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Acid rain, dissolved aluminum and chemical weathering at the

Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, New Hampshire


Wn LlAhl H. M~Do\~I-I I
Earth Sciences Department. Dartmouth College. Hanover. NH 03755. U.S.A.
Civil Engineering Department. Syracuse I ni\ersit). Syracuse. NY 12310. II S A.
Dlvlsion of Biological Sciences. SectIon of Ecology and S!stematics.
Cornell Cni\ersit\. Ith.xa. NY 14850. Ll.S.A

Abstract- Contemporary acid ram in the Hubbard Brook eco\ystcm has Induced a series of geochcmi-
cal responses. Neutralization is accompllshed in essentially a 2-step process. Initially. hydrogen ion
acidity is neutralized by the dissolution of rextiLe alumma primarilly found in the soil zone. In the
Hubbard Brook area this reactive alumina has solul.ion propertIe\ much like natural glbbaite. Alumin-
um-rich surface waters with a pH of 4.7 5.2 are typical of this neutrali7atlon stage. In a second step.
both hydrogen ion acidity and aluminum acidity art: neutrallxd by the chemical Meathering of prtmary
silicate minerals. i.e. by the alkali and alkaline earths contained in the bedrock and glacial till of the
watershed. The chemical weathering reaction is much slouer than the alumina disbolution reactjon. so
that the aluminum acidity stage (pH 4.7 5.2) may persist for suhslantlal periods. Tqpicdlly. howcber. in
the Hubbard Brook area the aluminum acidity has heen neutralized and a pH > 5.2 is obtained before
surface waters reach .a third-over stream channel. Bt:cat~scof rhe rrlati\elg low pHs throughout the soil
zone and in the streamwater. carbonic acid reaction? are csscntially absent at the present time In the
Hubbard Brook system. Water pathlength (or residence time) In the soil Lnne is the crucial factor in the
state of acid rain ncutrali7ation. aluminum chemistr! and chemical weathering. As measured bj the
losses of alkali and alkaline earths from the ecosystem. chemical weathering rate in the Hllhhard Brook
area at the present time is not especially high relative 10 other areas.

INTRODUCTION tinuously monitored by the 1J.S. Forest Service.

Chemical analyses of stream water and precipitation
UNDI:R most natural geological conditions chemical
have been sampled weekly since 1963. The combi-
weathering is done in a mildly acid or neutral en-
nation of hydrologic data and chemical data has pro-
vironment. At the present time, however, large areas
vided a relatively complete. long-term picture of
of the earths surface are subject to a substantial flux
chemical and nutrient budgets for this area (LIKENSet
of strong acids from atmospheric sources. i.e. acid
(I/.. 19771. The earliest report of acid rain in the
rain (LIKENS er al., 1979). To the extent that these
lJnited States was based on the chemical evidence
atmospheric pollutants represent an abnormal ad- from the Hubbard Brook Valley (Lr~r:us (I al.. 1972).
dition of acid to the landscape, they may induce
changes in the normal pattern of chemical weathering.
Previous work has shown that the acid rain phenom- The Hubbard Brook watershed lies in a belt of high
enon has apparently caused high aluminum concen- grade metamorphic rocks and granites. Underlying
trations to appear in low order streams of the north-
the Hubbard Brook watershed is a pelitic schist of
eastern United States (JOHNSON. 1979: DRISWLL.
sillimanite grade (Littleton Fornation) which is exten-
1980) and in Scandanavia (GJESSIN<; et (I/., 1976). In
sively intruded by a quart7 monzonite (Kinsman For-
these environments AI( appears to play an im-
mation). The bedrock mineralogy consists predomi-
portant intermediate role in the neutralization of acid
nantly of silicate minerals with minor amounts of
rain (JOHNSON, 1979; DRISCOLL. 1980). The intent of
sulfides present and no carbonates.
this paper is to elaborate on the interactions between The area has been heavily scoured by glaciers
acid rain. aluminum solubility and chemical weather-
which left the watershed area about 14.OOOyr ago
ing as observed at the Hubbard Brook Experimental (DAVIS and FORD. 1981). Bedrock has been heavily
Forest. New Hampshire. glaciated and no vestige of pre-glacial weathering ac-
tivity is obvious. A mantle of till overlies the entire
landscape with only local buttresses or cliffs of bed-
rock protruding through the till generally near ridge
The Hubbard Brook Valley is located in central crests. The till varies widely in thickness and tends to
New Hampshire and is the site of a 3076 hectare ex- be thinnest on the ridge crests. In the monitored
perimental watershed (Fig. 1). Since 1956 the amount watersheds (Fig. I ) it averages some 3 m in thickness,
of precipitation and stream discharge have been con- and is composed of fragments of locally derived gra-
et al.
Acid rain dissolved aluminum and chemical weathering 1423

Table 1 for April). Some 540, of annual streamflow occurs

during March. April and May, with more than 30,,
Soil chemistry of Hubbard Brook watershed.
Source: Whittaker, et al. (1979) and IL Pierce occurring in April alone. In the Hubbard Brook
cpers. COllXll.) watersheds overland flow is negligible due to the
rapid infiltration of water in the interfluve areas. The
Horizon pH range cEc (meg/lOO gm) upper reaches of the watersheds are often dry during
01 3.3 - 4.5 97 summer, but streamflow in the lower reaches is peren-
01 3.2 - 4.0 118 nial. There is no deep groundwater input to stream
Ai 3.7 - 4.5 5.8
81 4.0 - 5.1 21-47 flow, but there is also no measurable Loss of stream or
B3 4.3 - 5.1 13 soil water to a deep ~roundwater reservoir (LIKENS er
c 5.0 - 6.0 3-5
CT/..1977). Water percolates through the soil column
but is restrained from deep seepage by a relatively
nites and high grade pelitic schists. Because glacial till impermeable soil f&pan, the till or relatively
covers most of the landscape surface, it is the till unjointed bedrock.
which is most exposed to chemical weathering rather Soil water and stream water are linked by means of
than the underlying bedrock. Till also plays an impor- a network of subsurface passages embedded in the
tant role in the hydrology of the watershed by provid- soil zone called interRow channels (WHIPKEY. 1965).
ing a water tight barrier between surface waters and Interflow channels act as drainage conduits between
bedrock. Bedrock which is covered by more than a soil water and stream. The operation of interflow
meter of till is virtually unweathered, showing at drainage enables the soil to become, in effect, an
times a perfectly preserved, glassy glacial polish on its extension of the stream channel, and vice versa. Inter-
surface. flow channels may be considered a special kind of an
The soils of the Hubbard Brook Experimental For- ephemeral, perched water table situated within the
est are mostly well-drained spodosols (haplorthods) of soil zone and directly feeding into the nearest stream
sandy texture formed on the glacial till (LIKENSer al., channel. During wet periods the channel network
1977). A distinguishing feature of all spodosols is a expands by incorporating stream bank areas, head-
conspicuous organic layer, the A0 horizon, which water drainages and interflow channels into the sys-
forms the top unit of the soil zone. The soil is very tem of surface flow. During dry periods, the stream
porous, especially the A, horizon which may have a network contracts by abandoning the headward
pore volume of S&95; (HOYLE,1973). The soil sur- extension of channels. stream banks and interflow
face has a very rough microtopography (pit and passages.
mound) caused by the uprooting of trees by wind. Soil The water storage capacity for the soils typically
depths are highly variable but average about OSm found at Hubbard Brook is some 25-38 cm (HOYLE,
(LIKENSer ui., 1977). Some bulk chemical properties of 1973). Given the input of 130cm of precipitation per
a Hubbard Brook soil are listed in Table 1. Pedogenic year, a mean residence time for soil water of It&i6
minerals found in these soils are kaolinite, vermiculite weeks is thus implied. However. from season-to-sea-
and amorphous alumina. son and from point-to-point within the watershed,
water residence time is much more variable than the
mean conditions cited above would suggest.
The Hubbard Brook area received an average of When viewed from a given point on the stream, the
130cm of precipitation each year, of which 627; mean residence time of the water at that point is a
(80cm) leaves the watersheds as streamflow. Precipi- function of stream discharge. On dry, low flow days
tation is uniformly distributed throughout the year, water moves slowly through the surrounding soils
with about ill precipitation events each year on the before entering the stream. i.e. mean residence time of
average. or about two precipitation events per week. the water in the local system is relatively long. On
Each winter a continuous snowpack develops to a days when high discharges obtain, water moves
depth of about 1.5 m. The soils stay unfrozen all year rapidly through the surrounding soils on its way to
long, except for occasional episodes in early winter the channel, i.e. mean residence time is relatively
when the snowpack is thin or absent. Unfrozen soil is short.
attributed to the insulating effect of the thick snow When the stream channel network is viewed as a
cover and the presence of the humus layer of the soil whole on a given day, water residence time becomes a
(HnKr et al., 1962). Frost free soil implies that the function of position within the system. That is, waters
mechanisms of water transport in the soil zone are in the head-water channels have had a pathlength in
constant throughout the year. the soil-channel system which is shorter than those
Streamflow in the Hubbard Brook watershed fluc- waters occupying the channel further downstream.
tuates widely in the course of the year. Lowest On the average the mean pathlength of the water
streamflow occurs during the summer months (mean within the channel on a given day will become longer
runoff of 1.5cm~unit-area for August) while highest at increasing distances downstream. Longer path-
stream flows are associated with the melting of the length in this case may be interpreted as longer resi-
winter-snowpack (mean runoff of 22.2 cm/unit-area dence time within the soil -channel system.
1424 NOYI?M. JOHNSONet al.

Table 2 located adjacent to gauged watersheds (Fig. 1). An

contparison of the mean coxpsition of "acid rain"
ungauged watershed was chosen because the gauging
and strsaawaterin the Hubbard BroOk Eq%?rfmtntal weir itself, being composed of cement in an otherwise
Forest during 1963-1974. Data from Table 7. Likens
" &., 1977.
lime-free environment, can alter the chemistry of
waters downstream from the weir.
Direct Precigitbtion str;Bilmwatsr
Water samples were collected at 9 regular sites
SC +
.0739+.003 II&l .0126~.OQlS uq/l along Falls Brook (Fig. 1) at monthly intervals over a
NH* -222.01 .04t.01
ca*+ .1??.02 1.65t.06
3-yr period, February 1975 through February 1978.
Na+ .12%.01 .88-r.O2 The chemistry of these 330 water samples provides
.OS~.Ol .38*.01
g++ .07+.02 .2.?t.01 the long-term data for this study. In addition, four
Al+++ ___ .23+.01 other synoptic sample suites were collected to
SO,-- 2.87f.11 6.232.11
NOa- 1.432.11 1.93t.31 specifically examine the chemistry of aluminum, fluor-
cl- .51*.09 .54f.O2 ide and dissolved organic carbon. One of these
SiOn __- 4.43
PS 4.13 4.90 sample suites (17 October 1978) was taken under
nearly-dry, drought conditions. The other three (6
March 1979, 3 April 1979 and 4 May 1979) were
taken during various stages of the annua) spring
In summary then, the mean residence time of water flood.
within our study watershed is a function of both pos- In its upper reaches (sites I-III, Fig. 1) the channel
ition along the channet and the amount uf water flow- area and saturated banks of Falls Brook expand and
ing through the system on the day concerned. contract with season and with ambient hydroIogic
conditions. Surface water appears and disappears irre-
Water chemistry gularly in the channel as a function of microrelief,
The Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest has been permeability and saturation state of the channel itself.
monitored for precipitation chemistry since 1963, the Kn downstream reaches (sites III-VIII, Fig. 1) stream-
longest record of this kind in existence (TabIe 2). The flow was observed to be perennial during the course
ambient acidity is primarily due to strong acids, not- of this study.
ably HzS04 and HN03. This chemistry differs from
the usual geochemical characterization of rain water
in which acidity is controlled by carbonic acid (GAR- ANALYTICAL TECHNIQUES AND
Stream water chemistry in six south-facing (Fig. 1) All sampling procedures and routine chemical analyses
watersheds also has been monitored at Hubbard were simibu to those described in the Hubbard Brook Eco-
Brook (Table 2). Stream water samptes were collected system Study (LIKENSet ab, 1977). Aluminum fractionation,
fluoride fractionation and carbon fraction measurements
weekly at a fixed point on each of six six streams just were made to supplement this study. Chemical equilibrium
above the gauging station. Like the precipitation calculations were made utilizing the data collected.
chemistry, the dominant anions in streamwater are
Aluminumfiactionation methods
sulfate and nitrate. Unlike precipitation, however, the
Aluminum was determined by the ferron--orthophenan-
hydrogen ion ~n~ntration is lower by almost an
throiine method (RAINWA~ and THATCHER,1960; SMITI+
order of magnitude. and HEM, 1972). which utilizes 8-hydroxy-quino~~ne com-
Although the chemistry of stream water at Hub- plexes with mononuclear aluminum ions. Iron also
bard Brook is relatively constant (LIKENSet al., 1967), complexes with hydroxy quinolinc. and interferes with this
there are some significant variations in chemistry as a method. However, iron levels in Falls Brook are generally
low (< 10 pg/l) and iron interference was corrected for by
function of discharge. At a fixed point along a stream preparing a standard iron interference curve and measor-
in the Hubbard Brook system, three major responses ing the iron concentration in the sample. The catculated
can be distinguish~; those that are diluted by iron interference was generally less than I,, of the
increasing stream discharge, those that are concen- aluminum content of the sample.
trated by increasing stream discharge, and those that Three separate aluminum measurements were made on a
given sample to determine aluminum speciation. Total
are unchanged by increasing stream discharge-(Jorrr+ aluminum was determined by measuring the aluminum in
SON et al., 1969). These chemical changes can be an acid-digested sample. Total monomeric aluminum was
explained variously in terms of reaction kinetics taken as the aluminum measured without the aeid-diges-
(LANGBEINand DAWDY, 1964) or on the basis of a tion procedure (TURNER, 1968; Smrm, 197t; OKURA cr ui..
1962). Organicahy complexed ah.uninum was determined
simple mixing model (JOHNSONet al., 1969; HALL, by passing a sample through a cation exchange column
1970). and analyzing the effluent for monomeric aluminum. In
this procedure the free and labile inorganic aluminum
Falls Brook complexes are absorbed on the column while organically
To assess the geochemiczd e&ts of acid rain, the complexed aluminum passes through (DRISCOLL,1980).
With thqse three aluminum measurements, estimates of
water ch~istry of a first through fifth order stream three aluminum fractions can be obtained. Organ~~liy
network (Falls Brook) was monitored over a 3-yr complexed (non-labile) aluminum is taken directly as the
period. Falls Brook is not gauged, however, it is monomeric aluminum which passes through the cation
Acid rain dissolved aluminum and chemical weathering 1425

Table 3

Equilibrium Relationships Used in This Study

Equation Equilibrium Constant Reference

(Hydroxide Ligands)
Al+' + Hz0 = Al(OH)+' + MC ; KON,= 1.03 x 10-5 May et al, 1979
A1+3 + 2H20 = Al(OH,; + 2H* : KOH,, = 7.36 x lo-" ibid.
Alc3 + 4H20 = AltOK); + 4H+ ; KOH'c = 6.93 x 1O-'3 ibid.

(Fluoride Liqands)
A1'3 + F- = AlF*' ; KF, = 1.05 x 107 Burrows, 1977
AIf C 2F- = AlFf ; KF? = 5.77 x 10 ibid.
Al+3 f 3F- = AlF, i XT:.= 1.07 x 101' ibid.
Ali f 4F- = AlF, ; mi, = 5.37 x 10'9 ibid.
Ait3 + 5F- = AIFs-2 ; Wg = 8.33 x IO'" ibid.
Alc3 + hF- = A1F6-3 ; WC. = 7.49 x IO*0 ibid.

(Sulfate Liyands)
Alt3 + SOi* = ALSO; ; KS, = 1.63 x 10' ibid.
Rlt3 + 2'3,* = Al(SO,,); ; KS2= 1.29 x 105 ibid.

(Aluminum trihydroxide)
A1(OH)s + 3H+ = 3A1+3 4 3H20
Synthetic Gibbsite i KS0= 1.29 x 108 May et al., 1979
Natural Gibbsite : f$O = 5.89 x IO* ibid.
Microcrystalline Gibbsite : KS0 = 2.24 x lO* Hem and Robertson, 1967
Amorphous Aluminum trihydroxide i KS0 = 6.31 x lOi stonm and Morgan, 1970

(Alunlnum Silicates)
iAizSizOs(OH)r + 3H+ =
A1+3 + iiuSiOki 'iHz0
taoiinitf : KS0 = 2.05 x 10' ibid.
Halloysite ; KSO=4.37x155 Heinet al., 1972

(Variable Composition Silicates1

[Al(W) sl,_xlSiOzlx + (3-3x)HC =
(l-x)Al*'+ xHkSiO* + (3-5x)li20* -1.7 + 1.56 PH
amorphous Ideal Aluminosilicate i KS0 = 10 *ace*, 1978
Reversible Non-ideal -5.49 + i.59 PH
AluminosilIcatr ; KS0= 10 Paces, 1978

(sasxc Aluminum Sulfate)

AlOHSOo = AlC3 + OH- + SO: = 5.89 x 10 "an Brcemdir,1'376
' %O -
*where x = 1.24 - 0.135 PH

exchange column. Inorganic (labile) monomeric aluminum Carbon fractionation methods

is obtained from the difference between total monomeric Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) was measured using a
aluminum and organically complexed (non-labile) mono- persulfate oxidation (MENZEL and VACCARO,1965) fol-
meric aluminum; this fraction would include free (aquo) lowed by syringe stripping of CO, (STANTON, 1973). An
aluminum and soluble aluminum hydroxide, fluoride and infrared analyzer or gas partitioner was used to measure
sulfate complexes. Acid soluble aluminum is obtained from the CO,. Phenolics were measured using a modified Folin-
the difference between total aluminum and total mono- Ciocalteau reagent (KLOSTER,1974) and a tannic acid stan-
meric aluminum; this fraction would include those forms dard. Dissolved organic carbon was separated into molecu-
that require acid digestion such as colloidal aluminum, lar weight fractions using Amicon ultrafiltration and the
polymeric aluminum and strongly bound alumina-organic following fiiters: UM2 (loo0 NW cutoff), PM10
complexes. (10,000 MW cutoff), and KM100 (100,000 MW cutoff). Fil-
ters were operated in accordance with the manufacturers
Fluoride fractionation methods instructions. To remove leachable organics, filters were
We used a fluoride ion selective electrode (ORION, 1976) rinsed with 600 ml of high purity deionized water before
to measure fluoride. Two separate fluoride measurements use.
were made in this study, free fluoride and total fluoride
(ORION, 1976). Free fluoride was determined by direct 7hermodynamic equilibrium calculations
measurement with the electrode. Total fluoride was deter- Aluminum speciation was calculated by assuming dis-
mined by using a total ionic strength adjustor and buffer solved species were in chemicaf equilibrium. The resulting
(TISAB) solution. This solution contained sodium chloride, aluminum activity was used to calculate the state of satura-
glacial acetic acid and cyclohexylene dinitrilo tetraacetic tion of various minerals. Monomeric inorganic aluminum
acid adjusted to a pH between 5.0 and 5.5. The addition of may exist in solution as free (aquo) aluminum, or as sol-
this reagent to water samples, provides a constant back- uble hydroxide, fluoride and sulfate complexes. The
ground ionic strength, decomplexes fluoride and adjusts thermodynamic equilibrium relationships (Table 3) for sol-
solution pIi, so that toal fluoride can be measured by uble and solid phase aluminum forms were selected from
electrode (ORION, 1976). Bound fluoride was taken as the what we consider to be the best values in the literature.
difference between the measured total fluoride and free Aquo aluminum activity was calculated with measured
fluoride. inorganic monomeric aluminum, pH, free-fluoride and sul-
1426 NOYE M. hmso~ et al.

Table 4

Em&ions for Calculatinri Various AluisinumFom

Aluminum Sulfate Complexes

Al-S& = {Al+] ISO;*lKS~Yz/Y, + tA1+~~SO;2~2KszY~/Y~ (Eqn. 4)


F-Al = iAlf3){F-)KF~/Y~ + 2fAl+3~~~-)2KF~/Yt + 3tAlC3jfF-1%F~ +

4{Al+)tF-~*KFti/Y> + S{Al ~{f->%FwB +
6~Al+~~F-1%F~/Y3 (Eqn. 5)



= the hydrogen ion activity (moles/L)

IF- 1 = the free fluoride activity (mler/l)
tSOul = the sulfate concentfation (moles/l)
(Al inorganic) is the labile nwnamric aluminumCOncentratiOn
YI,Yz,Yz = the mew activity coefficient of mnavalent,
divalent, and trivalent species, resp%Ctivcly
KOXn,KF,,KSn=aluminumhydroxide, fluoride and suLfate ligand
equilibrium constants - see Table 3 for values.

fate measurements as well as tbermodyrtamic equilibrium eral. Values less than zero denote undersat~ation and
constants (eqn 1, Table 4). [A~thou~ sulfate was not values of zero r&ect equilibrium with respect to the miner-
measured in its free form sulfate complexes in low ionic al of interest.
strength waters are minor and can be negiected (DIU~LZ, Ion activity coeticient values were computed by means
19gQ.J Using this value for aquo aluminum activity, we of the Debye-Htickef approximation (STUMMand MOR-
could then calculate the theoretically coexisting solubie GAN, 1970).
aluminum hydroxide compfexes (eqn 2, Table 41, soluble
aluminum fluoride complexes (eqn 3, Table 4), soluble
aluminum sulfate complexes (eqn 4, Table 4) aluminum RESULTS
bound fluoride (cqn 5, Table 4) and aiuminum acidity (eqn
6, Table 4). Aluminum acidity is the capacity of aqueous The average chemical composition of Fails Brook
aiurn~~um to neutralize hydroxyl ion. Recause aiumjnum for the 36.month interval between February 1975 and
which is chelated with natural organic m&on wit1 not February 1978 is shown in Table 5. Distinct changes
readiiy hydroiyze over the pM range observed in solutions in chemical composition were evident aiong the
in this study (D~WXXLL, X98Q,this ahrminum component
was not included in the aIumiaum acidity calculation. length of Fails Brook frabie 5). Water in the upper
Solid-phase eq~~b~~ calcutations were also made to ma&es of Falls Brook (sites I-TIT, Table 5) was more
compare our mesured solution ~rn~~t~o~ with that pre- acid, ri&er in ~~~~ and d~~sh~ in alkali and
dicted by known minerals. Ibis ~rn~i~ was made by alkahne earth cations compared to the lower reac&~
cakuiating mirreral ~~b~urn i&ices (P~crr~, 197g).
Minerat disequiIibrfum indices (I,) are computed by taking of Falls Brook. Ammonium and nitrate, concen-
the logarithm of the ratio of the mineral activity product trations decreased significantly in a downstream di-
(Q,,)to the equilibrium constant (I&) (eqn 7). rection while silica and polyphenol levels increased.
ionized carbonic acid content was variable but rela-
tively low; bicarbonate alkalinity was essentially non-
existent. In contrast to these widely fiuctuating spe-
A d~~~ibrium index greater than zero iadica%s that cies, sulfate and chloride were notably constant in
the system is oversaturated with respect to the specific min- concentration along Falls Brook.
Table 5

'wan Chemistry of falls Brook as a Function of

Stream Order and Elevation

Unless Otherwise Specified all Units are ms/l

Fi+ + POti
stream ++ ++ ++
Site Elev. Order Ca Na K+ (W/j.) (W/l) 2Al so,-- NOj- a- %Koo3- tug/e) SiO2 *polyphenol

I 81&l 1 .87f.04 .37f.03 .21f.01 .lO?.Ol 18.3k.6 38'10 .71+.03 6.Ot.l 2.0f.5 .36t-.03 . 23t.04 3.1t.6 2.2C.l .15*.01

II 770 2 1.24i.04 .%3t.07 . 28t.01 .16+.01 11.5f.9 lSt3 .32+.03 5.5i.l 2.1+.4 .39t.02 .09t.02 3.oi.4 5.2k.4 .2O-c.O3

III 755 2 1.325.05 I.03t.05 .29+.02 .16+.01 S.1i.6 ll-t2 .21?.01 5.3f.1 1.9i.3 .39f.01 .lO+.Ol 2.95.3 6.1f.3 .25*.02

I" 715 2 1.55t.04 .96*.03 .32t.01 .17t.01 6.4+.4 11+2 .20?.02 5.5k.l 1.9r.3 .40f.02 .13?.02 3.6+.4 5.5t.2 .21c.o2

v 664 3 i.65t.04 1.05t.03 .34f.01 .17'.01 2.9f.3 11+2 :15?."1 5.Sk.l 1.72.3 .37?r.O2 .12+.01 3.4C.5 5.8t.2 .25t.03

'j; 597 3 1.652.05 1.04-t.03 .35?.0! .2Of.01 3.5+.3 11'2 .19t.01 5.8f.l 1.5f.2 .41?.02 .09+.01 3.1f.3 6.4f.2 .32-e.O2

"II 539 4 1.68?.04 1.05t.03 .37?.01 .21f.01 3.1f.3 lo+1 . 18k.01 5.9f.l 1.3+.2 .40+.01 .09+.01 3.1+.4 6.3f.2 .37-f.O2

VIII 445 4 1.58f.03 1.03f.03 .37f.01 .23?.01 2.6t.3 11t1 .16f.01 1.2t.2 .40t.01 .07+.01 3.6+.4 6.4t.2 .34?.03

IX 415 5 1.70f.05 .87t.06 .45+.01 .27t.02 2.1k.3 *t1 .15t.01 5.7t.1 l.Of.2 .42f.01 . 12-f.02 3.6k.4 6.2f.2 .41+.05

'Based on 37 consecutive monthly samples for the period February 1975 through February 1978.
Error Expressed as standard deviation of the mean.

'Total aluminum

'Includes ionized carbonic acid and alkalinity

*For the period 30 Sept. 75 throuqh 23 Sept. 76

et al.

These long-term data (Table 5) portray an overall DRISCOLL(1980) and summarized above. The results
picture of a rapidly and systematically evolving of these analyses are tabulated in Table 6.
aqueous system; one whose chemistry adjusts step- We use the data for 6 March 1979 to illustrate
by-step to the various processes operating within the certain spatial trends in the aluminum chemistry of
Falls Brook watershed. The most conspicuous chemi- Falls Brook (Fig. 2). As exemplified by the 6 March
cal changes are those involving dissolved aluminum. 1979 data (Table 6, Fig. 2). the upper reaches of Falls
As reported previously (JO~INSON, 1979), the long-term Brook contained more inorganic monomeric
data showed that the total aluminum dissolved in aluminum than the lower reaches. On the other hand
Falls Brook varied as a function of pH and/or pos- just the opposite trend was true for the organically
ition within the watershed. It was presumed, there- complexed aluminum (Fig. 2). The combined effect of
fore, that a relatively soluble aluminum mineral, these trends was that the proportion of organically
probably Al(OH),, was present in the watershed and complexed aluminum in Falls Brook streamwater in-
was largely responsible for neutralizing the acid rain creased steadily in the downstream direction (Fig. 2).
incident on the watershed (JOHNSON,1979). The fluoride chemistry of Falls Brook also changed
To explore these possibilities further, the aluminum markedly in a downstream direction (Table 6. Fig. 2).
chemistry of the Falls Brook system was subsequently Total fluoride levels were relatively low at the high
studied using the analytic methods developed by elevation sites but increased steadily downstream to

Dissolved Aluminum Species for balls Brook on Four Selected Days.

Unless otherwise specified units are micrograms/liter. Al is total
(acid digestible) aluminum, Al is total monomeric alumin&, Al is
organically complexed aluminum? LXX is dissolved organic carbon: B
is polyphenol. Of the calculated values ~1 is aluminum complexed
with hydroxyl, Al is aluminum complexed WL,Ph fluoride, Al is alu-
minum complexed wfth sulfate, Al+++ is free (aqua) alumin&

4 May 1979


soI,-2 LXX m
SITE pH (mq/l) F- Air Ala Al (v/l) (my/l)

I 4.76 5.3 .OS 566 497 51 2.56 .16

II 4.82 5.1 1.1 417 368 115 2.05 .15
III 4.92 4.7 3.1 354 267 115 2.45 .22
I 5.00 4.6 8.0 249 189 106 2.37 .27
v 5.30 4.8 42 217 175 125 2.50 .26
I 5.11 4.9 21 290 222 152 3.45 .40
VII 5.10 5.0 2-i 322 256 184 3.88 .44
VIII 5.15 4.9 25 304 237 189 3.61 39
IX 4.99 5.6 11 380 299 203 4.26 :53

3 April 1979

I 4.70 5.3 .05 556 471 0 2.33 .26

II 4.82 5.1 1.1 438 221 13 1.75 .18
III 5.04 4.7 3.7 159 103 32 2.63 .31
I" 4.98 4.6 12 169 108 18 2.15 .24
" 5.30 4.8 50 113 061 18 2.93 .27
"I 5.19 4.9 30 207 122 65 3.16 .28
VII 5.37 5.0 65 141 a4 47 2.71 .32
"III 5.38 4.9 61 141 84 65 2.96 .28
IX 5.31 5.6 51 155 98 56 3.36 .32

6 March 1979
I 4.75 5.3 .05 650 605 18 -- _-
II 4.80 5.1 0.7 524 465 61 -- _-
III 4.84 4.7 2.0 387 320 113 -- _-
IV 4.94 4.6 9.1 273 225 104 -- __
" 5.20 4.8 28 235 182 92 -- __
VI 5.04 4.9 14 320 251 125 -- -_
VII 5.03 5.0 1.9 320 249 142 -- __
VIII 5.11 4.9 19 294 227 128 -- __
IX 5.03 5.6 11 320 244 128 -- __

17 October 1978l

III 5.30 6.0 9.2 156 107 61 2.72 .21

I" 5.13 6.1 11.5 156 112 41 2.16 .26
V 5.61 6.9 58 110 71 56 2-40 .21
VI 5.79 7.4 51 135 96 73 3.14 .38
VII 6.04 7.6 61 144 84 78 3.44 .54
VIII 6.29 7.1 62 110 66 54 2.84 .36
IX 6.29 7.0 54 151 92 88 4.05 .64

Sites I and II dry on this date.
rain dissolved aluminum and chemical weathering 1429

4 May 1979


Air-Ala Ala-Al0 ZAl ZAlc TAl LA1 Al+++

SITE h Li t?FS
bY 446 202.6 49.8 15.8 268.2 177.8
51 253 115.1 49.0 7.0 171.1 81.9
87 152 bl .7 57.3 2.4 121.4 30.7
60 83 24.3 49.0 0.7 74.0 9.0
42 50 7.1 42.0 0.1 49.2 0.8
67 71 12.2 55.6 0.2 68.0 3.0
66 72 10.8 58.2 0.2 69.2 2.7
67 48 7.7 38.5 0.1 46.3 1.6
81 96 L'1.3 55.7 0.8 87.8 0.2

3 April 1979
R5 471 190.2 57.4 18.2 265.9 205.0
217 2OR 93.7 41.9 5.7 141.3 66.7
57 71 '14.4 24.8 0.9 60.1 10.9
bi 90 18.7 63.3 0.6 82.6 7.4
52 43 4.0 37.6 <.I 42.4 0.5
85 87 8.6 46.7 0.1 35.4 1.5
57 37 3.4 33.0 <.i 36.6 0.3
57 19 2.1 16.7 <.l 18.8 0.2
57 42 4.8 36.6 c.1 41.4 0.5

6 March 1979

45 587 261.7 66.6 21.1 349.4 237.7

59 404 189.2 57.9 12.2 259.4 144.6
67 207 Vi.0 64.5 4.3 151.8 55.1
48 12i 27.3 80.2 1.0 108.5 12.6
53 90 15.0 72.2 0.2 87.4 2.5
69 126 27.1 89.6 0.7 117.4 8.6
71 107 16.8 84.2 0.5 101.5 5.5
67 99 19.5 74.4 0.4 94.3 4.7
76 lifi 30.0 75.1 0.9 106.0 3.9

17 October 197El'

49 46 24.8 18.1 0.3 43.2 2.802

44 71 22.5 42.9 0.5 65.3 5.050
33 15 4.2 10.7 <.? 14.9 0.121
39 13 6.8 6.1 <.I 12.9 0.085
60 7 5.3 1.7 C.1 7.0 0.017
44 12 11.3 0.7 <.I 12.0 a.007
59 4 3.8 0.2 c.1 4.0 0.002

Sites 'Iand II dry on this date.

site V, from which point they stayed relatively con- A detailed analysis of aluminum chemistry together
stant. At the higher elevation sites (I--.111)free fluoride with the analysis of major cations and anions enabled
levels were extremely low with most of the fluoride us to compute the ionic strength of each water sample
being in a bound form (Table 6, Fig. 2). As total fluor- collected. On the average for Falls Brook water, the
ide levels increased in the downstream direction, free ionic strength value would be 2.8 x lo-; SD.
fluoride levels also increased. in downstream waters 0.2 x 10T4 which for this study represents average
free fluoride comprised a significant fraction of total activity coefficient values of 0.98, 0.93 and 0.84 for
fluoride. [In an aqueous system such as Falls Brook monovalent, divalent and trivalent ions, respectively.
bound-~uoride would be almost entirely complexed
with alumjnum as other potential fluoride complexes DISCUSSION OF RESULTS
would be quantitatively insignificant (DRISCOLL,
1980). The fact that total fluoride increased in a Aluminum chemistry
downstream direction. i.e. with increasing pathlength Substantial changes in the amount and kind of dis-
within the system, would suggest that the ftuoride is solved aluminum were observed in Falls Brook from
derived from the till and bedrock of the watershed site-to-site (Table 6). The data from 6 March 1979
rather than from an atmospheric source.] illustrate some of these changes (Fig. 3). On 6 March
A comparison of measured bound-fluoride (utiliz- 1979 a high discharge (spring flood) condition was
ing ion electrode methods) with calculated bound- present, so that the mean residence time of stream-
fluoride (eqn. 5. Table 2) provides an independent water site-by-site was relatively short when compared
check of the analytic methods and the chemical equi- to the dry condition of the preceding summer, specifi-
librium model. The mean measured bound-fluoride cally the data from 17 October 1978 (Table 6). How-
value of Falls Brook was 0.045 mg/f; SD. 0.011, while ever, many of the chemical trends observed in the 6
the mean caiculated aluminum-bound tluoride value March 1979 date (Fig. 3) also apply to the 17 October
was 0.059 mg/l; SD. 0.016. 1978 data. Generally, the inorganic monomeric
1430 NOVEM. JOHNSONet at.

For example a comparison of Fafis Brook

aluminum chemistry with various phases of
ahuninum trihydroxide is shown in Fig. 4. This com-
parison shows that the free (aquo) aluminum activity
of Falls Brook is generally oversaturated with respect
to synthetic gibbsite but undersaturated with respect
to natural gibbsite, microcrystalline gibbsite and
amorphous aluminum trihydroxide. The natural gibb-
site phase (MAY et al., 1979) comes closest to de-
scribing our observed data. Similar results have been
reported in surface waters of the Adirondack region
of New York (DRISCOLL,1980).
Aluminum trihydroxide, however, is not the only
aluminum compound which is compatible with the
Falls Brook data. A theoretical model for a variable
composition aluminosilicate mineral (PACES, 1978)
also describes the Falls Brook data rather well (Fig.
5). The PA&~ (1978) model has been advocated by
Kramer (1980) as a likely factor in the chemistry of
acidified waters generally. Although the Falls Brook
data and the PACES(1978) model generally conform,
the data fit is somewhat removed from the proposed
theoretical values (Fig. 5, Table 7). When viewed in
the context of the Pa& (1978) mode!, the Falls Brook
system is more similar to other naturaf waters (which
drain granitic rocks) than it is to the theoretical ideal
(see Fig. 5).

Fig. 2. Observed aluminum, hydrogen ion and fluoride

concentrations in Falls Brook during 6 March 1979. Total
aluminum (Al,), total monomeric aluminum (Al=) and or-
ganic monomeric aluminum (Al,) were measured directly
(see text).

al~jnurn in Falls Brook was a mixture of free aqua

ahrminum, aluminum hydr0kk complexes,
aluminum &_toride complexes and to a lesser extent
aluminum sulfate complexes (Tabie 6, Fig. 3).
By assessing various inorganic aluminum com-
plexes, it has been possible to evaluate the free @quo)
aluminum activity and compare these values to the
theoretical solubility of various mineral phases utiliz-
ing disequilibrium indices (Table 7). Several minerals
which might control aqueous aluminum concen-
trations were investigated. These included three
ahtminum trihydroxide phases, (i) micaocrystalhne
gibbsite (HEMand ROBW~N, 1967), (ii) natural gibb-
site, and (iii) synthetic gibbsite (MAY et al., 1979); two
constant composition solid suhrtions (1: 1 layered)
aluminosilicate minerals, (if haiioysite (HEM et af.,
1973) and (ii) kaolinite (Srt.r~~ and MCX~GAN, 1970);
two variable composition solid solution duminosili-
cate minerals, (i) amorphous idcal aluminos&ate and
Elewotton (meters)
(ii) reversible non-ideal ahminosilicate (PA&, 1978); downslreom direction -)
and a single phase of basic aluminum sulfate (VAN
Bw, 1973). The amounts of dissolved aluminum Fig. 3. Species of dissolved aluminum in Falls Brook dur-
ing 6 March 1979. Organically complexed aluminum has
observed in the Falls Brook system could be been measured directly; free (apuo) aluminum, aluminum
explained by any of these minerals with the possible hydroxide, fluoride and sulfate complexes have been calcu-
excention of basic atuminum sulfate (Table 71. lated using eons (t), (21,(3) and (4) (Table 3).
Acid rain dissolved aluminum and chemical weathering 1431

Table 7

Mea" disequilibrium index (I 1

for Falls Brook streamwater
(Table 6) with respect to vagious aluminum minerals. I
values of zero indicate equilibrium; positive values foe
1 indicate oversaturation; negative values, undersatura-
t&n. Errorexpressed at the 95% confidence interval (2~)
about the mea" of 34 samoles (Table 6).

Mineral I

Microcrystalline gibbsite -0.69 f 0.71

Natural gibbsite -0.1, t 0.71
Synthetic gibbsite 0.55 t 0.71
Halloysite -1.08 t 0.69
Kaolinite 1.26 f 0.69
Basic aluminum sulfate 2.74 t 1.69
Anwrphous alumnosilicate (ideal) -1.24 c 0.37
Reversible alumnosilicate (non-Ideal) -0.59 t 0.41

The comparisons above show that the present evi- bon. This finding agrees with that reported by BENES
dence is insufficient to isolate uniquely any single er al. (1976) who analysed the dissolved organic car-
mineral which controls the aluminum chemistry of bon and aluminum in a small Norwegian brook.
the Falls Brook system. The evidence suggests, how- Our data (Table 6) show further that polyphenols
ever, that such a mineral does exist within the Falls comprise a relatively constant 19% (r = 0.896) of the
Brook system. For the present at least the natural total dissolved organic carbon in Falls Brook stream-
gibbsite phase of MAY et al. (1979) provides the best water. It would seem then that organically complexed
model for explaining the aluminum chemistry of Falls aluminum, dissolved organic carbons and polyphe-
Brook streamwater. nols in the Falls Brook system are related to each
other in some unknown way.
Organic compounds
Strong correlations have been observed between Neutralization of acid rain
dissolved organic carbon and organic monomeric As previously reported (JOHNSON,1979; DRISCOLL.
aluminum concentrations in Falls Brook (Fig. 6). 1980), dissolved aluminum plays an import role in the
Similar relationships have been observed in surface neutralization of acid rain over the Northeast. Dis-
waters of the Adirondack mountains (DRISCOLL, solved aluminum, however, is by itself an acid, being
1980). The dissolved organic carbon in Falls Brook able to neutralize hydroxyl ion. In this section we will
seems to vary from season-to-season with respect to examine this aspect of aluminum in streamwater.
its ability to complex aluminum (Fig. 6). Using ultra- The acidity of precipitation at Hubbard Brook
filtration techniques we found that most of the orga- averages 120 p-equiv/l of hydrogen ions after compen-
nically complexed aluminum is associated with the sation for the concentrating effects of evapotranspor-
103-lo4 mol. wt fraction of the dissolved organic car- tation (LIKENS et a/., 1977). The acidity in rain is

4.5 5.0 55 6.0 6.5

Fig. 4. Comparison of Falls Brook data (Table 6) with various theoretical solubility models for AI(O
Free (aquo) aluminum and hydrogen ion activities were determined on four separate days encompassing
both drought and flood conditions (see text).
1432 NOYEM. JOHNSONet al.

Reversible Non-ideal

v October 17, 1978 -

a March 17, 1978
o April 3, 1979
0 May 4, 1979


Fig. 5. A comparison of the Falls Brook data (Table 6) with variable aluminosilicate solid solution
models proposed by PAEES(1978).

{Al+ 1-{ILSiO.JX
1 where x = 1.24-0.135pH

Feldspar and granite solution lines represent best fit of data reported by BUSENBERG
(1976)and FOUILLACet al. (1976), respectively.

almost entirely hydrogen ion acidity; aluminum and precipitation is largely converted into aluminum
other forms of acidity in precipitation are negligible acidity by the time the precipitation makes its first
(GALLOWAYet al., 1976). In the Falls Brook appearance as stream water (site I, Tables 5 and 6). In
watershed the hydrogen ion acidity of the ambient the Hubbard Brook area, MULDER(1980) has shown
that the humus layer and the B2 horizons provide
most of the aluminum to acid waters percolating
down through the soil. CRONAN et al. (1978) have
reported similar soil-dissolved aluminum relation-
ships for the alpine regions of New Hampshire.
_ .I& 0 17
In areas of New Hampshire where acid rain has
=! 0 4
had no contact with the soil, surface waters may con-
- .l6- tain little alumina in solution and have a pH
E approaching that of acid rain itself (UNKLES, 1980;
5 .l4- WIENSKIand UNKLES,1980). In Fig. 7 we show chemi-
* cal data from a stream draining the summit areas of
Mt Cube, which lies some 30 km to the SW of the
; .l2- Hubbard Brook area. Where water was in contact
= with only metamorphic boulders (> 800 m, Fig. 7), it
8 .lO- had a low pH and relatively low aluminum content.
% Immediately after penetrating into a thin soil
.g .06- (~800 m, Fig. 7), however, it approached saturation
0 with an aluminum phase comparable to that found in
H the Falls Brook watershed (lower panel, Fig. 7). After
O ..x- the initial reaction with alumina, neutralization of
0 0
acidity proceeded in a downstream direction in a
/ 0 fashion resembling Falls Brook (upper panel, Fig. 7).
Although limited in scope, these studies pinpoint the
I I soil zone as the main site for aluminum acquisition by
3 4 acid waters. Aluminum was not dissolved to any large
Dissolved Orqanic Carbon I mq/l) extent from surfaces of high-grade metamorphic
Fig. 6. Relation&p between organically complexed rocks.
aluminum and dissolved organic carbon in Falls Brook After the initial and rapid pH changes due to the
waters on two dates. dissolution of reactive alumina, further neutralization
Acid rain dissolved aluminum and chemical weathering 1433

. ti+

700 600 500

Elevation (meters)
dorvnstrcom -

Fig. 7. Dissolved aluminum and acidity of stream waters draining the summit area of Mt Cube, New
Hampshire, on 4 April 1980. On this date snowmeh was flowing over and through a boulder field of
metamorphic rocks (cross-hatched area) before soaking into soil and later reappearing as streamflow.
Levels of aluminum saturation are calculated on the basis of pH and a theoretical solubility product for
AI of 10m9. Aluminum hydroxide complexes were also included in the calculated saturation value.
but fluoride and organic complexes were not considered. Data from WIENSKIand UNKLES(1980).

occurs more slowly as alkali and alkaline earth aluminum mineral may control the aluminum content
cations are introduced into the system. The ultimate of pH of much of the present-day acidified surface
source of these basic cations in the Hubbard Brook waters of the Northeastern U.S. The reactive
area is the chemical weathering of silicate minerals. In aluminum trihydroxide (or aluminosilicate) phase is
the short-term, however, these cations may come from most obvious in the soils of the region (MULDER,
the ambient biologic system and organic materials of 1980; UNKLES, 1980; WIENSKI and UNKLES, 1980;
the soil. Our data show that the dissolution of cal- CRONAN et al., 1978). To a large extent,this soil
cium, sodium, magnesium, and potassium from the aluminum is acting as a powerful buffer of surface
Falls Brook watershed is slow compared to the in- water acidity over the Northeastern U.S. The ultimate
itial neutralization by aluminum dissolution. Conse- sink for both hydrogen ion and aluminum acidity,
quently, we view the overall neutralization of acid however, is the chemical weathering of primary
rain at Falls Brook as a 2-step process. As the first aluminosilicates.
step. hydrogen ion acidity of the incoming precipi-
tation is transformed into a mixture of hydrogen ion Acid-base interactions
and aluminum acidity for some time before it is In this section we will quantitatively assess the re-
finally neutralized in a second step by chemical lations between hydrogen ion acidity, aluminum
weathering products, mainly calcium and sodium. acidity and basic cations in the Falls Brook system.
Steamwaters appear to be continuously in equilib- We show in Fig. 8 how on 6 March 1979 the total
rium with a reactive aluminum mineral, so that this acids within Falls Brook were neutralized by strong
1434 NOYTM. JOHNSONet al.

try for just a single day, similar trends were observed

160- throughout the study period (Tables 5 and 6).


F Basic Cat Ions Acid-base reaction rates

Our data show that hydrogen ion/aluminum
acidity and basic cation concentrations in the Falls
Brook watershed vary as a function of position within
the watershed (Tables 5 and 6, Figs 8 and 9). As dis-
cussed earlier, the residence time or pathlength of the
water moving through the watershed is also a func-
tion of position. We can therefore assess the kinetics
of the acid-base reactions by relating water chemistry
to water residence time.
When stream position is transposed into drainage
area, the acid-base curves shown in Fig. 8 are seen to
be hyperbolic in form (Fig. 10). That is, the plot of
chemical concentration versus reciprocal drainage
area is essentially linear (Fig. 10). As oriented in Fig.
10, the slope of a regression line has units of Ap-
equiv/Acm (i.e. Ap-equiv cm-3/Acm- ) which rep-
resents the chemical change taking place during a unit
!l pathlength of water passage through the system. The
intercept of a regression line represents the chemica!
Elevation (meters)
state of very long pathlength water within the system.
downstream dlrectlon-
Both Figs 8 and 10 clearly show that the most exten-
Fig. 8. Changes in the acidity and basic cation concen-
sive chemical changes taking place occur in the head-
tration of Falls Brook on 6 March 1979. Total base neutra- waters, i.e. the low-order stream segments of the
lizing capacity (or acidity) is considered to be comprised of
hydrogen ion and aluminum acidity. Hydrogen ion acidity
is thus the difference between total base neutralizing ca-
pacity and aluminum base neutralizing capacity. The
chemistry for the summit area (850 m) is assumed to be the
same as the incident precipitation on the Hubbard Brook
area during the week preceding 6 March 1979.

basic cations. The overall state of neutralization on

this date was obviously a function of location within
the system. The long-term data (Table 5) show that
these trends are typical for the Falls Brook system.
We show in Fig. 9 a different view of the acid-base
balance for Falls Brook on 6 March 1979. The
amount of hydrogen ion and aluminum acidity neu-
tralized was balanced against the basic cations dis-
solved at successive sites along Falls Brook. To make
the balance as complete as possible changes in anion
(Cl-, NO;, SO:-) concentration were ineluded in
this analysis. The cumulative acid-base balance of
Falls Brook (Fig. 9) shows that the stream was signifi-
cantly more acid than it should be, considering the
amount of basic cations that have been added to it. It acid cations(H:Al)
would seem then that the closed-system premise used +O : 1
in this acid-base analysis (Fig. 9) does not really hold, 80 700 cjoo 500 400
and that an additional source of acidity is available to E&v&on h-hers)
the Falls Brook system. A likely source for this extra downstream directton ----
acidity in the organic acids produced by internal bio- Fig. 9. An acidity balance for the Falls Brook system on 6
logical reactions, such as nit&cation (LKENSet al., March 1979. The neutralization of acidity (hydrogen ion
1977). Given the low pH throughout the soil (Table 1) and aluminum) is balanced against the release of basic
cations at successive sites in the Falls Brook watershed.
and the stream (Table 5), carbonic acid 6 probably The cumulative curve indicates that more basic cations are
not a significant factor in the Falls Brook system. released than can be accounted for by the neutralization of
Although Figs 8 and 9 represent the acid-base chemis- aluminum and hydrogen ion acidity.
Acid rain dissolved aluminum and chemical weathering 1435

6 MARCH 1979 (or residence time), conforming essentially to a hyper-

. Bases bolic pattern. Both constituents are byproducts of
o Acids chemical weathering and their synchronized appear-
ance in Falls Brook streamwater testifies to the exist-
ence and extent of chemical weathering activity within
the system.
The rate of chemical weathering over a given area
may be assessed by the rate at which alkali and alka-
line earth ions are extracted from the area, i.e. the
ionic denudation rate. In this discussion we will cali-
brate ionic denudation in terms of the base cation
equivalents which leave a unit area of watershed dur-
. Bases
ing a year (m-equiv/m2-yr). The regression analysis
portrayed in Fig. IO (lower panel) suggests that the
concentration of basic cations in Falls Brook water
approaches 130 p-equiv/l for water of long pathlength
(when corrected for the flux of basic cations from the
atmosphere). In the Hubbard Brook area runoff aver-
ages 80 cm, or 800 l/m2 of watershed. The product of
mean runoff and mean basic-cation concentration
I 1 yields a value of 100 m-equivjm for annual cationic
2 3
~e~i~~~~~ Drainage Area (ha)-' denudation rate. This compares favorably with the
120 m-equiv/m value derived from cationic budgets
Fig. 10. Distribution of total strong bases (Ca, Na, observed over an 1I-yr period (LIKENSef N/., 1977).
K, Mg) and total acidity (Hf, A&-t)) within the Falls However, in addition to the basic cations which are
Brook drainage area on 6 March 1979 (upper panel); dis- lost each year in streamflow (10@120m-equivm).
tribution of strong bases (Ca*, Na+, K+, Mg+) over the
long-term (Table 5) is similarly represented in lower panel. basic cations are also being stored within the
The correspondence in slopes between the long-term data Hubbard Brook ecosystem by accreting biomass
(bases, lower panel) and that for a single day (bases, upper (LIKENSet al., 1977: BORMANNand LIKENS.1979). A
panel) indicates that this parameter is a chemical charac- more accurate index of ambient ionic denudation for
teristic of the watershed as a whole. Over the long-term
(Table 5) silica and basic cations show a common, hyper-
the Hubbard Brook area would include this amount
bolic distribution with respect to drainage area (lower (80 m-equiv/m2) and the ionic denudation value thus
panel) which suggests that they are derived from a com- becomes 18~2~m-equiv/m~. This value is close to
mon source, i.e. the weathering of silicate minerals within the regional average for the Northeast
the watershed itself. (22Om-equiv/mz) or the average for the North
American continent (380 m-equiv;m). On a compara-
tive basis at least, the Hubbard Brook area would
For watersheds in the northeastern U.S. drainage appear to be quite average or even below average in
area is proportional to mean annual discharge (LEO- its ionic denudation and implicitly in its chemical
POLD et al., 1964, p. 251), so that discharge values weathering rate. This relatively normal ionic denuda-
could be used in the abscissa of Fig. 10 instead of tion is occurring despite the well-known flux of acid
drainage area. If discharge values are used, the slope rain over the Hubbard Brook area. Whether or not
of a regression line then has units of A@equiv/A time the acid rain phenomenon has increased or decreased
(i.e. Ap-equiv cme3/Atime cnY3) which represents the chemical weathering rate in the Hubbard Brook area
amount of chemical change taking place per unit of is not really known. We do not have adequate histori-
water residence time. cal information to compare with our present-day in-
In either case, however, the acid-base reactions tak- formation.
ing place within the Falls Brook watershed are evi- We have shown previously (Fig. 10) that the rate at
dently systematic and reproducible from year-to-year. which total acidity is neutralized in the Falls Brook
The fact that the regression line for the basic cations system closely follows the rate at which silicate miner-
on a long-term basis (Fig. 10, lower panel) is virtually als are weathered. Furthermore, the place where these
the same as that for a single day (Fig. 10, upper panel) reactions occur is mostly in first and second-order
argues for the generality of the chemical reactions drainages (Table 5, Fig. 10). Evidently, the kinetics of
involved, which in this case describes the amount of contemporary chemical weathering in the Falls Brook
chemical weathering within the system. system are such that most of the reaction has
occurred in the time it takes for average rainfall (or
Rate of chemical weathering snowmelt) to reach a third-order stream channel. As
In the lower panel of Fig. 10 we show that both noted previously (JOHNSON,1979), it is stream order,
basic cations and silica are a~umulated in Falls not stream eievation, which correlates with the state
Brook streamwater as a function of water pathlength of streamwater chemistry in the Hubbard Brook areas
1436 NOYEM. JOHNSONet al.

as a whole. Stream order is closely related to water BUSENBERG E. and CLEMENCY C. V. (1976) The dissolution
pathlength (or residence time) within the watershed. kinetics of feldspars at 25C and 1atm COZ partial
pressure. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 40, 41-49.
Stream order is thus a useful parameter in the charac- CRONANC. S., RE~NERS W. A., REYNOLDS R. C. and LANG
terization of stream water chemistry in a hydrolygic G. E. (1978)
, I
Forest floor leaching: contributions from
system such as Hubbard Brook. mineral, organic and carbonic acids in New Hampshire
subalpine forests. Science 200, 309-311.
DAVISM. B. and FORD M. S. (1981) Sediment focusing m
SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Mirror Lake, New Hampshire. Limnol. Oceunoyr. (in
Evidence from the Falls Brook watershed system DRISCOLLC. T. (1980) Chemical characterization of some
suggests that the neutralization of acid rain is ac- dilute acidified lakes and streams in the Adirondack
complished by a 2-step chemical reaction. Initially, Region of New York State. Ph.D. Thesis, Cornell Univ.
strong acids in precipitation are rapidly but incomple- FOUILLACC., MICHARDG. and SARAZING. (1976) Acqui-
sition of solute by river Truyere waters. Proc. lnf. Symp.
tely neutralized by the dissolution of a reactive on Water-Rock Interaction, Czechoslovakia. 1974 (eds J.
aluminum phase in the soil zone. The resulting sol- Cadek and T. PaEes), pp. 64-69.
ution is one depleted in hydrogen ion but enriched in GALLOWAYJ. N., LIKENSG. E. and EDGERTONE. S. (1976)
aluminum. Total acidity, including both hydrogen ion Acid precipitation in the northeastern United States: pH
and acidity. Science 194, 722-724.
and aluminum acidity, is then slowly neutralized by
GARREL~R. M. and MACKENZIEF. T. (1971) Evolution qf
basic cations which are released by the decomposition Sedimentary Rocks 397 pp. Norton.
of silicate minerals. The rate at which acid rain (and GJESSING E. T., HENRIKSENA., JOHANNESSEN M. and
secondary aluminum acidity) is neutralized is ultima- WRIGHT R. F. (1976) Effects of acid precipitation on
freshwater chemistry. Impact of Acid Precipitation on
tely set by the rate at which silicate minerals are de-
Forest and Freshwater Ecosystems in Norway (ed. F. H.
composed under ambient conditions. At the present Braekke). SNSF-project, Oslo.
time most of the neutralization and weathering reac- HALL F. R. (1970) Dissolved solute-discharge relationships:
tions are accomplished within first and second order mixing models, Water Resour. Res. 6, W-850.
drainage basins. HART G. E., LEONARDR. E. and PIERCER. S. (1962) Leaf
fall, humus depth and soil frost in a northern hardwood
The results described above for Falls Brook are not
forest. Res. Note 131, 3 pp. Forest Service, USDA.
unique to the Hubbard Brook area of New Hamp- HEM J. D. (1968) Aluminum species in water, in trace in-
shire. Data from the Adirondack region of New York organics in water. Advances in Chemistry 73, 98-l 14.
(DRISCOLL, 1980) parallel that from Falls Brook. It HEMJ. D. and ROWUSON C. E. (1967) Form and stability
appears then that over much of the forested, hardrock of aluminium hydroxide complexes in dilute solution.
U.S. Geol. Surv. Water Supply Pap. 1827-A.
landscape of the Northeastern U.S., the processes of HEMJ. D., ROBERTSON C. E., LMD C. J. and POLZERW. L.
acid rain neutralization follow that at Falls Brook. (1973) Chemical interactions of aluminum with aqueous
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high aluminum content tend to be located in low Pap. NE-260, 18 pp.
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GRAUSTEIN,E. CLEAVES,A. FEDERER,J. KRAMERand F. H. KLOSTERM. 8. (1974) Determination of tannin and lignin.
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work. The direct support of D. Buso, V. LEVASSEUR,R. KRAMERJ. R. (1980) Aluminum chemistry in acid surface
MOORE,W. BERRYMAN, A. JOHNSON,H. HOOPERand es- waters. Program, 10th conf. Int. Assoc. Water Pollut.
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completion of this study, a fact which we gratefully ac- LANGBEINW. B. and DAWDY D. R. (1964) Occurrence of
knowledge. dissolved solids in surface waters in the United States,
This is a contribution to the Hubbard Brook Ecosystem U.S. Geol. Surv. ProJ Pap. 501-D, pp. 115-117.
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