1465714706.skabaard Diversions

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Written By: Skabaard

It had certainly been a lazy day. It was unseasonably warm. Meltwater from the
mountains in the north had swollen the river and brought with them a refreshingly cool wind, and
Emma had gladly opened her window to let it waft in the smells of the blooming spring. The
floral aroma of the season helped wash away the scent of the city. The inescapable smell of
thousands of animals and people crammed together had been bearing down on her all winter, and
this was truly a breath of fresh air, which promised only more to come as the cold retreated back
to the north.
She fidgeted, her expansive, black-skinned wings agitating the air around her. It was a
good day for flight. The weather was almost perfect, with puffy, white clouds drifting lazily
across the open blue. Instead, however, she sat at her desk simply enjoying it from afar while
scratching at a sheet of paper, pen in hand. As she wrote her letter, she petted at the glossy leaves
of the large, budding plant that rested on her desk with its stem stretched out into the sun. Emma
supposed that it had been missing the light and warmth at least as much as she had. It had been a
gloomy and ultimately boring winter, and she couldn't wait for the lily to open its flowers and
perfume her quarters with that pleasant, familiar aroma.
Finishing her letter, she signed her name with a flourish and slid the paper forward into
the slash of sun leaking in through the long window for the ink to dry. That done, she was then
free to push back her chair, rise to her taloned, digitigrade feet, and throw her arms over her head
in a long, languid stretch. The sun had barely started sinking from its midday perch, she was
content and with a full belly, and no one needed her to break anything or anyone for at least the
rest of the day. Normally, having nothing to do would have left her restless, but it was just one of
those days, and she could easily envision herself lounging away the rest of the afternoon. Maybe
she would indulge herself and hunt down a cup of tea somewhere, with something sweet to
nibble at while she curled up around a book or maybe something warmer.
Emma was halfway across her quarters when she was caught off guard by the sharp,
staccato sound of a knock at her door. She hadn't gotten an assignment in a few days, and the
sessions she was supposed to lead didn't begin until the next morning, so it was with a scaly
eyebrow raised warily that she continued over with a pensive hum.
Much of her caution evaporated when she opened the door to behold her partner Mel,
who was standing before her, anxiously shifting her weight from foot to foot. "Damnit, Emma."
the small, piscine woman growled as she brushed past the dragoness and into the room, her
finned tail lashing the air behind her.
"Good afternoon to you too..." Emma mused in reply. "What? Were the kitchens out of
your favorite snack?"
Mel whirled around, throwing her arms up with an exasperated huff. "No! It's Toby, that
big, dumb horse! I was supposed to surprise him, catch him off guard, you know. But he's not
here! He's off on some stupid fucking wizard business and I'm here and it's too late because I
already ate that nasty-ass tablet that Ranna made for me so now I'm fucked and I-"
Raising a hand for a little peace, Emma blinked numbly for a moment under the force of
the shark-woman's tirade. "Alright, just slow down a second." she interjected. "Did Toby really
just take off without telling you?"
Her visitor's arms flopped down to hang listlessly. "N-no... I may have just... forgotten
about it..."
She let out a thoughtful hum. "So you're not angry at him; you're angry at yourself and
are venting about it?"
"M-maybe... I guess..." Mel added in a subdued murmur.
"Good." finished the dragoness with a low laugh. "I just wanted to make sure I was on the
same page before we got too far."
Mel grumbled wordlessly for a breath before mumbling, "Do you have to take the fun out
of everything?"
At that, Emma let out a more lighthearted chuckle while sauntering over and throwing an
arm over Mel's slim shoulders. "Only when I get to put it back. Now, what's this about a surprise
for Toby? I heard you mention Ranna, which means it has to be good. What'd you have her cook
up for you and your big, dumb horse?"
An uncharacteristic blush tinted the shark morph's cheeks, making Emma have to stifle
another laugh. Mel raised a hand and raked it through her mess of short, deep blue hair while she
fidgeted under the dragoness's bemused gaze. "Well, I... I just thought it would be fun if we...
tried something new. Experimented a little bit, you know?"
Emma nodded smoothly with a soft, intrigued hum, understanding the sentiment. She let
the shark-woman's pause linger however, waiting for her to continue. Mel wriggled under her
arm, face heating further as she appeared only more agitated. "Maybe I thought he'd like it if...
Maybe I wanted to know what he felt when I... Um... Oh..."
Her eyebrows drew down in suspicious concern when Mel's voice drifted off and the
shark morph started to shake against her. "Mel?" she queried as her partner's eyes defocused and
drifted aimlessly to the ground.
Mouth hanging listlessly open to show sharp, triangular teeth, a wet, pink tongue slipped
out to run lazily over Mel's lips. What looked like barely contained fire tinted the shark's rough,
silver-grey skin a rosy hue, and her hands balled up into tight fists as she hunched over onto
herself, lean body tense with strain. "Fu-huck, Em-ma... Fuck, it's so hot! Fuck!"
"Mel, what the hells did you do to yourself?" the dragon hissed in alarm.
The only answer she got was a wordless, growling grunt as, with flushed skin and
trembling legs, Mel practically collapsed into her arms. Desperate fingers clawed at her as the
insensate woman gasped and quivered, and when the shark was able to get a grip she found
herself coming under an unexpectedly focused assault. A quivering moan caught in her visitor's
chest. Frantic hands blindly groped at her, working their way down her sides until they could
wrap around the meat of her hips and muscular backside. Emma huffed as she was given a rough
squeeze and her ass was used as a brace for the shark to numbly hump at her legs.
Her thigh slid between Mel's, and the shark ground herself against her, crushing hot,
almost burning flesh into the bulk of her leg. She felt a surprising amount of moisture wicking
into her trousers through her partner's, and for a moment, baffled silence held her transfixed as
the other woman shuddered and gyrated on her body. She normally wouldn't have complained,
but Mel was rarely one to forgo announcing her intentions when it came to her crotch.
Her confusion didn't last long though. Before she could peel the shark off of her and
make any inquiries, her worry was washed away by a wave of cold comprehension when she felt
something familiar in shape and stunningly hard prod against her leg, something that throbbed
angrily as it... grew. Sudden relief mixed with delighted amusement threw her head back in a rich
laugh, and she grabbed Mel by the shoulders and pushed her away, very much against the small,
amorous woman's desires.
Mel fought against every inch she put between their bodies, but she could never have
hoped to overpower the dragon, and Emma just had to see for herself what was brewing between
her little lover's legs. Sure enough, there was a fairly sizable bulge distending the fabric of the
shark's snug, sturdy breeches, and she could see it pulsating in time with what must have been a
thundering heartbeat, surging larger in short, quivering spurts. "I see..." she said with a coy hum,
"Just wanted to feel his lips around you for a change? That's so adorable! I hope you were
planning on inviting me..."
Emma's hands were hooked under Mel's arms, and they held nearly all of the sharks
sleight weight as her eyes rolled back to stare blankly at the ceiling, as if praying for mercy from
some god. "Emma," she breathed hoarsely, "help me! Help! Fucking Ichor, it's so hot. It's so hard
it hurts! How do you stand it?! Nngh! Gods' fucking Blood, help!"
She held Mel where she was, peering down with a huge, toothy grin plastered across her
draconian snout. "Well, I was born with mine, so I can't say I know what it's like to just grow one
like this, but I'm pretty sure it will start to feel more normal after Ranna's little toy's finished its
work on you. How big will it get? How long will it last? An hour? Two? I'll make sure you enjoy
every minute... Just give it a little time."
Mel groaned like she'd just sentenced her to death. "Emma..." cried the shark in a helpless
whine that grew more aggressive as the dragoness just held her outstretched, "It's so tight! It's
gonna pop! Help me you scaly bitch! Gods damnit!"
The way she was holding the wiry woman aloft blocked Mel from even touching herself,
and the shark thrashed viciously in her arms. "Well, that attitude isn't going to get you
anywhere." she mused, idly licking her lips. Her partner reeked of sex, and the scent grew only
stronger as the short, utilitarian trousers that held Mel's blooming equipment strained and
darkened with moisture. She could practically taste it in the air and on her tongue. It was thick
and heavy, layered over her teammate's already alluring scent. The sheer intensity of it heated
her blood and sped her heart.
To the hells with waiting. "Quit wriggling." she sighed as she pulled the distraught shark
against herself, squishing her into her chest. Contrary to her wishes, Mel simply used the
opportunity to continue humping against her leg with more and more frantic force. Fine. That
would do. Wrapping her thick sinewy arms around the lean woman, her wicked, onyx claws
snagged in some of the fabric that came between them. She pulled, and Mel let out a gratuitous
moan. If the dragoness ripping her shirt to shreds bothered her, she gave no indication, and
Emma didn't stop until nothing but sleek sharkskin glided beneath her fingertips as her hands slid
Mel's finned tail thrashed wildly behind her, and she favored its base for a heartbeat
before rolling her powerful digits over the compact curve of her lover's tight backside. She just
grabbed on, a hand on each side, and hissed as she pulled her arms apart, tearing the short, black
trousers into two sundered halves that she let drop down the shark's toned legs. She then let her
nose dip low. Her lips parted and her razored teeth grazed over the taut line of a sinewy shoulder.
Her tongue trailed a line of saliva up the firm contour and onto Mel's throat. The eager piscine
was sweatingnot profusely, but enough for her to taste as she nibbled tenderly on a tendon
strained enough to be plucked like a bowstring.
She let the moment wash over her. Mel practically vibrated against her. Raw, sexual need
pulsed through the shark's alchemically-altered body. She was still clothed, but the only thing to
hide her lover's body from her was a set of pitiful, overstrained panties that felt so, so close to
simple surrender to the rigid tool that pounded against her leg. "Easy..." she bubbled in a low
growl, desire having dragged her voice into the pit of her chest. "Let me get a good look with
what we're working with here."
Mel resisted weakly as she gave a languid push. Her breath hissed through reverently
clenched teeth. The agitated woman's body was always a beauty to behold. Barely an ounce of
fat could be found on the whole of her narrow, wiry frame. The rest was muscle, muscle that had
been made prominent, dense, and flawlessly defined by years of rigorous training. Silvery skin
paled toward her belly. The grooves lurking between various portions of her physique left an
interplay of light and shadow that pulled the eye. Small, perky breasts rose and fell in time with
heavy, demanding breathing, and Emma closed her hands over them as she dropped smoothly to
her knees.
She kept her eyes playfully locked onto Mel's own even as she ground her palms into
stiff, tender nipples, leaving them ruddy and engorged. She let a kiss linger just below those
delectable mounds and eventually let her tongue slither down along the firm topography of the
shark's abdomen. She delighted in it, and her attentions were enough to briefly distract her
partner from the need that must have been burning within. "To think..." she murmured quietly
into a spot just to the side of the lithe woman's navel, "I was almost bored. What would I do
without you?"
Mel's wild eyes remained fixated on her, watching her lips move. It was likely only the
certainty of her inferiority that kept her from leaping atop the kneeling dragoness. Even so,
quaking hands fell to Emma's shoulders pushing urgently down on her, trying to force her to
lower her head and acknowledge what was throbbing between them. "I'm m-more interested in
what you're going to do with me."
The edges of her mouth lifted in a knowing smirk. "Well let's just see, hmm?" She
dropped her eyes, angled her snout downward, and snaked her lips down below Mel's waist. The
outline of what was only barely trapped under a layer of plain, utilitarian underclothes left no
doubt as to what the woman had given herself. Emma mewled with piqued interest. It was even...
big. It was hard to tell with how it was pinned up against the crook between the shark's thigh and
groin, but it was definitely more than modest.
"Alright..." she hummed, more to herself than anything. Mel was shaking like a leaf,
making it a task of a few seconds to hook claws under the hem at her waist, but she was
eventually able to pull lazily, dragging her partners smallclothes down her legs. It was relief
enough to spur a beatific sigh from the shark's lungs.
She hadn't really known what to expect, but Mel's freshly-grown masculinity was
ordinary enough, if pleasantly thick. It carried some of the natural tone of the sharks sturdy hide,
so the blood that filled it tinted it a ruddy, greyish-red. She watched it throb, straining and
forcing itself the rest of the way from her lover's crotch, winding up at a respectable seven...
eight inches, complete with a set of swollen testes the size of hen's eggs. It pulsed with lusty
wrath, dribbling droplets of slimy pre to splatter on her floor, and even Mel hesitated, staring
down at her new endowment. "Holy fuck, it's huge..." the newly minted hermaphrodite hissed
She giggled. Eight inches appeared more than impressive on the shark's lean, willowy
frame, so she bit down on her tongue, content to let the shark bask in her fantasy. Her nose was
practically touching it, and it hammered at her senses, filling her sinuses with a haze of peculiar,
enticing musk. "It's certainly made you smell better than usual. I hope you don't mind if I have a
taste before we get too far into it?"
Taking Mel's trembling whimper for assent, she lifted a hand, cupping it gently around
her partner's newborn scrotum. Taut, heavy, lusciously warm, she gave the firm orbs a tender
fondling, feeling them throb and churn as she slid a finger back behind them. The shark's
feminine cleft was drooling profusely, sending thin rivulets running down the dragon's probing
digit. Emma worked a claw between engorged lips, brushing against her lover's pulsing entrance.
A lobed tail thrashed the air as she teased her finger up and inward, letting it be enveloped in a
slick, quivering embrace. Muscled walls flexed around her fingertip, suckling sweetly, trying to
draw her in, and she briefly wondered what Mel could have possibly wanted with something as
boring as a dick.
But... she reminded herself that the shark wasn't as gifted as she, and novelty counted for
much. "Hold still." she murmured, letting her other hand glide up a lean leg and over a tense, taut
buttock. Emma braced her hand there, rubbing fondly, and licked her thin, draconic lips before
letting her tongue slither forward, over her threatening teeth, and out along the burning flesh that
twitched mere inches from her waiting maw. Mel froze as the tip of her sable organ rolled over
the swollen crown of that delectable masculinity, collecting a few beads of slimy precum on its
journey before darting back between her lips for her to sample.
It tasted much as she expected, but with a peculiarly unnatural sweetness that lingered on
her palate and drew a swelling purr from her chest. "Oh, Ranna has outdone herself this time.
Nice and thick, and it tastes like nectar." Emma smacked her lips and let out a heavy breath over
the meat on display before her, and she spread her knees, sinking down to better line herself up.
Mel's eyes grew large and watched her approach, impatient and unblinking. She took her
time, first extending a coil of tongue that looped around the shark's aching girth and cushioned it
from her teeth as she brought her lips forward, entrapping the column of turgid flesh. Thin, shaky
hands clenched around her horns, clinging to her, and she hummed playfully as she worked to
put her lips to her lover's loins, filling her mouth in the process. And fill herself she did. Emma
bore forward until she felt the morsel in her mouth throbbing against the beginning of her throat.
Only then did she retreat, applying enough suction to leave nothing more than a thin sheen of
saliva on the lean Lancer's stunning hardness.
While her wings shuffled excitedly against her back, she withdrew her finger from Mel's
anxious womanhood, pulling her hand forward to wrap her fingers around the mass of swollen
sharkmeat, giving it an idly experimental pump. It was refreshing, stimulating something she
could actually fit in a single hand, and it reacted eagerly to her ministrations, twitching and
bulging in her grip. "Well, I think your new friend likes me..." she mused softly, "What did you
have in mind for us, hmm?"
Her visitor's eyes danced between her face the stiff erection between them. "I want your
mouth." Mel growled softly. "We can figure out the rest after."
"It's all yours, Mel," she sighed in response, "just take it. And don't worry about being
gentle. I'll mind the teeth for you."
Raking a few strands of hair from her eyes, the shark then dropped a hand to her crotch,
slapping it firmly around her engorged shaft. The other slid from Emma's horns to her cheek, and
then her jaw, and she let it maneuver her snout until her lover's crown was pressed urgently
against her lips. Mel grunted, teeth clenched, and she relented. She opened her mouth, tongue
low and ready to receive its charge, and caught the underside of that delightful tumescence,
wrapping her lips around it once again.
With clumsy little thrusts, Mel worked herself farther into the dragon's hot, wet mouth.
Each left her a little deeper, and she gyrated her hips, grinding herself around all while being
corralled, guided, and lusted over by the tongue that called it home. Emma let the shark work,
bucking her compact hips in a reckless, unpracticed rhythm. She was getting the hang of it
quickly enough, not that it was particularly difficult, and would certainly be able to handle
herself when it mattered. Until then, the dragoness curled her tongue around in dizzying loops,
lashing her lover's tool while bobbing her head in a quick, yearning tempo.
Quickly, Mel hilted herself, ramming Emma's face with enough energy to slap her heavy
nuts against the dragon's chin. Nostrils flaring, she moaned stiffly, a sound that quavered in her
chest before being choked off in a husky grunt. "S-so tight! Hnngh... Emma! I... I th-think I...
The dragoness huffed and ripped her head back, pulling free just as a thick spurt of pre
coated her tongue in warning. "Don't worry about it. Let it happen." she slurred as she trailed her
tongue along the throbbing mass, tasting a thick, ruddy vein before following up with her lips.
Mel caught her face lingering and jerked her head straight just to slam that quaking cock home
again, abusing her lips with wild abandon. The shark leaned over onto her, riding her mouth, and
Emma held her up with strong hands on her hips. The dragon's added a little demanding impetus
to her lover's desperate thrusts, and she groaned longingly as her mouth was filled time and time
Pre dribbled over her tongue in quickening spurts. The taste of it gathered in the back of
her throat, and she swallowed it away, suckling and lapping needily at its source. "Emma..." the
shark hissed threateningly. "Emma! Yes! Y-yes! Oh Gods yes! Fuck!"
Wringing her curving horns in shaking hands, Mel thrust forward with brutal finality,
burying herself between the dragoness's lips. Emma felt the shark's modest masculinity bulge
within the coil of her serpentine tongue, dilating around its load a heartbeat before spilling it into
the back of her throat. She hummed languorously and wrapped her arms around the shark's lean
hips, holding them together as she wrung at that delightful masculinity. While her lover bucked
weakly at her face, she couldn't help but swallow away the viscous liquid that boiled into her
mouth. It was sweet and potent, unnaturally and deliciously so, and she took everything Mel had
to give her.
Bending backward as her body spasmed, the aquatic Lancer grunted and whined. Emma
glanced up, watching the shark's abdomen tense with each shallow breath while lazily bobbing
her head, doing far more to extend Mel's pleasure than her lover's spastic bucking. She watched
trickles of more feminine moisture rolling down the insides of those beautiful, trim thighs, and
she chuckled as the sputtering flow of hot seed began to abate, dribbling over her tongue in
spastic spurts. When her partner's legs quivered and went slack, she pulled her head back but let
her lengthy tongue linger on the pulsing shaft that still drooled white from its tip even as it
sagged, spent.
Mel's eyes slid shut, and a shaky hand wandered from Emma's horns down to her cheek.
"Fucking fuck..." gasped the shark, panting. "That was intense... Is... Is that what it's like for
you? Every time?"
She was loathe to retract her tongue and leave that proud tool to bow and drip its dregs
onto the floor, but she managed it. "To an extent," she mused, "but, knowing Ranna, I'm sure she
gave you something to make sure your experience was particularly... memorable."
"Fuck, it worked." Mel groaned, leaning heavily against the dragoness. "Everything's all
tingly, and I... I need a minute."
Mel wobbled a little when the dragoness loosened her grip to rise to her feet, licking her
lips around a bemused grin. "I'll think about it," she purred while snaking her tail up along her
back, "but a minute is an awfully long time, and I don't know if I've got the patience to wait
when I can have what I want right now..." With a few nimble flicks of her tail she undid the
buttons that ran up her spine, and it took no more than a casual shrug to loosen it enough for her
to simply pull it off her chest. She draped the offensive rag over the back of her desk chair and
without hesitation hooked her fingers below her waist. With a subtle wriggle of her backside, she
slid her trousers down over the breadth of her hips and off of her legs, kicking them across the
Totally bare, she stalked back over, cupping a palm over one of her heavy, azure breasts
and giving it a firm squeeze while she curled her other fingers over Mel's shoulder. Tongue on
her lips and wings shuffling anxiously, she leaned down to whisper into the shark's pointed ear.
"I need you to work up another nice, big load for me, just like the last one."
She toyed with Mel's elongated, aural organs with the tips of her razored teeth, nibbling
playfully while the shark squirmed against her. "I'll see what I can do." her wiry, little lover
A breathy laugh bounced her chest. She supposed that was the best she could ask for. It's
not as though Mel had a lot of experience in this arena, after all. It was the least Emma could do
to take them to a place that might have been a little bit more comfortable, and she scooped up the
shark, carrying her partner across the room and using a wing to push aside the curtain that
separated her living quarters from her bedroom proper. Mel grumbled mightily at being so
readily swept off of her feet, but it wasn't as though she could do anything about it, and she
quieted as the dragoness gently deposited her amid the cushions that lined the broad, shallow
depression that dominated the room.
Kneeling down beside her little lover, Emma let a hand glide smoothly down Mel's firm
body and between her legs. She brushed fingers over the shark's tender new manhood, wrapping
it up and massaging a little vitality back into it. "I'm looking forward to giving you a taste,"
breathed the dragoness in an ardent hiss, "but this would be easier if I had a little help."
Mel was moving before she finished her plea. Her sinewy partner pushed herself up on an
elbow, partly to get her weight off of the large fin that protruded between her shoulder blades,
and partly to put lips to the dragoness's scaly, cerulean belly. The shark worked her way down
quickly but passionately, and Emma's breath hitched when she crammed her pointed snout
between thick, muscled thighs. "Come on... For someone who wants it so bad, you're sure taking
your sweet-ass time."
A wave of tingling sensation prickled up her spine, and she let out a gratified sigh as she
flopped over onto her back. Mel followed her, digging hungrily at her crotch, running teeth and
tongue over her sensitive scales. "Ooh, but it's so much better when you work for it."
Mel scoffed. "So long as someone else is doing the work, huh?"
"Exactly." she confirmed as a languid shiver worked through her body. Her eyes drooped
heavily, sliding shut, and she pulled a clawed hand up to her chest, folding it over a big, plump
breast and rolling a dusky black teat between her thumb and forefinger. As she worked herself
over, a luxurious tension built beneath her scaly hide, and she wriggled, presenting more of her
sealed loins by letting her dedicated lover grumble and spread her legs apart with a disgruntled
When those perfect little lips returned to the cleft between her thighs, she tensed, feeling
her desire condense down in her chest in a sudden spike of need that pulsed through her whole
body. "Nnh... Besides... If you want this to work out, you need to let me... focus."
Mel's head popped up, a thoughtful frown spread across her piscine visage. "Oh... yeah. I
guess sticking this thing inside you wouldn't really be the same if you were thirty feet tall."
She sucked in a sharp breath through clenched teeth and let it out as slowly as she could.
Her whole body ached, burning just beneath the surface of her polished, brazen hide. "Gods'
Blood, Mel, I could make it work. It-Nnh... Hnngh! It would feel so good! I could make you
scream my name! And if you don't want to find out just how good it would be, you better hurry
The shark jumped at her guttural command, diving back between her legs. Mel ceased her
impish teasing, immediately finding the nearly invisible irregularity in the fine, overlapping
scales that covered the dragoness's crotch. With the practiced application of a tongue and a few
probing fingertips, she froze Emma's breath in her lungs. Straining backward, spine bending in a
delirious arc, she gasped as the intense pressure coiling up like a spring in her gut found a
modicum of release. Shoving open her hidden slit from within, her own turgid, pre-slicked cock
erupted from her loins like a shiny, black python emerging from its burrow.
It slapped wetly, heavily against her belly, and she got to feel it flex and surge and swell,
inching up her body and prodding up at the undersides of her breasts before its growing stiffness
lifted it up against the weight of its bulk. Below it, almost shyly compared to the urgency of her
brutish masculinity, the petals of her florid, sable flower bloomed, spreading open to reveal the
entrance of her drooling womanhood. The air escaped her lungs in a slow hiss, and she
concentrated on that little sliver of relief, over the cool air washing over her finally exposed
nethers. Her hands gave her bust a final squeeze and left it to glide down her belly and between
her powerful thighs. She used them to spread herself even further, kneading the scales to either
side of her gaping slit as it stretched and stretched to hold what jutted from her loins; she was
cautious, almost afraid to touch it.
Mel wasn't. Emma tensed and grunted as a thin hand slid up and over her pulsing shaft,
taking it up in a tight grip. The shark leaned deeply over her and used the other hand to encircle
what she could of her swollen dragonhood and stroke it longingly. Thin, soft lips pressed against
her stunning flesh even as it lurched upward, harder and harder, and her lithe, marine lover
chuckled. "We can have fun with this later, I promise. But right now I want... this." Letting a
hand slip down, she pushed a couple fingers meaningfully into the supple flesh the dragoness's
slick netherlips.
Dragging her eyes open under the weight of her desire, Emma nodded. With a gentle but
unstopping hand, she pushed the shark back and out from the space between her legs and sat up.
Her titanic cock throbbed, bobbing just above the swells of her breasts, and she licked her lips as
she dropped a hand to support it. She could just open her mouth and bury it into her throat. It
would take less than a heartbeat, but she pushed the thought from her mind while she rolled a
finger over a pulsating vein. Instead, she flipped over, sinking her knees into the plush cushions
and bracing her hands on the rim of her oversized bed pit. The dragoness bent her arms, dipping
her front low. Her immense tool dragged over cold stone as she pushed herself down into it. She
let it slide between her breasts, huge and angry, and she arched her back, thrusting out her firm
Her wings shifted eagerly, and her tail danced up into the air to expose her from behind.
Emma wiggled her hips from side to side and peered back over her shoulder. "I want it too," she
mewled, "but you have to promise to make it worth holding back."
It took a breath for Mel to pull shut her hanging jaw, and when she did, a reverent hiss
whispered between her clenched teeth. "I'll do my best."
Emma laughed. "I know. You always do. Now come up here and give it to me. I trust you
can figure out what to do..."
She watched Mel shoot her a lascivious grin over the curve of her upturned ass. "I
dunno... Let's see, shall we?"
Icy excitement poured through her veins as the shark shimmied her way forward and laid
hands on the breadth of her hips. Emma felt thin fingers explore her hard muscle, sweeping over
the mound of her rump and wandering down her thighs before dancing back up between them.
She felt hot breath on her exposed flesh as Mel leaned inward and panted shallow puffs of air
over her tender netherlips. Her lean lover kissed her, lips to slick womanhood. Fingers reached
inward and spread her engorged lips apart; a tongue meandered up and down her lurid, ebony
gash and collected her copious lubricants, smeared them around with pursed lips and lingering
Emma's head dropped forward, and she tensed her jaw around a trilling moan. Her cock
bloated beneath her, pulsing as it pumped a continual trickle of viscous pre between her breasts
to puddle on the stone of the floor. Lashing the air, her tail flicked wildly from side to side, and
she hissed at the ardent woman behind her, "Stop teasing... I'm ready, Mel. Hurry. Please."
With a final probing push of her tongue, the shark withdrew grinning with lips shiny with
feminine slime. She gave the scaly creature before her a wordless nod and straightened, using
Emma's raised butt as a crutch to rise to her feet. Mel was clearly just as ready, with a ruddy grey
tool that was throbbing visibly, bobbing in the air. It looked even thicker than when it had been
in Emma's mouth, and the dragoness chewed expectantly on a lip while she spread her knees a
little more. With hands on her waist, her lover bent knees, leaned down onto her, and lined
herself up.
There was no more play to be had. The shark only took a heartbeat to prod herself against
her and ensure they both had the angle they needed before Mel bucked her hips and slammed
every inch she'd been given into Emma's waiting passage. The dragoness gasped and squeezed
out a moan that trailed off into nothing as her tender inner walls were abruptly and forcefully
shoved apart. Her body reacted instantly and joyously, clamping down on its intruder with
savage glee. Mel's arms wobbled, and her face lost some of its lustful color. "Fuck," she grunted
sharply, "Ease up! Ease up!"
Emma growled as her feminine tunnel squeezed at the hot shaft that had been buried into
it. It had been a while since she'd been filled with anything, and she luxuriated in the sensation of
something pulsing heavily in her sensual embrace. It took a heroic effort to relax her overeager
muscles, but when she did, Mel heaved a sigh of relief and twisted her narrow hips, exploring
what she could of the dragoness's innards. "Fuck..." the shark hissed more placidly. "It's so hot...
You're so tight. What... I... Oh fuck..."
The dragoness was on the verge of snapping a demand for less talking and more fucking,
but she held her patience and was rewarded for it. She knew what her body had to offer, and she
knew that Mel couldn't resist. Her lusty lover gritted teeth and pulled an inch of spasming flesh
free of her womanhood's vicious grip, and then managed two with a breath that escaped as a soft
hiss. Emma could feel the vein that throbbed atop that girthy shaft; she could feel it all aching
within her as it glided along her tender folds. And then the shark thrust herself back in with
joyous vigor, lean hips smacking roughly against the meat of her muscled backside.
Mel repeated the firm motion again, this time dragging a full three inches free before
thrusting the whole thing back again with a sharp buck and a slurred cry. Emma returned it, a
thick, sensuous moan sliding from her throat like molasses as her body rocked from the force of
it. She didn't fight it; she let the shark roughly hump her, sending her whole body lurching in
time. It let her lover keep a semblance of a rhythm, bouncing her body on that satisfying, steel
hard tool. It let Mel push and pull her, rutting her down and forward into the ground.
With each wet little slap of flesh on flesh, florid grey on dusky black, she would tense
with the wave of euphoria that washed through her. Each jerky movement dragged her whole
body back and forth a fraction of an inch, and the shark's weight added to her own as she pushed
down on her swollen dragonhood and ground it into the floor. She squished her upper arms into
the sides of her ample breasts and rocked her hips in time with her little lover's, giving herself a
tiny thrust each time Mel's stiff tool was buried into her hungry cleft. The slit terminating her
tapered crown oozed profusely, letting a stream of precum ease her journey against the flawless
Her feminine sex was doing no less. Each jerk of the shark's hips squeezed a few droplets
of clear lubricants from her yearning passage. It smeared between them and across the scales
surrounding her mingled sexes, but there was far too much to be accounted for in such a way. It
was shared between them. It dripped down her slit and onto the base of her cock, where it
followed its curve until it met the ground. The rest of it slimed Mel's crotch, making the sounds
coming from behind her more and more wet until it could slick her lover's swollen sac and be
slung from it in wild arcs with each swing of those heavy, seed-bearing orbs.
The shark was trapped in rut, and it seemed that she had no thought deeper than pounding
Emma's exposed sex harder and harder. Mel grunted coarsely as her entire wiry body flexed with
lustful desperation. Taut muscle bunched beneath rough skin, and her hands wrapped further and
further around the dragoness's hips and waist, ever eager for more leverage or a better angle. And
the dragon in question loved it. Each thrust made her scaly form lurch, and each pushed a sharp
puff of air from her lungs in a short, high-pitched yelp. Each ravaged her plush inner folds and
sent a rush of boiling blood lancing through her loins to make her hulking tool bulge in wordless
threat. Each sent a spurt of gooey precum a little further from her bulbous glans as her dense
musculature began to tense in that same dire tempo.
"Yes! Mel!' she squealed. "Harder! Give me everything!" She pleaded for more. She
begged. It was probably unbefitting of a dragon of her stature, but she didn't care. Her body grew
increasingly tense, stiffening to iron under her polished scales, and her frantic ecstasy coursed
through her very core, turning to pure energy and scintillating over her bare form in a cascading
web of violet-white sparks. Her mouth opened, long tongue lolling limply between her teeth as
she moaned with shameless urgency, and she didn't even hesitate. She jerked her head down,
chin to her chest, and crammed the head of her quaking cock between her lips.
The heat of her angry flesh shocked her, but she didn't let up. She pushed herself down
until her nose was between her breasts in an effort to devour all that she could. Her sinuous
tongue whirled in intricate circles around her elephantine girth, and she suckled like the viscous
fluid that spilled into her throat was the nectar of the gods. Her tail whipped down and looped
itself around Mel's chest, tying together her and the source of her pleasure. The shark hammered
her aching slit with a hammer of desire, growling like a wild woman losing all sense of self, and
the reason became evident after only a few intense, passionate moments.
Her lover came within her grasping folds with a breathless, ragged growl. Hot cum boiled
into the depths of her feminine tunnel in quivering spurts that matched the rhythm of Mel's shaky
grunts. They weren't the flowery or ladylike. They were vicious and genuine, and that made them
all the more beautiful to Emma's ears. The shark collapsed onto her back, dropping the entirety
of that lean body onto her rump and devoting all focus to numbly bucking and emptying herself.
Feeling Mel trembling against her, inside her, feeling that pulsing tool ravaging her silken
folds while filling her with divine, liquid heat, it was what Emma needed. A jolt of blinding
sensation darted up her spine, sending nerves screeching in bliss along the way, and exploded
behind her eyes with force enough to pinch them shut. Her wings billowed open and beat weakly
at the air as if berating it for tantalizing her hypersensitive scales, and she found her release
alongside her spasming lover.
Mel groaned weakly as her velvet womanhood clamped down like a vice on the spewing
shaft lodged within it. Her body wanted what it was giving her, and it wanted every last drop.
Rippling contractions pulled hungrily on it even as Emma caught the first geysering blast of her
own scalding seed in the back of her throat. It puffed out her cheeks, and she tried to swallow
before it was doubled with another. She failed. She choked and convulsed as it overflowed her
draconic maw. She didn't need to swallow, she launched it straight down her throat before she
could part her lips and let fully a pint of pearlescent seed spill from her stuffed mouth and
splatter across the stone.
Gasping, and as soon as she could get a lungful of air past her slimy lips, she threw her
head back and roared as her orgasm only swelled in strength. Her thick shaft dilated beneath her,
swelling with a veritable geyser of stringy cum that launched halfway across the room to splatter
over the floor in long, whitish ropes. Again and again they came, Outstripping the tempo and
violence of her lover's more subdued release. With each load Mel deposited along her quivering
walls, she spewed a quart or more of pearly spunk at the far wall, each whipping up and down in
lazy loops as the shark continued to thrust mindlessly.
Relieved tears blurred her vision even as they rolled back into her head. It felt like her
spine would break as it arched explosively, and she drooled cum from her lips and chin as sparks
snapped across her scales, over her wings, and even between her bladelike teeth. Emma came
and came and came. Her slick gash wrung at its prisoner even as the flow of luscious heat
flagged, and a fresh tide of clear fluids gushed over their conjoined crotches as she creamed
herself. The shark put forth a noble effort, bucking long past the point of fatigue, but Mel
couldn't hope to compete with the dragoness's fortitude. The deluge of her viscous spunk
gradually slowed, but it took well more than just a minute for it to truly abate, and when her
lover was draped over her rump, whining and shivering, her voracious womanhood was still
clenching around the piscine woman's softening member.
But it was enough, and she showed mercy. With her tail, she gently pushed Mel off of
her, freeing her lover from the grasp of her raw, viciously pleased body. The feeling of the shark
sliding out of her sparked a fresh swell of euphoria and she moaned breathily as it happened,
blinking as she tensed and fired a few more weak spurts of thinner, less virile jizz barely a few
feet in front of her. The shark simply collapsed to the cushions of her bedding, panting, and she
mirrored the sentiment. With a shaky arm, she pushed herself up enough to flop lazily onto her
back, keeping her wings outstretched to either side. Her breasts heaved on her chest as she forced
herself to pull in deep, steady breaths, but it still took a dizzy moment to get a rein on her lungs
and heartbeat.
From what she could tell, she was the first one to recover enough to move under her own
power, and she only did that to lift a hand to her face and scrub at her bleary eyes. After that, she
stared at the ceiling for a few good seconds before propping herself half upright on an elbow.
Mel was doing much the same, blinking dumbly at the stone above, but the shark caught her
staring. "Fuck, Emma... Its going to take me a minute to figure out how to top that."
She laughed, wiping a few strands of her own cum from her snout and pointedly ignoring
the whole ocean of it that was currently drying on the floor behind her. Instead, she pushed
herself forward and onto her hands and knees to crawl over to where the shark was laying,
stunned. Her tender, flaccid dick dragged over the cushions, and she winced, hissing as she
settled herself down next to her piscine partner. Draping a hand over Mel's belly, she snuggled
close, pressing her limp flesh firmly into her lover's side before pulling it back into her body and
sealing herself away for another time. "You've got a few before I'm ready to go again." purred
the dragoness. "Maybe I'll even let you talk me into giving you a few more."
The shark huffed indignantly, but it turned into an airy chuckle halfway through. "Yeah,
sure. How'd I do for a newbie?"
A smile split her lips, and she sighed as she draped and arm across Mel's chest and rested
her head on a soft cushion. "Not bad at all. Although I could be wrong. Maybe I was just really
pent up."
Mel shot her a theatric pout, but wriggled a little closer regardless. "Aww. You poor little
thing. Have we been neglecting you?"
She scoffed. "Please. I've just been busy. And you know how much I like to take my
"Yeah, I do." Mel sighed. "Speaking of... How's the rest of your day looking?"
Her grin broadened, and she leaned in to brush her lips meaningfully over those of her
little, squirming lover. "Pretty hectic."

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