Lesson Plan

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Grade: 3rd

Physical Education -- Standard 3
Students will understand and apply the health-enhancing benefits of physical activity and proper nutrition.
Health Education -- Standard 4
The students will understand concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention.
Jump Rope (1 for each student)
Diagram of the heart
Jump Rope for Heart information
Essential Questions:
What types of safety/health measures should we be taking to keep our bodies healthy?

Adaptations for EL: Building Background, Provide Review of key concepts and
Adaptations for Students with Special Needs: Short work periods with breaks, Break
assignment into shorter tasks.
Adaptations for advanced students: Have students flyers or other types of
advertisements that be placed around the school to let other students know about Jump
Rope for Heart organizations and being healthy.

DAP: Social interactions/relationships drive the learning/teaching process. The design

encourages the development of productive relationshipsdeepens your understanding of
your students, their understanding you, and their understanding of each other.

The guide incorporates multiple areas of the curriculum (integrated learning).

The guide begins with an assessment of prior knowledge.

New understandings are built on prior knowledge (zone of actual development).

Instruction is scaffolded from the zad to the zpd until the zpd becomes part of the zad:
Gradual Release of Responsibility Model
(I. Exploration and Explanation, II. Guided Practice, III. Independent
Learning guides set to cover 4 days and the final day have an assessment of knowledge
gained through the week.

Day 1: Healthy eating habits

Day 2: Nutrition and finding healthy options
Day 3:Healthy body i.e. Fitness
Day 4: Jump rope for heart

Phase 1:
A. Who remembers what it means to be healthy? Does it only involve eating good?
What kinds of fitness activities did we decide we can we do?
Jump Rope
Weight Lifting
Begin to introduce Jump Rope For Heart Organization. Have a diagram of a healthy
heart and an unhealthy heart. Talk about what the organization does and what they will
be doing in the school. Tell them how they can participate and include this in their lives.
Then split into tables or groups and have the class popcorn read in their groups through
the fit kid sheet. (They will have received it the day before.) As a group have them talk
about how they think jump roping and jump rope for heart works with being a fit kid.
Remind them they will be doing a crossword puzzle in pairs about the fit kid sheet and
taking a quiz at the end of the week that includes all the things they are learning in this
lesson as well as past lessons during the week.
- Bring the class back together review the Fit Kid steps before telling them will be
going outside to jump rope. Set clear rules:
-- Wait until I give directions before doing anything.
-- Keep a safe distance from your neighbors so nobody gets hurt.
-- Don't wonder off past the group
Take the class outside to begin showing the different styles of jump roping.
(Before class began I already found my models, students that already knew each of the
jumping styles.)
Double Dutch
Single Rope
Long Jump (one long rope, 2 turners, and 1 jumper)

Transition to Phase 2:

Bring back the attention to you and tell the class they will be trying the
different styles of jump roping on their own.
Does anyone have questions about what I want you do or how to
jump rope?
Phase 2:
Begin to give the students turns trying the different styles. Go around and talk
with each student make sure they don't have any questions about what they are
doing and jump rope for heart. Give about 15-20 of time for students to explore.
Bring everyone back together again ask if there are any questions and then take
them inside.
After finishing jump roping bring the class back in and pair them up. Allow them to use
their new knowledge about jump roping and the fit kid sheet to complete the crossword
puzzle. (They have been doing crosswords puzzles with comprehension during the

Day5 :
Transition to Phase 3:
- Conclude/transition by having kids (as a class) create a healthy plate on
www.choosemyplate.gov. Make sure they include fitness in the plan.

Pull up http://www.fns.usda.gov/multimedia/games/trackandfield/index.html and

show students how to get there and how to use the website. Then tell them they
will be taking the quiz and showing completion before they can go outside for
recess. Tell them they can use any and all of the resources (worksheets) done in
class this week to help them on the quiz.

Day 5:
Phase 3:
I. Bring in the laptop cart and have students complete the Food N Me
workshop. After they have completed the Food quiz have them call you
over to record the score (based on completion). Then excuse them to
have free time until recess. Encourage them to practice the jump roping
skills just discussed in class while at recess.

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