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Bio 150 Molecular Cell Biology interaction of parts the more regulation that

Miriam de Vera, PhD must be exerted to maintain the system

Lecture 1.2 Properties of Cells - Is the whole simple or complex? Cells are
Reductionist Approach: To understand the characteristic of - Highly complex requires more organization
a whole (maybe an organism, organ system, cell, tissue), - They should be in their proper place for them to
you must have knowledge about its component parts (and perform their correct function
immediate cellular envt) and how they work together. - Less tolerance of errors (bc if one part is disrupted,
Ex. Molecules component part of a cell the whole thing can be degenerated)
- Errors are not easily tolerated in a highly complex
Cell Theory entity so there must be some regulatory system to
- At the same level of atomic theory avoid these errors
- Major tenets: - Different micrographs of the intestinal cell at
1. All organisms are composed of 1 or more cells different resolutions:
2. Cell structural unit of life
o Not viruses
3. All cells arise from pre-existing cells. (Cell

- Sub-living particle: not able to exist independently as
living organisms outside the host
- Component: protein coated nucleic acid material (DNA
or RNA)
o TMV tobacco mosaic virus
o T-bacteriophage like a satellite bacteriophage
- Outside the host cell: crystalline form, non-living but are
composed of biomolecules (protein and DNA/RNA,
lipid layer in some)
- Virus vs. Pro-Virus vs. Virion vs. Viroid *Cell and Molecular Biology: know also the
o Virus protein + genetic material components and what they look like
o Pro-virus viral DNA incorporated already in the *Composition of villi (left): actin filaments
host DNA; very specific to that integral viral DNA *Mitochondrion (right) within the cytoplasm of
o Virion more generic term than virus; epithelial cell; cristae with ATP synthase protein
macromolecular package consisting of a *with microscopic techniques, we can better study
proteinaceous capsid and the genetic material the parts of the whole (cell)
o Viroid viruses in which the nucleic acid
material is circular RNA; infective (inside host cell 2. Possessing a genetic program and the means to use it.
already; devoid of the coat); exploits mRNA - Genetic material contained within the
synthetic machinery for protein to make its own chromosomes
proteins for propagation - Many processes regulated by these genes
- Diseases caused by viroids Kadang- - Blue fluorescent dye attaches to chromosome
kadang (in coconuts), potato blight

Basic Properties of Cell Figure: oocyte producing

*(greater depth than properties of life) polar bodies
1. Highly complex and organized.
- The more complex a structure the greater the
number of parts that must be in their proper place
the less the tolerance of errors in the nature and

3. Capable of reproduction - Not all are obvious behavioral responses
- While viruses might have genetic program - Static: alive and responding to external/internal
reproduction only occurs within a host stimuli but not obvious until you go to its molecular
- Genetic material has to be faithfully duplicated aspect
prior to cell division so that you can have the right - Responses can also be based on chemical
means of having cellular reproduction signaling (not always mechanical response)
- Previous figure: meiosis (alternative: mitosis) - Responses can be short term or long term
- POLAR BODIES segregation of genetic material depending on the kind of cells

4. Energy acquisition and utilization *Rube Goldberg machine

- Figure: Spirogyra filamentous algae; with - an outcome being the product of prior steps
chloroplasts (ribbon-like) for photosynthesis - one response has been triggered by another
- chloroplast acquires light energy and uses it for and another prior to that and another
photosynthesis [metabolic process] to create stored - most processes esp. chemical rxns going on in
sugars cells including the outcomes (responses) are a
- Chemical reactions require energy; not only for result of a cascade of events (cell signaling)
acquisition and utilization but also other processes - emphasis on several steps preceding an
inside the cell that require energy packets/ATP outcome (also true for the cell)
input and output
Ex. Protein synthesis, translation, transport 8. Capable of self-regulation
- Output: based on utilization of energy - Figure: pluteus larva
- Input: acquisition - Scenario 1 (left): Under normal circumstances, a
fertilized egg will undergo the typical process of
cleavage normal sized pluteus larva
- Scenario 2: single cell division halved then
separated normal pluteus but smaller in size
since the starting material is smaller
- Implication: cells can self-regulate
- Self-regulation will depend on the extent of the
5. Carrying out a variety of chemical reactions - There are certain degrees of disturbance or
- Cell Metabolism sum total of the chemical disruption which can still be countered by normal
reactions in a cell regulatory processes so its possible to still have
- Chemical rxns require energy (connected to #4) viable (not necessarily normal) organisms
- Enzymes catalysts for these chemical reactions

6. Engaged in numerous mechanical activities

- Motility/movement
- Bacterium: flagella
- Fibroblast: microfilaments; amoeboid movement
- Mechanical activities of living things are not
always obvious (ex. static cells)
- Static cells: microfilaments/ cytoskeletal elements
are moving even though the actual self is not; there
is movement within
Ex. Cyclosis
9. Evolving
7. Ability to respond to stimuli - Applicable to any biological level of organization
- Most obvious manifestation of sensitivity to - Consequence of the changing environment
stimulus: mechanical behavior or movement

Two types of cells: Differences between Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes
1. Prokaryotic
2. Eukaryotic more complex

Features held in common by the 2 types of cells:

Plasma membrane of similar construction
o Lipid bilayer with some proteins
Genetic information encoded in DNA using identical
genetic code
o Universal genetic code
Similar mechanisms for transcription and translation
of genetic information, including similar ribosomes *
Shared metabolic pathways (e.g., glycolysis and TCA
o Simplest means of energy acquisition that
will encompass the activity of prokayotes *
Similar apparatus for conservation of chemical * = with exception
energy as ATP (located in the plasma membrane of Genetic Organization
prokaryotes and the mitochondrial membrane of o Prok: single chromosome; no histones but w/
eukaryotes) a diff protein depending on bacterial species
Similar mechanisms of photosynthesis (between o Euk: multiple chromosome; linear DNA;
cyanobacteria and green plants) histones necessary for chromosome
Similar mechanism for synthesizing and inserting structure
membrane proteins Plasmids circular double stranded DNA; found
o Translated proteins go to membrane through mostly in small organisms (small yeasts, few
protein sorting plants) which suggests that it is highly extraneous
Proteasomes (protein digesting structures) of similar in larger organisms
construction (between archaeabacteria and Plasma membrane
eukaryotes) o Prok: mesosomes folded invaginations in
o Proteasomes molecules not organelles; bacterial plasma membrane; like infoldings in
digest proteins to utilize resulting amino acids inner mitochondrial membrane
o Euk: no mesosomes
Prokaryotic Cell vs. Eukaryotic Cell Internal membranes = organelle; connected to the
plasma membrane if present. If not, yung plasma
membrane na mismo
o Euk: associated with membrane bound
organelles: golgi, mitochondrion, plastids etc.
o Recall: whatever processes occur in euk will
also occur in prok
o Prok: given that they dont have organelles,
their plasma membrane function as
organelles (multifunctional)
Ribosomes not based on mass but on
sedimentation rates; implication of ribosome size:
*bacterium much much smaller than a single plant cell
o Euk: larger ribosomes more complex
*Implication of size differences: content of nuclear material
proteins translated
- Prok (bacteria): smaller volume of nuclear content
In general, cytoskeleton found in E are absent in P
less # of genes less diverse proteins
Cell wall (based on complexity of components)
- Euk: relatively bigger larger genomes higher
o E: cellulosic; not all have cell walls
probability of having more genes to express a more
o P: peptidoglycan
diverse group of proteins

o Cellulose not a protein so more complex Mitosis
production process (needs enzymes to - Eukaryotic
connect sugar units) unlike - Fig: mitotic spindle proteins (green) and
o Peptidoglycan translation only chromosomes (blue)
o E: cell division - mitosis (except for
unicellular euk - fission)
o P: amitotic they undergo fission but theres
no mitotic spindle so its not considered as
Site of electron transport
- Fig: Bacteria (recipient and
o Very important event in energy/ATP
donor) interchanging DNA
o E: mitochondrial and thylakoid membrane
- With restrictions: entire
o P: no organelles so only PM (represents
genetic material is not
internal mem and organelles) is used
transferred, only some of it.
majority do not exhibit endocytosis, phagocytosis,
- If there is some material
cytoplasmic streaming
thats incorporated in the
Intracellular transport
donor bacterium, over time
o P: diffusion (most common mode; present
(esp when it reproduces
also in Euk)
again), foreign genetic
o E: transport vesicles
material will eventually
disappear. Thus, this
Cell Wall of Bacteria (+ vs -)
process of genetic exchange is often repeated
Gram + - numerous peptidoglycan strands with anionic
- Genetic exchange and reproduction associated
charges so crystal violet easily attaches; Actinobacteria,
- F pilus
Gram - - stained using counterstain because there is
lipopolysaccharide and little peptidoglycan; antibiotic
- Difference based on complexity of flagellum
resistant bacteria; Pseudomonas, E. coli, Klebsiella
- P: flagellated bacteria; each flagellum is only a
single protein called flagellin
- E: sperm flagellum; axonemal structure with
multiple proteins (nexin, dinein)
- Even though they have the same function, the
complexity of the protein structure of the motor
component is different

Plant Cell Wall


Types of Prokaryotic Cells
1. Archaea (Archaebacteria)
- Believed to be the first one (ancient) because
most live in extremely inhospitable environments
- More closely related to eukaryotes
- Ex. Methanogens (methane-rich environments),
Thermophiles (temperature; volcanic vents in
oceans), Acidophiles (low pH; in gold mines,
trailing), Halophiles (salty; like those in dead sea)

2. Bacteria (Eubacteria)
- Mycoplasma [smallest, pathogenic; ex.
tubercolosis] & Cyanobacteria [photosynthetic
and/or nitrogen fixing]
- Pathogenic and non-pathogenic

Estimated Number and Biomass of Prokaryotes

Table: Estimates of the population of prok that are found in

different environments
*Pg petagram
*C carbon (base material of producers)
*more than 90% live in subsurface sediments beneath
the ocean
*estimated C approximates the C stored in plants
(almost the same utilization of C with major eukaryotic
*Sequestering C in our environments prokaryotes
have big roles

Types of Eukaryotic Cells

1. Unicellular one cell can perform all cellular
processes required for life
Ex. Vorticella single celled organism; macro and

2. Multicellular several cells perform at least 1

function; feature specialization of different cells; can
have other tissues with corresponding functions
Ex. Adipose tissue nucleus at periphery, stores
fat and for structural support; cant perform same
range of functions as Vorticella because its
*What process in embryonic development causes
specialization of function? DIFFERENTIATION

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry

about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Matthew 6:34

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