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BC RS 11-12 OC V1


I. Curriculum Standards
A. Content Standard
The learner demonstrates understanding of the importance of research in daily
B. Performance Standard
The learner is able to use appropriate kinds of research in making decisions.
C. Learning Competencies
At the end of the 60-minute period, 80% of the students should be able to:
1. shares research experiences and knowledge. CS_RS11-IIIa-1
2. explain the importance of research in daily life. CS_RS11-IIIa-2

Instructional Objective.
1. Discuss the true concept of the process of research
2. Appreciate the value of inquiry based in doing research
3. Give examples of research in areas of interest (agriculture, business,
humanities, sports, science, technology, and others).
II. Content
A. Topic: Nature of Inquiry and Research
B. References:
Practical Research I by Angelita D. Damilig, Peter M. Asturias, and Gregorio L.
Samar, pp 1-3
Applied Research: An Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods and Report
Writing by Ma. Lourdes F. Melegrito and Diana J. Mendoza; Practical Research Semi Detailed Lesson Plan Prepared by:
Marilou M. Nicart, Master Teacher I; Tapinac Senior High School, Division of
C. Materials:
Laptop or Smartphone, LCD Projector or SmartTV, Marker, Manila Paper,
Masking Tape.
III. Lesson Proper
A. Activate Prior Knowledge.
1. KWL Chart
Topic: Research and Importance of Research
Instructions: On the first column, lists the things that you know about
research and importance of research. On the second column, list the things
that you want to know about research and importance of research. On the
third column, list the things that you have learned (based on readings) about
research and importance of research after the lesson.

What I know What I want to know What I learned

About research and about research and About research and
Importance of research Importance of research importance of research

Have the students answer the following questions:
How did you find the activity? Were you successful in your task?
What do you think was the reason for the success / failure of carrying out
your task?
2. Motivation
Pair the students. Ask these questions:
After graduating from SHS, what would like to do?
State two or three possible options.
Pick the answers of 3 pairs of students. Ask them why the choose those
options. Identify what is the most acceptable reasons.
B. Acquire New Knowledge
1. Presentation of the lesson
Guided Practice
Purpose: Scaffolding and Inquiry Based Activity for Student.
Learning by Doing

Show the graph of IBL (Inquiry Based Learning)

During the discussion with their seatmate, did they go through these process/
Introduce the IBL process.

Group Activity
1. The class will be divided into five groups.
2. Each group will have a problem task to solve using the IBL process.
3. After fifteen minutes, the group will present in a creative manner the process
and solution to their given problem. Presentation time is maximum 3
4. At the end of the report, they will also state one good reason why research is
important in their daily life.
Be guided by the rubric.
As ABM(modify these part depending the strands of the students), the group
have to accomplish the following tasks(one for each group
1. How to apply for Mayors Permit
2. How apply for a summer job?
3. How to order online from OLX/ LAZADA
4. How to apply for admission in college of your choice
5. How to register a business name (DTI)
Key Concepts:
Research in our daily lives is important and necessary because it helps us to solve
actual problems. It also promotes critical thinking in making sound decisions and minimize the
probability of wasting time on a certain task. It promotes efficiency and effectiveness.
C. Application;
After the report, present the slides on the importance of research in our daily
lives. Compare it with the students report- are these learnings similar? Is there
any additional reason that the students missed or contributed? Discuss briefly.
D. Assessment:
Present the accomplished task. Groups will report in front of the class. Five
groups will present for maximum of 3 minutes. Fifteen minutes will be spent on
presentation while five minutes is allocated for feedback.

IV. Assignment.
1. Look and cut a published articles/research from a magazine or newspaper
Read about characteristics of research.
2.Properly cite sources
3.Write this in your notebook.
V. Reflection
The teacher will write her experiences during the conduct of the lesson.
VI. Index of Mastery
No. of Learners within Mastery
No. of Learners who need
Reinforcement Level(3)
No. of Learners who need

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