Georges Rizk Testimony - Cems: Misericordia, "A Heart in The Misery" in Latin, Aims at Giving A Hopeful Response To This

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Statistics speak loud about inequalities and poverty in Chile. In one mountain, the
wealthiest students of the Adolfo Ibanez business school would eagerly daydream
successful careers and salaries; in another, not so far, the children of the Pincoya
would face the daily realities of drugs, alcohol, violence, poverty and misery.
Misericordia, a heart in the misery in Latin, aims at giving a hopeful response to this
unbearable reality by reaching out women, men and children in their miseries, sharing
with them their burdens, accompanying and supporting them; it is a beating heart of
fraternity when despair appears overwhelming.


My major personal contribution in Misericordia is in the Educational Center, which from

Wednesday to Friday welcomes children after school. Kids are split into different
groups of work. Thus, my mission is to tutor Esteban, Ariel and Abraham in math,
Spanish, and reading under the benevolent sight of San Francisco Javier, the Saint
Patron of our table of study!
I am also in charge of helping violin beginners to practice. Indeed, if one hour is
dedicated to academic tutoring, more than one hour is dedicated to extracurricular
activities, theater, football, dance, and music. I tutor Catalina, Carolina, Millaray, Janis,
Vicky and Valentina. It was completely unexpected: being able to share my passion
with those gifted girls is a wonderful present. I dream to hear them play duets with the
pianist learners of the center! Ojal!


To be honest, Ive never asked myself this question in those terms.

I met Misericordia two years ago in France through a testimony given by a volunteer. I
was frankly moved by the story of the founding couple; two crazy folks that chose to
dedicate their whole life to those who had the less. Arriving in Chile, a friend insisted
that we went to Misericordia. At that time I couldnt remember that Misericordia was
the same NGO by this same crazy couple. I arrived and I simply got touched by the
wonders of this center, for the kids, for their family and for the neighbors something
comparable to a Waw, I was meant to be here! Thank you! Here I am! Vamos!
Actually, despite what Ive written in the previous question, so many times an hour, at
Misericordia, I wonder who is actually tutoring whom. Isnt finally my contribution a
simple and yet essential faithful presence on their sides to keep proving them that not
they can but also they will manage to? A light on their road to guide them, giving, the
best I can, what Ive received from my parents, my teachers, from Life, from Christ.
I feel deeply grateful for the many beautiful persons I met at Misericordia. A heart in
misery, a heart in their misery and a heart in my own misery, teaching me humility,
courage, unconditional hope, the power of forgiveness, the strength of brotherhood,
the thirst of justice.
If I may, I want to share my prayer that the wounds of Ariel, Este, Abraham, Cata, Caro,
Milla, Janis, Vicky, Vale, Bruno, Javi, Chepi, Manu, Jesus, Jon, Tomas, of all those
kids of the center and the Picoya, those parents, those women and men -- wounds one
inevitably thrust their finger into at Misericordia -- be for all of them a living proof of
their values, of their victories, after all, a motif of higher Joy, Hope and Confidence!
Some ancient wisdom (VI-IV B.C.): Because thou shalt forget thy misery, and
remember it as waters that pass away. And thine age shall be clearer than the
noonday; thou shalt shine forth, thou shalt be as the morning. And thou shalt be secure,
because there is hope; yea, thou shalt dig about thee, and thou shalt take thy rest in
safety. Job 11:16-18

La Misericordia cambia el mundo!

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