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First Day Plans

8:00-8:30 Greeting
Greet Students at door
If the student hasnt put their stuff away in their locker, ask them to go back and put their
stuff away except for any school supplies.
o Names are on lockers already
Introduce myself and ask for the students name
Ask if they need help putting on prewritten name tag
Explain that there is a desk with their name on it. Ask the student to quietly find your
desk and sit down. There are some fun activities you can do on your desk.
o One the desk
Two pencils
Packet with words search with student names, two truths and a lie sheet,
and self portrait with three words that describe them.
8:30-8:45 Class Welcome
Take attendance
Ask students to put their pencils and packet away in their desk.
Whole Class Welcome
o Talk about some of the fun assignments we will be working on that week
o Explain table points, warm fuzzies jar, how to leave the classroom, noise level
chart, behavior chart, etc.
Establish attention getter (echo clap)
8:45-9:15 Time Capsules and Coloring Quotes
We are going to create time capsules for the end of fifth grade with two things in it.
o First with your shoulder partners you will cut a piece of string to be your exact
height. Model how to cut string with someone who doesnt have a shoulder
partner. The string should barely touch the ground.
o Write about what you think will happen during fifth grade in and out of school.
o You can also decorate the outside of the time capsule.
When you are done with your time capsule you can start coloring a quote we will put up
in our room. There are lots of quotes on the back table. When you are completely done
with your time capsule you can put in the bin on the back table and get a coloring quote.
9:15-9:30 Brain Break
Rock Paper Scissors Stretch with leveling
9:45-10:00 Table Group Interviews
Students get a variety of get-to-know-you questions and they must interview each other
in table groups. The activity will also be practice for group work and noise level.
10:00-10:30 Name Games
Whole Class Name Games
o Blanket Up, Keep the balls up, name tag
10:30-11:00 Class Name and Mascot
Group name and mascot.
In your table groups you will work together to create a group name and mascot that you
think our class should adopt. We will then vote on all of the group names and mascots.
Monet Nielsen

Pass out group name and mascot sheet.

o They brainstorm interests we have in common:
o Names we like:
o Our Official Group Name
11:30-11:45 Share Two Truths and lie
Each student shares their two truths and lie and students guess what the lie is
11:45-11:55 Lunch Procedures
Go over whole class leaving the classroom procedure
Lunch Procedures
Line up for lunch
Walk students to lunch
12:00-1:00 Lunch
Students at lunch and recess
1:00-1:15 Quiet Reading
Go over entering the classroom procedure
Quiet reading after recess
How to get a book if you didnt bring your own book?
1:15-1:45 Class Rules
We are going to have our First Class Meeting
o Explain you want your students to all move to the rug. Explain procedure.
Push in chair. Walk quietly over to the rug.
If students forget to push in their chair or do not stay quiet on their way to
the rug have students go back and do it again.
o Discuss Class Rules
Make lists of examples
Create broader rules
Make poster
1:45-1:55 Group Math Pretest
Partner math pretest
Walk students to recess
Review exiting class procedure
2:00-2:15 Recess
Go to recess with students if you have duty
2:15-2:45 Class Meeting
Rose, bud, thorn and class picture
2:45-3:00 End of the Day
Planners, clean-up, line up

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