Proofed - Final Evaulation Nurs 2020

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Final Evaluation

Student: Melissa Friskney

Clinical Instructor: Cathy White

Preceptor Instructor: Sarah Gibbens

Placement: NHH HELP Program

Total Clinical Hours completed: 176

*time log signed must be attached with evaluation

Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
Please circle the appropriate box
Students Self-Evaluation (final):

Course Objective Evidence/Indicators: (The student has ...) Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
-Arrive to each clinical shift on time and in a proper clean uniform. YES
Demonstrated -Arrive to each clinical shift with all the supplies required for that day (such
professional as laptop, pens and paper).
responsibility and - Have handed all assignments in on deadline.
accountability to - Spend time planning and brainstorming with my preceptor about what the
collaboratively plan, HELP program is and how we see it fitting into the ED.
implement and/or - Have regular contact with my preceptor by checking in with her a least once
evaluate a health a day often more frequently to follow up on what I've have been doing that
promotion project day.
relevant to the -Began to plan my project by completing assignment one, setting goals and
community population creating a timeline.
served, using elements - Started to evaluate the HELP program in the ED and identify some of the
of the course website barriers the program may face in the ED such as time constraints.
such as the learning -I notify my Preceptor and Clinical instructor in a timely fashion about
system and regular, agreed upon schedule changes
punctual communication -I am practicing within the policies and procedures of the hospital
with preceptor and - My partner and I demonstrate accountability by being able to organize
faculty. ourselves and plan our work schedule. We also think critically and creatively
and demonstrate good judgement.
- Attended and participated in all post-conference seminars and seek
clarification from my Clinical instructor when I was unsure how to complete
- Throughout the term I have submitted all assignments, logs and projects in
on time by submitting them to the drop boxes on Blackboard.
- I have also given my Preceptor enough time to complete her midterm and
final evaluations by sending her my completed evaluations at least one week
before the deadline.
- Over Reading Week I had the opportunity to be a part of the Pressure Injury
Prevention Survey which gave me the chance to work with many different
health care professions. Thus, I could work collaboratively with them and
listen to the points that each member of the team had based on their health
care background.
-My partner and I collaborated with other health care professionals (PT and
RT) by getting there point of views on our exercises for the ED
- We completed project two which allowed us to look back and evaluate the
project we implemented throughout this clinical placement.
- After identifying the gap of mobility within the ED my partner and I worked
and collaborated with other health care professionals to create a set of
exercises older adults can do in a chair. This way the program that we have
implemented will be sustainable when we leave because the exercises are
simple enough that the high school students and volunteers can do them with
the pts. As a result, pts that have been lying down for too long will be able to
sit up and get moving.
-My knowledge to support a population assessment has been applied in this YES
Applied their placement through the completion of Assignment One in which my partner
knowledge to support and I had to research the HELP program, our population and the hospital to
population assessment, have a better understanding of our community.
collaborative and - During the first few weeks of placement I spent lots of time researching the
evidence informed HELP program to develop a better understanding of how it works. I
health promotion project conducted this research through observation in both the ED and acute care
development, setting and through a Google search.
implementation and - Identified the purpose of the HELP program and expanded my knowledge
process and outcome of delirium and cognitive decline in older adults by reading materials given to
evaluation. me by my preceptor.
- Spent a few of the mornings in the ED giving me the opportunity to observe
the ways the HELP program has started to be implemented into the ED and
see first-hand how important it is for the HELP program to get developed in a
way that can be used effectively by staff in the ED to help older adults with
cognitive decline.
-Conducted a literature search review regarding older adults and mobility in
the ED
-Demonstrated my knowledge of the community population and the issues
related to the population. As well used my nursing knowledge to make
connections and build my knowledge about older adults and the challenges
they face in this community.
- Throughout the term my partner and I have worked together to identify the
gaps of care in the EDs HELP Program, including mobility. We then
conducted research by reading scholarly articles on the topic. We then
worked together to create mobility exercise cards for the ED. The cards
include exercises with pictures and descriptions for older adults to complete
while in a chair. We decided to do chair exercises because they are simple
enough that when we leave volunteers or co-op students will be able to assist
- We evaluated out project outcomes by completing project two
-Created a poster regarding mobility in the ED to summarize the work we
had been doing throughout the term, how our project was put in place and
the outcomes we saw from the implementation of our project.
-During the first week of placement I completed safety training and discussed YES
Demonstrated ethical with my preceptor my scope of practice so we both had a clear understanding
respectful and of what I can do during this placement.
professional practice - I also began to expand my knowledge on caring for older adults and
when working with delirium by reading articles, brochures, books and best practice guidelines
community provided by my preceptor.
organizations and the -I demonstrated confidentiality by signing a confidentiality agreement and
population with whom when seeing patients in the ED I ensure their curtains are also kept closed.
they work. -I also demonstrate confidentiality by discussing my patients and their
conditions within their circle of care.
-I demonstrate my ability to practice ethically by working in ways that work
to and respect the rights, dignity and safety of my pts.
-I also advocate for my pts and their families in the ED by working with my
Preceptor to ensure patients are offered the recourses they require to
successfully live at home.
- Throughout this course I have developed and maintained appropriate
relationships and demonstrated professional boundaries with clients and
other health care professionals.
-I have demonstrated respectful and professional practice by attending
meetings such as the Elder Abuse conference at NHH where I could listen to
other health care professionals about the issues around elder abuse within
the community.
- I felt my partner and I helped to empower a pt by implementing our chair
exercises. Before we did the chair exercises this pt refused to go for a walk
because of the fear of falling. But after getting him out of bed and moving a
little, he said he felt better and said he would go for a walk around the unit if
we took him. It was incredible to see how one simple task transformed his
mood and started to improve his condition.
-During the first few weeks of placement my partner and I spent a lot of time YES
Demonstrated brainstorming ways in which we could implement the HELP program into the
knowledge of relational ED.
practice in project - I have demonstrated collaborative practice because during the first weeks of
development, respectful placement we worked with different health care professionals such as
of group process, reactional therapists and HELP volunteers in the acute setting; by working
leadership/followership, collaboratively with these individuals my partner and I could see how the
and collaborative HELP program works from the perspective of different people. As well, it
practice to meet the gave us the opportunities to ask questions and build our knowledge of the
needs and build capacity HELP program.
of the population in the -During the last two weeks, my partner and I worked collaboratively as we
given context. started to plan the interventions we would like to see in the ED and how they
could be implemented into the department. We did this by not only talking
with each other but also our preceptor.
- We attended a group session in which we had the opportunity to talk to
older adults who are blind and learn from them as well as educate them on
aging. This allowed me to develop a better understanding of this population
and the barriers they face.
- Throughout this placement I have built my knowledge about this community
by working with and observing the community for gaps within their care and
the issues that the community feels are major problems.
- I have also had many opportunities to work with several different
professionals such as social workers, OT, RT and physio which allowed me to
collaboratively develop an understanding of this communitys needs from
many different perspectives.
- I demonstrated leadership by volunteering to participate in the Pressure
Ulcer Survey over my reading weekthis was a great experience because I
could see first-hand the reasons why pts get pressure injuries, how the staff
documents and ways to prevent pressure injuries from occurring.
-My partner and I got to attend the accreditation review meetingthe
hospital scored 98%. It was interesting to see where the hospital needed
improvements and how they had changed since the last accreditation to
improve the hospital for their community.
- We created a poster to educate the community about mobility in the ED. We
presented the poster at Trent University to students and staff. As well, we
presented the poster to staff and members of the community at NHH to
expand their knowledge of what we have done over the past few months.
Demonstrated self- -I have engaged in self-reflective practices by completing my bi-weekly YES
regulation by engaging journal entries.
in self-reflective - have shown initiative to meet my learning needs by sitting down with my
practice and identifying preceptor to discuss our goals for the course, as well as what we would like to
learning needs through take from this placement. We also planned together how these things could be
self-assessment that achieved by creating a calendar timeline.
align with the SONs - I have also demonstrated self-regulation by carefully managing my time to
program goals and the ensure all the work for our project is being completed on time and all
Community Health assignments for this class are being completed on time.
Nursing Standards of - During this course I have practiced safely with in the expectations of this
Practice in Canada. course and hospital.
- I have communicated my learning goals with both my clinical partner and
preceptor by communicating with them weekly about where we are at and our
next steps in terms of project implementation.
-I have taken initiative and looked for opportunities to meet my learning
goals such as volunteering to participate in the pressure injury survey.
-I have also received help from others when I require it by asking my
Preceptor, Clinical instructor or Clinical partner questions when I am unsure
about a task.
- This placement has allowed me to think critically about my own actions and
how they are impacting myself, my patients and my coworkers.
-I have demonstrated self-assessment by identifying my strengths and things I
still need to work on and by reflecting on my time in placement when
completing my mid-term and final evaluations.

Students Comments (Any area marked unsatisfactory need to be commented on).

Identify 3 personal strengths developed in this placement.

1. Collaborating with my clinical partner, preceptor and other health care professionals
2. Building effective and meaningful therapeutic relationships with patients in a swift manner
3. Creating, planning and implementing a project into an organization

Identify 3 areas requiring further development.

1. Further Expanding my knowledge on different conditions and diseases the patients that I see in the ED have, to create a better understanding of
how these conditions are impact their healthy aging process.
2. Educating myself on different medications and the effects they can have on patients to develop a better understanding of drug interactions
3. Not being afraid to ask questions when I seek further clarification on a topic

Signature of Student: ___________________________________________________ Date____________________

Signature of Instructor___________________________________________________ Date____________________

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