Patron of Glantri

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Patron of Glantri, Patron of Magic, Lord of Radiance

Level, Alignment, Sphere: 22nd (Empyreal), LN, Energy

Symbol: Three semi-circumferences which intersect each other, forming a perfect triangle
Portfolio: Radiance, magic, knowledge, order, Glantri
Worshipped in: Glantri
Appearance: Rad appears to be an elderly man with a long white beard, a gruff outlook, but with keen and piercing
eyes, wearing a long robe embroidered with mysterious runes and magical symbols. History: Etienne dAmbreville
was born in the province of Averoigne on the world of Laterre (Dimension of Myth). Last heir to an old tradition of
wizards and alchemists, Etienne was always a bit odd but had a real talent for magic. The problem was that magic
was widely considered a blasphemous pact with fiendish forces, a heinous crime, and outlawed in his world. Etienne
sought for many years a way to escape his world, and he finally was able to create a magical gate that he used to
lead his whole family out of Averoigne, fleeing religious persecutions in time. The Ambrevilles arrived in Glantri in
AC 728 and immediately gained lordship over a wide area that they christened Nouvelle Averoigne. Etienne then
discovered the existence of a powerful source of magic buried beneath the very soil of Glantri, and became the first
human to unveil the power of Radiance. After tinkering with its powers, he reached immortality in the Sphere of
Energy in AC 855, the second mortal to rise to the Celestial Spheres without a patron (the first had been
Rafiel). He immediately created the philosophy of The Rad, a concept that represented magic in all its forms,
which he himself promoted and spread among the wizards of Glantri; thereby starting his own philosophical
religion. To avoid the religious persecutions and debates he suffered in his homeland, he did not want to be
recognized as a true Immortal. Later he had the Council of Wizard-Princes ban any kind of religious order from
Glantri, in order to prevent any kind of religious schism in his country. Etienne was later responsible for creating
the Great School of Magecraft, becoming its Grand Master in AC 875, and in AC 896 the Principality of Nouvelle
Averoigne obtained its seat in the parliament of the Principalities of Glantri. However, shortly after this
acknowledgment, Etienne was treacherously killed by his brother Henri and his own mother Catharine, who wanted
to usurp his lordship. Because of Etienne's curse, the two conspirators were reduced to skeletons and the whole
Chateau d'Ambreville vanished into another dimension, while the Princes of Glantri prevented anybody from
settling the Nouvelle Averoigne to avoid further disappearances. In AC 979, a group of adventurers was able to
enter Ambreville Castle and break Etiennes curse, raising him from the dead. The castle crumbled and all of the
dAmbrevilles trapped inside died, except for Etienne. He went back to Averoigne on Laterre and bargained with his
old friend, the sorceress Genevive de Sephora, a passage to Mystara in exchange for her own tower, la
Maison de Sylaire, which became the dAmbrevilles new fortress. Finally, he wished all of his relatives back to life
and returned Nouvelle Averoigne to its ancient glory. From that day he has used his mortal identity of
Etienne dAmbreville to further his researches on the Radiance and the Nucleus of the Spheres, and to create a cadre
of powerful mages to help him maintain this secret (Brotherhood of Radiance). Personality: Rad is brilliant,
unpredictable, lonely, and terribly stubborn. While he impersonates Etienne, he pretends to be absent-minded and
gruff, in order to make others believe he is senile, while his mind is as keen as ever. Rad enjoys teasing all those
people he considers too proud or stiff-necked by using his typical Averoignese irony. In particular, he irritates Ixion
every time he can, since he has never acknowledged his leadership in his Sphere. This irreverence for the immortal
hierarchy obviously brings him the sympathy as well as the hatred of many fellow immortals. Rads irreverent
character is often the point of many debates within the Sphere of Energy, where many hot-headed immortals who
want to shake the hierarchy and overthrow the reigning immortals follow his example. Despite his stubbornness and
his boldness, Rad is too kind-hearted to take his enemies seriously.

Patron: None (Radiance)

Allies: None (sometimes collaborates with Rafiel)
Enemies: None (often in contrast with Ixion)
Classic D&D Stats
Followers' alignment: Neutral or Lawful: clerics must be Lawful
Favoured weapon: None (allowed all weapons which do max 1d4 hp at Basic level of mastery)
Clerics' skills & powers: Rad has no clerics. The Shepherds of Rad in Glantri are in fact wizards who receive from
Rad these powers:
+1 bonus to Wisdom and Intelligence (one of the two bonus is granted at 1st level, the other at 9 level, at the

Shepherd's choice);
+10% bonus to any roll for enchanting magic items and researching spells.
D&D 3E Stats
Domains: Energy, Law, Magic, Knowledge
Favoured weapon: Dagger
Source: GAZ3, WotI

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