge of the supports as well as
provide answers to questions my patients and their families might have.
- I have educated my patients on the importance of breastfeeding and
have worked with them to help their babies achieve a good latch.
- Take time to go through the brown envelope package with my patients
and their families to ensure they are aware of the different supports
and can develop a better understanding of the services that are offered.

To be completed by student:

Student Areas of Strength

1. I am able to use therapeutic communication well in order to develop a nurse-patient relationship.

2. As a nursing student I can successfully chart all findings and tasks performed throughout a shift.

3. I feel I can independently and confidently perform a full, post-partum, head-to-toe assessment on mothers.

Student Areas for Future Development

1. Moving forward I would like to further my knowledge of medications so I am able to read my patients chart and know
why they are on that medication, the effects the med could have on the patient and drug- drug interactions. I would like to be
able to understand this information right away instead of having to look it up in my medication book.

2. A skill I would like to improve on for the future is my patient teaching. As a nursing student I want to work on my
different teaching techniques to help eliminate some of the awkwardness I feel when explaining tasks such as baby baths to

3. Another area that I want to continue to develop for the future is my confidence in my abilities as a nurse to ensure
that I can provide the best care for my patients and their families with out feeling anxious.

Clinical Instructor Comments (All areas marked as unsatisfactory must have a comment)


Hrs. Hrs.
Week 1 12 Week 5 12
Week 2 6 Week 6 12
Week 3 12 Week 7 12
Week 4 12 Week 8 12

Total number of clinical hours completed 90

Clinical Component

Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
Please circle the appropriate outcome

Clinical Learning Center Completed _____________

Enhanced Learning Days Completed _____________

Signature of Instructor____________________________________ Date_______________________________

Signature of Student______________________________________ Date________________________________

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