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Chapter 3.


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Idealizations of Complex Processes

The analysis of
many complex
processes can be
reduced to a
manageable level by
utilizing some

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Why not go directly to fuel/air cycles?
Not difficult, but messy
Intake issues
Residual gasses in cylinder
Have both temperature and chemistry
Thermodynamics of fuel air mixture
How to do isentropic compression?
Exhaust issues
Completely different gas (not like a gas turbine)
Variations in entropy and enthalpy have to be computed per species
Dissociation at high temperatures; composition changes as temperatures decreases

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Simplifications for an Ideal Thermodynamic Cycle

Air-standard analysis is used to perform

elementary analyses of IC engine cycles
1) Fixed amount of air (ideal gas) for working fluid
2) Combustion process not considered
3) Intake and exhaust processes not considered
4) Engine friction and heat losses not considered
5) Specific heats independent of temperature

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Different look at a Carnot Cycle

IC Engine Cycles have more interest in volume

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The Net Work Output of a Cycle

The net work output of

a cycle is
A) area inscribed by Wnet
B) equivalent to the
product of the mean effect
pressure and the
displacement volume

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Actual and Ideal Cycles in Spark-Ignition Engines and
Their P-v Diagram

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Cycles of interest book figure
The Otto Cycle
The Otto cycle is the ideal cycle for the spark-ignition reciprocating
engines, and it consists of four internally reversible processes:
isentropic compression,
constant volume heat addition,
isentropic expansion,
constant volume heat rejection
To put numbers to it, we need properties of air!

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QUICK Review
Perfect gas law
Specific heats
Isentropic relations
Air Tables (variable specific heats)

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Properties of Air
Perfect gas law
Universal Gas Constant
Universal gas constant
8.314 kJ/kg-moleK absolute temperature

# of moles (kgmoles)
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What are kgmoles?
Perfect gas law comes from Chemistry
Chemists use cgs system without saying so (12 grams of carbon
contain Avogadros number of molecules or one mole)
they normally drop the grams when referring to atomic weight
Engineers use kgmoles and lbmmoles
How many moles of carbon in a kgmole of carbon?

1 kgmole or 1000 gmole or 1000 mole

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What is ?

From Chemistry, = 0.08206 liter-atm/mole-deg

Conversion factors
0.1013 kJ = 1 liter-atm
1000 mole = 1 kgmole
= 8.3127 kJ/kgmole-K

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Properties of Air
R = 0.286 kJ/kg-K =
53.34 ft-lbf/lbm-R =
Perfect gas law 0.0685 Btu/lbm-R
Engineering R

Pvm = NT
Pv = RT ; R = N / m = / m.w.
For perfect (or ideal) gases
u = u(T) only

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When and why perfect gas law?

Very good for air away from phase changes

R changes very little with temperature
Relates three intuitive properties
Need to find ways to get energies and entropy!
Will be gotten indirectly from 1st and 2nd law
Gibbs Equations

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Combine 1st and 2nd laws to
Gibbs Equations remove heat transfer

Power of the 2nd law comes when combined with the 1st

First Law : dQ = dE + PdV

2nd Law : TdS = dQ + Ps
Combined : TdS Ps = dE + PdV
Reversible and no KE or PE : TdS = dU + PdV
Intensive form : Tds = du + Pdv
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Gibbs Equations

Or, we can use an alternate form:

h = u + pv
dh = du + pdv + vdp
Tds = du + Pdv
Tds = dh vdP

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Specific Heats
Based on exact differentials: note u=u(T only)

u = u (v, T )
u u
du = dT + dv
T v v T
du = cv dT
u2 u1 = cv dT

Calorically perfect gases

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Specific Heats
Repeat for enthalpy {h=h(T only)}
let h = h( p, T )
h h
dh = dP + dT = 0 + c p dT
So, the Gibbs equations for calorically perfect gasses are:

Tds = cv dT + Pdv
Tds = c p dT vdP
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Isentropic Relations

0 = cv dT + Pdv
Set dS=0 in
equations and
solve for 0 = c p dT vdp
v P dp dv
dp = dv; = k
k = cp/cv cp cv p v
P2 v2
= ; Pv = const

P1 v1

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Ratio of Specific Heats

many symbols used; k, ,

k = 1.4 for most diatomic gasses
k = cp/cv
R = cp - cv

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Isentropic Relations

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The Otto Cycle

Considering a control mass!
Constant volume heat addition as opposed to constant pressure!!!

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Diagrams for the Ideal Otto Cycle

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1st Law for control mass
Change of energy within a system is equal to transfers of energy
across a system

dE = dQ + dW = Q PdV

E2 E1 = Q1, 2 + W1, 2 = Q1, 2 P(V2 V1 )

Scaled per unit mass
u 2 u1 = q1, 2 + w1, 2 = q1, 2 P(v2 v1 )
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First Law Analysis of Otto Cycle
12 Isentropic Compression AIR

(u 2 u1 ) = ( in )
m m
= (u2 u1 ) = cv (T2 T1 )
k 1
T2 v1 k 1
P2 T2 v1
= =r P1 T1 v2
T1 v2

23 Constant Volume Heat Addition

Qin W
(u3 u 2 ) = (+ ) AIR Qin
m m
= (u3 u2 ) = cv (T3 T2 )
P3 T3
P2 T2 Rutgers Center for Advanced Energy Systems
3 4 Isentropic Expansion
(u 4 u3 ) = (+ out ) AIR
m m
= (u3 u4 ) = cv (T3 T4 )
k 1
T4 v3 1 P4 T4 v3
= = =
T3 v4 r k 1 P3 T3 v4

4 1 Constant Volume Heat Removal

Qout W
(u1 u 4 ) = ( ) Qout
m m AIR

= (u4 u1 ) = cv (T4 T1 ) BC
P4 P1
T4 T1
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First Law Analysis Parameters
Net cycle work:

Wcycle = Wout Win = m(u3 u4 ) m(u2 u1 )

Cycle thermal efficiency:

Wcycle(u3 u4 ) (u2 u1 ) = (u3 u2 ) (u4 u1 ) = 1 u4 u1

th = =
Qin (u3 u2 ) u3 u 2 u3 u 2
cv (T4 T1 ) T 1
= 1 = 1 1 = 1 k 1
cv (T3 T2 ) T2 r

Note this is the indicated thermal efficiency

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Factors Affecting Work per Cycle
The net cycle work of an engine can be increased by
i) Increasing the r (12)
ii) Increase Qin (23)


3 (ii)
Qin 4


V2 V1
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Effect of Compression Ratio
Actual Values will be
SI engines have
Compression ratio
limited by T3
(autoignition) and P3
(material strength),
both ~rk

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The thermal efficiency of the Otto Cycle increases with
the value of k

1.667 is the
highest value
associated with
inert gasses light
argon or neon

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Considerations for IMEP
indicated fuel conversion efficiency:
Wc ,i
n f ,i =
m f QLHV
Where Wc,i is the indicated work per cycle which is the sum of compression stroke and
expansion stroke work
This makes the imep:

Wc ,i m f QLHV n f ,i
imep = =
Vd Vd
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Effect of Compression Ratio on Thermal Efficiency and MEP

imep Qin r 1
= 1
P1 P1V1 r 1 r k

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Non Constant Specific Heats
Not in the book and review for power plant students
Air Tables still very useful
Now we will use Reduced Volume!!!
Best to use in engine cycles because of large temperature differences

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Air tables

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Air tables
Would not be needed if specific heats were constant with temperature
Significant variation
For air ranges from 0.17 to 0.25 Btu/lbm-R
Contain enthalpy with standardized datum (usually h=0 at absolute zero). All
other enthalpies determined using variable specific heats
Contains reduced pressure - Check your thermo book for error. It is not p/pc
(four out of five books have it wrong)
better name isentropic pressure ratio

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Air tables
Contains internal energy (convert from enthalpy using Pv = RT) for
Contains standard entropy (also given symbol )
Details entropy change with temperature
Contains reduced specific volume

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Air tables
Tds = dh vdP = dh RT dP
T2 dT P2
s = cp R ln( )
T1 T P1
dT T
defining s c p
T0 T
( )P2
s = s2 s1 R ln( )
0 0

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Air tables
S0 is only a function of temperature
Reduced pressure most useful in isentropic process

1 T dT
ln Pr c p
R T0 T
P2 pr 2
= for isentropic process
P1 pr1
Reduced pressure and standard entropy are related

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Air tables
Reduced volume can be developed in the same way

1 T dT
ln vr cv
R T0 T
v2 vr 2
= for isentropic process
v1 vr1

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Air tables Otto cycle use
Tds = du + Pdv = du RT dv
T2 dT v2
s = cv + R ln( )
T1 T v1

1 T dT
ln vr cv
R T0 T
v2 vr 2
= for isentropic process
v1 vr1
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Otto Cycle Example
Example: An air-standard Otto cycle has a compression ratio of 7.5. At the
beginning of compression, p1 = 85 kPa and T1 = 32C. The mass of air is 2 g,
and the maximum temperature in the cycle is 960 K. Solve twice once
using constant specific heats and once with air tables. Find:
(a) The heat rejection, in kJ.
(b) The net work, in kJ.
(c) The thermal efficiency.
(d) The mean effective pressure,
in kPa.

Begin as usual by finding all the states

Tricks = isentropic and constant volume

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Otto Cycle Example
State 1 2 3 4
T (K) 305 960
T3= 960 K
p (kPa) 85
u (kJ/kg)

m 2=
g 0.002kg
p1=85 kPa
T1=305 K cv = 0.718 kJ/kg-K

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Otto Cycle Example Constant Specific Heats
We can use isentropic relations State 1 2 3 4
State 1-2 isentropic compression T (K) 305 960

( k 1)
p (kPa) 85
T2 V1
= = 7.50.4 = 2.24; T2 = (273 + 32) 2.24 = 683K u (kJ/kg)
T1 V2
(k )
p2 V1
= = 7.51.4 = 16.8; p2 = (85) 16.8 = 1428 kPa
p1 V2

What about energy?

u2 u1 = (T2 T1 ) cv = 258.5 kJ / kg
Datum can be anything because we
only care about u make it u1

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Otto Cycle Example Constant Specific Heats
Perfect gas law gives us State 1 2 3 4

specific volume T (K) 305 683 960

p (kPa) 85 1428
v2 is smaller by a factor of 7.5 u (kJ/kg) 0 258.5

RT1 (0.287 kJ / kg K )(305 K ) kPa kN m

v1 = 2
= 1.0298 m 3
/ kg
p1 (85kPa ) kN / m kJ

v2 = 1.0298/7.5 = 0.1373

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Otto Cycle Example Constant Specific Heats
v3 = v2 State 1 2 3 4
T (K) 305 665 960
T3 = 960 K p (kPa) 85 1428
Perfect gas law gives answers two ways:
u (kJ/kg) 0 258.5
Noting that the specific volume does not change,
v then p31.03
= p2 x (T 3/T2) =2007 kPa

Or we could use the perfect gas law at 3

RT3 (0.287kJ / kg K )(960 K )

p3 = = 3
= 2007 kPa
v3 0.1373 m / kg

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Otto Cycle Example Constant Specific Heats
Isentropic 3-4 State 1 2 3 4
T (K) 305 665 960
p (kPa) 85 1428
( k 1)
T3 V4 u (kJ/kg) 0 258.5
= = 7.5 0.4
= 2.24; T4 = (960) 2.24 = 429 K
T4 V3 v 1.03 0.137

(k )
p3 V4
= = 7.50.4 = 16.8; p4 = (2007) 16.8 = 119.5 kPa
p4 V3

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Otto Cycle Example Constant Specific Heats

State 1 2 3 4
T (K) 305 683 960 429
p (kPa) 85 1428 20071 119.5
u (kJ/kg) 0 271.4 470.3 89.0
v 1.03 0.137

u3 and u4 are gotten with the specific heat

Net work =net heat transfer Qin = m (470.3 271.4) = 0.3978 kJ
Qout = m (89 0) = 0.178 kJ
Qin Qout
= = 55.2%
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State 1 2 3 4
(a) The heat rejection, in kJ.
T (K) 305 960
(b) The net work, in kJ.
(c) The thermal efficiency. p (kPa) 85
(d) The mean effective pressure, u (kJ/kg)
in kPa.

State 1: Using Ideal Gas Law: pv = RT and Air Tables:

RT1 (0.287 kJ / kg K )(305 K ) kPa kN m

v1 = 2
= 1.0298m 3
/ kg
p1 (85kPa ) kN / m kJ
u1 = 217.67 kJ / kg

State 2: Using compression ratio, ideal gas law, and Air Tables:
v1 v1 1.0298
r= v=
2 = = 0.1373m 3
/ kg
v2 r 7.5
State 1 2 3 4
(a) The heat rejection, in kJ.
T (K) 305 960
(b) The net work, in kJ.
(c) The thermal efficiency. p (kPa) 85
(d) The mean effective pressure, u (kJ/kg) 217.67
in kPa.
v 1.0298 0.1373

State 3: using v3 = v2, ideal gas law, and Air Tables:

v3 = 0.1373m3 / kg
RT3 (0.287 kJ / kg K )(960 K ) kPa kN m
p3 = 3 2
= 2006.7 kPa
v3 (0.1373m / kg ) kN / m kJ
u3 = 725.02kJ / kg

State 4: Using v4=v1:

v4= v=
1 1.0298 m 3
/ kg
State 1 2 3 4
(a) The heat rejection, in kJ.
T (K) 305 960
(b) The net work, in kJ.
(c) The thermal efficiency. p (kPa) 85 2006.7
(d) The mean effective pressure u (kJ/kg) 217.67 725.02
v 1.0298 0.1373 0.1373 1.0298

v2 vr 2
also knowing for isentropic processes =
v1 vr1

then for isentropic process 1-2 using Air Tables:

vr1 = 596.0 and vr2 = 79.47

T2 from tables = 667.4 K, u2 = 486.77 kJ/kg

and for isentropic process 3-4:

vr4 = vr3 (v4/v3) = vr3 (v1/v2) = 28.40 (7.5) = 213.0
T4 from tables = 458.7K, u4 = 329.01 kJ/kg
State 1 2 3 4
(a) The heat rejection, in kJ.
T (K) 305 667.4 960 458.7
(b) The net work, in kJ.
(c) The thermal efficiency. p (kPa) 85 1319 2006.7 129.3
(d) The mean effective pressure u (kJ/kg) 217.67 486.77 725.02 329.01
v 1.0298 0.1373 0.1373 1.0298

Heat added during process 2-3:

U = Q W
Q23 = m ( u3 u2 )
U 23 =
=0.002*(725.02 486.77) = 0.4765 kJ

Heat rejected during process 4-1:

Q41 = m ( u1 u4 )
U 41 =

= (0.002) (329.01 217.67) = 0.2227 kJ

State 1 2 3 4
(a) The heat rejection, in kJ.
T (K) 305 667.4 960 458.7
(b) The net work, in kJ.
(c) The thermal efficiency. p (kPa) 85 1319 2006.7 129.3
(d) The mean effective pressure u (kJ/kg) 217.67 486.77 725.02 329.01
v 1.0298 0.1373 0.1373 1.0298

Net Work over the cycle:

Wcycle =Qin Qout =Q23 + Q41
= 0.4765 0.2227 = 0.2538 kJ

Cycle Efficiency:

Thermal Efficiency = Wcycle / Q23 = 0.2538/0.4765 = 0.533

State 1 2 3 4
(a) The heat rejection, in kJ.
T (K) 305 667.4 960 458.7
(b) The net work, in kJ.
(c) The thermal efficiency. p (kPa) 85 1319 2006.7 129.3
(d) The mean effective pressure u (kJ/kg) 217.67 486.77 725.02 329.01
v 1.0298 0.1373 0.1373 1.0298

Mean Effective Pressure:

net work from one cycle Wcycle
mep =
displacement volume V1 V2
= =
V1 mv1 0.002 kg (1.0298m 3
/ kg=) 0.0020596 m 3

= =
V2 mv 2 0.002 kg (0.1373m 3
/ =
kg ) 0.0002746 m 3

mep = 0.2538 kJ/(0.0020596-0.0002746) = 142.2 kPa

Ideal Diesel Cycle
The Diesel cycle is the ideal cycle for the compression-ignition
reciprocating engines. It is very similar to the Otto cycle,
except that the constant volume heat-addition process is
replaced by a constant pressure heat-addition process
Process 1 2 Isentropic compression
Process 2 3 Constant pressure heat addition
Process 3 4 Isentropic expansion
Process 4 1 Constant volume heat rejection

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Why is Diesel constant pressure?
Because diesel takes a long time to burn and is injected and combusted
during the power stroke.
Diesel is a much longer chained hydrocarbon
So as long as the pressure and temperature are high enough diesel will
Diesel is directly injected into a hot chamber of compressed air.
initially burns very rich at the injection spray location, the unburnt remainder of the fuel then
mixes with air in the hot chamber and continues to burn
Diesel combustion can take many crank degrees to complete,
over 50 degrees.
Contrast this to SI - This combustion happens rapidly, and is complete after maybe 15-20 crank

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Sequence of events for 4-stroke SI engine

IVO = inlet valve

EVO = Exhaust
valve opens

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CI Engine

IVO = inlet valve

Note this is for a 4- opens
stroke engine but only EVO = Exhaust
shows the power part valve opens
of it

SOI = start of
EOI = end of injection
SOC = start of
EOC = End of

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T-s and P-v Diagrams for the Ideal Diesel
Cycle Cut-off ratio:
rc =

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Cycle Analysis
Process 2-3 involves both work and heat addition

W23 3
= p dv = p2 (v3 v 2 )
m 2
m ( u3 u2 ) = Q23 W23
Q23 = m[( u3 u2 ) + p2 (v3 v 2 )] = m ( h3 h2 )
Q41 = m ( u4 u1 )
Wcycl Q41 ( u4 u1 )
Efficiency = =1 =1
Q23 Q23 ( h3 h2 )

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The Otto Cycle

Constant pressure expansion has both work and heat transfer!

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Cut-off ratio
The cut-off ratio is defined as: V3/V2
Primarily an academic number
Ratio between the end and start volume for the combustion phase
For the constant pressure process 2-3, we can write

T3 = T2 = rc T2
V4 V4 V2 V1 V2 r
= = =
V3 V2 V3 V2 V3 rc
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Isentropic Compression and Expansion

For calorically perfect gasses:

( k 1)
T2 V1
= = r ( k 1)

T1 V2
( k 1) k 1
T4 V3 rc
= =
T3 V4 r
k = ratio of specific heats
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Isentropic Compression and Expansion
For the isentropic expansion and compression, the relations can be written as
using air tables:

v r2 = v r1 ( ) = v r1 / r
V4 r
v r4 = v r3 ( ) = v r3 ; r c = cut off ratio
V3 rc

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Thermal Efficiency of the Diesel Cycle
Qout m u4 u1
Diesel = 1 = 1
cycle Qin m h3 h2
For calorically perfect gasses the above reduces to:

Diesel = 1 k 1
1 1 rck 1 ) Otto = 1
const cV r rc 1
k r k 1

Note the term in the square bracket is always larger than one
So for the same compression ratio, r, the Diesel cycle has a lower thermal efficiency
than the Otto cycle

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Thermal Efficiency of the Ideal Diesel Cycle
The thermal
efficiency of the
ideal Diesel cycle
as a function of
compression and
cutoff ratio (k=1.4)

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Example Problem calorically perfect
The conditions at the beginning of compression in an air standard Diesel cycle
are fixed by p1 = 200 kPa, T1 = 380K. The compression ratio is 20, and the cut-
off ratio is 1.8. For k = 1.4, determine:
a) The maximum temperature in K;
b) The heat addition per unit mass, in kJ/kg
c) The net work per unit mass, in kJ/kg
d) The thermal efficiency
e) The mean effective pressure, in kPa

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Example Problem (cont.)
Known: p1 = 200kPa
T1 = 380K
k = 1.4
cv = 0.718 kJ/kg-K
cp = 1.005 kJ/kg-K

First determine properties at each state.

T2 = T1 (v1/v2) (k-1) = (380) (20)0.4 = 1259.5 K

p2 = p1 (v1/v2)k = (200) (20)1.4 = 13,258 kPa

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Example Problem (cont.)
p3 = p2
T3/T2 = v3/v2
T3 = T2 (v3/v2) = 1259.5 (1.8) = 2261.1K

Expansion: T4 = T3 (v3/v4)k-1 = T3 [(v3/v2) (v2/v1)] k-1

= T3 (rc/r) k-1
= 2267.1 (1.8/20) 0.4 = 865.3K

p4 = p3 (T4/T3) (k/k-1)
= (13258) (865.3/2267.1) 1.4/0.4
= 455.4 kPa

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Example Problem (cont)
Heat addition during process 2-3:
m (u3-u2) = Q23 W23
Q23/m = (u3-u2) + p(v3-v2) = h3 h2 = cp (T3-T2)
= 1.005 (2267.1 1259.5) = 1012.6 kJ/kg
Work per cycle:
Wcycle = Q23 Q41 = m[1012.6 (u4-u1)]
= m [1012.6 cv(T4-T1)]
= m[1012.6 0.718(865.3-380)]

Wcycle / m = 664.15 kJ/kg

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Example Problem (cont)
d) Thermal efficiency = Wcycle / Q23
= 664.15/1012.6
= 0.656
e) mep = Wcycle/[m(v1-v2)]

v1 = RT1/p1
= 0.287 (380)/200
= 0.5453 m3/kg

mep = 664.15 / [0.5453 (1. - 1/20)] = 128.2 kPa

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Example using air tables

Example: An air-standard Diesel cycle has a compression ratio of 16 and a

cut-off ratio of 2. At the beginning of the compression, p1= 14.2 psi, V1=
0.5 ft3, T1= 520R. Calculate
State 1 2 3 4
(a) The heat added, in Btu.
T (R) 520
(b) The max T.
p (psi) 14.2
(c) The thermal efficiency.
(d) The mean effective pressure, u (Btu/lbm)
h (Btu/lbm)
Given info: Diesel Cycle vr
State 1: p1=14.2 psi, T1=520 R pr
V1 = 0.5 ft3
State 2: s2 = s1
State 3: p3 = p2
State 4: s4 =s 3 and v4=v1

Compression ratio: r = V1/V2 =16

Cutoff ratio: rc = V3/V2 = 2

Example: An air-standard Diesel cycle has a compression ratio of 16 and a

cut-off ratio of 2. At the beginning of the compression, p1= 14.2 psi, V1=
0.5 ft3, T1= 520R. Calculate
State 11 22 33 44
(a) The heat added, in Btu. TT (R)
(R) 520
(b) The max T. pp (psi)
(psi) 14.2
(c) The thermal efficiency.
uu (Btu/lb 88.62
(d) The mean effective pressure,
hh (Btu/lb

Determine State Properties: vvrr 158.58

pprr 1.2147
For State 1:
Using Air Tables: for T1 Also using Ideal Gas Equation: pV = mRT
Read u 1 = 88.62 Btu/lbm
h1 = 124.27 Btu/lbm pV
pr1 = 1.2147 RT
and vr1 = 158.58 (14.2lb f / in 2 )(0.5 ft 3 ) Btu 144in 2
(0.06855 Btu / lbm R )(520 R ) 778lb f ft ft 2

= 0.03687lbm
State 1 2 3 4
T (R)
(R) 520
520 1502.5
For State 2: pp (psi)
(psi) 14.2
14.2 657.8
(process 1-2 is isentropic) uu (Btu/lb ))
(Btu/lbmm 88.62
88.62 266.84
Using compression ratio, r hh (Btu/lb ) ) 124.27
(Btu/lbmm 124.27 369.85
V1 vr1 vvr 158.58
158.58 9.911
r = r
V2 vr 2 pprr 1.2147
1.2147 56.27

vr1 158.58 V1 0.5 ft 3

vr 2 = = = 9.911 V=2 = = 0.03125 ft 3
r 16 r 16
Next use vr2 and Air Tables to find other state properties: Or use perfect gas
T2 = 1502.5R u2= 266.84 Btu/lbm law
pr2= 56.27 h2 = 369.85 Btu/lbm

p2 pr 2 pr 2 56.27
= =p2 p=
1 14.2 psi = 657.8 psi
p1 pr1 pr1 1.2147
Why use the perfect gas law?
But lots of units

RT3 0.06855 Btu/lbm 1502.5R 1

p3 = = = 656.5 psi
v3 3
0.8476ft / lbm BTU 144in 2

778lbf ft ft 2

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State 11 22 33 44
Example: TT (R) 520 1502.5
(R) 520 1502.5 3005
For State 3: pp (psi)
(psi) 14.2
14.2 657.8
657.8 657.8
Using ideal Gas pV = mRT (Btu/lbmm))
uu (Btu/lb 88.62
88.62 266.84
266.84 586.16
process 2-3 constant pressure (Btu/lbmm))
hh (Btu/lb 124.27
124.27 369.85
369.85 792.03
T2 T3 vvr 158.58 9.911
= r 158.58 9.911 1.174
V2 V3 ppr 1.2147 56.27
r 1.2147 56.27 948.36

T3 T=
T2 rc = rcT2 = ( 2 )(1502.5 R ) = 3005 R

V3 rc=
V2 2(0.03125 ft=
) 0.0625 ft 3

Then using Air Tables, use T3 to find properties

u3 = 586.16 Btu/lbm h3 = 792.03 Btu/lbm
p3r = 948.36 v3r = 1.174
State 1 2 3 4
State 1 2 3 4
Example: T (R) 520 1502.5 3005
T (R) 520 1502.5 3005 1530.8
For State 4: p (psi) 14.2 657.8 65.65
p (psi) 14.2 657.8 657.8 41.9
(process 3-4 is isentropic u (Btu/lbm) 88.62 266.84 586.16
u (Btu/lbm ) 88.62 266.84 586.16 272.38
and V4 = V1) h (Btu/lbm) 124.27 369.85 792.03
h (Btu/lbm ) 124.27 369.85 792.03 377.47
V4 vr 4 v 158.58 9.911 1.174
vrr 158.58 9.911 1.174 9.392
V3 vr 3 p 1.2147 56.27 948.36
prr 1.2147 56.27 948.36 60.46
V4 V1 0.5 ft 3
vr 4 v=
r3 v=
r3 1.174 = 3
V3 V3 0.0625 ft
Then using Air Tables, use vr4 to find properties
u4 = 272.38Btu/lbm h4 = 377.47 Btu/lbm
pr4 = 60.46 T4 = 1530.8 R

pr 4 60.46
=p4 p=
3 657.8 psi = 41.9 psi
pr 3 948.36
State 1 2 3 4
T (R) 520 1502.5 3005 1530.8
(a) The heat added, in BTU.
(b) The max T. p (psi) 14.2 657.8 657.8 41.9

(c) The thermal efficiency. u (Btu/lbm) 88.62 266.84 586.16 272.38

(d) The mean effective pressure, h (Btu/lbm) 124.27 369.85 792.03 377.47
vr 158.58 9.911 1.174 9.392
Heat is added during
pr 1.2147 56.27 948.36 60.46
process 2-3
Applying the 1st Law
Q23 =W23 + m ( u3 u2 )
Q23 = p (V3 V2 ) + m ( u3 u2 ) = m(h3 h2 )
23 ( 0.0369lbm )( 792.03 369.85 ) Btu / lb=
m 15.58 Btu

Maximum Temperature is at State 3: Tmax = 3005 oR


Example: State 1 2 3 4
T (R) 520 1502.5 3005 1530.8
(a) The heat added, in BTU.
p (psi) 14.2 657.8 657.8 41.9
(b) The max T.
u (Btu/lbm) 88.62 266.84 586.16 272.38
(c) The thermal efficiency.
(d) The mean effective pressure, h (Btu/lbm) 124.27 369.85 792.03 377.47
vr 158.58 9.911 1.174 9.392
Thermal Efficiency: pr 1.2147 56.27 948.36 60.46

Wcycle ( u4 u1 )
( 272.38 88.62 )
= = 1 0.565
Qin ( h3 h2 ) ( 792.03 369.85 )
Mean Effective Pressure: Wcycle Qin Qout
mep =
V1 (1 1r ) V1 (1 1r )
where: Qin Q=
23 15.58 Btu
Qout =
Q41 = ( 0.0369lbm )( 272.38 88.62 ) Btu / lbm =
m(u4 u1 ) = 6.78 Btu

15.58 6.78 ) Btu 778 ft lb ft 2
101.4 psi
( 0.5 ft 3 ) (1 161 ) Btu 144in2
Dual Cycle
Also called limited pressure cycle

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Dual Cycle
Process 1 2 Isentropic compression
Process 2 2.5 Constant volume heat addition
Process 2.5 3 Constant pressure heat addition
Process 3 4 Isentropic expansion
Process 4 1 Constant volume heat rejection

= (u2.5 u2 ) + (h3 h2.5 ) = cv (T2.5 T2 ) + c p (T3 T2.5 )

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Thermal Efficiency

Qout m u4 u1
Dual = 1 = 1
cycle Qin m (u2.5 u2 ) + (h3 h2.5 )

1 rck 1
Dual = 1 k 1
const cv r ( 1) + k (rc 1)
v3 P3
where rc = and =
v2.5 P2
Note, the Otto cycle (rc=1) and the Diesel cycle (=1) are special cases:

Otto = 1
1 1 rck 1
= 1 k 1
( )
r k 1
const cV r k rc 1

( )
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Dual Cycle
For the same inlet conditions P1, V1 and the same compression

Otto > Dual > Diesel

For the same inlet conditions P1, V1 and the same peak pressure P3
(actual design limitation in engines):

Diesel > Dual > otto

Rutgers Center for Advanced Energy Systems

Comparison of three ideal cycles

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Example: The pressure and temperature at the beginning of compression

in an air-standard dual cycle are 14 psi, 520R. The compression ratio is 15
and the heat addition per unit mass is 800 Btu/lbm. At the end of the
constant volume heat addition process the pressure is 1200 psi. Determine,

(a) Wcycle, in BTU/lb.

(b) Qout, in BTU/lb.
(c) The thermal efficiency.
(d) The cut off ratio
State 1 2 3 4 5\
T (R) 520
p (psi) 14 1200 1200
u (Btu/lb)
h (Btu/lb)

Example: State
State 1
1 2
2 3
3 4
4 5
Given Information: T
T (R)
(R) 520
p (psi)
(psi) 14
14 1200
1200 1200
compression ratio, r = 15
u (Btu/lb)
(Btu/lb) 88.62
Qin= Q23 + Q34 = 800 Btu h
h (Btu/lb)
Qout = - Q51 vvrr 158.58
P 1.2147

Identify State Properties

State 1: p1 = 14 psi, T1 = 520 R
State 2: s2 = s1 v2 = v1/r
State 3: v3 = v2 and p3 = 1200 psi
State 4: p4 = p3 = 1200 psi
State 5: s5 =s4 and v5 = v1

Use Air Tables to fill in many of the other


State 1 2 3 4 5\
T (R) 520 1468.8
State 1: given T = 520 R
p (psi) 14 594.26 1200 1200
look up u, h, vr, and pr
u (Btu/lb) 88.62 260.26
h (Btu/lb) 124.27 361.53
State 2: use r to find v2
vr 158.58 10.572
and since 1-2 is isentropic
find vr2 pr 1.2147 51.561

vr1 158.58
vr 2 = = = 10.572
r 15
then use Air Tables to look up T2, pr2, u2, and h2:

Pressure p2, can then be calculated using

=p2 p=
pr 2
14 psi
( 51.561)
= 594.26 psi
pr1 (1.2147 )

State 1 2 3 4 5\
T (R) 520 1468.8 2966
State 3: given v3 = v2 and
p (psi) 14 594.26 1200 1200
p3 = 1200 psi, use ideal
u (Btu/lb) 88.62 260.26 577.4
gas law: pv = RT
h (Btu/lb) 124.27 361.53 780.7
p3 vr 158.58 10.572
T3 = T2
p2 pr 1.2147 51.561
= 1468.8 R
= 2965.97 R
then use Air Tables to look up u3 and h3:
State 11 22 33 44 55\\
TT (R)
(R) 520
520 1468.8
1468.8 2966
2966 4577.6
State 4: Knowing p4=p3 pp (psi)
(psi) 14
14 594.26
594.26 1200
1200 1200
and the heat in:
uu (Btu/lb)
(Btu/lb) 88.62
88.62 260.26
260.26 577.4
577.4 949.7
Qin= 800 Btu/lb
hh (Btu/lb)
(Btu/lb) 124.27
124.27 361.53
361.53 780.7
780.7 1263.6
use the 1st Law:
vvrr 158.58
158.58 10.572
10.572 0.2848

m(u4 u2 ) = Q24 + W24 pprr 1.2147

1.2147 51.561
51.561 5961.6

Q23 Q34 W23 W34
( u3 u2 ) + ( u4 u3 ) = + + +
m m m m
( u3 u2 ) + ( u4 u3 ) = p (v4 v3 )
= ( u3 u2 ) + { p (v4 v3 ) + ( u4 u3 )} = ( u3 u2 ) + ( h4 h3 )
h4 = ( u3 u2 ) + h3 Use Air Tables
m to find T4 ,u4, pr4,
=800 ( 577.4 260.26 ) + 780.7 =
1263.56 Btu / lbm and v4r

State 1 2 3 4 5\
T (R) 520 1468.8 2966 4577.6 2299
State 5:
p (psi) 14 594.26 1200 1200 61.44
u (Btu/lb) 88.62 260.26 577.4 949.7 431.0
h (Btu/lb) 124.27 361.53 780.7 1263.6 601.48
process 4-5 is also vr 158.58 10.572 0.2848 2.768
pr 1.2147 51.561 5961.6 305.24

V5 V5 V2 (V5 = V1 ) (V2 = V3 ) V1 V3 V1 T3 T3
= = = = =r
V4 V2 V4 V2 V4 V2 V4 V2 T4 T4
= r 3 = (15)
T (2966) = 9.7187 Replace Vs using ideal gas.
V4 T4 (4577.6)
= vr 5 = vr 4 ( 9.7187 )( 0.2848
= ) 2.768
Use Air Tables to look up T5, u5, h5, and pr5 and then find p5:
pr 5 305.24
=p5 p=
4 1200 = 61.44 psi
pr 4 5961.6
State 1 2 3 4 5\
T (R) 520 1468.8 2966 4577.6 2299
(a) Wcycle, in Btu/lb.
p (psi) 14 594.26 1200 1200 61.44
(b) Qout, in Btu/lb.
u (Btu/lb) 88.62 260.26 577.4 949.7 431.0
(c) The thermal eff.
(d) The cut off ratio h (Btu/lb) 124.27 361.53 780.7 1263.6 601.48
vr 158.58 10.572 0.2848 2.768
pr 1.2147 51.561 5961.6 305.24
Wcycle Q Q Q + Q34 Q51
= in out = 23 +
m m m m m
Qout Q51
= =u5 u1 =431.0 88.62 =342.4 Btu / lbm
m m
=800 342.4 =457.6 Btu / lbm
State 1 2 3 4 5\
Example: T (R) 520 1468.8 2966 4577.6 2299
(a) Wcycle, in Btu/lb. p (psi) 14 594.26 1200 1200 61.44
(b) Qout, in Btu/lb. u (Btu/lb) 88.62 260.26 577.4 949.7 431.0
(c) Thermal efficiency
h (Btu/lb) 124.27 361.53 780.7 1263.6 601.48
(d) The cut off ratio
vr 158.58 10.572 0.2848 2.768
Wcycle pr 1.2147 51.561 5961.6 305.24
= 1
( u5 u1 )
= 1 out
Qin ( u3 u2 ) + ( h4 h3 )
Wcycle 457.6
= = = 0.572
Qin 800
Cut off ratio: from ideal gas equation at constant
pressure: pV = mRT

V3 mR V4 V4 4577.6
= = =
rc = = 1.543
T3 p T4 V3 2965.9
Example problem
An air-standard Dual cycle operates with a compression ratio of 14.
The conditions at the beginning of compression are 100 kPa and 300
The maximum temperature in the cycle is 2200 K and the heat added
at constant volume is twice the heat added at constant pressure.
(a) The pressure, temperature, and specific volume at each corner of the cycle,
(b) The thermal efficiency of the cycle, and
(c) The mean effective pressure

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