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ANSI/ACI 308-92(11/24/93) (Reapproved 1997) Standard Practice for Curing Concrete (ACI 308-92) Reported by ACI Committee 308 Bryant Mather (Chairman Roger E. Carrer RW. Kriner (Owen Richards Richard H, Danforth AT. Livigood Arthur P. Seyler L. Blake Fentress" RH. Mills Lake M. Snell Jerome H. Ford Glenn E. Noble William L. Trimm Steven H. Gebler Dison OBrien, Jr Lewis H. Tuthill Gilbert Haddad H. Celik Onlin Robert J. Van Epps Richard E. Hay William S. Phelan Frank T: Wagner Samuel B. Helos Dest “Members ofthe committee voting on the 1991 revisions: Ronald L Di Jerome Hi, Ford Steven H. Gebler Richard W. Keiner ‘Chairman Kenneth C. Hover Leonard M, Johnion Ivin S. Kaufman, Je OO Gilbert Haddad Frank A. Kozelisk ‘Samuel B, Helms James A. Lee [Edward P. Holub Bryant Mather Curing isthe maintaining of a satisfactory moisture content and tem: ‘perature in concrete during its erly sages so that desired properties may develop. ‘Basic principle of ewing ae sated; commonly accepted methods, pro- cedures, and materials are described. Requirements are given for curing pavements and other slabs on ground; for sractures ard buldlings; and for ‘mass concrete, For each of hase categories, methods, materials, ime, and ‘amperanue of curing are stated. Curing requirement for precast products, shoterete, preplaced-egregate concrete, refracony concrete, plaster, and ‘other applications are given eymords: bridges (tructres)builigs: cewent-tase pats; eok-neatber ‘contraction concrete consreton concrete pavemen concrete: coring ciin curing fis ad sheets: botweaber construction itsulating Z inuition aoas vciete molt ering Paster: precat concrete Telatory concrete: relforod_ concrete sealers sb svete forms): ‘hort; sab-on ground consriton; ipform constuction standard ocog ace| ACI Committee Reports, Guides, Standard Practices, and ‘Commentaries are intended for guidance in designing, plan ring, executing, or inspecting construction and in preparing specifications, References to these documents all nat be made {nthe Project Documents If tems found ia these docaments are desired tobe a part ofthe Project Documents, they should bbe phrased in mandatory language and incorporated into the Project Documents Liverne R. Mertz HL Celik Onidiim Gary D. Plucker Wiliam, Phelan Ephraim Senbetta Like M. Snell CONTENTS Chapter 1—Introduction and referenced standards, pg. 308-2 1.1Seope 1.2Need for curing 1.2.1—Satisfactory moisture content 1.2.2—Favorable temperature 1.3—Referenced standards 1.3.1—ASTM Standards 1.3.2—ACI Standards and Reports 1.3.3—AASHTO Materials Standards Chapter 2—Curing methods and materials, pg. 308-4 ‘Adopicd ats standard of te Americ Conrete Insite August 196110 sspenede ACI Standard "Reconmended Practice for Curing Concrete (ACI 506-71) inaccrdsnce wth he nttate sandeizaion procedure. Reid by sgeied Staardzation Procedure eect J 1, 1986 and Mar. 1, 192. Copyright © 1980 American Concrete Inte. Al pts reserved incuing rights of eeproduction and wso ia ay frm oF by sy mean incdiag the mango open by ay photo proces, or) ance ‘nico mectzical dee pred of wren or oral rearing or ound oF Visual repreducion or for we ia aty Enowledge of reteal tem or devi, ‘les person in wring i ebaaed trom he copyright proper 08-1 300.2 2.1—Scope 2.2—Water curing 2.2.1—Ponding or immersion 2.2.2—Tog spraying or sprinkling 2.23—Burlap, cotton mats, and rugs 2.24—Earth curing 2.2.5—Sand and sawdust 2.2.6—Straw or hay 2.2.7—Termination 2.3—Sealing materials 23.1—Plastic film 23.2—Reinforced paper 23.3—Liquid membrane-forming curing compounds 24—Cold weather protection and curing 2.5—Hot-weather curing 2.6—High-pressure steam curing 2.7—-Low-pressure (or atmospheric-pressure) ( steam curing 2.8Evaluation of curing procedures 2.9—Criteria for effectiveness of curing 2.9.1—General 2.9.2—Strength basis 2.9.3—Maturity-factor basis 2.10—Minimum curing requirements Chapter 3—Curing for different constructions, pe 308-9 3.1—Pavements and other slabs on the ground 3.1.1—General 3.1.2Curing procedures 3.1.3—Duration of curing 3.2—Structures and buildings 3.2.1—Scope 3.2.2—Curing procedures 3.23—Duration of curing and protection | .33—Mass concrete 33.1—Scope 3.3.2—Temperature control 3.3.3—Methods and duration of curing 3.4—Other construction 3.4.1—Precast units 3.4.2—Verticalslipform construction 3.43—Shoterete 3.44—Refractory concrete 3.4.5—Cement paint, stucco, and plaster 3.4.6—Shell structures 3.4.7—Insulating concrete 3.4.8--Concrete with colored or metallic surfaces CHAPTER 1—INTRODUCTION AND REFERENCED STANDARDS 1.1—Scope ‘This standard describes practices to be followed in curing concrete. Since concrete is used for many pur- poses and under widely varying conditions of service, MANUAL OF CONCRETE PRACTICE requirements are given for curing according to curing methods and materials, according to method of construc- tion, and according to the use to be made of the hard- ened concrete. 1.2—Need for curing Curing is the maintaining of a satisfactory moisture content and tempersture in concrete during its early stages so that desired properties may develop. Curing is essential in the production of concrete that will have the desired properties. The strength and durability of cou- crete will be fully developed only if it is cured. No action to this end is required, however, when ambient con- ditions of moisture, humidity, and temperature are sufficiently favorable to curing. Otherwise, specified curing measures shall start as soon as required. Tem- perature control must be exercised to prevent freezing of the concrete until it develops a compressive strength of, at least $00 psi (3.4 MPa).* Following this the concrete must be kept sufficiently warm so as to produce the required strength at a specified age. Other aspects of favorable temperature are given in Section 1.2.2 12.1 Satisfactory moisture content—The amount of ‘mixing water in the concrete at the time of placement is, normally more than must be retained for curing. How- ever, excessive loss of water by evaporation may reduce the amount of retained water below that necessary for development of desired properties. The potentially harm- ful effects of evaporation shall be prevented either by applying water or preventing excessive evaporation. Fig. I shows the effect of air temperature, concrete tem- perature, relative humidity, and wind velocity, on surface evaporation rate, When these factors combine to cause excessive evaporation of some of the mixing water, shrinkage cracks may occur in the plastic concrete. Fig. 1 will aid in evaluating these effects and guidance on evaporation rate levels is given in its caption. Failure to prevent such excessive evaporation frequently causes plastic shrinkage cracks and loss of strength in the material near the surface. 1.2.2 Favorable temperature—The rate of cement hydration varies with temperature, proceeding slowly at cooler temperatures down to 14 F (-10 C) and more rapidly at warmer temperatures up 10 somewhat below 212 F (100 C). Concrete temperatures below 50 F (10 C) are unfavorable for the development of early strength. Below 40 F (5 C) the development of early strength is greatly retarded and at 32 F (0 C) little strength develops. There is some evidence that curing for a shorter time at a higher temperature will not be as beneficial as longer curing at a lower temperature terms of final strength (see Fig. 2). Autoclaving at temperatures above 325 F (163 C) greatly accelerates hydration and may produce strengths ina few hours TE Foren 7c, Prevention of Frost Damage to Groen Concrete” Reon Invernatinale des Laboratoves Exist de Recherches st es Matern les Comitions RILEM Ballin 14, 120124 (Mare, 1962). (PCA Res il Not), degC Syenee co) cf , Relative _| Ihumidity 100 percent SB. a6 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Air temperature, deg F 08 To use this chart: 307 1. Enter withaictemp- = erature, moveupt0 = og relative humidity 2.Move right toconcrete 0.5 temperature 8 Move don to wind — 3° velocity Zo3 4 Move left; read approx. rate oF evaporation $024 Fig. L—Effect of concrete and air temperatures, relative humidity, and wind velocity on the rate of evaporation of surface ‘moisture from concrete. This chart provides a graphic method of estimating tte loss of surface moisture for various weather conditions. To use the chart, follow the four steps outlined above. When the evaporation rate exceeds 0.2 Ibife'thr (1.0 gin? Ihr), measures shall be taken to prevent excessive moisture loss from the surface of unhardened concrete; when the rate exceeds 0.1 lbflhr (0.5 kglm’/hr) such measures may be needed. When excessive moisture loss is not prevented, plastic shrinkage cracking is likely to occur equal to those obtained at 28 days of curing at 70F (21 The jemperature of the concrete during its early C). However, autoclaving is a special case, since at such stages is affected by various factors such as: the ambient clevated temperatures and pressures there are chemical temperature, the absorption of solar heat, the heat re- reactions which produce products that are not formed at leased by the hydration of the cement, and the initial lower temperatures (see Methods of accelerated temperature of the materials. Evaporation of mixing or curing of concrete compression test specimens are given curing water at the surface of the concrete can produce in ASTM C 684 ( 2 significant cooling effect, which is beneticial as long as 08-8 deg C 10 20 30 40 50 6000 + At 28days 414 s000+— tas & é < g €4000 26 E 2 30004— +f 207 * i |e $2000 Fat dye 188 i 1000 + tea ° 40 60 80 100 120 Curing temperature, deg F Fig, 2—One-day strength increases with increasing curing temperature but 28-day strength decreases with increasing curing temperature. Reference: "Siructures and Physical Properties of Cement Pastes" (Verbeck and Helmuth, Pro- ceedings, Fifth International Symposium on the Chemistry of Cement, 1968, V. 3, p.9) evaporation is not so great as to cause lower ultimate strength or cracking either due to plastic shrinkage or ‘excessive surface cooling. It is preferable to avoid curing temperatures very such higher than the average temperature of the con- crete anticipated during its period of service and to maintain a reasonably uniform temperature throughout the whole mass of concrete (see 3.3.2). 1.3—Referenced standards 1.3.1 ASTM Standards—These are found in the Annual Book of ASTM Standards 13.1.1 C 31—Standard Practice for Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Field 13.1.2 C 39—Test Method for Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens 13.1.3 C 42—Methods for Obtaining and Testing Drilled Cores and Sawed Beams of Concrete 13.14 C78—Test Method for Flexural Strength of, Concrete (Using Simple Beam with Third-Point Loading) C 94—Specification for Ready Mixed Con- crete 13.16 C 156—Test Method for Water Retention by Concrete Curing Materials 13.1.7 C171—Specification for Sheet Materials for Curing Concrete ey MANUAL OF CONCRETE PRACTICE 13.1.8 C 192—Standard Practice for Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Laboratory C309—Specification for Liquid Membrane. Forming Compounds for Curing Concrete 13.110 C $97—Test Method for Pulse Velocity Through Concrete 13.111 C 684—Test Method for Making, Ac- eclerated Curing, and Testing of Concrete Compression Test Specimens 13.112 C 83—Test Method for Penetration Resistance of Hardened Concrete C 805—Test Method for Rebound Number of Hardened Concrete 13.114 C 873—Test Method for Compressive Strength of Concrete Cylinders Cast-in-Place in Cylindrical Molds 13.2. ACI Standards and Reports—These are found in the ACI Manual of Concrete Practice 1.32.1 207.1R—Mass Concrete 302.1R—Guide for Concrete Floor and Slab Construction 30SR—Hot-Weather Concreting 306R—Cold-Weather Concreting 13.2.5 506R—Guide to Shotcrete 13.2.6 $06.2—Specification for Materials, Pro- portioning, and Application of Shotcrete $17.2R—Accelerated Curing of Concrete at Atmospheric Pressure 1.33 AASHTO Materials Standards—These are found in AASHTO Materials Standards, 13th Edition, 1982, Parts I and Il, respectively M182—Specification for Burlap Cloth Made From Jute or Kenaf 1.33.2 T26—Method of Test for Quality of Water to be Used in Concrete CHAPTER 2—CURING METHODS AND MATERIALS 2.1—Scope ‘Various materials, methods, and procedures for curing concrete are available but the principles involved are the same; to insure the maintenance of a satisfactory mois- ture content and temperature so that desired properties may develop. ‘The two systems of maintaining a satisfactory moisture content are: 1) the continuous or frequent application of water through ponding, sprays, steam, or saturated cover ‘materials such as burlap or cotton mats, rugs, earth, sand, sawdust, and straw or hay, and 2) the prevention of cx: cessive loss of water from the concrete by means of ‘materials such as sheets of reinforced paper or plastic, or by the application of a membrane-forming curing com- pound to the freshly placed concrete. If application of water is selected, the economics of the particular method should be considered for each job since the availability of water, labor, curing materials, and other items will influence the cost. ‘The method selected ‘must provide a complete and continuous cover of water that is free of harmful amounts of deleterious materials. ‘Where appearance is a factor, the water must be free of harmful amounts of substances that will atack, stain, or discolor the concrete.* Care needs to be taken to avoid thermal shock or excessively steep thermal gradients due to use of cold curing water or high rates of evaporative cooling. Several methods of water curing are described below: 2.2.1 Ponding or immersion—Though seldom used, the most thorough method of water curing consists of fotal immersion of the finished concrete unit in water. Ponding is sometimes used for slabs such as culvert or bridge Aoors, pavements, flat roofs, or wherever a pond of water can be created by a ridge or dike of earth or other material at the edge of the slab, or where there is a stream of water as through a culvert. Damage from. premature or sudden release of ponded water should be avoided. For example, if the ponded water leaks out, the slab might not get proper curing and the water soften the supporting soil, or damage the surroundings. Curing water should not be more than about 20 F (11 C) cooler than the concrete, because of surface temperature stresses which could cause cracking. 2.22 Fog spraying or sprinkling—Fog spraying or sprinkling with nozzles or sprays provides excellent curing when the temperature is well above freezing. So long as the concrete surface is cooler than the atmosphere in the enclosure, steam at atmospheric pressure will cause a film of moisture to be present on the surface. Lawn sprinklers are effective where water runoff is of no con- cern. A disadvantage of sprinkling is the cost of the water, unless there is an ample supply available for the cost of pumping. Intermittent sprinkling is not acceptable if there is drying of the concrete surface. Soaking hoses are useful, especially on surfaces that are vértical or nearly so, Care must be taken that erosion of the surface does not occur. 2.2.3 Burlap, cotton mats, and rugs—Burlap, cotton rugs, and other coverings of absorbent materials will hold water on the surface, whether horizontal or vertical. These materials must be free of injurious amounts of substances’ such as sugar or fertilizer that do harm to the concrete or cause discoloration, Burlap should be thoroughly rinsed in water to remove soluble substances or to make it more absorbent. Burlap that has been treated to resist rot and fire should be considered ‘when it is to be stored between jobs. The heavier the burlap the more water it will hold and the less frequently, it will need to be wetted. Double thicknesses may be used advantageously. Lapping the strips by half widths ‘when placing will give greater moisture retention and aid in preventing displacement during high wind or heavy rain, Cotton mats and rugs hold water longer than burlap less risk of drying out. They are handled much the same as burlap except that due to their greater mass, application to a freshly finished surface must wait until the concrete has hardened to a greater degree than for burlap. 2.2.4 Earth curing—Wet earth curing has been used ef- fectively, especially on comparatively small jobs of slab or floor work. The earth should be essentially free of par- ticles larger than 1 in, (25 mm) and should not have injurious mounts of organic matter or other substances that will damage the concrete.’ 2.2.5 Sand and sawdust—Wet clean sand and sawdust are used in the same manner as earth curing. Sawdust containing excessive amounts of tannic acid should not be used. Sand and sawdust are especially useful where car- penters ard form setters must work on the surface since such coverings help to protect the surface against scars and stains, 2.2.6 Straw or hay—Wet straw or hay can be used but there is the danger that wind may remove it unless it is held down with screen wire, burlap, or other means. There is also the danger of fire if the straw or hay is allowed to become dry. Such materials may cause dis- coloration of the surface for several months after removal, If these materials are used the layer should be at least 6 in, (150 mm) thick. 2.2.7 Termination—Saturated cover materials shall not be allowed to dry out and absorb water from the con- crete, but at the end of the required period of wetness shall be allowed to dry thoroughly before removal so that the concrete will dry slowly. 2.3—Sealing materials Sealing materials are sheets or membranes placed on concrete to reduce the loss of water from the concrete by evaporation, There are advantages in the use of sealing ‘materials for curing that make their use preferable under many conditions. For example, if the moisture is sealed in, there is less likelihood of harmful drying due to failure to xeep the covering wet. Also sealing materials are often less costly and are easier to handle and can be applied earlier, often without any other initial curing. In arid regions they are particularly useful for curing flat work on 2 moist subgrade and for massive structural concrete. Common sealing materials are described in the following sections. Forms left in place serve to reduce loss of moisture from surfaces in contact with the forms. 2341 Plastic film—Plastic film is light in weight and is available in clear, white, or black sheets. The film should ‘meet the requirements of ASTM C 171 ( which specifies 0.0040 in, (0.10 mm) thickness. This spe- See McOoy. W. J. "Mixing and Caring Water fr Concrete” Chapter (3 of Siguieance of Tes and Propris of Caneree and Cane Meking Materia 'ASTM STP 169, 1978, pp. 15-773 wih 2 references, 1 See alo ACI 201 “Guide to Durable Conreta” Chapter 2 for more infor union on subanees that attack concrete, 2088 ification does not mention black sheeting, but black {ssatisfactory under some conditions. White is more ex- pensive but gives considerable reflection of the sun's rays, whereas, clear films have litle effect on heat absorption. Black should be avoided during warm weather except for interiors, but has advantages in cold weather because of its heat absorption. Care must be taken not to tear or otherwise interrupt the continuity of the film curing. Plastic film reinforced with glass or other fibers is more durable and is less likely to be torn. Where appearance is of critical importance, concrete should be cured by other means because the use of smooth plastic film usually results in a mottled appearance. This may not be serious in pavements, roof slabs, and curb and gutter, and may be prevented by ‘oceasional flooding under ‘the film. Combinations of plastic film bonded to absorbent fabric help to retain and Gisiribute the moisture released from the concrete and co. ensed on the curing cover. “The plastic film should be placed over the wet surface of the fresh concrete as soon as possible without marring the surface, and should cover all exposed surfaces of the conerete. It should be placed and weighted so that remains in contact with the conerete during the specified length of curing. On flat surfaces such as pavements, the film should extend beyond the edges of the slab at least twice the thickness of the slab. The film should be placed flat on the concrete surface, without wrinkles, to min- imize mottled discoloration. Windrows of sand or earth, or strips of wood should be placed along all edges and joints in the film to retain moisture in the concrete and prevent wind from getting under the film and removing it. In lew of this procedure, it is acceptable and generally more economical 10 use a narrow strip of plastic film along the vertical edges, placing it over the sheet on the horizontal surface and securing all edges with windrows (0; “ips of wood. When the covering is to be removed, the strip can be pulled away easily leaving the horizontal sheet to be rolled up without damage from tears or creases. 232 Reinforced paper—Reinforced paper should comply with ASTM C 171 ( It is composed of two sheets of kraft paper cemented together with a bituminous adhesive and reinforced with fiber. Most paper sheets for curing have been treated to reduce the amount of expansion and shrinkage when wetted and dried. The sheets can be cemented together with bit- tuminous cement as desired to meet width requirements. Paper sheets with one white surface to give reflectance and reduce absorption of heat are available. A reflec- tance requirement is included in ASTM C 171. Rein- forced paper is applied in the same manner as plastic film (see Section 2.3.1). It is permissible to reuse reinforced paper as long as it efficiently retards loss of moisture. Tears are readily discernible and can be repaired with a patch of paper cemented with a suitable glue or bituminous cement, Pin holes resulting from walking on the paper or from deterioration of the paper MANUAL OF CONCRETE PRACTICE through repeated use, are evident if the paper is held up to the light. When the condition of the paper is ques- tionable, it should be used in double thickness. 233 Liquid membrane-forming curing compounds— Liquid membrane-forming compounds for curing con- crete should comply with the requirements of ASTM C 309 (, when tested at the rate of coverage to be used on the job. Such compounds consist essentially of ‘waxes, natural and synthetic resins, and solvents of high volatility at atmospheric temperatures. Adequate ven- tilation should be provided and other safety precautions should be taken. The formulation must be such as to form a moisture-retentive film shortly after being applied and must not be injurious to portland-cement paste, White or gray pigments are often incorporated to provide heat reflectance, and to make the compound visible on the structure for inspection purposes. Curing compounds should not be used on surfaces that are to receive ad- ditional concrete, paint, or tile that requires a positive bond, unless it has been demonstrated that the mem- brane can be satisfactorily removed before the sub- sequent application is made, or that the membrane can serve satisfactorily as a base for the later application. ‘The compound should be applied at a uniform rate, “The usual values for coverage range from 150 to 200 sq ft per gal. (0.20 to 0.25 litre/m’). Tests to determine compliance with the requirements of ASTM C 309 are made at the coverage 10 be used in the field, or if not stipulated, at 200 figal. (0.20 litre/m’). When feasible, two applications at right angles to each other are sug gested for complete coverage. On very deeply textured surfaces, such as used on some pavements to improve surface friction properties, there may need to be 1wo separate applications each at 200 ft'/gal. (0.20 litre/m") with the first being allowed to become tacky before the second is applied. Curing compound can be applied by hand or power sprayer, usually at about 75 to 100 psi (0.5 100.7 MPa) pressure. Ifthe job size warrants, mechanic: application is preferred because of speed and unifor of distribution. For very small areas such as repairs, the ‘compound can be applied with a wide, soft-bristled brush or paint roller. For maximum beneficial effect, liquid_membrane- forming compounds must be applied after finishing and as soon as the free water on the surface has disappeared ‘and no water sheen is visible, but not so late that the liquid curing compound will be absorbed into the con- ‘rete. If the ambient evaporation rate exceeds 0.2 Ih’) hr (1.0 kgim’fhr) (See Fig. 1) the concrete may still be bleeding even though the surface water sheen has dis- appeared and steps must be taken to avoid excessive eva- poration. If membrane-forming compound is applied 10 a dry-appearing surface, one or the other of two un- desirable conditions may follow: a) evaporation will be effectively stopped but bleeding may continue, resu in a layer of water forming below the layer of cement paste to which the membrane is attached; such a con- dition promotes scaling; b) evaporation will be tem- ‘STANDARD PRACTICE FOR CURING CONCRETE. porarily stopped but bleeding may continue resulting in map cracking of the membrane film, requiring reap- plication of the curing compound. In some highway work, the applicable specifications may allow water-soluble linseed-oil base membrane-forming compounds to be ap- plied before the water sheen has gone. When forms are removed, the exposed concrete surface should be wet, with water immediately and kept moist until the curing compound is applied. Just prior to application, the concrete should be allowed to reach a uniformly damp appearance with no free water on the surface and then application of the compound should be begun at once. Pigmented compounds must be stirred to assure even dis- tribution of the pigment during application, unless the formulation contains a thixotropic agent to prevent settlement. 2.4—Cold-weather protection and curing In cold weather concrete should be cured and pro- tected from freezing in accordance with ACI Committe 306 (, Although concrete exposed to cold weather is not likely to dry at an undesirable rate, particular attention should be given to maintaining satisfactory moisture in concrete that is undergoing the protection required by ACT 306. Concrete should be protected from freezing at least until it develops a compressive strength of 500 psi (3.4 MPa); nonair-entrained concrete should never be allowed to freeze and thaw in a saturated condition. Air-entrained concrete should not be allowed to freeze and thaw in a saturated condition before developing a compressive strength of 3500 psi (24 MPa). These factors should be considered especially for concrete placed late in the fall. 2.5—Hot-weather curing Concrete should be cured in hot weather in ac- cordance with the provisions of the report of ACI Committee 305 ( Since hot weather leads to more rapid drying of concrete, protection and curing are critical. Water curing, if used, should be continuous to avoid volume changes due to alternate wetting and drying. The need for adequate continuous curing is greatest during the first few days after placement of concrete in hot weather. During hot weather, provided favorable moisture conditions are continuously main- tained, concrete may attain a high degree of maturity in a very short time. 2.6-—High-pressure steam curing High-pressure steam curing, or autoclaving is covered in detail in the report prepared by ACI Committee 516 ( This curing process is used in the production of some concrete masonry units, asbestos-cement pipe, and lightweight cellular concrete. Products made with ap- propriate mixtures and cured by autoclaving are char- acterized by reduced drying shrinkage and increased sulfate resistance. 308-7 2.7—Low-pressure (or atmospherie-pressure) steam curing Low-pressure or atmospheric pressure steam curing is covered in detail in ACI Standard 517 ( Atmo- spheric-pressure steam curing is commonly used in the ‘manufacturing of concrete products to accelerate early strength development. 2.8—Evaluation of curing procedures ASTM C156 ( may be used for comparing the water-retention effectiveness of concrete curing mater- ials.* Maintenance of a satisfactory moisture content by direct application of water, either by spraying, ponding, or wet covers, has often been stated to be the ideal method. Such methods are satisfactory only so long as the presence of water is continuous and the concrete does not dry out to such a degree that the development of desired properties is prevented. Intermittent wetting, especially after an initial 2 or 3 days of satisfactory curing, will allow continued strength gain although not as rapid as continuous curing. Intermittent curing during ‘early stages of curing is likely to result in surface cracks and reduced service durabilit The efficiency of curing with plastic or reinforced paper sheets depends on the extent to which they seal water in, or are in contact with the concrete. Any leakage at the edges or joints between the sheets, or through tears or pin holes will reduce the efficiency. The same is true for liquid membrane-forming compounds, if the plication is aot uniform or not at the proper rate; loss of, moisture through thin or uncovered spots reduces the ‘curing efficiency. Also, if the application is delayed 100 Jong there may be substantial water loss before the sur- face is sealed. It is not always possible to determine the degree of curing efficiency since the atmospheric conditions during the time of curing play a major role in curing. During rainy or foggy weather little or no effort is needed to achieve curing, although protection of the surface against washout or erosion in heavy rainfall may be needed, For a very low humidity environment particular care should be taken to prevent excessive moisture loss from the con- crete. 2.9—Criteria for effectiveness of curing 2.9.1 General—Curing will be effective, by definition, if the moistare content and temperature that were main- tained allowed the desired levels of concrete properties to develop and prevented the undesirable cracking, dust- ing, scaling, and crazing that can result from failure to do 50. Such consequences, if the result of improper curing, usually are caused by failure to maintain a satisfactory moisture content in the concrete immediately adjacent 10 surfaces. Therefore, this Chapter has primarily dealt with methods and materials for preventing concrete surfaces "See alo Caer, RE “Curing Matera” Chapter 4 of Sigiconce Tet and PopeiesofConcee and Conc Meking Maia, ASTM STP 169 197, pp T-186 wil 9 references, 008 MANUAL OF CONCRETE PRACTICE from drying prematurely. The procedures to be de- scribed, involving measurement and estimation of con- crete strength, relate primarily to effectiveness of curing as it relates to the body of the concrete in the work. Itis assumed in this case that the surfaces were protected against undesirable premature drying 292 Strength basis—Economic and effectiveness factors are considered in deciding the methods and amount of curing. The benefits of additional curing must be balanced against such factors as cost and availability of curing media, the need for early accessibility or pro- tection of a surface during subsequent construction operations, and desired performance. Strength is used most frequently to measure the rel ative quality of a concrete. If the concrete is properly consolidated and of the appropriate composition, the specified strength will be attained in the desired time, if fa satisfactory moisture content and temperature are mvintained during the interval. Whenever the satisfactory ik ture content and temperature are not maintained until the desired strength is attained, subsequent curing, whether from natural sources such as rain, or from art- ificil applications of moisture, will result in further gains in strength, but at a slower rate. ‘Strength of concrete is usually judged by testing stan- dard cylinders or beams cast in the field and cured under specified controlled conditions, usually in a laboratory. For establishing the time for form removal, test spe- ‘cimens made in the field and cured as nearly as possible in the same manner as and at the average temperature of the concrete they represent may be used. These speci- ‘mens will reflect the influence of ambient conditions on the properties of the concrete. ‘The appropriate ASTM methods C31, C39, C78, and C 873 should be followed in making and testing the specimens. When the field- ‘cured specimen method is used, at least six test spe- ‘cimens should be made from the first 100 y@? (75 m?) of crete but not fewer than three specimens should be cast for each 2 hr of the entire placing time, or for each subsequent 100 yd? (75 m’), whichever provides ‘the greater number of specimens. ‘The specimens should be made in accordance with ASTM C31 and should receive the same protection from the elements and be stored at the same conditions of temperature and moisture for all surfaces as is provided for the parts of the structure which they represent. After removal from storage, the specimens should be capped and tested in accordance with applicable sections of ASTM C 31 and C39 or C 78, as appropriate. ASTM C 873 provides for testing specimens that relate to the strength of concrete in a slab since the specimen is actually stored in the slab. ‘Strength tests may also be performed on drilled cores ‘or sawed beams prepared from the in-place concrete ac- cording to ASTM C 42 or nondestructive tests can be used to establish the approximate strength of the in-place concrete. Nondestructive and semidestructive methods ‘may also be used to assess the development of desired properties. Among the available methods are pulse velocity (ASTM C597), rebound number (ASTM C 805), penetration resistance (ASTM C 803), and pull-out strength (ASTM C 900). 2.9.3 Maturity-facior basis*—Since strength gain of concrete is a function of time and temperature when pre mature drying’ is prevented, estimation of strength development of concrete in a structure can be made by relating time and temperature increments in field con- crete to the strength of cylinders of the same concrete mixture cured under standard conditions in a laboratory. ‘This relationship is indicated by use of a maturity factor, 1M, expressed as M = X(C + 10)Ar where C= Temperature, degrees Celsius, and At = Duration of curing at temperature C, in hours or days. “The equation is based on cement hydration ceasing and strength not increasing at temperatures below about -10 C (14 F). In the maturity concept, use is made of the ‘method of superposition in which strength is equal to the sum of the contributions from each curing interval. When temperature is constant, as in laboratory curing methods, the summation sign is not necessary. In actual practice, the strength-time curve is established by performing com- pressive strength tests on a series of cylinders cured in the laboratory at a standard temperature (73.4 + 3 F (23 +170). ‘Transformation of :he curing interval obtained from field data to the time factor (hours or days) of the strength curve of the laboratory is accomplished by the following equation: where C, = Average temperature in the field concrete, degrees Celsius, for the time interval 41, (hours or days), ‘1, = Time, hours or days, for which the concrete temperature has been maintained at C, C; = Curing temperature of standard laboratory- cured cylinders, degrees Celsius, and At, = Time, hours and days, of curing of standard gjlinders equivalent to the curing time, A¢,, of field concrete at a different temperature. “Based om Section 73 of Cemmite 306 report, JOURNAL of the American concrete InetteProsedigsV 15, May 1978 p78. ‘STANDARD PRACTICE FOR CURING CONCRETE ° Studies have shown that the transformation is Be reasonably correct when adequate information is avail- able about the concrete mixture, moisture loss does not ‘occur from the concrete, air temperatures are not ex- treme, and the concrete temperature remains relatively constant. The following information must be available in order that an estimate of the in-place concrete strength can be made: a) The strength-time relationship of the concrete under standard laboratory conditions; b) A time-temperature record of the in-place concrete. These may be obtained by use of expendable thermistors or thermocouples cast at varying depths in the concrete. The location giving the lowest values should be the source of the temperatures used in the computations. Other properties of concrete, such as the degree of permeability, resistance to abrasion, resistance to freezing ‘and thawing, and resistance to sulfate attack, are also improved by curing. Consequently, curing beyond that needed to develop a certain strength is often desirable. Tt should not be surprising that the length of curing prescribed for different types of concrete varies. In each instance, the recommended length of curing is based on what is practical and yet sufficient. 2.10—Minimum curing requirements ‘Natural curing from rain, mist, high humidity, low temperature, moist backfill, etc., may be regarded as sufficient to provide ample curing when its effect is at least the equivalent of keeping the concrete moist for the first 14 days if made with Type II cement, 7 days if made with Type I cement, oF 3 days with Type III cement, kept above 50 F (10 C), unless otherwise prescribed in the project specifications. CHAPTER 3—CURING FOR DIFFERENT CONSTRUCTIONS 3.1—Pavements and other slabs on the ground 3.141 General—Slabs on the ground include highway and airfield pavements, canal linings, parking-lot slabs, driveways, sidewalks, and floor slabs on grade in build- ings. Slabs have a high ratio of exposed surface area to volume of concrete, and, without measures 10 prevent the moisture loss due to evaporation from the concrete can be so large and so rapid as to result in plastic shrinkage cracking, and have a deleterious effect on strength, abrasion resistance, and frost resistance. Rapid loss of moisture from the fresh concrete may also result from inadequate moistening of some subgrades prior to placement of slabs. To prevent such loss of moisture from fresh concrete in slabs, and to provide reserve moisture for curing, the subgrade should be prewetted ‘and, after finishing the slab, curing should be begun as soon as possible, “The high ratio of exposed surface area to volume of concrete can also result in subjecting inadequately cured 208-9 concrete to excessive variations in temperature. Ifstresses due to variations in temperature exceed tensile strength, cracking of the slabs will occur. The selected method of curing will affect the variation in temperature of the concrete; therefore curing methods should be selected to minimize early variations in temperature under condi- tions normally encountered. 3.1.2 Curing procedures—If needed in order to main- tain a satisfactory moisture content and temperature, the entire surface of the newly placed concrete should be treated in accordance with one of the water curing or sealing methods described in Chapter 2 or a combination thereof, beginning after finishing operations have been completed and as soon as marring of the concrete will not occur. ‘Under usual placing conditions either sealing materials or continuous curing under wet burlap, cotton mats, rugs, cor other similar material may be used. If plastic shrinkage cracking starts to develop, the concrete should be initially cured by fog spraying (Sec- tion 2.2.2), sprayed with an evaporation retarding com- pound, covered with pre-soaked burlap or cotton mats, (or measures taken to reduce the effective temperature o wind velocity or both. Exposed surfaces of the slab should be entirely covered, and kept wet or sealed until firm enough to permit foot traffic without damage. Mats used for curing may either be left in place and kept saturated for completion of the curing, or may be removed at the end of an initial curing period and the concrete surface covered with liquid membrane-forming curing compounds, plastic sheeting, reinforced paper, wet earth, or straw, or water. 3.13 Duration of curing—For daily mean ambient temperatures above 40 F (5 C) the recommended mini- ‘mum period of maintenance of moisture and temperature for all procedures is 7 days or the time necessary to attain 70 percent of the specified compressive or flexural strength, whichever period is less. If concrete is placed with daily mean ambient temperature 40 F (5 C) or lower, precautions should be taken to prevent damage by freezing as recommended by ACI 306 ( 3.2—Structures and buildings 3.21 Scope—Concrete in structures and buildings in- cludes cast-in-place walls, columns, slabs, beams, and all other portions of buildings except slabs on ground which are covered in 3.1. It also includes small footings, piers, retaining walls, bridge decks, railings, wing walls, and tunnel linings and conduits. Not included are mass con- crete, ptecast concrete, and special constructions as described in Section 3.4. 3.222 Curing procedures—Under usual placing condi- tions, curing should be accomplished by one or a con bination of methods from Chapter 2. When additional curing of underside surfaces is required after removal of forms, either apply tiquid ‘membrane-forming curing compound promptly oF sprinkle sufficiently to keep continuously moist. + 308-10 For vertical and other formed surfaces, after the concrete has hardened and while the forms are still in place, form ties may be loosened and water should be applied to run down on the inside of the form if necessary to keep the concrete wet. Immediately fol- lowing form removal, the surfaces should be kept continuously wet by a water spray or water-saturated fabric. Liquid membrane-curing compound may be used if authorized by the specifications for the work or otherwise properly approved. Such authorization or approval should not be given when the concrete has a ‘water-cement ratio of 0.4 or less by weight.* 3.23 Duration of curing and protection—When the daily mean ambient temperature is above 40 F (5 C), curing should be continuous for a minimum of 7 days o for the time necessary to attain 70 percent of the sp compressive or flexural strength, whichever period is less. If concrete is placed with daily mean ambient temperature 40 F (5 C) or lower, precautions uuld be taken as recommended by ACI 306. For some structural members, such as columns where high strength {6000 psi (41 MPa) or greater] is required curing periods ‘may be increased to 28 days or greater to allow develop- ‘ment of the required strength of the concrete. 3.3Mass concrete 3.3.1 Scope—Mass concrete is any volume of cast-in- place concrete with dimensions large enough to require that measures be taken to cope with the generation of heat and attendant volume change to minimize cracking. Its most frequent occurrence is in piers, abutments, dams, heavy footings, and similar massive constructions. Usually the cement content (or total cementitious material con- tent) will range from about 200 to 500 Ib per yd? (about 120 to 300 kg/m’). Mass concrete also includes some tremie concrete placements and some large girders and columns where high strength, high cement content, and ‘derate sized aggregates are required. Due to the heat generated in such large masses, temperature control assumes considerable importance if harmful thermal stresses are to be prevented. The curing practices described below should be followed. 3.3.2 Temperature control —For very large unreinforced structures, such as dams, where the design criteria are such that it is necessary to establish a reasonably stable nd uniform temperature throughout the mass as soon as practicable after placement, particularly 10 avoid cracking, the internal temperature during hydration should not rise more than 20 to 25 F (11 to 14 C) above the mean annual ambient temperature. To achieve this, various steps may be taken including: a) Use a low cement content b) Use a pozzolan or other mineral admixtures ©) Cool the concrete materials d) Use ice instead of mixing water ) Use embedded cooling pipe in the concrete 1) Use low-heat cement MANUAL OF CONCRETE PRACTICE Such procedures have been described by ACI Committee 207 (13.21). For heavily reinforced concrete elements such as blast-off pads, heavy machinery foundations, and load- transfer girders, itis desirable 10 avoid high temperature rise during the first few days, but internal concrete tem- peratures as high as 130 F (55 C) are frequently found in such elements. However, due to the large amount of re- nforcement in such construction, these high temper- atures may not be harmful. 333 Methods and duration of curing—Water curing may be used to keep horizontal or sloping unformed surfaces of mass concrete continuously wet. Water spraying, wet sand, or water-saturated fabrics can be used. The use of a liquid membrane-forming curing compound may be permitted if the surface is not a con- struction joint, or provided the membrane is removed by sandblasting before casting the adjacent concrete. The appearance of a membrane-coated exposed surface may also be a factor to consider. For vertical and other formed surfaces, after the concrete has hardened and the forms are still in place, the form ties may be loosened and water should be sup- plied to run down on the inside of the form as necessary to keep the concrete wet. Immediately following form removal, the surfaces should be kept continuously wet by a water spray or water-saturated fabric. Curing should start as soon as the concrete has hardened sufficiently to prevent surface damage. For unreinforced massive sections not containing pozzolan, ‘curing should be continued for not less than two weeks. Where pozzolan is included as one of the cementing materials, the minimum time for curing should be not fess than three weeks. For construction joints, curing should be continued until resumption of concrete place- ment or until the required curing period is completed. For heavily reinforced massive sections, curing should be continuous for a minimum of 7 days as described in Sec- tion 3.2.2. 3.4—Other construction ‘3.4.1 Precast units—A precast concrete unit is one that is cast, cured and finished in a place or position other than that which it occupies in service. Typical precast concrete units are pipe, block, brick, and structural members such as channels, single- and double-tees, columns, and floor and wall panels. These units are generally given accelerated curing in order to achieve economical reuse of forms and casting space. Due (o the variety of units and methods of manu- facture, different curing procedures are used. Concrete block, brick, precast pipe, and other units are removed from the forms immediately after casting, allowing most of the surface of the unit to be exposed to ambient con- TRe icger, Pau “Early High Suength: Concrete for Pressing” Proceedings World of Confevnce on Presiressed Contes, San Francisco. Jy 1059, AST Ho ASU4 (PCA Ras, Ball No.9). [STANDARD PRACTICE FOR CURING CONCRETE ditions, Some precast pipe, and vertically cast panels remain almost completely enclosed in their forms for 12 to 24 hr before they are stripped. Channels, single- and double-tees, and horizontally cast panels represent an intermediate condition of exposure; although the units remain in the forms, large areas are not covered or enclosed. Curing of such concrete units with large ‘surfaces exposed requires considerable care to assure that fan excessive amount of water is not lost from the surface throughout the curing cycle. ‘Although they could be cured at normal temperatures, most precast units are cured at temperatures between 125 and 185 F (52 to 85 C) for periods of 12 to 72 hr. Autoclaved units are cured at temperatures above 325 F (160 C) for $ to 36 br. Recommendations regarding curing procedures are discussed by ACI Committees 516 ‘and 517 dealing with high pressure and atmospheric pressure steam curing, respectively ( and 34.2 Vertical slipform consiruction—Chimneys, silos, elevator shafts, and other structures erected using vertical slipforming methods should be cured in accordance with the procedures used in curing other vertical surfaces, recognizing the particular problem of slipform construc- tion, A wet skirt of suitable length in contact with the concrete can be carried up by attachment under the fin- isher's platform, as could a system of sprays or fog nozzles. The walls for stipform construction for example, receive a short initial cure by the form, The use of a curing compound is often necessary due to the short time the concrete is protected by the form and wet skirt. How- ever, the use of curing compound may not be desirable ‘on the inside of certain silos due to possible fire hazard, toxicity, or contamination of material to be stored there- ‘and on the outside of the silos because of color vari- ations that could result from uneven application of curing compound. The inside of a silo can usually be kept above 40 F (5 C) during cold weather and enclosed to maintain a high humidity for curing. In some methods of construc tion, the inside of a silo may need to be ventilated to avoid excessive buildup of heat. When this is done, the vents should be arranged to keep drafts from the walls, which wou" tend to dry the inside of walls excessively unless they are, in some way, water cured. 3.43 Shotcrete—Shoterete is usually placed in thin ‘vers and has rough surfaces. Shoterete surfaces should Kept continuously wet for at least 7 days. Liquid ‘brane curing is satisfactory where no additional ste or paint is to be applied and the appearance is ble. Because of the rough surface, liquid mem- ‘ming curing compound should be applied at a + than on ordinary concrete surfaces, usually at “per gal. (0.40 litre/m?) as recommended by 308-11 ACI 506 (13.2.5) (see 233). “344 Refractory concrete*—Refractory concrete that uses portland cement as the binder should be cured in accordance with the procedures described in Chapter 2. Refractory concrete that employs caleium-aluminate cement as the binder should be cured in accordance with the instructions of the manufacturer of the calcium- aluminate cement used. Normally, for such concrete, curing would be complete in 24 hr after mixing. 3.4.5 Cement paint, stucco, and plaster—The same fog spray devive used for dampening the surfaces to which these materials are applied may be used to the applied cement paint, stucco, or plaster after application. Such water spray should be applied between coats where more than a single coat is used, and then two or three times a diy for at least 2 days following completion of the paint, stucco, or plaster application. Required frequency of moistening depends on weather conditions ‘The curing should be started as soon as the applied paint, stucco, or plaster has hardened sufficiently not to ‘be damaged by the spray. Application of excess water to the extent that it flows down the surface should be avoided. Frequently enclosing the work area to maintain high relative humidity will be suflicient. 3.4.6 Shell structures—Thin shells are unusually sus- ceptible to shrinkage cracking if improperly cured. In hot weather, preliminary fog spray curing, followed by wet burlap or water curing is advisable. In cold weather, special precautions against freezing such as protective blankets are required, At moderate temperatures [40 to 70 F (4 © 21 C)}, normal curing methods are usually satisfactory. 3.4.7 Insulating concrete—The surface of insulating concrete in which a dry unit weight of 50 Ihift? (800 kg/m) oF less is attained, should normally be kept moist for a period of not less than 3 days using whichever of the procedures listed in Chapter 2 is most appropriate. The insulating concrete should then be allowed to air dry before application of supplementary covering. Ponding or excessive water curing is not desirable since the concrete may absorb considerably more water than is required for hydration of the cement. 3.4.8 Concrete with colored or metallic surface—Such concrete requires special curing procedures to avoid staining. The manufacturer of the coloring or surfacing ‘materials should be consulted regarding methods for avoiding such staining, —TRaacioy Concrete: Summary of Stte-of the Art hs been publbed. A summary wih 4 Chapter on “Cariog, deiegTing” appened in Conerie Inematna, V1, No.5. May 1979, pp 62-7.

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