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1. Explain four(4) most important class discourse!

The four most important classes of discourse are
Narration,Description,Argumentation,and conversation.
- Narration includes novels, stories,personal experiences,history,biography
- While description describes the feature of complex entities of events
- Argumentation is primarily a collection of reason for or agains some
development,while conversation is clearly the least regulated.
- Conversation by politicians can be occeptionally complex because no one knows
the rules and each participant is usually seeking his or her personal advantage.

2. What the basic of problem formula an adequate theory of translation! And explain about
three basic factors different in translation!
The basic problem of formula an adequate theory of translation is the fact that translation
actually take place in our brains, and we dont know precisely what actually happens. In
many cases people who have never studied the principle of translation turn out to be
much more effective translator thatn those who may have studied translation in some
school designe specifically for helping people recognize linguistic and cultural parallels
and contrasts.
First, the nature of the message: in some message the content is of primary
consideration,and in others the form must be given a higher priority
Second,the purpose of the author and of the translator;to aim at full intelligibility of the
reader so he/she may understand the full implication of the message,for imperative
purpose that aim not just understanding the translation but also at ensuring no
misunderstanding of the translation.
Third,the type of audiences differ both in decoding ability a nd in potential interest.
3. Why in many instances the meaning of word doesnt depend on grammatical context but
on the partical context of the communication?

Because, for example, the English word stock may refer to a number of distirict objek,for
example cattle,traded shares,supplies in a warehouse and plants.
4. Explain what difficulties presentation of the theory of translation!

One difficulty for the presenrtation of a theory of translation is the fact that all languages
reflect the culture of which they form a part. Before establishing a general theory of
translation. It will be necessary to have a generally acceptable theory of culture,and such
is much more difficult that setting up a standart theory of language. Both culture and
language are symbols system,but whereas language consist only in verbal
symbols,culture includes all kinds of beliefs and practice.

5. Why the principle of translation more widely used focus on socialinguistic factors?
Because, we essentially exist in a multiple world of communication and we need theorist
that will make our world linguistically and culturally understandable.

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