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Effect of Base Isolation on the Response of

Reinforced Concrete Building

Article September 2013

DOI: 10.5923/j.jce.20130304.02


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Narayan Chandak
MPSTME, NMIMS University, Shirpur


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Journal of Civil Engineering Research 2013, 3(4): 135-142
DOI: 10.5923/j.jce.20130304.02

Effect of Base Isolation on the Response of Reinforced

Concrete Building
Chandak N. R.

Department of Civil Engineering, Galgotias College of Engineering & Technology, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh-201 306, India

Abstract The main aim of using seismic base isolation tool is to reduce the inert ia forces introduced in the structure due to
earthquake by shifting the fundamental period of the structure out of dangerous resonance range and concentration of the
deformation demand at the isolation system. In the paper a parametric study on Reinforced Concrete (RC) build ing with fixed
and isolated base with rubber bearing (RB) and friction isolator (FI) are carried out using response spectrum method. Here,
the design spectra recommended by Indian Standard Code IS 1893-2002 (part -I) and Euro Code 8 are considered for
comparison. The main objective of this study is to investigate the differences caused by the use of different codes in the
dynamic analysis of multistoried RC build ing along with fixed and isolated base condition. Two different floor p lans that are
symmetric (SB) and unsymmetric (UB) with torsional irregularity are taken as samp le build ing. To evaluate the seismic
response of the buildings, elastic analysis is performed using the computer program SAP2000. It is observed from the
comparative study that the building response with isolated base is very less to that of building with fixed base in all the cases
and IS code depict higher values in all the cases with and without isolation, when compared to that of Euro code.
Keywords Base Isolation, Response Spectrum Analysis, RC Building, Elastic Analysis

which use seismic isolation principles and technology for

1. Introduction their seis mic design. It may co me as a surprise that the rubber
foundation elements can actually help to min imize
Engineers and architects have been carrying out studies earthquake damage to buildings, considering the tremendous
for over one hundred years to find applicable methods to forces these buildings must endure in a major quake [1];[2].
reduce the response given to the ground mot ions by the Contrasting the conventional design approach based on an
structures. Seismic isolation and energy dissipating systems increased resistance (strengthening) of the structures, the
are so me o f the design strategies applied to increase the seismic isolation concept is aimed at a significant reduction
earthquake resistance o f the structures. In simp le words, of dynamic loads induced by the earthquake at the base of the
seismic isolation is a process to decrease the response shown structures themselves[3],[4]. Invention of lead rubber
t o th e imp acts su ch as eart hqu ake by s ep arat ing t he bearing (LRB) and high damping rubber bearing (HDRB)
superstructure fro m the ground. In this way, the period and gives a new dimension to the seismic base isolation design of
the damping rat io of the structure isolated fro m the ground base isolated structure[5].[6],[7],[8] covered experimental
are increased. This, in turn, reduces the earthquake forces on tests, analytical model and nonlinear dynamic behavior of
the structure. The increase in damp ing rat io is a natu ral HDRB.[9] presented a parametric study on reinforced
characteristic for most isolators. This system dissipates part concrete (RC) building using response spectrum method. He
of the energy created on the structure by the earthquake considered the design spectra recommended by Indian
effect, and thus increases the seismic perfo rmance o f the Standard Code IS 1893-2002 (part I), Uniform Building
structure and of its contents. In recent years this relatively Code, and Euro Code-8 for co mparison. He observed from
new technology has emerged as a practical and economic the comparative study that the response of building using IS
alt ernat ive to con vent ional seis mic stren gthen ing . Th is code is higher in all the cases, when compared to that of with
concept has received increasing academic and pro fessional other codes.[10] presented seismic analysis of fixed base and
attent ion and is being app lied to a wide range o f civ il base isolated building. They concluded that the base
engineering structures. To date there are several hundred isolation helps in reducing the design parameters like base
buildings in Japan, New Zealand, Un ited States, and India shear, bending mo ment etc.

* Corresponding author: 1.1. El astic Response and Design Spectra

narayanch@redi ffm (Chandak N. R.)
Published online at The earthquake induced ground shaking is generally
Copyright 2013 Scientific & Academic Publishing. All Rights Reserved represented in the form of accelerat ion response spectra or
136 Chandak N. R.: Effect of Base Isolation on the Response of Reinforced Concrete Building

displacement response spectra. Acceleration response

spectra in all current seismic codes, the earthquake actions
are represented in the form of a spectrum of absolute accel-
-eration. But code acceleration spectra tend to be
conservative at longer periods with the result that the
long-period ordinates of the displacement spectra are
unnecessarily high[11]. Figure 1 shows typical shape of
elastic design spectra.
In this figure, T is natural period of structure, SeA and SeB
show the ordinate values at points A and B of the elastic
design spectra, TB and TC show the lower and the upper
limits of the period of the constant spectral acceleration
branch, and TD shows the value defining the beginning of
the constant displacement response range of the spectrum.
Figure 2. Response Spectra for 5% damping (IS)
The ordinates of elastic design spectra Se and inelastic
design spectra Sd for the reference return period defined by
the earthquake codes can be determined using the
expressions given in Table 1. Figure 2 and Figure 3 shows
the normalized spectra drawn for ground types described in
IS code, and EC-8 code respectively.
Spectral acceleration

Figure 3. Elastic design spectra for EC-8 ( is 1.0)

2. Structural Data
Sample build ings described herein were selected as typical
Periods (s) six story reinforced concrete building. The building has two
different floor p lans that are symmet ric (SB), and
unsymmetric (UB). Six bu ild ings are considered and they are
Figure 1. Typical shape of elastic design spectra henceforth referred to as; 6-SB, 6-UB. The plan dimensions
of building, typical at all floors are 22.7m by 13.75 m, with a
story height of 3m as shown in Figure 3. The structural
system of the building is selected as consisting of structural
walls and mo ment resisting frames in both directions. It is
assumed that the structural systems have nominal ductility
level. Seis mic load reduction factor (R) for special mo ment
resisting frame is taken as 5.
Table 1. Ordinates of Elastic Design Spectra (Se) for IS* and EC-8
For Hard soil For Medium soil For soft soil

1 + 15T 0.00 T 0.10 1 + 15T 0.00 T 0.10 1 + 15T 0.00 T 0.10
IS= Sa Sa Sa
2.50 0.10 T 0.40
= 2.50 0.10 T 0.55
= 2.50 0.10 T 0.670
g 1.00 g 1.36 g 1.67
0.40 T 4.00 0.55 T 4.00 0.67 T 4.00
EC-8 Se = ag S[1 + (T/TB) ( 2.5 1)] Se = 2.5 ag S
Se = 2.5ag S [TC/T]
IS code referring Se as Sa
Journal of Civil Engineering Research 2013, 3(4): 135-142 137

Figure 4. Floor plan for six story building

Table 2. Dimension of Structural Members of Building eccentricity, at one end of the structures transverse to an axis
is more than 1.2 times the average of story drifts at the two
Six story building ends of the structure. No other structural irregularities
Structural 1-3 story 4-6 story occurred for samp le buildings.
members bx by bx By
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
C1 600 600 500 500 3. Modeling of Building and Result
W4,W5 To evaluate the seismic response of the build ing, elastic
W3 3000 250 3000 250
analyses were performed by the response spectrum method
C1 600 600 500 500
C2 900 900 700 700 using the computer program SAP2000[12]. The seismic
6-UB W1 250 1750 250 1750 analyses of the buildings are carried out separately in the
W2,W3 3000 250 3000 250 longitudinal and the transverse directions. However, seis mic
W4,W5 250 1750 250 1750 responses only for x-direction are comparat ively presented
Thickness with graphs and tables in this paper for the sake of brevity.
S 150
of slab
Beam size B 250 x 500
Floor p lan of six story build ing is shown in Figure 4. An
aerial perspective of structure is shown in Figure 5. Degrees
Colu mns, beams, structural walls and slabs are sized of freedom at the base nodes are fixed for fixed base case and
considering the requirements given in IS code. The for base isolation, the seis mic isolators in the system are
dimensions of columns and structural walls for x and y defined as Nl-lin k co mponents 0.5m in length placed
directions, the thickness of slabs, the width and height of between the fixed base and the columns as shown in Figure 6.
beams are given in Tab le 2. As seen fro m this table, the The parameters selected to define the utilized rubber
cross-sections of colu mns have been changed after the third isolators[13] in the SAP2000 program are as fo llo ws:
story. Flexural rig idit ies for longitudinal and transverse nonlinear lin k type: Rubber Bearing, U1 linear effective
directions are different for each building. Total mo ment of stiffness: 1500000 kN/ m, U2 and U3 linear effective
inertia of vertical structural elements can be determined stiffness: 800 kN/ m, U2 and U3 nonlinear stiffness: 2500
using dimensions given in Table 2 for x and y directions. It kN/ m, U2 and U3 yield strength: 80 kN, U2 and U3 post
should be noted that values used for rigidit ies are gross yield stiffness ratio: 0.1, other nodes are left free. In addition
values and they are not reduced to consider cracking. to rubber bearing the building is analy zed with friction
According to IS, torsional irregularity occurs in buildings pendulum isolator in the system are defined as Nl-link
when floor diaphrag ms are rig id in their o wn plane in components 0.5m in length placed between the fixed base
relation to the vert ical structural elements that resist the and the columns. The parameters selected to define the
lateral forces. Torsional irregularity to be considered to exist utilized isolators in the program are as follows: Nonlinear
when the maximu m story drift, co mputed with design lin k type-friction isolator, U1 linear effective stiffness:
138 Chandak N. R.: Effect of Base Isolation on the Response of Reinforced Concrete Building

15000000kN/ m, U2 and U3 linear effective stiffness: 5 respectively. For fixed base situation, the fundamental
750kN/ m, U2 and U3 nonlinear stiffness: 15000kN/ m, U2 periods are in the range between 0.548 s and 0.071 s. For
and U3 frict ion coefficient, slow: 0.03, fast: 0.05, U2 and U3 isolated base with RB situation, the fundamental periods are
rate parameter: 40, U2 and U3 radius of slid ing surface: 2.23. in the range between 1.769s and 0.111s and in the range
Colu mns and beams are modeled with frame elements, slabs between 1.806s and 0.111s with frict ion isolator (FI). In the
and structural walls are modeled with shell elements. Slab first mode the 6-SB, v ibrate do minantly in the x d irection;
has been considered as a rigid diaphrag m in each story level. whereas 6-UB vibrates in the y direction. The third mode
The masses of infill walls are also taken into account in the takes place as torsional modes for all the cases considered.
model. In the analysis, Youngs modulus and unit weight of The increase in period for structure with isolated base makes
concrete are taken to be 28000MPa and 25kN/ m3 , sure that the structure being completely removed fro m the
respectively. The damping ratio is assumed as 5% in all resonance range of the earthquake.
modes. The reference peak ground acceleration is taken to be
Table 3. First Seven Periods (s) and Modal Properties of Building with
0.4g that is recommended in IS code[14]. Thus, it is assumed Fixed Base
that the buildings are sited in high seismicity zone. Seis mic
Horizontal modes for the buildings
analysis of the buildings accounting for the influence of the Cases
local ground conditions is carried out with the help of the properties x-direction y-direction
design spectra for IS and EC-8 code[15]. 1 st, 0.548 nd rd
Mode, 2 , 0.450 3 , 0.363
4 th, 0.172
Period 5 th, 0.126 7 th, 0.090
6 th, 0.108
1 s t 0.767
2 nd - 0.00 3 rd - 0.000
Mass ratio 4 th - 0.050 th
5 0.00 7 th - 0.000
6 th - 0.050
1 st, 0.474
Mode, 2 nd , 0.416 3 rd , 0.362
th 4 th, 0.142 th
Period 5 , 0.115 6 , 0.100
7 th, 0.071
6-UB st
1 - 0.719
2 nd 0.008 3 rd - 0.020
Mass ratio th 4 th 0.126
5 - 0.005 th 6 th - 0.070
7 0.052

Table 4. First Seven Periods (s) and Modal Properties of Building with
Isolated Base (Rubber Bearing)
Horizontal modes for the buildings
Cases Torsional
Fixed base Properties x-direction y-direction
1 st, 1.769 nd rd
Mode, 2 , 1.683 3 , 1.467
4 th, 0.298
Period 5 th, 0.268 6 th, 0.213
7 th, 0.136
Figure 5. An aerial perspective of the structure 6-SB
1 st 0.996
2 nd - 0.00 3 rd - 0.00
Mass ratio 4 th - 0.002 th
5 0.00 6 th - 0.00
7 th - 0.000
1 st, 1.595
Mode, 2 nd , 1.591 3 rd , 1.39
th 4 th, 0.268 th
Period 5 , 0.249 6 , 0.21
7 th, 0.111
6-UB st
1 - 0.956
2 nd - 0.039 3 rd - 0.00
Mass ratio th 4 th - 0.001
5 - 0.000 th 6 th - 0.00
7 - 0.000

3.2. Lateral Displacements and Inter-story Drift

Minimu m and maximu m lateral d isplacements were
Nl-link estimated for all the cases with ground types are given in
Table 6. IS code gives maximu m and EC-8 g ives the
minimu m lateral displacement values for the buildings with
fixed base situation. While lateral displacement is same in all
the cases with isolated base situation as the building is
Figure 6. Nonlinear link element separated fro m the ground. Figure 7 shows relat ive drift
estimated for the 6-story building with fixed base and
3.1. Periods for the Analyzed Buil ding isolated base with RB and FI in x-direction. As per IS code,
The mode numbers taken into account for six story the maximu m value of story drifts within a story shall not
buildings are 10. The first seven modes with periods and exceed 0.004 times the story height (i.e. 0.004 x 3 = 0.012m).
participating mass ratios for the buildings with fixed base As seen from the Figure 6 the samp le buildings taken for
and isolated base are presented in Table 3, Table 4 and Table study satisfies the condition defined in the IS code. The
Journal of Civil Engineering Research 2013, 3(4): 135-142 139

maximu m relative drift is reduced in the range of 58% to 92% FB RB FI

and 67% to 95% in ascending order of story for isolated base
(RB) and (FI) respectively when co mpared to that of fixed 1
base situation.

Max. relative drift, cm

Table 5. First Seven Periods (s) and Modal Properties of Building with
Isolated Base (Friction Isolator)
Horizontal modes for the buildings
Cases Torsional 0.4
Properties x-direction y-direction
1 st, 1.806 nd rd 0.2
Mode, 2 , 1.722 3 , 1.503
4 th, 0.269
Period 5 th, 0.259 6 th, 0.206
7 th, 0.136 0
1 st 0.997 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
2 nd - 0.00 3 rd - 0.00
Mass ratio 4 th - 0.002 th
5 - 0.001 6 th - 0.00
7 th - 0.000 Story nos.
1 st, 1.631
Mode, 2 nd , 1.630 3 rd , 1.427 Figure 7. Maximum relative drift in x-direction
th 4 th, 0.263 th
Period 5 , 0.244 6 , 0.213
7 th, 0.111
6-UB st Seis mic analysis of buildings were carried out for three
1 - 0.955
Mass ratio
2 nd - 0.033
4 th - 0.00
3 rd - 0.00 ground types defined in IS and out of five ground types in
5 - 0.001 th 6 th - 0.00 EC-8, only three ground types considered which are similar
7 - 0.00
to the ground type mentioned in IS code for co mparison.
Table 6. Maximum and Minimum Top Displacement (mm) Therefore, six g round types in total are considered for the
IS-1893 EC-8 site.
Cases Base
Min. Max. Min. Max. Table 8. Base Shear Defined in the IS and EC-8 Codes
18 29 15 27
Fixed base Codes Base Shear
Isolated 28 28 28 28 ZIS n
6-SB IS-1893 V B = Ah W , which is given by
base (RB) - - - - 2 Rg
Isolated 28 28 28 28 w
Fb = S d (T )
base (FI) - - - - EC-8 g
21 32 20 29 where = 0.85 if Ti 2Ti or =1.00 otherwise
Fixed base
Isolated 31 31 31 31 FB RB FI
base (RB) - - - - IS-1893 EC-8
Isolated 31 31 31 31
base (FI) - - - - 4000
Table 7. Maximum Relative Drift in X-Direction 3000
Base shear, kN

Max. relative drift (cm) 2500

Nos. Isolated base Isolated base 2000
Fixed Base
(RB) (FI) 1500
1 st 0.46 0.19 0.15 1000
2 nd 0.82 0.12 0.11 500
3 rd 0.89 0.10 0.09 0
4 th 0.88 0.07 0.07 I II III A D E
5 th 0.65 0.05 0.05 Ground type
6 th 0.39 0.03 0.02

3.3. Base Shear Figure 8. Base shear for IS & EC-8 for 6SB

Base shear exp ressions defined in the codes are given in As seen from Figure 8 & Figure 9, IS code gives
Table 6. The base shear of the building were acquired fro m maximu m base shear for similar ground type defined in EC-8
seismic analysis using the design spectra corresponding to for both fixed base and isolated base. However, for isolated
5% critical damp ing considering both fixed base condition base with RB and FI, the base shear is reduced to 70%, 68%
and isolated base condition. and 84%, 79% when compared to that of fixed base for IS
140 Chandak N. R.: Effect of Base Isolation on the Response of Reinforced Concrete Building

code for 6-SB and 6-UB respectively. According to EC-8 The maximu m d ifference for 6-UB as shown in Figure 9 is
code, for RB isolator 63% reduction in base shear for 6-SB observed to be 20% between ground type III & I for fixed
and 70% reduction in base shear for 6-UB buildings base and 37.7% for isolated base with RB and 35.3% for
respectively are observed, when compared to that of fixed isolated base with FI.
base. Similarly for FI isolator 67% reduction in base shear According to EC-8, the base shear is maximu m for ground
for 6-SB and 72% reduction in base shear fo r 6-UB buildings type E for 6-SB and 6-UB for both fixed and isolated base.
respectively are observed, when compared to that of fixed The maximu m difference for 6-SB reaches to 24% between
base. ground type E & A with fixed base and 44.6% for isolated
base with RB and 42.5 for isolated base with FI respectively.
Table 9. Base Shear (kN) for RC Building
In case of 6-UB, the maximu m difference is observed
Ground Isolated Isolated between ground type E & A i.e. 27% for fixed base and 43%
Cases Fixed base
Type base (RB) base (FI)
for isolated base with RB and 37% for isolated base with FI.
I 3145.82 722.61 504.65
6SB-IS II 3250.02 952.76 644.32 3.4. Torsional Response
III 3893.47 1185.92 747.41
A 2906.87 695.00 480.70
IS code gives the maximu m torque when compared to that
6SB-EC D 3422.45 1045.85 746.50
of EC-8 for the both fixed base and isolated base situation for
E 3821.61 1255.74 835.94
all the ground type. According to IS code, the maximu m
I 3615.26 910.32 608.60
torque is for ground type III and it is reduced to 26% for
6UB-IS II 4152.26 1117.2 886.23
6-SB build ing and 47% for 6-UB build ing with isolated base
III 4538.02 1457.22 940.67 with RB and 30% for 6-SB and 39% for 6-UB fo r isolated
A 2049.84 448.72 354.34 base with FI when compared to that of fixed base situation as
6UB-EC D 2614.36 644.56 481.14 shown in Figure 10. Similarly, as per EC-8 code, the
E 2820.56 790.48 562.32 maximu m toque is observed for D ground type and torque is
reduced to 53% for 6-SB build ing and 54% for 6-UB
IS code g ives maximu m base shear for 6-SB for ground building with isolated base with RB and 34.5% for 6-SB and
type III as shown in Figure 8 and maximu m d ifference 30% for 6-UB building with isolated base with FI when
reaches to 19% between ground type III & I for fixed base compared to that of fixed base situation as shown in Figure
and observed 39% difference between ground types III & I 11.
for isolated base with RB and 33% for isolated base with FI.

Base shear, kN

Ground type

Figure 9. Base shear for IS & EC-8 for 6UB

Journal of Civil Engineering Research 2013, 3(4): 135-142 141


80 IS-1893 EC-8


Torque, kNm 60






Gruond type

Figure 10. Torsion for IS & EC-8 for 6 SB


IS-1893 EC-8


Torque, kNm




Ground t ype

Figure 11. Torsion for IS & EC-8 for 6 UB

4. Conclusions response of isolated building when co mpared to that of the

response obtained with rubber bearings (RB).
Fro m the co mparative study on reinforced concrete IS code depict the higher values of base shear for similar
building, the fo llo wing conclusions are drawn: ground types defined in EC-8 code wh ich may lead to
The increase in period for structure with isolated base overestimate the overturning mo ments and could results in
makes sure that the structure being comp letely removed fro m heavier structural members in the building.
the resonance range of the earthquake. IS code gives the maximu m and EC-8 g ives the
For building with base isolation, the base shear, relat ive minimu m displacement values for the buildings with fixed
drift and torsion values are adequate due to the higher time base.
period wh ich results in lo wer accelerat ion acting on the In most cases, the estimated drifts for structural
structures. components subjected to earthquake force satisfied the drift
Friction pendulum isolators (FI) has reduces further the demand (as per IS Code) for immediate occupancy level,
142 Chandak N. R.: Effect of Base Isolation on the Response of Reinforced Concrete Building

indicating that the structural responses are main ly elastic. Publishing House Ltd. Benoit Novel, simultaneously
published in USA & U.K.

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