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Macam-macam pujian dalam Bahasa Inggris

Good job (sangat bagus)

You really look good today (kamu kelihatan sangat baik hari ini)

You are the best (kamu yang terbaik)

Nice work (pekerjaan yang bagus)

you are amazing (kamu luar biasa)

wow, great! (wow, bagus)

you rock! (kamu bagus!)

you are wonderful (kamu menakjubkan)

good (bagus)

very good (sangat bagus)

so fine (sangat bagus)

super! (sangat super)

Nice (bagus)

congratulation (selamat)

happy wedding (selamat menikah)

happy birthday (selamat ulang tahun)

welldone (sangat bagus)

great (bagus)

youre a great manager (kamu manager yang bagus)

she is very clever (dia sangat pandai)

Contoh Dialogue tentang Pujian dan Cara Meresponya

Dinda : Congratulation for your graduation Rifki! (selamat atas kelulusan mu Rifki!)

Rifki : Thank you so much Dinda! you should graduate soon too (terimakasih Dinda, kamu harus
segera lulus juga)

Dinda : Yes Rifki, wish me luck (ya Rifki, doakan aku)

Rifki : when you will graduate? (kapan kamu akan lulus?)

Dinda : my planning in may (rencanaku bulan mei)

Rifki : never give up Dinda (jangan menyerak Dinda)

Dinda :Okay, Rifki (ya rifki)

Contoh II Dialogue tentang Pujian dan Cara Meresponya

Alex : I hear that you win the competition (aku mendengar kamu menang kompetisi) thats
right? (benarkah?)

Rio : Yes, do you hear about that? (ya, kamu mendengarnya?)

Alex : Yes, I know from Dinda (ya, aku tau dari Dinda) You are amazing Rio! (kau menakjubkan rio!)
Rio : Thanks Alex, I just keep training everyday (terimakasih alex, aku hanya berlatih setiap hari)

Alex : I should to learn from you about this (aku harus belajar padamu tentang ini)

Rio : yes, just keep training Alex (ya, terus berlatih Alex)

Percakapan 1
Sita : Hi Jido, how are you?

Jido : Good. How about you?

Sita : Bad. Im going to redesign my room but Im not sure that it is suitable.

Jido : Can I see it?

Sita : Yes please. This is the design.

Jido : Its a good one.

Sita : Really?

Jido : Yeah, but I think the colour is too dark. Do you like dark color?

Sita : Well, not really, I just want to try new colour.

Baca juga: Contoh Dialog Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Tentang Asking and
Giving Help

Jido : The colour doesnt suit the design. The bright colour will be better.

Sita : Yes, it is a good idea. Then, what about position of the furniture?

Jido : You do not suppose to put the cupboard near the door.

Sita : Well, all right. Thank you very much Jido. Your criticisms and advise will be helpful for me

Jido : Youre welcome, Sita.

Percakapan 2
Yema : Hi Vica. Long time no see.

Vica : Not really good. How about you?

Yema : Im fine. What happened with you?

Vica : Im confused. Next week is my cousins wedding party and I havent decided which clothe
that I will wear.

Baca juga: Berbagai Ekspresi Setuju & Tidak Setuju (Agreement &
Disagreement) Beserta Contoh Percakapan

Yema : May I see your clothes?

Vica : Yes. Here are my clothes. How about this red and blue dress?
Yema : Which one do you prefer?

Vica : I like the blue dress.

Yema : But, that is not good. You have to look glamour.

Vica : It means that red one is better?

Yema : Yes, it is. You also need to put some accessories like necklace or bracelet. It will be

Vica : Alright. I accept your criticism and suggestion.

Yema : Yeah.

Vica : Thank you, Yema.

Yema : Its okay, Vica.

Macam-Macam Asking for Opinion dalam Bahasa Inggris

How is your opinion? (bagaimana pendapatmu?)

How about this? (bagaimana dengan ini?)

What do you think about? (bagaimana pendapatmu?)

what do you think of? (bagaimana pendapatmu?)

what is your opinion? (apa pendapat mu?)

hoiw do you like? (bagaimana menurutmu?)

how was the trip? (bagaimana perjalanan nya?)

How do you think of my idea? (bagaimana menurutmu pendapatku)

what are you feeling? (apa perasaanmu?)

how do you feel? (apa yang kamu rasakan?)

How do you think? (apa yang kamu pikirkan?)

Please give me your opinion? (tolong berikan aku pendapatmu?)

What is your comment? (apa komentar mu?)

Give me your comment? (beri aku komentarmu?)

what your view on? (bagaimana pandangan mu?)

what is your reaction? (apa reaksimu?)

give me your reaction (berikan reaksimu?)

Do you have opinion of? (kamu punya pendapat tentang?)

what is your idea? (apa pendapatmu?)

do you have any idea? (kamu punya ide?)

How about? (bagaimana tentang?)

Do you like that? (kamu menyukainya?)

Do you think is it good? (apakah kamu berfikir ini bagus?)

what do you like? (apa yang kamu suka?)

Macam-Macam Giving opinion dalam Bahasa Inggris

In my opinion (Di pendapatku)
I personally believe (saya yakin)

I think that (aku berfikir bahwa)

As far I know (Sejauh yang aku tau)

I tend to think that (Aku berpikir bahwa)

In my view (menurutku)

I dont think I care for it (aku tidak berfikir Aku perduli tentang itu)

To my mind (menurutku)

If you ask me, I feel (jika kau bertanya padaku, aku merasa)

From my point of view (dari pendapatku)

The way I see is that (caraku melihat ini yaitu)

My comment is (komentarku adalah)

it is my comment (ini komentarku)

To my mind (menurutku)

what I have in my mind is (yang aku pikirkan adalah)

I think I like it (aku pikir aku menyukainya)

Contoh Dialog dalam Bahasa Inggris

(In Mall)

Dian : Ratna, do you see that shoes? (Ratna apakah kamu melihat sepatu itu?)

Ratna : where is Dian? (Dimana Dian?)

Dian : Look the red one! (lihat yang warna merah)

Ratna : wow! it is so good (wow! sangat bagus)

Dian : what do you think if I use it? (bagaimana menurutmu jika aku menggunakan nya?)

Ratna : I think it is suitable with you and your appearance (aku rasa ini cocok untuk mu dan
penampilan mu)

Dian : I think so, well I will buy (aku rasa begitu, baiklah aku mau beli)

(In market)

Mother : My daughter, what do you think if today I buy the vegetable for our dinner? (nak, bagaimana
menurutmu jika hari ini aku membeli sayuran untuk makan malam kita?)

Daughter : But, I dont like vegetable mom (tapi aku tidak suka sayuran ma)

Mother : how If I buy meat? (bagaimana jika aku membeli daging?)

Daughter : I think it sounds good (aku rasa itu bagus)

Mother : okay, I will buy meat and some of fruits (baiklah aku akan membeli daging dan beberapa

(In school)

Teacher : students you should submit your homework today (anak-anak kalian harus mengumpul PR
kalian hari ini)

Students : But, we still doing that mom (tapi kami masih mengerjakanya bu)

Teacher : this is the limit of the time (ini batasan waktunya)

Students : how if we submit it tomorrow maam? (bagaimana jika kami mengumpulkan nya besok bu?)

Teacher : No, I think you can finish that as soon as posible (tidak, aku rasa kalian dapat
menyelesaikanya sesegera mungkin)

Students : okay, we will try maam (baiklah akan kita coba bu

Question 67-70 refers to the following memo


To : All employees
From : Teddy Mcbrian The Peronnel Manager
Date : June 23, 2010
Sub : Company Travel

Effective July 1, all personell officers travelling on company business must use the
most economical means possible. No flight under five hours can be booked in
business class. No flight regardless of duration can be booked in first class or on the

67. Who is affected by this memo?

a. all personnel officers
b. only the personnel manager
c. only the board of directors
d. Teddy Mcbrian
e. only frequent travelers
Jawaban: a

68. Why was the memo written?

a. to save money
b. to save time
c. to reward the employees
d. to increase company travel
e. technical problems
Jawaban: a
Pembahasan: memo tersebut ditulis untuk menghemat uang perusahaan
69. If a fligh over five hours, what clas can be booked?
a. first
b. business
c. concorde
d. executive
e. economy
Jawaban: b

70. When will the rule be effective?

a. in five month
b. at the first of year
c. at the end of summer
d. in two months
e. in about a week
Jawaban: e
Pembahasan: peraturan tersebut berlaku mulai tanggal 1 Juli (sekitar seminggu setelah penulisan

Questions 71-73 refer to the following text

My Useful Telephone Numbers

My school 876-4122
Rara my classmate 875-3315
Mom 875-4432
My Dad 876-6245
Grandma 875-3974

71. If you want to ask about homework, which number would you call?
a. 876-4122
b. 876-6245
c. 875-3974
d. 875-3315
e. 875-4432
Jawaban: d
Pembahasan: jika ingin menanyakan tentang pekerjaan rumah maka orang yang akan ditelepon
adalah Rara

72. Its time to holiday, I want to refresh in a village, which number would you call?
a. 876-4122
b. 876-6245
c. 875-3974
d. 875-3315
e. 875-4432
Jawaban: c
Pembahasan: jika ingin berlibur di desa maka orang yang akan ditelepon adalah nenek

73. If you want to ask at what time your dad will go home today, which number would you call?
a. 876-4122
b. 876-6245
c. 875-3974
d. 875-3315
e. 875-4432
Jawaban: b

74. If we....(not go) to their party, they would be disappointed

a. not going
b. didnt go
c. arent go
d. dont go
e. gone
Jawaban: b
75. Im not tired enough to go to bed yet. I.....seleep if I went to bed now.
a. shall
b. should
c. can
d. wouldnt
e. will
Jawaban: d

76. I saw Jane this morning. She was.... the bus

a. on
b. in
c. at
d. by
e. with
Jawaban: a
Pembahasan: preposition yang tepat untuk kalimat tersebut adalah on

77. The plane was badly

a. with
b. on
c. by
d. in
e. at
Jawaban: c
Pembahasan: pesawat tersebut rusak parah tersambar halilintar

78. Sorry, were late. We missed the bus, so we had to come... foot.
a. with
b. on
c. by
d. in
e. at
Jawaban: b
Pembahasan: kami ketinggalan bus, karena itulah kami harus berjalan kaki

79. Our team lost the game only because of a mistake ... one of our players
a. by
b. in
c. with
d. on
e. at
Jawaban: a

80. Who is the man standing...the window?

a. by
b. in
c. with
d. at
e. on
Jawaban: a

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