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1.1 Speed management and control

1. Excessive speeding is a common pattern on the roads for Phase 4 speeds
registered on site, on the average speed part, go over the 50 km/h speed limit, and
maximum speed exceed by over 50% varying from 70-84 km/h.
2. Speed is a highly important topic for the traffic control, specially for the reduction
of traffic crashes and of their severity.
3. Speeds registered on site and normative speed limits are not compatible, which
means that the road system was design for speeds higher than the speed limits.

1. To include the Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road, Bagamoyo Road, Sam Nujoma corridor
and its connection context redesign the conditions for the infrastructure to guide
users through speeds that do not go beyond the speed limits compatible with yhe
functions, uses and needs of the urban settlement and of the road users.
2. Based on studies, 10% reduction on the speed limits generates a 30% reduction on
the traffic crashes fatalities. A 50 km/h or higher speed traffic crash with a
pedestrian has a death probability of over 80%.
3. Speed can be over 50km/h outside the high concentration of users, crosswalks,
maneuver areas. At the areas of stations, markets, schools, hospitals or
concentration of vulnerable users seeking to connect from a sidewalk, to another in
the corridor, proposed speed limits are 30km/h.
Geometric designs traffic control devices installation and speed regulation through
police control must lead drivers to drive within these speed limit ranges.
The presence of a traffic crash blocks a lane or sometimes two and causes the road
section to the remain blocked for an average time of 30-90 minutes, which mean
the loss of the capacity of one or two lanes, between 800 to 1.200 vehicles an hour
per direction if having a controlled and reduced speed have a sleep reduction of the
probabilities of severe traffic crashes, this will make vehicle fluxes to be more
uniform and controlled, which will make mobility more efficient on the roads and
the city.

1.2 Connection with adjacent streets

1. There is a lack of physical devices to control traffic and speed on the roads next to
the corridor.
2. Roads on hierarchically secondary level, relevant for connecting and users
mobility load, do not have traffic lights control.
3. It should be studied at roads on a hierarchically tertiary level, must cross the
corridor or just to partially connect to the lanes that go on the connection
4. Connections with a higher register of traffic crashes at the corridor are those that
connect on a degree higher or lesser than 90, that is on a Y shape.
5. The introduction of the exclusive BRT lane will generate maneuvers with
intersections, to the buses connecting to other phases of the DART system and
vehicles with right turn or strength trajectory maneuvers.
6. There is no clearance time for the intersection as of today, nor were reported for
Phase 1 or the executive project Phase 3.
7. There is no exclusive time phase for pedestrian crossing at the intersection.
8. At some connections, a geometric design is produced with wide sections that
cause a lack of balance on the amount of lanes.

1. To install speed and traffic control measures on the previous distances from the
connection to the corridor.
2. To analyze the roads users load at every acess of the intersection in order to
configure the traffic control program. To look for alternatives to the connection to
electric energy and solar cell batteries to avoid failure on the operations.
3. To close the opening to the mean that lack of a traffic light to cross the corridor.
To generate T-shape intersections to local mobility.
4. To generate the geometric redesign of the intersections, to connect at 90 T-
shapes, which will provide a larger visual field, and a controlled speed connection.
5. To identify the maneuvers required at the intersection, identify the intersection of
vehicles and to manage phases through time band separation of through moment
6. To integrate to the traffic light control program a 3 second time lapse in between
each phase with maneuver intersections to avoid traffic trashes due to illegal
insertion at the red time start.
7. To integrate time phases of the traffic lights control for the exclusive pedestrian
crossing, without the intersection of vehicular maneuvers that puts them in a
bigger risk.
8. Every connection to the corridor must be checked for the balance on the lane
amount and the connection size and radius of gyration.

1.3 Pedestrian mid-block crossing

1. Desire lines were observed for crosswalks along the chunks with high connection
of road users, at spots away from an intersection with corners. Pedestrians are at
risk when they cross the corridor at the mid block, away from assigned cross
points. Risk is particularly high near transit stations, since passengers often
attempt to cross through bus lanes coming in to or out from the station to avoid
paying th fee, or just for a shortcut.
2. The existence of spots and over high concentration of pedestrian crossing and
vehicle connection. We mention this observation because at specific spot -namely
the Pedestrian Crossing demand at mid-block coming from Kawe and Old
Bagamoyo Road pass- this are plans to build a pedestrian bridge to cross from a
point to another on the sidewalks, urban conditions of moderate speed under 50
km/h do not require to segregate users. That would only cause the drivers to
increment speed and consequently the traffic crash fatalities to increase
pedestrians will keep seeking to cross at level, outside from the established bridge

1. Every pedestrian crossing at the bus systems at urban arteries must have signs.
2. The urban context in which BRT corridors one built and designs are not high
speed roads or freeways, that cannot make drivers to reduce speed or full stop. It is
recommended to make crosswalks street level protected by traffic control and
speed reduction. Making there more notaries and visible to road users.
We recommend the use of staggered mid-block crosses. If configured as in this image,
pedestrians in the middle will always look towards the traffic direction of the street
segment they are about to cross. A staggered cross increases the available area for
the pedestrians to wait if they cannot cross the road in one single phase.
A common problem with intermediate crossing is that vehicles may use them for V
turns. The pplacing of one or more bollards may solve this problem for large
Speed reducers or other traffic stoners devices can be placed before the cross so that
vehicles will reach the cross at a speed below the maximum 30 km/h. for bus lanes
it could be addressed through the driver training and rule enforcing.

1.4 Physical connection within DART System phases

1. Physical connection is an important piece of the operation chain, if not considered
during planning, design, and perform, will generate more risk to the users for not
integrate this sort of operation within planning.

1. Physical connection to the corridor at phase 3 must be compatible with the times
for operation, infrastructure, lane amount, speeds, signs, accessible and pay
1.5 Road users behavior

1. At the intersection, during at site visit, it was observed that the behaviors of save
road users, which enter the intersection with crossing light control, but at on
illegal or not allowed time, causes high risk intersections to happen. This is the
case for bodaboda drivers, which do not pay attention to crossing lights
indicatives and enter at access points against the traffic flow.
2. At urban block chunks, bodaboda drivers drive over the sidewalks or the bicycle
lane sections. Besides frequent collisions and impacts caused on these users,
pedestrians and cyclists, they go through at average speeds of 30.40 km/h,
which becomes fatal on direct collisions which seems to have no high risk until
the consequences these traffic accidents between motorcyclists and pedestrians
may have.
3. We observed drivers passing through the intersection at the beginning of the red
time, on an illegal manner, this increasing the chances to cause a road crash with
fatal consequences.
4. Some drivers enter the intersection during the maximum demand hours and
block the intersection with the traffic jam queue immediately behind them. This
may generate a conflict for the operation of the BRT, but may also generate
collisions when trying to avoid the traffic line.

1. To integrate traffic control trough road agents and photo infractions cameras, to
record these infractions and stop the infractors. To generate a greater regulation
and control at the license expedition for motorcycle drivers.
2. To locate random control points at previously registered conflict areas, to stop and
ticket irresponsible drivers.
3. A passive measure to confront this situation is to integrate a clearing time of 3
seconds, so that there are no traffic crashes with severe consequences. The second
one is to ticket drivers coming into the intersection during red light.
4. To ticket drivers who remain blocking the circulation at the intersection.

1.6 Lane balance and alignment

1. Intersections that have right turn maneuvers at the designs of phase 1 and phase 3
lane balance on the amount of lanes and the alignment that allows for the entrance
and exit of vehicle without the need for the drivers to perform evasive maneuvers.
2. At some intersections, the lack of alignment is due to a not properly planned and
designed stepped connection, which widens the intersection and makes the drivers
to enter it and make corrective maneuvers prior to the connection.
1. To redesign the intersection to produce a continuous alignment and to balance the
lane amount.
2. To place road marks to send the message of the trajectory continuity to every lane,
both straight or with a turn maneuver.

1.7 Sidewalks section conditions

1. Sidewalk area configuration is not uniform and varies along an urban block, which
generates variation for the continuity of walking, or that pedestrians have to
descend to the vehicle road surface with a higher risk.
2. At some chunks of the corridor, the pedestrian circulation band goes from 1.50
meters to 1.00 meter, which is a difficult space for 2 to 3 people to walk in a natural
manner. This condition happens at points where the circulation preference is given
to vehicles to have a speed lane, an unnecessary condition in urban areas, where
speeds are low (30 km/h) and medium (40-50 km/h).
3. Obstacles: urban elements, illegally parked vehicles.

1. To keep the section width uniform along the urban blocks and at the area of
intersections. 1. Keep the uniform section width along the urban blocks and in the
intersection zone. The configuration of a section of sidewalk is: facade strip and
access, free fringe of pedestrian circulation, strip services and vegetation, and strip
curb and drainage.
2. To maintain a minimum section width for the free pedestrian flow strip of 2.10
meters, an average minimum of 2.50 meters, without section cuts.
3. In the project, sidewalks must be free of obstacles to public services and urban
facilities. In the case of vehicles or street vendors, the geometric designs must be
generated to delimit accesses and temporary parking lots, which do not obstruct the
sidewalk, and reinforce the measure with monitoring of traffic police.

1.8 Pedestrian crossings away from each other

1. The need for pedestrian crossings was identified through lines of desire that
connect a trip attraction point at the blocks midpoint. This is directly linked with
the low availability of legal" crossings that existin the following table, the
separation distance data between one pedestrian crossing and another are shown.
1 240 m 1 1000 m 1 770 m
2 560 m 2 210 m 2 460 m
3 895 m 3 400 m 3 640 m
4 130 m 4 150 m 4 200 m
5 720 m 5 200 m 5 220 m
6 1150 m 6 140 m 6 200 m
7 232 m 7 260 m 7 150 m
8 240 m 8 130 m 8 260 m
9 250 m 9 460 m 9 540 m
10 500 m 10 600 m 10 270 m
Average 492 m 11 110 m Average 371 m
Maximum 1150 m 12 420 m Maximum 770 m
Median 375 m 13 630 m Median 265 m
14 300 m
15 470 m
16 120 m
17 310 m
18 1100 m
19 250 m
20 700 m
21 490 m
22 590 m
23 520 m
24 610 m
25 440 m
26 550 m
27 700 m
28 700 m
29 380 m
30 360 m
Average 443 m
Maximum 1100 m
Median 430 m
2. In most of these pedestrian crossings, they are given without traffic and speed

1. For every 10 meters reduction of the distance between a pedestrian crosswalk
controlled by a traffic light and another, according to studies, the probability of
traffic crashes to pedestrians is reduced by 5%. The lines of desire for crossing have
to be studied to generate and direct pedestrian crossings at the points of demand
and at a distance of no more than 200 meters between each.
2. For each pedestrian crossing generated, traffic and speed control measures must be
designed to ensure safe, accessible and connected crossing.
1.9 Pedestrian traffic lights

1. Some existing intersections with traffic control by means of traffic lights do not
have pedestrian traffic lights, to inform pedestrians about when to cross and the
remaining time to enter the intersection.
2. Existing traffic light controls do not provide an exclusive stage for the crossing,
which does not have a conflict of intersection with other vehicular maneuvers.

1. Each intersection that is controlled by traffic lights must integrate pedestrian traffic
lights, with countdown timer, red and green.
2. Each traffic control program by means of traffic lights must integrate an
intersection phase exclusively for pedestrians without cross-linking conflict with
another maneuver.

1.10 Signalized intersections and controlled by police officer

1. During a tour of the Phase 4 roads, traffic police officers were identified who
controlled and regulated the passage of vehicles, but with the greatest risk of having
traffic lights on and in operation. This has been a causal element for traffic jams
and traffic crashes at these intersections, due to the fact that drivers visualize the
traffic light at a distance and take an early decision to accelerate or brake, which
creates a risky confusion when arriving at the intersection and they realize that they
must meet another indication and no longer have the capacity to brake the vehicle.

1. Avoid getting these scenarios along the way. Review the scheduling of traffic lights
to cover the different stages of the day, according to the demand for user
maneuvers. Only if necessary, if the intersection should be controlled by a traffic
police, the traffic light controls should be turned off or deactivated to avoid

1.11 Accessible mobility

1. Conditions of sidewalks and pedestrian crossing areas, blocked by mud, dirt,
branches, and public facilities were identified. In addition to the fact that the visual
field of people of low stature or children is not taken into account for the
maintenance of vegetation and bollards, these elements should not exceed 90
centimeters in height.
2. In the Phase 1 and Phase 3 projects, no treatment was identified with accessible
infrastructure elements such as tactile guide pavement, textured language
information for the blind, accessible and informed intermodal connections.
3. Currently, the corner sections do not integrate ramps that have connectivity from
one sidewalk to the other and on the line of pedestrian crossings.
4. Samples of the type of pedestrian traffic light being installed on Bagamoyo Road
were observed, but the location of the traffic light activation button is out of reach
of people waiting at the intersection.

1. In the geometric and pluvial design, it must be considered that the drainage of the
road receives 100% of the street water, to avoid water puddlings. Consideration
should be given to a plan for maintenance and cleaning of pedestrian zones. To
provide maintenance and pruning of vegetation along the road and in the areas of
intersection and maneuvers.
2. To integrate, in the Phase 4 design, elements that guide all pedestrian users with or
without disabilities through the road environment and the streets, not only to the
direct connection BRT station and sidewalk, but along of the corridor and in
connection with other modes of transport of power.
3. To integrate ramps and traffic control devices at the crosswalk points, whether at
the street level or at the curb level, to guide users from one sidewalk to another at
the safest point.
4. To review in detail the conditions on which pedestrian traffic lights are installed
and designed to be a functional and accessible solution. Pedestrian traffic lights
must integrate auditory and sensorial-vibratory signals.

1.12 Crossing maneuvers at intersections, right turn

1. During the site visits, it was identified that there are open sections of the median
that allow to generate right turns and turns in U, which do not have a traffic control
and will be crossing the BRT lane, this becomes a high risk maneuver for drivers
and road users who interact in the area.

1. To know through mobility counts studies, the needs of connection of the land uses
along the corridor, to identify the necessary points to introduce a traffic control
through traffic lights and connectivity to the adjacent areas. Crossing maneuvers of
the corridor without a traffic control by means of a traffic light should not be
1.13 Slip lanes

1. In the geometric and operational design configuration of some major intersections,
and in Phase 1 and Phase 3 projects, slip lanes are integrated for left turn, which
increases the risk of overlap and lack of control of transit. Geometry allows the
continuous flow rate to be maintained and this reduces the probability that drivers
will make "Full Stop" at the crosswalk and before connecting to the other corridor's

1. To cancel the slips lanes and enter the left turn maneuver inside the traffic control,
in addition to align the intersection and generating turning radiuses smaller than
the current ones. Review Annex ____ of Turning Radios.

1.14 Continue left turn

1. In the operation of the City traffic, the left turn is legal without having to attend the
traffic light control, just checking that there is no risk. This maneuver increases the
likelihood of traffic collisions between vehicles and traffic crashes with pedestrians
and cyclists.

1. Eliminatein the operation of the roads of the project and in the city in general
the possibility of making continuous left turns. Where there are traffic controls by
means of traffic lights, the left turns must await the instruction of the traffic light

1.15 Service roads: traffic and speed control

1. On site visits, it was noted that service roads, do not have conditions for safe
connections; confinements and accessible sidewalks do not have speed and traffic
2. The entry or exit connections to the corridor do not have the signs indicating where
one can enter, and what maneuvers can be performed.

1. To integrate to the design of traffic control devices, the current service roads, and
those sections which do not currently integrate the service road, but the need for
connectivity to the land uses that require it.
2. To report the entries and exits to the service roads, as well as the functions and
maneuvers that it is allowed to perform.

1.16 Street lights project and maintaining program

1. Currently, the section of Bagamoyo Road does not include a public lighting system
that provides lighting to each road user: sidewalks, bicycle lanes, parking areas,
buffer zones, mixed flow lanes, intersections, BRT lanes, and pedestrian crossings.
And from the existing facilities, only some do not work.
2. The existing infrastructure, for the most part, is not functioning, with a lack of

1. To integrate a lighting system that covers a 100% lighting of the length and section
of the corridor.
2. The public lighting system project must integrate a maintenance and renovation
plan in the event of a traffic accident, theft of installations, and wear and tear due to
its use.

1.17 Guidance signs project

1. Present destination signs in the corridor are far from the driver's field of vision.
2. They have no maintenance and some are not updated with the destination points.
3. The vertical signage of destination that was located in Phase 1, and is intended to be
located in Phase 3, only integrates the information at the point of intersection, this
does not address the need to inform drivers and users of the road to take the
decision of the lane appropriate to the maneuver required, or to avoid corrective or
evasive maneuvers in the intersection zone.

1. Based on the speed limit of operation of the corridor and adjacent streets, the
vertical signage of destination must be located and installed within the cone or
visual field of the driver.
2. Update the names of destinations to be connected through the corridor, and renew
the signs already damaged by the sun, road collisions or vandalism.
3. Install a complete system of destination information, better known as "wayfinding",
which integrates, signaling "before a crossing", "at a crossing", and "after a
1.18 Safer conditions for heavy vehicles operation

1. Vehicles were observed performing turning maneuvers from roads adjacent to the
corridor, but used larger dimensions than a single lane.
2. Pavement damages due to traction and weight drastically modifies the surface
structure of the asphalt, which causes instability in drivers of light vehicles,
motorcycles, bicycles, and in pedestrians stumbling or falling inside the

1. To consider the intersections with main roads with a turning radius of 8 meters,
because there is a connection on 2 lanes of circulation from the perpendicular road,
this condition allows a secure connection without having to open or extend the
turning radius.
2. To consider the design of the pavements for the operating conditions of this type of
vehicles. Improve current conditions.

1.19 Drainage system and design

1. In most stages of Phase 4, the roads still maintain open drainage, with several
dimensions and shapes. In some cases, these drains are blocked by objects that
citizens discard in these, and others are clogged by sediments and vegetation.
2. As the antecedent of the design of drainage sewers, there is that of Phase 1, which
keeps it closed to the entrance of objects, but the sewers have a wide opening
through which some infant or an object smaller than 30 centimeters may enter.
This becomes a greater risk for vulnerable users attempting to cross during an
extreme rainfall.

1. The open condition of the drainage is not the best option for the urban areas, for
the risk that a citizen enters because of a mistake or a bad design, or in an ill
maneuver a driver may leave the road and the consequence of the traffic accident is
larger. It is recommended to maintain a more protected surface for road users and
that provides the function to evacuate and guide the water to storage points, and to
infiltrate the water to the subsoil.
2. If the drainage is enclosed underground, the design of the sewer for the incoming
water must be protected by grills, and the longitudinal design must be avoided in
the direction of the flow of vehicles, motorcycles or bicycles, in order not to
generate a traffic accident.
1.20 Visibility and stopping distances

1. Locations in the corridor, involving pedestrian crosswalks or vehicular connections
to private property, were found in conditions of high risk if the operating speed
limit of 50 to 60 km/h is maintained, since drivers do not have time and distance
enough to brake and stop suddenly in an emergency, or to generate an evasive

1. To review not only the vertical and horizontal curves of the corridor, but also the
connections of vehicles to private property over areas of reduced visual field, and
select the limit of operational speeds to which the corridor could operate safely
under these conditions. Or make decisions to close a couple of accesses or eliminate
crossing points with this type of risk.

1.21 Areas around the connection and protect bridge structures

1. The physical connections of the structure of the bridge are exposed to the users of
the road, in case of an evasive maneuver or a driving mistake, drivers can collide in
2. The spaces between the bridge and the rift towards the river area are not
completely protected, which can lead to a road exit, to an increase in the
consequences of a poor maneuver, and to be fatal to road users.

1. Protect the solid structures of the bridge through force-damping elements (based
on the larger vehicle design with greater force on the impact), and make these
elements visible through paints and reflective elements.
2. In areas of bridges, spaces must be protected to allow a vehicle without control to
leave the roads and avoid the fall on the precipice or rift to the river.

1.22 Double curve zones: vertical and horizontal

1. In general and based on the record of traffic accidents, these points have generated
traffic crashes and run over vulnerable users, because they have a corridor crossing
point within this type of zones.
2. There is no speed control prior to arrival at these sites, which increases the speed of
vehicles for users in the downhill direction.
1. To try to enable pedestrian crossings and vehicular access connections outside
these "blind" or reduced visibility and stop distance spots. If it is not possible to
modify the location of the junctions, the speed control will be the main topic to be
addressed and the preventive information, in addition, to geometrically adapt the
design and topography of the area.
2. To manage the speed control in the safety buffer, in order to have a maximum
speed limit of 30 km/h.

1.23 Roundabout design and operation

1. The operation of a roundabout with crossing lights as proposed in some
intersections of Phase 3 is subject to confusion for users, because it goes against the
foundation that originated the design. And it adds to this confusion the way in
which it is desired to control with the traffic light, in two phases, an exclusive one
for the passage of the bus and another general for the "roundabout" type operation
with a yield.

1. To modify the design of the intersection of a roundabout to a perpendicular
connection through traffic lights. Make the access connections at 90 degree angles,
and integrate the phases of right turns and pedestrian crossings separately to the
other phases of the corridor's straight path.

1.24 Sidewalks section at Bridges

1. It was noted that, on each bridge over the corridor path, the sections of the
sidewalks are reduced drastically in their section, in some cases up to 1.20 meters,
which restricts the possibility of storing pedestrians and cyclists as it is the present
condition for Phase 3 and Phase 1.

1. Consider extending the section of the sidewalk by expanding the existing bridge, to
allow the ability to circulate to both types of vulnerable users. Ensure a minimum
free section of 2.10 meters for pedestrian flow.
If this implementation is not possible, an adjacent structure should be sought or
the vehicle section should be reduced from 2 to 1 lane per direction; and within this
buffer of measures to calm traffic, the lane width and the limit speed should be
regulated to 30 km/h, to make it compatible with the operation of cyclists. This
traffic control buffer should contemplate the area in which a vehicle lane would be
removed and the point of safe connection of the cyclists of the sidewalk to the
mixed vehicular space.

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