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(Creative Problem Solving)

Mitchell, W.E. and Kowalik, T.F, 1999, Creative Problem Solving, 3rd, available download:

| 1

(Creative Problem Solving)

(how to think and do)




, ,

| 2

(Creative Problem Solving)


(Mess Finding)

(key questions)
(Data Finding)

(key problem)
(Problem Finding) (key questions)

(Idea Finding)

(Solution Finding)

(key questions)
(Acceptance Finding)

(Action Plan Finding)

| 3

(Creative Problem Solving)

1. (mess finding)


? ?

.? (How to?)

| 4

(Creative Problem Solving)

2. (data finding)

? ?
? ?

? ?

| 5

(Creative Problem Solving)

3. (problem finding)
(problem statements)
? ? ? ?
? ()...?


| 6

(Creative Problem Solving)

4. (idea finding)

| 7

(Creative Problem Solving)

5. (solution finding)

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h)
(i) (j)

a b c d f g h i j

| 8

(Creative Problem Solving)

6. (acceptance finding)

? ?
? ?

| 9

(Creative Problem Solving)

7. (action plan finding)

| 10

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