Parabens Cosmetic PDF

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Parabens used

in cosmetics
1 WHAT ARE PARABENS? 1 CURRENT LIMITS AND molecules (methyl-and ethyl paraben),
RECOMMENDATIONS this limit is considered safe.
Parabens are a group of chemicals that
are widely used as preservatives in EU law allow the use of parabens in For the longer paraben molecules
cosmetics and personal care products cosmetics, and one or several of them (propyl- and butyl paraben) the
such as deodorants, shower gels and can be present in a given product. The Scientific Committee on Consumer
body creams. They effectively prevent maximum total concentration allowed Safety recommends to lower the limit
the growth of microorganisms. in such consumer products is 8 g of to a maximum total concentration of
parabens per kg of cosmetic product, 1.9 g/kg parabens.
To evaluate if the way they are currently
being used is safe, the Scientific with no single paraben having a higher For other, less used, parabens (isopropyl-,
Committee on Consumer Safety has concentration than 4 g/kg. isobutyl-, and phenylparaben) only a
repeatedly over the years reviewed In a review of the most up-to-date very limited amount of information is
the scientific data on potential health scientific information, the SCCS available, and the potential risk could
effects. Experimental studies in animals confirmed that for the smaller paraben not be calculated.
have shown that these parabens have
generally low toxicity and that they
dont cause cancers.
In 2011, the Danish government decided However, for very young children
The main concern regarding parabens to ban the use of some parabens (under six month), the Committee could
in cosmetics is the potential of some of (propyl-, isopropyl-, butyl- and isobutyl- not exclude a risk when cosmetics are
them to act like hormones in the body, parabens) in personal care products applied to the nappy area. The skin
in particular like estrogens, the female intended for children up to three years in this area can become easily irritated,
sex hormone. old as a precautionary measure, as and irritated skin can let more things
In laboratory test systems and in children might be especially vulnerable through. It is also possible that the the
animals, some hormone-like activity to hormone-like effects. metabolism of young children might
has been demonstrated for parabens, not yet be mature enough to quickly
The Scientific Committee, in reviewing
but this activity is thousands to millions and effectively get rid of the parabens
of times weaker than the activity of the argumentation of the Danish
government, concluded that the that enter the body.
natural hormones. Those hormone-like
properties seem to increase with the potential increased sensitivity of While the committee considers that it
size of the paraben molecules. So far, children was already covered by has taken a cautious approach in its
other experimental investigations of the cautious approach chosen in its assessment, it calls for further research
the possible effects on reproduction assessment of parabens. Therefore, in order to reduce uncertainties and to
of the use of parabens have been it does not consider that the general more exactly evaluate the potential risk
inconclusive and many of them had use of paraben-containing cosmetic for children from parabens contained
shortcomings that make their results
products is a health concern for children in different cosmetic products.
difficult to interpret.
of any age group.

This fact sheet is based on the scientific opinions of the independent

European Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety: Opinion on
parabens, adopted on 14 December 2010 and revision of 22 March 2011,
The detailed and nuanced view of the European Scientific Committee
and,Clarification on Opinion SCCS/1348/10 in the light of the Danish clause
on Consumer Safety on this issue is available at:
of safeguard banning the use of parabens in cosmetic products intended for
children under three years of age, adopted on 10 October 2011.


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