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1. People vs.

Noel Enojas y Hingpit (Text the accused, to the exclusion of the others, as the guilty
Message) person. The circumstantial evidence must exclude the
possibility that some other person has committed the
It has been held that circumstantial evidence is sufficient crime.
for conviction if:
Here, this Court finds that the prosecution failed
a. There is more than one circumstance; to present sufficient circumstantial evidence to convict
b. The facts from which the inference are derived the petitioner of the offense charged. We find that the
are proven; pieces of evidence presented before the trial court fail to
c. The combination of all the circumstances is such provide a sufficient combination of circumstances as to
as to produce a conviction beyond reasonable produce a conviction beyond reasonable doubt.

As to admissibility of text messages, the RTC admitted

them in conformity with the Courts earlier resolution 4. People vs. de Guzman (PNP)
applying the Rule on Electronic Evidence to criminal
action. Text message are to be proved by the testimony Preponderance of evidence is the weight, credit, and
of a person who was a party to the same or has personal value of the aggregate evidence on either side and is
knowledge. Here, PO3 Cambi, posing as the accused usually considered to be synonymous with the term
Enojas, exchanged text message with the other accused greater weight of the evidence or greater weight of the
in order to identify and entrap them. credible evidence. Preponderance of evidence means
probability of truth. It is evidence which is more
convincing to the court as worthy to believe that that
which is offered in opposition thereto.
2. NAPOCOR vs CODILLA (Photocopies)
Here, RTC held Cruzs testimony to be not credit
The trial court was correct in rejecting these photocopies worthy for being irreconcilable with petitioners earlier
as they violate the best evidence rule and are therefore admission. Contrary to petitioners contention, Cruzs
of no probative value being incompetent pieces of testimony cannot be considered as judicial admission
evidence. The best evidence rule is designed to guard against his interest as he is neither a party to the case
against incomplete or fraudulent proof and the nor was his admission against his own interest, but
introduction of altered copies and withholding of the actually against either the petitioners or the
originals. But the modern justification for the rule has respondents interest. Petitioners statement on the other
been expanded from the prevention of fraud to hand, were deliberate, clear and unequivocal and were
recognition that writing occupy a central position in the made in the course of judicial proceedings, thus they
law. The importance of the precise term of writing in the qualify as judicial admission
world of legal relations, the fallibility of human memory
as reliable evidence of the terms and the hazards of
inaccurate or incomplete duplicate are the concerns
addressed by the best evidence.

Section 2, Rule 130 memorize

3. Zabala vs. People (Thief Circumstantial


Circumstantial evidence has been defined as that which

goes to prove a fact or series of facts other than the
facts in issue, which if proved, my tend by inference to
establish a fact in issue.

To sustain a conviction based on circumstantial

evidence, it is essential that the circumstantial evidence
presented must constitute an unbroken chain which
leads one to a fair and reasonable conclusion pointing to

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