PSDM 2, The Sequel: Special Section Introduction

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PSDM 2, The Sequel

The first special section on prestack depth migration Likewise, Fliedner et al. show results of their work,
(PSDM) was published in May 2001. The papers provided based on a deepwater Gulf of Mexico prospect, using the
a synopsis of the state of PSDM at that time. In fact, some standard Kirchhoff and the common azimuth wave equa-
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issues limiting greater employment of PSDM described in tion migration methods. They demonstrate that velocity
that special section are still prevalent todayi.e., poor data model building by iterative wavefield continuation migra-
quality, improper geologic models and velocity fields, inac- tion is crucial for an optimal image. As expected, the wave
curate processing algorithms, anisotropy, near surface effects, equation (common azimuth) migration method reveals more
lack of true amplitude preservation, and relatively high details of the top salt topography and suppresses migration
computing costs to run the full wave equation PSDM algo- artifacts generated from the sharp corners of the salt body,
rithms. However, the industry has since made great strides when compared to the Kirchhoff depth images.
to resolve these issues because of the rapid growth in com- The last two papers specifically address the amplitude
puting power and development of more efficient migration preservation component of PSDM and how it affects AVO
algorithms. It was due to these advances that TLE decided information. Baina et al. show the accuracy and relevance
to revisit this depth imaging technology and quickly pub- of preserved amplitude processing in 3D synthetic and real
lish a sequel. cases. They compare what they call geometrical spreading
This special section contains eight articles that pinpoint correction and kinematic PSDM (the more conventional
some improvements made over the last 18 months. The first approach) to their preserved amplitude PSDM (PAPsDM)
two articles by Guo and Fagin describe the velocity model scheme. The PAPsDM approach produced more accurate
building process as it is commonly practiced today and how AVA (amplitude versus angle) results which were substan-
this ultimately dictates the quality of the final depth image. tiated by comparing various AVO attribute characteristics.
The articles are written with the depth imager and interpreter Purnell et al. present a case study in which OBC data
in mind because the most precise PSDM image will result were collected over the Teal South Field in the Gulf of
from the successful interaction of these two individuals. Mexico, using 24 sparsely spaced 4C receiver groups. They
The first paper presents the advantages accrued by evolv- invoke the reciprocity rule to swap the source and receiver
ing from time migration to depth migration and, thus, the roles in order to apply a shot-based wave equation migra-
necessity to do so. The second paper explains the entire inter- tion to each common receiver gather (CRG). Because the sur-
active velocity model-building process and the necessary vey consists of only 24 CRGs, the 3D shot-based wave
steps required to determine or evaluate accurate velocity equation migration is more efficient than the conventional
fields. streamer surveys. Subsequently, useful AVO attributes were
Glogovsky et al. address the problem of depth imaging extracted from the final migrated volume.
in structurally complex geologic settings. Using the Sigsbee Prestack depth migration is one of the most active areas
2A synthetic data set, their approach includes integration of geophysical development in our industry today. It is due
of multifocusing time imaging, traveltime velocity inversion, to this high level of interest that PSDM technology is advanc-
prestack wavefield datuming, and depth migration. They ing rapidly and impressive strides have been made in the
also illustrate an approach for time and depth imaging in past year or so. As the papers in this special section issue
complex areas using an iterative wavefield datuming tech- indicate, different wave equation algorithms are starting to
nique. become more commonplace because multinode computer
The next three papers respectively address different clusters are lowering the price/performance ratio to levels
PSDM approaches with examples from the U.S. Gulf Coast where it is viable to employ these complex and compute-
and the Gulf of Mexico. Dai et al. compare results of the 3D intensive algorithms. These wave equation migration algo-
Kirchhoff and wave equation solutions as applied to an rithms are providing more accurate depth images, and can
onshore hanging salt body along the U.S. Gulf Coast. In the handle anisotropy and laterally varying velocity fields. Also,
suprasalt environment, each method has advantages and dis- the industry is addressing the amplitude preservation com-
advantages concerning the imaging of shallow sediments. ponent of prestack depth migration. The importance of
However, in the subsalt environment, the wave equation amplitude preservation becomes very significant when AVO
method is a much better solution; it clearly enhanced the and AVA techniques are used to define reservoir character-
subsalt structures, improving the prospectivity of this pro- istics and the presence of hydrocarbons. And finally, the suc-
ducing property. Their wave equation method employs the cessful interaction between the depth imager and interpreter
phase-shift and split-step Fourier plus interpolation (SSFPI) continues to play a significant role in producing accurate
algorithms. The phase shift is used in constant velocity PSDM depth images of the subsurface. After all, the earth
areas, and SSFPI in sediments with varying velocities. This is measured in depth, not time. TLE
dual computational approach can address numerical
anisotropy errors and is accurate at wide angles. ROCKY RODEN
In the West Delta area of the Gulf of Mexico, Schneider LAWRENCE M. GOCHIOCO
et al. compare PSDM salt dome imaging results using
Kirchhoff and a finite difference, common shot-based wave
equation migration. The Kirchhoff results produced clear
images of the salt body, but not subsalt. The finite differ-
ence approach imaged subsalt reflectors, but not the steep
dips along the salt flanks. The authors suggest a more com-
pute-intensive migration operator is needed to image the
steeper dips.


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