PRELIMS PubCorp Reviewer

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An attempt in good faith to organize under it

A. General Principles c. A colorable compliance with the law
d. An assumption of corporate powers
1. CORPORATIONan artificial being created by operation of law, having the right of 8. Three forms of decentralization:
succession and the powers, attributes and properties expressly authorized by law or incident a. Devolution- is the transfer of power and authority from the national
to its existence. government to LGUs as the territorial and political subdivisions of the
State. The nature of power transfer is political and the approach is
PUBLIC CORPORATIONone formed and organized for the government of a territorial or areal.
portion of the State. b. Deconcentration- is the transfer of power, authority or responsibility, or the
discretion to plan, decide and manage from central point or local levels,
2. Classes of Corporation: but within the central or national government itself. The nature of the
transfer is administrative and the approach is sectoral.
a. Public or Municipala body politic and corporate constituted by c. Debureaucratization- is the transfer of some public functions and
incorporation of inhabitants of city or town for purposes of local responsibilities, which the government may perform, to private entities or
government thereof or as agency of State to assist in civil non-governmental organizations; it is peoples empowerment or
government of the country; one formed and organized for the participation in local governance.
government of a portion of the State. Decentralization of Administration- the central government delegates
b. Privateone formed for some private purpose, benefit, aim or end. administrative powers to political subdivisions in order to broaden the base of
c. Quasi-Publica private corporation that renders public service or government power.
supplies public wants. Decentralization of Power (Political Decentralization)- involves abdication of
d. Quasi-corporationpublic corporations created as agencies of State for political power in favor of LGUs declared autonomous. (Limbonas vs. Mangelin,
narrow and limited purpose. 170 SCRA 786)

3. Elements of Municipal Corporation NOTE:

a. Legal creation or incorporation Local Autonomy-is self-governing. It is the granting of more powers, authority,
b. Corporate name responsibilities and resources to the lower or local levels of a government system.
c. Inhabitants The principle of local autonomy under the 1987 Constitution simply means
d. Territory decentralization. It does not make the local government sovereign within the state
or an imperium in imperio.
4. Dual Nature of Municipal Corporation
Every local government unit created or organized is a body politic and corporate Among the regulatory powers of the National Government Agencies transferred or
endowed with powers to be exercised by it in conformity with law. As such, it shall devolved to the LGUs include the following:
exercise powers as political subdivision of the National Government and as a
corporate entity representing the inhabitants of its territory. 1. The reclassification of agricultural lands- DAR to cities and municipalities
a. Public/Governmentalit acts as an agent of the State for the 2. Enforcement of environmental laws- DENR to all LGUs
government of the territory and the inhabitants within the municipal 3. Inspection of food products and quarantine- DOH to cities and municipalities
limits; it exercises by delegation a part of the sovereignty of the 4. The enforcement of the National Building Code- DPWH to cities and municipalities
State. 5. The processing and approval of subdivision plans- HLURB to cities and municipalities
b. Private/Proprietaryit acts in a similar category as a business 6. The operation of tricycles- LTFRB to cities and municipalities
corporation, performing functions not strictly governmental or 7. The establishment of cockpits and holding of cockfights- Philippine Gamefowl
political; it stands for the community in the administration of local Commission to cities and municipalities
affairs. It acts as a separate entity for its own purposes and not as a
subdivision of the State. Among the basic services and facilities devolved to LGUs include:

5. Criterion to determine whether corporation is public: 1. Agricultural extension and on-site research of the Department of Agriculture;
The relationship of the corporation to the State, i.e., if created by the State as its 2. Community-based forestry project of the DENR;
own agency to help the State in carrying out its governmental functions, then it is 3. Field health and hospital services and other tertiary health services of the DOH;
public, otherwise, it is private. 4. Public works and infrastructure projects funded out of local funds of the DPWH;
5. The school building program of the DECS;
6. De Facto Municipal Corporation 6. Social welfare services of the DSWD;
--a corporation that may exist in fact although not point of law because of certain 7. Tourism facilities and tourism promotion and development of the DOT;
defects in some essential features of its incorporation. 8. Telecommunications services for provinces and cities of the DOTC;
9. Housing projects for provinces and cities; and
7. Elements of De Facto Municipal Corporation: 10. Other services such as investment support.
a. A valid law authorizing incorporation
9. How local autonomy enhances governmental and corporate powers of LGUs: and make them more effective partners in the attainment of
national goals.
a. Every local government unit shall have: b. To ensure the accountability of local govt units through the
i. Full autonomy in their exercise of proprietary rights and management of institution of effective mechanisms of recall, initiative and
economic enterprises. referendum.
ii. Full authority to secure domestic or foreign grants without the approval of the c. To require all national agencies and offices to conduct periodic
NGAs concerned, unless these are projects with national security implications, consultations with appropriate local govt units, non-
and governmental and peoples organizations and other
iii. Financial undertakings for LGUs for mutual advantage thru loans and concerned sectors of the community before any project or
assistance to calamity-stricken LGUs. program is implemented in their respective jurisdictions.

b. R.A. 7160Policy and Application; Constitutional Provisions II. INTER-GOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS

1. EffectivityJanuary 1, 1992 1. National Government and Local Government Units
2. Scope of Application (Sec. 4, RA 7160)
Applicable to: a. The President shall exercise general supervision over LGUs.
a. all provinces I. The President shall exercise supervisory authority directly over provinces,
b. cities highly urbanized cities and independent component cities.
c. municipalities ii. The President shall exercise supervision over component cities and
d. barangays municipalities, through province, and over barangays through city and
e. and other political bodies as may be created by law, and municipality. (Sec. 25)
f. to the extent provided in the LGC (i.e. devolution of powers):
-officials The Presidents power of general supervision over LGUs includes the authority to investigate
-offices, or and impose disciplinary measures (suspension or removal) upon elective local officials.
-agencies of the National Government
Basis Power of Control
3. Rules of Interpretation (Sec. 5, RA 7160) A. as to nature of power Legislative
a. Any provision on a local government unit shall be liberally interpreted its B. as to who exercises the
Congress P
favor, and in case of doubt, any question thereon shall be resolved in power
favor of devolution of powers and of the lower local government unit. Any creation, conversion of LGUs and alteration of its boundaries;
fair and reasonable doubt as to the existence of the power shall be allocate powers, responsibilities and resources among LGUs;
interpreted in favor of the local government unit concerned; provide for qualifications, election, appointment, removal, term,
C. as to what the power
salaries and functions and duties of local officials;
b. In case of doubt, any tax ordinance or revenue measure shall be provide other matters relating to the organization and operation
construed strictly against the local govt unit enacting it, and liberally in of LGUs;
favor of the taxpayer. Any tax exemption, incentive or relief granted by amendment of charters of LGUs.
any local govt unit pursuant to the provisions of this Code shall be
construed strictly against the person claiming it; b. General responsibilities of the National Government towards LGUs:
c. The general welfare provisions in this Code shall be liberally interpreted i. formulate policies and set standards and guidelines
to give more powers to local govt units in accelerating economic ii. provide funding support
development and upgrading the quality of life for the people in the iii. augment basic services assigned to LGUs
community. iv. provide technical and other forms of assistance and coordinate on the
d. Rights and obligations existing on the date of effectivity of this Code discharge of NGA functions
and arising out of contracts or any other source of prestation v. ensure the participation of LGUs in planning and implementing national
involving a local govt unit shall be governed by the original terms projects
and conditions of said contracts or the law in force at the time such vi. conduct mandatory consultations with LGUs
rights were vested. NOTE:
e. In the resolution of controversies arising under this Code where no legal No project shall be implemented by government authorities without consultation
provision or jurisprudence applies, resort may be had to the customs with the local government units and prior approval of the Sanggunian concerned. (Sec.27)
and traditions in the place where the controversies take place.
The requirement of prior consultation applies only to national projects and/or
4. Declaration of State Policy over LGUs (Sec. 2, RA 7160) programs which are to be implemented in a particular local community. Although sanctioned
a. The territorial and political subdivisions of the State shall enjoy by the national government, the operation of lotto is neither a program nor project of the
genuine and meaningful local autonomy to enable them to national government but of charitable institution, the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office.
attain their fullest development as self-reliant communications The projects and programs mentioned in Sec. 27 should be interpreted to mean projects and
programs whose environmental and ecological effects are among those mentioned in Sec. 26 c. Special Local Bodies where the private sector may participate in local
and 27 of the LGC (Lina vs. Pano, G.R. No. 129093, August 30, 2001). governance:

c. Extent of the LCEs authority over NGAs and their functionaries: 1. Local Development Council
-a duly constituted body which shall assist the corresponding Sanggunian in setting the
i. The LCE can call upon any employee stationed or assigned in his locality to advise direction of economic and social development, and coordinating development efforts in its
him on matters affecting the LGU as well as coordinate with said officials, territorial jurisdiction.
plans, programs and projects.
ii. The LCE can enlist the attendance of the national official stationed in the LGU on 2. Prequalification, Bids and Awards Committee (PBAC)
a meeting of elective and appointed officials of the LGU treating matters in responsible for the conduct of prequalification of contractors, bidding, evaluation of bids,
the promotion of the general welfare of the residents. and the recommendation of awards concerning local infrastructure projects.
Iii. The LCE can also initiate proper administrative or judicial action against national governor or the city or municipality mayor: Chairman
government official or employee who may have committed an offense
while stationed or assigned in the LGU. 3. Local Peace and Order Council, pursuant to E.O. No.309, as amended, Series of
Power of Control and Power of General
Supervision distinguished: 4. Local School Board
The DECS shall consult the Board on the appointment of division superintendents, district
2. Inter-Local Government Relations supervisors, school principals, and other school officials.

a. The province, through the governor, shall ensure that every component city and 5. Local Health Board
municipality acts within its powers.
b. The city or municipality, through the mayor, shall ensure that barangays act within the 6. Peoples Law Enforcement Board (PLEB)
scope of their powers.
c. The governor shall review all executive orders promulgated by the mayor. The mayor III. CREATION, CONVERSION, DIVISION, MERGER AND CONSOLIDATION, AND
shall review orders promulgated by the punong barangay. ABOLITION OF LGUs

The Sangguniang Panlalawigan of a province reviews all ordinances enacted by the A. Creation of LGUs:
Sangguniang Panlungsod of component cities and Sangguniang Bayan of municipalities under A local government unit may be created, divided, merged, abolished, or its boundaries
their jurisdiction. In turn, the Sangguniang Panlungsod and Sangguniang Bayan review all substantially altered by law enacted by Congress in the case of a province, city, municipality, or
ordinances passed by the Sannguniang Barangay under the jurisdiction. other political subdivisions, or by Sanggunian Panlalawigan or Sanggunian Panlungsod
Likewise, the Sangguniang Panlalawigan of a province exercises the quasi-judicial ordinance in the case of a barangay. (Sec.6)
function (administrative disciplinary authority) of hearing and deciding administrative cases
involving elective municipal and component city officials under their jurisdiction. In turn, the NOTE:
Sangguniang Panlungsod and Sangguniang Bayan exercise disciplinary authority over elective nature of the power to create: LEGISLATIVE
barangay officials within their jurisdiction.
1. While the power to create barangays has been delegated to Sanggunian Panlalawigan and
3. Relations with Peoples Organizations and Non-Government Organizations Sangguniang Panlungsod, Congress, in order to enhance the delivery of basic services in
indigenous cultural communities, may create barangays in such communities notwithstanding
a. Private Sector Participation in Local Governance the requirements set forth by law. (Sec.385a, LGC)
Purpose: to ensure the viability of local autonomy as an alternative
strategy for sustainable development. LGUs shall encourage private- 2. The creation or conversion of a local government unit to another level shall be based on the
sector participation in the delivery of basic services. following verifiable indicators of viability and projected capacity to provide services:
a. Sufficient income and
b. Role of POs, NGOs in the LGUs: b. Population and/or
LGUs shall promote the establishment and operation of peoples and c. Land area
non-governmental organizations as active partners.
LGUs may enter into joint venture and cooperative undertakings with NOTE: Compliance with the above-cited indicators shall be attested by the Department of
peoples and non-governmental organizations particularly in the following: Finance, the National Statistics Office and the Land Management Bureau of the DENR,
1. delivery of certain basic services respectively.
2. capability building and livelihood projects; and
3. developing local enterprises designed to improve productivity 3. Necessity of Fixing Corporate Limits:
and income, diversifies agriculture, spur rural industrialization, As a matter of general rule, municipal corporations cannot, without legal authorization,
and enhance the economic and social well-being of the people. exercise its powers beyond its own corporate limits. It is necessary that it must have its
boundaries fixed, definite and certain, in order that may be identified and that all may know the
exact scope or section of territory or geographical division embraced within the corporate limits 2. Income- at least P100 million for the last two consecutive years
and over which the municipal corporation has jurisdiction. A description of the boundaries of a 3. Land Area- contiguous territory of at least 100 square kilometers
municipal corporation is said to be an essential part of its charter and necessary to corporate
existence. An incorporation is void where the boundaries of the municipal corporation are not NOTE:
described with certainty. The Internal Revenue Allotments shall be included in the computation of the average
annual income of the municipality for purposes of determining whether the municipality may be
4. Manner of Creation validly converted into a city. Income is defined in the LGC to be all revenues and receipts
1. Creation of Barangays: collected or received forming the gross accretions of funds of the local government unit. The
a. Role: serves as the primary planning and implementing unit of government policies, IRAs are regular and recurring income and not merely special funds or transfers and/or
plans programs, projects and activities in the community, and as a forum wherein the collective budgetary aids from the national government or non-recurring income. The IRAs regularly and
views of the people may be expressed, crystallized and considered, and where disputes may automatically accrue to the local treasury without need of any further action on the part of the
be amicably settled. local government unit (Alvarezvs. Guingona, 252 SCRA 695).

b. Who creates: a barangay may be created, divided, merged, abolished or its 4. Conversion of a Component City into a Highly Urbanized City
boundary substantially altered by law or by an ordinance of the Sangguniang Panlalawigan or a. If a component city shall have met the minimum requirements for a highly urbanized
Sangguniang Panlungsod. Where a barangay is created by an ordinance of the Sangguniang city, it shall be the duty of the President to declare the city as highly urbanized city upon: (1)
Panlalawigan, the recommendation of the Sangguniang Bayan concerned shall be necessary. proper application and (2) upon ratification in a plebiscite by the majority of registered voters
c. Substantive Requisites:
1. Population- at least 2000 inhabitants b. Substantive Requisites:
Except in cities and municipalities within Metro Manila or in highly urbanized 1. Population- at least 200,000 inhabitants
citiesmust be at least 5000 inhabitants 2. Income- at least P50 million

2. Income- no minimum income requirement 5. Creation of Provinces

a. Role- as a political and corporate unit of government, it serves as a dynamic
3. Land Area- no minimum requirement, but it must be contiguous but it need not mechanism for development processes and effective governance of local government units
be contiguous if the barangay is comprised with two or more islands. within its territorial jurisdiction.

NOTE: b. Who creates- may be created, divided, merged, or abolished, or its boundary
The creation of the new barangay shall not however reduce the population of the original substantially altered, only by an act of Congress, subject to the satisfaction of the criteria set
barangay to less than the minimum requirement prescribed in the Code. (Sec.386, LGC) forth by the LGC.
2. Creation of Municipalities
a. Role: serves primarily as a general purpose government for the coordination and c. Substantive Requirements:
delivery of basic, regular and direct services and effective governance of the inhabitants within 1. Population- not less than 250,000 inhabitants
its territorial jurisdiction. 2. Income- average annual income of at least P20 million
3. Land Area- a contiguous territory of at least 2000 square kilometers
b. Who creates: may be created, divided, merged, abolished or its boundary
substantially altered only by an act of Congress subject to the criteria established by the Code. NOTE:
BP 885, which created the Province of Negros del Norte was declared unconstitutional
c. Substantive Requisites: because it did not comply with the land area criterion prescribed under the LGC. The use of
1. Population- at least 25,000 inhabitants the word territory in Sec. 17 of the LGC refers only to the physical mass of land area, not to the
2. Income- average annual income of at least P2.5 million for the last two waters comprising a political entity. It excludes the waters over which the political unit
consecutive years based on the 1991 constant prices. exercises control (Tan vs. Comelec, 142 SCRA 727).
3. Land Area- a contiguous territory of 50 square kilometers.

3. Creation of Component Cities 6. Status of Sub-provinces

a. Role- serves primarily as a general purpose government for the coordination and Existing sub-provinces are converted into regular provinces upon the approval by a
delivery of basic, regular and direct services and effective governance of the inhabitants within majority votes cast in a plebiscite to be held in the said sub-province and the original province
its territorial jurisdiction. directly affected. (Sec.462, LGC)

b. Who creates- may be created, divided, merged or abolished, or its boundary 7. Autonomous Regions
substantially altered only by an act of Congress subject to the criteria provided in the Code. The Philippine Constitution mandates the creation of autonomous regions in Muslim
Mindanao and in the Cordilleras consisting of provinces, cities, municipalities, and
c. Substantive Requisites: geographical areas sharing common and distinctive historical and cultural heritage, and
1. Population- at least 150,000 inhabitants economic and social cultures. (Sec.15, Art.10, PC)
Component City P100 million 150,000 or
NOTE: Highly Urbanized City P50 million 200,000
RA 6734, the organic act establishing the Autonomous Regional Government of Province P20 million 250,000 or
Muslim Mindanao was held valid by the Supreme Court. (Datu Firdausi Abbas vs.
COMELEC, 179 SCRA 287). However, the soleProvince of Ifugao which, in the plebiscite, 11. Beginning of Corporate Existence
alone voted in favor of RA 6766, cannot validly constitute the Autonomous Region of When a new local government unit is created, its corporate existence shall commence
the Cordilleras. (Ordillo vs. COMELEC, 192 SCRA 100) upon the election and qualification of its chief executive and a majority members of the
Sanggunian, unless some other date is fixed therefore by law or ordinance creating it. (Sec.14,
8. Special Metropolitan Political Subdivisions LGC)
The Congress may, by law, create special metropolitan political subdivisions, but the
component cities and municipalities shall retain their basic autonomy and shall be entitled to 12. Division and Merger of LGUs
their own local executives and legislative assemblies. The jurisdiction of the metropolitan The division and merger of local government units shall comply with the same
authority that will be thereby created shall be limited to basic services requiring coordination. requirements for their creation. The income, population or land area shall not be reduced to
(Sec. 11, Art. X, PC) less than the minimum requirements. Likewise, the income classification of the original local
government unit shall not fall below its current income classification prior to such division.
NOTE: (Sec.8, LGC)
With the passage of RA 7924, Metropolitan Manila was declared as a special
development and administrative region and the administration of metrowide basic services 13. Abolition of LGUs
affecting the region was placed under a development authority referred to as the Metropolitan A local government unit may be abolished when its income, population or land area
Manila Development Authority (MMDA), whose functions were without prejudice to the has been irreversibly reduced to less than the minimum standards prescribed for its creation
autonomy of the affected local government units. The law does not grant police nor legislative under the LGC, as certified by the national agencies to Congress or to the Sanggunian
powers to MMDA. Even the Metro Manila Council, the governing board of the MMDA, has not concerned. Likewise, the law or, ordinance abolishing an LGU shall specify the province, city,
been delegated any legislative power. Clearly, MMDA is not a political unit. There is no grant municipality, or barangay with which the local government unit sought to be abolished will be
of authority to enact ordinances and regulations for the general welfare of the inhabitants of incorporated or merged. (Sec.9, LGC)
the metropolis. MMDA cannot open for public use a private road in a private
subdivision (MMDA vs. Bel-Air Village Association, Inc., G.R. No. 135962,March 27, 2000). 14. Effects of Annexation/Consolidation of Municipal Corporations
1. On the legal existence of the territory annexed- Unless otherwise provided for
9. Attack against invalidity of incorporation by law, the annexation of one municipal corporation to another will dissolve the
No collateral attack shall lie; an inquiry into the legal existence of a municipal annexed territory. It shall become part of the annexing corporation and will fall
corporation is reserved to the State in a proceeding for quo warranto or other direct under the jurisdiction of the latter.
proceeding. But this rule applies only when the municipal corporation is, at least, a de facto 2. On the laws and ordinances of the annexed corporation- In the absence of
municipal corporation. any provision of law to the contrary, when a territory is annexed to a municipal
corporation, it shall become subject to all the laws and ordinances by which
10. PLEBISCITE REQUIREMENT: Who shall participate the annexing corporation is governed.
Sec. 10 of the LGC provides that the creation, division and merger, abolition or 3. On the right of officers or employees of the annexed or consolidated territory
substantial alteration of the boundaries of local government units must be approved by a to continue to hold their offices- Subject to what the legislature may provide
majority of votes cast in a plebiscite in the political unit or units directly affected. Such upon annexation, the officers and employees of the annexed or consolidated
plebiscite shall be conducted by the COMELEC within 120 days from the date of the effectivity territory shall terminate their official relation with their offices.
of the law. The completion of the publication of the law should be the reckoning point in 4. On the title to the property of the annexed territory- When a municipal
determining the 120-day period within which to conduct the plebiscite, not from the date of its corporation is annexed to another, the annexing territory shall acquire title to
approval when the law had not yet been published. Since publication is indispensable for the the property of the annexed territory at the time of annexation without
effectivity of a law, a plebiscite can be scheduled only after the law creating a city took compensation unless the annexing statute provides otherwise. Where the
effect. (Cawaling vs. COMELEC, Oct. 26, 2002) annexed territory, however, forms part of a municipality from which it is taken,
The plebiscite for the creation of a new province or municipality shall include the the legislature may provide for the payment of compensation for the
participation of the residents of the mother province or mother municipality in order to conform indebtedness incurred on account of the property taken.
to the constitutional requirement. (Padilla vs. COMELEC, 214 SCRA 735) With regard to public buildings and improvements located in
In the conversion of a municipality into a component city, however, only the registered the annexed territory, the annexing territory is not required to pay for
voters of the municipality sought to be converted into a component city, shall participate in the said buildings or improvements as they have already been paid for by the
plebiscite. annexed territory. It would be otherwise if there exists an indebtedness on
said buildings in which case, the annexing state may be required to share in
Summary of Substantive Requirements in the Creation of LGUs the payment of said indebtedness.
LGU Created Income Population 5. On the debts and obligations of the annexed territory- It has been stated that
debts and obligations of a municipal corporation contracted before its
2,000 but 5,000 for Metro Manila and highly urbanized cities
annexation to another territory shall be assumed by the annexing territory in
Barangay No minimum requirement
Municipality P2.5 million 25,000, and the absence of any provision to the contrary. The same rule applies of
consolidation where the consolidating municipal corporation is held 5. Must not be unreasonable; and
responsible for the indebtedness and obligations incurred by the territories 6. Must be general in application and consistent with public policy.
which are consolidated.
An ordinance extending burial assistance of P500 to a bereaved family whose gross
15. Effects of Division of LGUs income does not exceed P2,000 a month, has been upheld by the Supreme Court as a valid
On the legal existence of the original corporation: The division of municipal corporation exercise of police power. This power is organic and flexible. The care for the poor is generally
extinguishes the corporate existence of the original municipality. recognized as a public duty. The support for the poor has long been an accepted exercise of
On the property, powers and rights of the original corporation: Unless the law provides police power in the promotion of common good. The police power of a municipal corporation
otherwise, when a municipal corporation is divided into two or more municipalities, each is broad and commensurate with the duty to provide for the real needs of the people in their
municipality acquires title to all the property, powers, rights and obligations falling within its health, safety, comfort, and convenience as consistently as may be with private rights. It
territorial jurisdiction. extends to all the great public needs and in a broad sense includes all legislation and almost
every function of the municipal government. (Binay vs. Domingo, 201 SCRA 508)

IV. GENERAL POWERS AND ATTRIBUTES OF LGUs 2. Basic Services and Facilities:
A. Powers in general 17, LGC(a) Local government units shall endeavor to be self-reliant and shall continue
exercising the powers and discharging the duties and functions currently vested upon them.
1. Sources: They shall also discharge the functions and responsibilities of national agencies and offices
a. Sec. 25, Art II: Secs. 5,6 and 7, Art. X, Philippine Constitution devolved to them pursuant to this Code. Local government units shall likewise exercise such
b. Statutes, e.g., R.A. 7160 other powers and discharge such other functions and responsibilities as are necessary,
c. Charter (particularly of cities) appropriate, or incidental to efficient and effective provision of the basic services and facilities
d. Doctrine of the right of self-government, but applies only in States which adhere to enumerated under the Code.
the doctrine.
Devolution refers to the act by which the national government confers powers and authority
upon the various local government units to perform specific functions and responsibilities. This
2. Classifications: includes the transfer to the local government units of the records, equipment and other assets
a. Express, implied and inherent and personnel of national agencies and offices.
b. Public or governmental, private or proprietary
c. Intramural or extramural 3. Power to generate and apply resources (18, LGC)
d. Mandatory and directory, ministerial and discretionary The exercise by local governments of the power to tax is ordained by the present
Constitution (5, Art. X, Phil. Constitution). Only guidelines and limitations that may be
3. Execution of powers: established by Congress can define and limit such power of local governments. But local
a. Where the statute prescribes the manner of exercise, the procedure must be followed. governments have no power to tax instrumentalities of the National Government. PAGCOR
b. Where the statute is silent, local government units have discretion to select reasonable being an instrumentality of the National Government is therefore exempt from local
means and methods of exercise. taxes. (Bascovs. PAGCOR, 197 SCRA 52)

B. GOVERNMENTAL POWERS: Main Sources of Revenues of LGUs

1. General Welfare Clause- the statutory grant of police power to local government units. A. Under the Constitution
Limitations: 1. taxes, fees and charges (5, Art. X)
a. Express grant by law 2. share in the national taxes- Internal Revenue Allotment
b. Exercisable only within the territorial limits of the LGU, except for protection of water supply 3. share in the proceeds of the utilization and development of the national
c. Equal protection clause wealth within their areas (7, Art. X)
d. Due process clause B. Under the Local Government Code
e. Must not be contrary to the Constitution and the laws. 1. floating of bonds
2. grants/aids
A local government unit may exercise delegated governmental powers: All LGUs are empowered to create their own sources of revenue and to levy taxes, fees and
Police power (under the General Welfare Clause) charges subject to the provisions on local taxation consistent with the basic policy of local
Power of Taxation autonomy. The Sanggunian concerned through an ordinance has the power to impose a tax,
Power of Eminent Domain fee or charge. The procedural requirements of public hearing and publication must be
observed for purposes of compliance with the requirements of due process.
a. Requisites for the validity of a municipal ordinance:
1. Must not contravene the Constitution and any statute; C. Fundamental Principles on Local taxation
2. Must not be unfair or oppressive; 1. Taxation shall be uniform in each local government unit;
3. Must not be partial or discriminatory; 2. Taxes, fees, charges and other impositions shall:
4. Must not prohibit, but may regulate trade which is not illegal per se; a. be equitable and based as far as practicable on the taxpayers ability to pay;
b. be levied and collected only for public purposes; 10. Local government units shall ensure that their respective budgets incorporate the
c. not be unjust, excessive, oppressive or confiscatory; requirements of their component units and provide for equitable allocation of resources among
d. not be contrary to law, public policy, national economic policy, or in restraint of trade. these component units.
3. The collection of taxes, fees, charges and other impositions shall in no case be let 11. National planning shall be based on local planning to ensure that the needs and
to any private persons; aspirations of the people as articulated by the local government units in their respective local
4. The revenue collected pursuant to the provisions of the LGC shall inure solely to the development plans are considered in the formulation of budgets of national line agencies or
benefit of, and be subject to disposition by, the local government unit levying the tax, offices.
fee, charge or other imposition unless otherwise specifically provided herein; and 12. Fiscal responsibility shall be shared by all those exercising authority over the
5. Each local government unit shall, as far as practicable, evolve a progressive system financial affairs, transactions, and operations of the local government units.
of taxation. 13. The local government unit shall endeavor to have a balanced budget in each fiscal
year of operation.
Shares of LGUs in the proceeds of national taxes 4. Eminent Domain (19, LGC)
The share of the LGU in Internal Revenue Taxes is 40%. The 40% IRA is allocated to
LGUs as follows: for provinces and cities- 23%; for municipalities- 34%; for barangays- 20%. The power to expropriate private property has been delegated by Congress to LGUs
No less than 20% of the IRA is allotted for development project by the local unit from under 19, LGC. The exercise by LGUs of the power of eminent domain are subject to the
the IRA. usual constitutional limitations such as necessity, private property, taking, public use, just
compensation and due process of law.
Shares in National Wealth The determination of whether there is genuine necessity for the exercise of the power of
40% of the gross collection from mining taxes, royalties, forestry and fishery charges, eminent domain is a justiciable question when exercised by the LGUs and generally a political
and from each share in any joint effort in utilizing and developing the national wealth within the question when exercised by Congress.
LGUs jurisdiction and shall be remitted without need for further action to the local treasurer on
a quarterly basis within five days after the end of every quarter. NOTE:
LGUs shall receive 1% of the gross sale or receipts of the preceding calendar year and Private property already devoted to public use can still be a subject of expropriation by
40% of taxes, fees or charges that GOCCs would have paid if not tax exempt, whichever is Congress but not by LGUs.
The additional limitations on the exercise of the power of eminent domain by LGUs are, as
How National Wealth is Distributed follows:
If the national wealth is located in one province, the province shall receive 20%, the 1. Exercised only by the local chief executive, acting pursuant to a valid ordinance;
component city/municipality shall receive 45% and the barangays 35%. 2. For public use or purpose or welfare, for the benefit of the poor and the landless;
If the national wealth is located in two or more LGUs, distribution shall be based on the 3. Only after a valid and definite offer had been made to, and not accepted by, the owner;
following: population- 70% and land area- 30%. 4. An LGU shall file a complaint for expropriation on the strength of an ordinance and not a
If the national wealth is located in highly urbanized city or independent component city, mere resolution passed by the Sanggunian. (Municipality of Paranaque vs. VM Realty Corp.,
the HUC or ICC shall receive 65% and the barangays shall receive 35%. 292 SCRA 676)

D. Fundamental Principles of Local Fiscal Administration The promulgation of the ordinance authorizing the local chief executive to exercise the power
1. No money shall be paid out of the local treasury except in pursuance of an must be promulgated prior to the filing of the complaint for eminent domain with the proper
appropriation ordinance or law; court, and not after the court shall have determined the amount of just compensation to which
2. Local government funds and monies shall be spent solely for public purposes; the defendant is entitled. (Heirs of Suguitan vs. City of Mandaluyong, 328 SCRA 137)
3. Local revenue is generated only from the sources expressly authorized by law or
ordinance, and collection thereof shall at all times be acknowledged properly; NOTE:
4. All monies officially received by a local government officer in any capacity or on any An LGU may immediately take possession of the property upon filing of expropriation
occasion shall be accounted for as local funds, unless otherwise provided by law; proceedings and deposit in court of 15% of the FMV of the property.
5. Trust funds in the local treasury shall not be paid out except in fulfillment of the
purpose for which the trust is created or the funds received. 5. Other powers
6. Every officer of the local government unit whose duties permit or require the a. Reclassification of lands (20, RA 7160)
possession or custody of local funds shall be properly bonded, and such officer shall be A city or municipality may, through an ordinance passed after conducting public
accountable and responsible for said funds and for the safekeeping thereof in conformity with hearings for the purpose, may authorize the reclassification of agricultural lands and
the provisions of law. provide for the manner of their utilization or their disposition:
7. Local governments shall formulate sound financial plans, and the local budgets i. When the land ceases to be economically feasible and sound for
shall be based on functions, activities and projects, in terms of expected results. agricultural purposes as determined by the Department of Agriculture;
8. Local budget plans and goals shall, as far as practicable, be harmonized with ii. Where the land shall have substantially greater economic value for
national development plans, goals and strategies in order to optimize the utilization of residential, commercial or industrial purposes as determined by the
resources and to avoid duplication in the use of fiscal and physical resources. sanggunian; provided that such reclassification shall be limited to the following
9. Local budgets shall operationalize approved development plans.
percentage of the total agricultural land area at the time of the passage of the iii. City and municipal public elementary, secondary and vocational or
ordinance: technical schools, post-secondary and other tertiary schools;
iv. City and municipal hospitals, health centers and other health facilities;
for highly urbanized cities and independent component cities: 15% and
for component cities and 1st to 3rd class municipalities: 10% v. Any other public place or building owned by the municipal government.
for 4th and 6th class municipalities: 5% NOTES:
None of the foregoing local government units, institutions, places, or buildings shall be
Provided that agricultural land distributed to land reform beneficiaries shall not be affected by named after a living person, nor may a change of name be made unless for a justifiable reason
such reclassification. and, in any case, not oftener than once every ten years. The name of a local government unit
or a public place, street or structure with historical, cultural, or ethnic significance shall not be
b. Closure and opening of roads (21, RA 7160) changed, unless by a unanimous vote of the sanggunian concerned and in consultation with
A local government unit may, pursuant to an ordinance, permanent or the Philippine Historical Commission.
temporarily close or open any local road, alley, park, or square falling within its jurisdiction,
provided that in case of permanent closure, such ordinance must be approved by at least 2/3 A change of name of a public school shall be made only upon the recommendation of the
of all the members of the sanggunian, and when necessary, and adequate substitute for the local school board concerned.
public facility shall be provided.
A change of name of public hospitals, health centers, and other health facilities shall be made
NOTE: only upon the recommendation of the local health board concerned.
Additional limitations in case of permanent closure:
i. Adequate provision for the maintenance of public safety must be made; The change of name of any local government unit shall be effective only upon ratification in a
ii. The property may be used or conveyed for any purpose for which other real plebiscite conducted for the purpose in the political unit directly affected.
property may be lawfully used or conveyed, but no freedom park shall be closed In any change of name, the Office of the President, the representative of the legislative
permanently without provision for its transfer or relocation to a new site. district concerned, and the Bureau of Posts shall be notified. (13, LGC)

Temporary closure may be made during an actual emergency, fiesta celebrations, public d. Settlement of boundary disputes (118 a-d, RA 7160):
rallies, etc. Boundary disputes between and among local government units shall, as
much as possible, be settled amicably. To this end:
c. Naming of LGUs, public places, streets and structures a. Boundary disputes involving two or more barangays in the same
1. Provinces- The sangguniang panlalawigan may change the name of the city or municipality shall be referred for settlement to the
following within its territorial jurisdiction: sangguniang panlungsod or sangguniang bayan concerned.
i. Component cities and municipalities, upon the recommendation of the b. Boundary disputes involving two or more municipalities within
sangguniang concerned; the same province shall be referred for settlement to the
ii. Provincial roads, avenues, boulevards, thoroughfares and bridges; sangguniang panlalawigan concerned.
iii. Public vocational or technical schools and other post secondary and c. Boundary disputes involving municipalities or component cities
tertiary schools; of different provinces shall be jointly referred for settlement to the
iv. Provincial hospitals, health centers, and other health facilities; and sanggunians of the provinces concerned.
v. Any other public place or building owned by the provincial government. d. Boundary disputes involving a component city or municipality on
the one hand and a highly urbanized city on the other, or two or
2. Highly Urbanized and Independent Component Cities- The sanggunians of more highly urbanized cities, shall be jointly referred for
HUCs and ICCs may change the name of the following within its territorial jurisdiction: settlement to the respective sanggunians of the parties.
i. City barangays, upon the recommendation of the sangguniang barangay Procedure:
concerned; In the event the sanggunian fails to effect an amicable settlement within 60 days
ii. City roads, avenues, boulevards, thoroughfares, and bridges; from the date the dispute was referred thereto, it shall issue a certification to that effect.
iii. Public elementary, secondary and vocational or technical schools, Thereafter, the dispute shall be formally tried by the sanggunian concerned which shall decide
community colleges and non-chartered colleges; the issue within 60 days from the date of the certification referred to above.
iv. City hospitals, health centers and other health facilities; and Within the time and manner prescribed by the Rules of Court, any party may elevate
v. Any other public place or building owned by the city government. the decision of the sanggunian concerned, any party may elevate the decision of the
sanggunian concerned to the proper Regional Trial Court having jurisdiction over the area in
3. Component Cities and Municipalities- The sanggunians of component cities dispute. The Regional Trial Court shall decide the appeal within one (1) year from the filing
and municipalities may change the name of the following within its territorial jurisdiction: thereof. Pending final resolution of the case, the disputed area prior to the dispute shall be
i. City and municipal barangays, upon recommendation of the maintained and continued for all legal purposes. (119, LGC)
sangguniang barangay concerned;
ii. City, municipal and barangay roads, avenues, boulevards, e. Authority over police units (6, Art. XVI, Philippine Constitution)
thoroughfares, and bridges; The State shall establish and maintain one police force, which shall be national in
scope and civilian in character, to be administered and controlled by a National Police
Commission. The authority of local executives over the police units in their jurisdiction shall be
provided by law. 5. A special session may be called by the local chief executive or a majority of the sanggunian
members. Unless concurred in by 2/3 vote of the members present, no matter may be
6. LOCAL LEGISLATIVE POWER reconsidered at the special session except those stated in the notice. (52)
A. Products of legislative action 6. A majority of all the members of the sanggunian shall constitute a quorum. (53)
1. Ordinance- prescribes a rule of conduct.
2. Resolution- of temporary character, or expresses sentiment. 7. An ordinance shall be approved by the local chief executive by affixing his signature in each
and every page thereof.
B. Requisites for validity:
1. Must not contravene the Constitution and any statute 8. The governor or mayor may veto any item in the following cases:
2. Must not be unfair or oppressive a. Particular item or items in an appropriations ordinance
3. Must not be partial or discriminatory b. Ordinance adopting a local development plan and public investment program
4. Must not prohibit, but may regulate trade c. Ordinance directing the payment of money or creating liability. (55)
5. Must not be unreasonable
6. Must be general in application and consistent with public policy. 9. The grounds for veto are:
a. The ordinance is ultra vires
Approval of ordinances: b. Or that it is prejudicial to public welfare
Ordinances passed by the sangguniang panlalawigan, sangguniang panlungsod or
sangguniang bayan shall be approved: 10. The veto shall be communicated to the sanggunian within 15 days in the case of a
If the local chief executive approves the same, affixing his signature on each and every page province and 10 days in the case of a city or municipality; otherwise, the ordinance shall be
thereof. deemed approved, as if he signed it. The sanggunian may override the veto by 2/3 of all its
If the local chief executive vetoes the same, and the veto is overridden by 2/3 vote of all the members. (54)
members of the sanggunian.
11. Ordinances enacted by the sangguniang barangay shall, upon approval by a majority of all
Where petitioner was charged with falsification of a public document for approving a its members, be signed by the Punong Barangay. The latter has no veto power.
resolution which purportedly appropriated money to pay for the terminal leave of 2 employees
when actually no such resolution was passed, the petitioner argued that his signature on the 12. Review
resolution was merely ministerial. The Supreme Court disagreed, saying that the grant of the a. The sangguniang panlalawigan shall review ordinances and resolution of cities and
veto power accords the Mayor the discretion whether or not to approve the resolution. (De Los municipalities to determine if they are within their power. (56)
Reyes vs. Sandiganbayan, G.R. 121215, Nov. 13, 1997) Procedure:
Within 3 days after approval, the secretary of the sangguniang panlungsod
NOTES: (in component cities) or sangguniang bayan shall forward to the sangguniang
panlalawigan for review copies of approved ordinances and resolutions approving
1. The vice governor, the vice mayor and the punong barangay shall be the presiding officer of the local development plans and public investment programs formulated by the local
the sanggunians but shall vote only in case of tie. development councils. The sangguniang panlalawigan shall review the same within
30 days; if it finds that the ordinance or resolution is beyond the power conferred
2. In case of inability of the presiding officer, the members shall elect a temporary presiding upon the sangguniang panlungsod or sangguniang bayan concerned, it shall declare
officer from among themselves. (49) such ordinance or resolution invalid in whole or in part. If no action is taken within
30 days, the ordinance or resolution is presumed consistent with law, and therefore,
3. For disorderly behavior and absence without justifiable cause for 4 consecutive sessions, a valid.
member may be censured, reprimanded, excluded from the session, suspended for not more
than 60 days, or expelled. Suspension or expulsion shall require concurrence of at least 2/3 of b. The sangguniang panlungsod or bayan shall review sangguniang barangay
all sanggunian members. A member sentenced by final judgment to imprisonment for at least ordinances to determine if they are lawful. (57)
one year for a crime involving moral turpitude shall be automatically expelled. (50)
4. Every sanggunian member, upon assumption of office shall make a full disclosure of his Within 10 days from enactment, the sangguniang barangay shall furnish copies
business and financial interests. He shall also disclose any business, financial or professional of all barangay ordinances to the sangguniang panlungsod or sangguniang bayan for
relationship or any relationship within the 4thdegree which he may have with anyone affected review. If the reviewing sanggunian finds the barangay ordinances inconsistent with law
by any ordinance or resolution of the sanggunian which involves a conflict of interests. or city or municipal ordinances, the sangguniang concerned shall, within 30 days from
Such relationship includes: receipt thereof, return the same with its comments and recommendations to the
i. Investment in the entity to which the ordinance may apply sangguniang barangay for adjustment, amendment or modification, in which case the
ii. Contracts with any person to which the ordinance may apply effetivity of the ordinance is suspended until the revision called for is effected. If no action
Conflict of interests refers to a situation where a sanggunian member may not act in the is taken by the sangguniang panlungsod or sangguniang bayan within 30 days, the
public interest due to personal consideration that may affect his judgment to the prejudice of ordinance is deemed approved.
the public. (51)
13. Enforcement of disapproved ordinances/resolutions: b. Ultra vires contracts
Any attempt to enforce an ordinance or resolution approving the local development When a contract is entered into without compliance with the first and the third
plan and public investment program, after the disapproval thereof, shall be sufficient ground for requisites (above), the same is ultra vires and is null and void. Such contract cannot
the suspension or dismissal of the official or employee concerned. be ratified or validated. Ratification of defective municipal contracts is possible only
when there is non-compliance with the second and/or fourth requirements above.
14. Effectivity Ratification may be express or implied.
a. Unless otherwise stated in the ordinance, it shall take effect after 10 days from
posting at the provincial capitol or city, municipal or barangay hall and two other c. Authority to negotiate and secure contracts (23, RA 7160)
conspicuous places. The local chief executive may, upon authority of the sanggunian, negotiate and
b. The gist of all ordinances with penal sanction shall be published in a newspaper of secure financial grants or donations in kind, in support of the basic services and
general circulation in the province. In the absence of such newspaper, the facilities enumerated under 17, from local and foreign assistance agencies without
ordinance shall be posted in all municipalities and cities of the province where the necessity of securing clearance or approval from any department, agency, or office
sanggunian of origin is situated. of the national government or from any higher local government unit; Provided, that
c. In highly urbanized and independent component cities, in addition to posting, the projects financed by such grants or assistance with national security implications
main features of the ordinance shall be published in a local newspaper of general shall be approved by the national agency concerned.
circulation. In the absence of such newspaper, it shall be published in any
newspaper of general circulation. (59 6. To exercise such other powers as are granted to corporations, subject to limitations
provided in the Code and other laws.
C. Corporate Powers (22, RA 7160)
1. To have continuous succession in its corporate name V. MUNICIPAL LIABILITY
2. To sue and be sued
3. To have and use a corporate seal 1. Specific provisions making LGUs liable:
4. To acquire and convey real or personal property a. 24, RA 7160- Liability for damages- Local government units and their officials are
a. The local government unit may acquire real or personal, tangible or intangible not exempt from liability for death or injury to persons or damage to property.
property, in any manner allowed by law, e.g., sale, donation, etc. b. Art. 2189, NCC- The local government unit is liable in damages for death or injuries
b. The local government unit may alienate only patrimonial property, upon proper suffered by reason of the defective condition of roads, streets, bridges, public
authority. buildings and other public works.
c. In the absence of proof that the property was acquired through corporate or c. Art. 2180, (par.6), NCC- The State is responsible when it acts through a special
private funds, the presumption is that it came from the State upon the creation agent.
of the municipality and, thus, is governmental or public property.(Salas vs. d. Art. 34, NCC- The local government unit is subsidiarily liable for damages suffered
Jarencio, 48 SCRA 734; Rebuco vs. Villegas, 55 SCRA 656) by a person by reason of the failure or refusal of a member of the police force to
d. Town plazas are properties of public dominion; they may be occupied render aid and prosecution in case of danger to life and property.
temporarily, but only for the duration of an emergency (Espiritu vs. Municipal
Council of Pozorrubio, Pangasinan, 102 Phil. 866). 2. Liability for Tort
e. A public plaza is beyond the commerce of man, and cannot be the subject of a. If the local government unit is engaged in governmental functions, it is NOT liable.
lease or other contractual undertaking. And, even assuming the existence of a b. If engaged in proprietary functions, local government unit is liable.
valid lease of the public plaza or part thereof, the municipal resolution Holding of town fiesta is a proprietary function. The Municipality of Malasique,
effectively terminated the agreement, for it is settled that the police power Pangasinan, was held liable for the death of a member of the zarzuela group when
cannot be surrendered or bargained away through the medium of a the stage collapsed, under the principle of respondeat superior.
contract (Villanueva vs. Castaneda, 154 SCRA 142). NOTE: The municipal council managed the town fiesta. While the municipality was held liable,
the councilors themselves are not liable for the negligence of their employees or
5. Power to enter into contracts agents. (Torio vs. Fontanilla, 85 SCRA 599)
a. Requisites of a valid municipal contracts c. Personal Liability of local officials
i. The local government unit has the express, implied or inherent
power to enter into the particular contract. 3. Liability for violation of law
ii. The contract is entered into by the proper department, board, Case:
committee, officer or agent. Unless otherwise provided by the Code, The Municipality of Bunawan, Agusan del Sur, through the Mayor, was held in
no contract may be entered into by the local chief executive on behalf contempt and fined P1,000.00 with a warning, because of the refusal of the Mayor to abide by
of the local government unit without prior authorization by the a Temporary Restraining Order issued by the Court (Moday vs. CA, 243 SCRA 152).
sangguniang concerned.
iii. The contract must comply with certain substantive requirements, 4. Liability for contracts
i.e., when expenditure of public fund is to be made, there must be an a. General Rule- A municipal corporation, like an ordinary person, is liable on a
actual appropriation and a certificate of availability of funds. contract it enters into, provided that the contract is intra vires. If the contract is ultra
iv. The contract must comply with the formal requirements of written vires, the munipal corporation is not liable.
contracts, e.g., the Statute of Frauds.
NOTES: b. Unless otherwise allowed by law or by the primary function of his office, no
A private individual who deals with a municipal corporation is imputed constructive elective or appointive local official shall hold any other office.
knowledge of the extent of the power or authority of the municipal corporation to enter into c. Except for losing candidates in barangay elections, no candidate who lost in any
contracts. election should be appointed to any office within one year after election.
Ordinarily, therefore, the doctrine of estoppel does not lie against municipal corporation.
b. Doctrine of Implied Municipal Liability- A municipality may become obligated upon
an implied contract to pay the reasonable value of the benefits accepted or 1. Qualifications:
appropriated by it as to which it has the general power to contract (Province of a. Common qualifications:
Cebu vs. IAC, 147 SCRA 447). i. Filipino Citizen
The doctrine applies to all cases where money or property of a party is received ii. Registered voter of the local government unit, or of the district where he intends to
under such circumstances that the general law, independent of an express contract, be elected in the case of the members of the sanggunian.
implies an obligation to do justice with respect to the same. iii. Resident therein for at least one year immediately before the election
Thus, in this case, the Province of Cebu cannot set up the plea that the contract iv. Ability to read and write Filipino or any other local dialect.
was ultra vires and still retain benefits thereunder. Having regarded the contract as b. Age
valid for purposes of reaping benefits, the Province ofCebu is estopped to question i. Candidates in provinces and highly urbanized cities- at least 23 years old
its validity for the purpose of denying answerability. ii. Candidates for mayor and vice mayor of component cities and municipalities- at
least 21 years old
VI. LOCAL OFFICIALS iii. Candidates for sanggunian members in component cities and municipalities- at
least 18 years old
A. Provisions applicable to elective and appointive officials iv. Barangay officials- at least 18 years old
1. 89, RA 7160: Prohibited business and pecuniary interest- It shall be unlawful for v. Sangguniang Kabataan- at least 15-21 years
any local government official or employee, directly or indirectly, to:
a. Engage in any business transaction with the local government unit in which he is NOTES:
an official or employee or over which he has the power of supervision, or with any Age- must be possessed on the day of the election.
of its authorized boards, officials, agents, or attorneys, whereby money is to be The LGC does not specify any particular date when the candidate must possess Filipino
paid, or property or any other thing of value is to be transferred, directly or citizenzship. Philippine citizenship is required to ensure that no alien shall govern our people.
indirectly, out of the resources of the local government unit to such person or firm; An official begins to govern only upon his proclamation and on the day that his term begins.
b. Hold such interests in any cockpit or other games licensed by a local government Since Frivaldo took his oath of allegiance on June 30, 1995, when his application for
unit; repatriation was granted by the Special committee on Naturalization created under PD 825, he
c. Purchase any real estate or other property forfeited in favor of such local was therefore qualified to be proclaimed. Besides, 39 of the LGC speaks of qualifications of
government unit for unpaid taxes or assessment, or by virtue of a legal process at elective officials, not of candidates (Frivaldo vs. COMELEC, 271 SCRA 767).
the instance of the said local government unit;
d. Be a surety for any person contracting or doing business with the local Petitioner was over 21 years of age on the day of the election was ordered disqualified by the
government unit for which a surety is required; and Supreme Court when the latter rejected the contention of the petitioner that she was qualified
e. Possess or use any public property of the local government unit for private because she was less than 22 years old. The phrase not more than 21 years old is not
purposes. equivalent to less than 22 years old (Garvida vs. Sales).
f. The prohibitions and inhibitions prescribed in RA 6713 also apply.
2. Disqualifications (40, RA 7160)- The following are disqualified from running for any
2. Practice of Profession (90, RA 7160) elective local position:
a. Governors or mayors are prohibited from practicinstrative proceedings involving a. Those sentenced by final judgment for an offense involving moral turpitude or
the local government unit of which he is an official. for an offense punishable by one year or more of imprisonment, within two
iv. Use property and personnel of the government except when the sanggunian years after serving sentence;
member is defending the interest of the government. b. Those removed from office as a result of an administrative case;
Case: c. Those convicted by final judgment for violating the oath of allegiance to the
It was held that by appearing as counsel for dismissed employees, City Councilor Republic;
Javellana violated the prohibition against engaging in private practice if such practice d. Those with dual citizenship;
represents interests adverse to the government.(Javellana vs. DILG, 212 SCRA 475) e. Fugitives from justice in criminal or non-political cases here or abroad;
b. Physicians may practice their profession even during office hours only on f. Permanent residents in a foreign country or those who have acquired the right
emergencies and without monetary compensation. to reside abroad and continue to avail of the same right after the effectivity of
the Code; and
3. Prohibition against appointment (94, RA 7160) g. The insane or feeble-minded.
a. No elective or appointive local official shall be eligible for appointment or
designation to any public office during his tenure. 3. Manner of Election
a. The governor, vice-governor, city or municipal mayor, city or municipal vice- iv. Except for the sangguniang barangay, the appointee shall come from the political
mayor and punong barangay shall be elected at large in their respective party of the member who caused the vacancy.
units. The sangguniang kabataan chairman shall be elected by the registered
voters of the katipunan ng kabataan. NOTE:
b. The regular members of the sangguniang panlalawigan, panlungsod and A nomination and a certificate of membership of the appointee from the highest official of the
bayan shall be elected by district, as may be provided by law. The presidents political party concerned are conditions sine qua non, and any appointment without such
of the leagues of sanggunian members of component cities and municipalities nomination and certificate shall be null and void and shall be a ground for administrative action
shall serve as ex officio members of the sangguniang panlalawigan against the official concerned.
concerned. The presidents of the liga ng mga barangay and the pederasyon
ng mga sangguniang kabataan elected by their respective chapters, shall v. If the member does not belong to any party, the appointee shall be recommended
serve as ex officio members of the sangguniang panlalawigan, panlungsod or by the sanggunian.
bayan. vi. The appointee for the sangguniang barangay shall be recommended by the
c. In addition, there shall be one sectoral representative from the women, one sangguniang barangay.
from the workers, and one from any of the following sectors: urban poor, vii. Vacancy in the representation of the youth and the barangay in the sanggunian
indigenous cultural communities, disabled persons, or any other sector as shall be filled by the official next in rank of the organization. (45)
may be determined by the sanggunian concerned within 90 days prior to the
holding of the next local elections as may be provided by law. The Comelec B. Temporary vacancy
shall promulgate the rules and regulations to effectively provide for the a. When the governor, mayor or punong barangay is temporarily incapacitated to
election of such sectoral representatives. perform his duties, the vice governor, vice mayor, or ranking sangguniang barangay
member shall exercise his powers except the power to appoint, suspend or dismiss
4. Date of Election employees, which can only be exercised after 30 working days.
Every three years on the second Monday of May, unless otherwise provided by law. b. When the local chief executive is traveling within the Philippines for not more than 3
consecutive days, he may designate an officer-in-charge. The authorization shall
5. Term of Office specify the powers of the officer-in-charge except the power to appoint, suspend or
Three years, starting from noon of June 30, 1992, or such date as may be provided dismiss employees.
by law, except that of elective barangay officials. No local elective official shall serve for more c. If the local chief executive does not issue the authorization, the vice governor, vice
than three consecutive terms in the same position. The term of office of barangay officials and mayor, or highest ranking sangguniang barangay member shall assume his powers
members of the sangguniang kabataan shall be for five years, which shall begin after the on the fourth day of his absence. (46)
regular election of barangay officials on the second Monday of May, 1997. (R.A. 8524)
The three-term limit on a local official is to be understood to refer to terms for which the A. Local Initiative
official concerned was elected. Thus, a person who was elected Vice Mayor in 1988 and who, 1. Defined- It is the legal process whereby the registered voters of a
because of the death of the Mayor, became Mayor in 1989, may still be eligible to run for the local government unit may directly propose, enact or amend any
position of Mayor in 1998, even if elected as such in 1992 and 1995 (Borja v. Comelec, G.R. ordinance. It may be exercised by all registered voters of the
No. 133495, Sept. 3, 1998). provinces, cities, municipalities and barangays

6. Rules on Succession (44-46, RA 7160) 2. Procedure:

A. Permanent vacancies: A permanent vacancy arises when an elective local official fills
a higher vacant office, refuses to assume office, fails to qualify, dies, is removed from a. Not less than 2,000 registered voters in the region; 1,000
office, voluntarily resigns, or is permanently incapacitated to discharge the functions of his registered voters in case of provinces and cities; 100 voters in
office. case of municipalities, and 50 in case of barangays, may file a
a. Governor and Mayor petition with the sanggunian concerned proposing the adoption,
i. Vice Governor and Vice Mayor enactment, repeal or amendment of an ordinance.
ii. Sanggunian members according to ranking b. If no favorable action is taken by the sanggunian concerned
b. Punong barangay within 30 days from presentation, the proponents, through their
i. Highest ranking sanggunian member duly authorized and registered representatives, may invoke
ii. Second highest ranking sangguniang barangay member their power of initiative, giving notice thereof to the sanggunian
c. Ranking in the sanggunian shall be determined on the basis of the proportion of the concerned.
votes obtained to the number of registered votes in each district. c. The proposition shall be numbered serially, starting from
d. Ties will be resolved by drawing of lots. (44) Roman numeral I. Two or more propositions may be submitted
e. Sanggunian: in an initiative. The Comelec or its designated representative
i. Provinces, highly urbanized cities and independent component cities- appointment shall extend assistance in the formulation of the proposition.
by the President d. Proponents shall have 90 days (in case of provinces and
ii. Component city and municipality- appointment by governor cities), 60 days (in case of municipalities) and 30 days (in case
iii. Sangguniang barangay- appointment by mayor
of barangays) from notice mentioned in (b) to collect the
required number of signatures.
e. The petition shall be signed before the election registrar or his
designated representatives, and in the presence of a
representative of the proponent and a representative of the
sanggunian concerned in a public place in the local government
f. Upon the lapse of the period, the Comelec shall certify as to
whether or not the required number of signatures has been
obtained. Failure to obtain the required number of signatures
defeats the proposition.
g. If the required number is obtained, the Comelec shall set a
date for the initiative during which the proposition is submitted
to the registered voters in the local government unit for their
approval within 60 days (in case of provinces), 45 days (in case
of municipalities), and 30 days (in case of barangays) from the
date of certification by the Comelec. The initiative shall be held
on the date set after which the results thereof shall be certified
and proclaimed by the Comelec.
h. If the proposition is approved by a majority of the votes cast, it
shall take effect 15 days after the certification by the Comelec
as if affirmative action had been taken thereon by the
sanggunian and the local chief executive concerned.

3. Limitations:
a. On local initiative:
i. The power of local initiative shall not be exercised more than
once a year.
ii. Initiative shall extend only to subjects or matters which are within
the legal powers of the sanggunian to enact.
iii. If at any time before the initiative is held, the sanggunian
concerned adopts in toto the proposition presented and the local
chief executive approves the same, the initiative shall be cancelled.
However, those against such action may, if they so desire, apply for
initiative in the manner herein provided.
b. On the sanggunian: Any proposition or ordinance approved through
an initiative and referendum shall not be repealed, modified or
amended by the sanggunian within 6 months from the date of
approval thereof, and may be amended, modified or repealed within
3 years thereafter by a vote of of all its members. In case of
barangays, the period shall be 18 months after the approval thereof.

B. Local referendum:
3. Defined- It is the legal process whereby the registered voters of the local
government units may approve, amend or reject any ordinance enacted
by the sanggunian.
4. The local referendum shall be held under the control and direction of the
Comelec within 60 days (in case of provinces), 45 days (in case of
municipalities) and 30 days (in case of barangays). The Comelec shall
certify and proclaim the results of the said referendum.

C. Authority of Courts- Nothing in the foregoing shall preclude the proper courts from
declaring null and void any proposition approved pursuant hereto for violation of the
Constitution or want of capacity of the sanggunian concerned to enact said

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