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Question Title Correct Answer Answer Answer Option Answer

Answer Option 1 Option 2 3 Option 4

Read the following 4 Calm. Dominant. Confident. Subordinate.
passage and choose the Aggressive Subordinate Fearless Dominant
appropriate words that
complete the sentence:

Monkeys use facial

expressions to
communicate with each
other and to enforce
social order. For
example: The "fear
grimace" although it
looks ferocious, is
actually given by a
_______ monkey who
is intimidated by a
________ member of
the group.
Proofread the following 2 We are Without a You must have I am pleased,
sentences for planning to doubt, he is a current up- Robert that
punctuation errors. see "Mamma performing to-date you are doing
Which one is correct? Mia in a few much better passport to so well in
weeks. than we travel on a college.
anticipated. cruise.

When delivering a 1 make eye look beyond concentrate on look at your

presentation, its best contact with the audience a single notes or
to many audience presentation
members of member screen
the audience
Which of the following 2, 4 Keeping the Not using Responding to Using lots of
is considered to be message greetings messages as capital letters
poor e-mail etiquette? personal soon as to emphasize
possible certain words
What is the author 2 Format and Pay attention use simple Know who
trying to say from the make your to the word sentences you are
following write-up? emails choice writing to and
professional why
Remember that writing,
is a form of indirect
communication. Unlike
having a conversation
with someone, you do
not have a chance to
clarify yourself by
restating your ideas or
use nonverbal cues to
make your meaning
clear. You have to make
sure your reader
understands what you
want to say and gets
the right message the
first time and most
importantly takes any
action you require
within your time frame.
INSTRUCTIONS: 4 35421 43521 34512 31245
Rearrange the following
five sentences in proper
sequence to form a
meaningful paragraph.
Choose the correct

1. Barriers may lead to

your message
becoming distorted and
you therefore risk
wasting both time
and/or money by
causing confusion and
2. Some common
barriers to
communiation are:
using jargons,
differences in
perceptions and
perspectives, language
differences, etc.
3. There are many
barriers to
communication and
these may occur at any
stage in the
4. Effective
involves overcoming
these barriers and
conveying a clear and
concise message.
5. A skilled
communicator must be
aware of these barriers
and try to reduce their
impact by continually
checking understanding
and by offering
appropriate feedback.
INSTRUCTIONS: Fill in 2 Sociological Physical Psychological Organizational
the blanks. barriers barriers barriers barriers

Communication is
generally easier over
shorter distances as
more communication
channels are available
and less technology is
required. Although
modern technology
often serves to reduce
the impact of
____________, the
advantages and
disadvantages of each
channel should be
understood so that an
appropriate channel
can be used to
overcome _________.
Which of the following 2,4 Keeping the Not using Responding to Using lots of
is considered to be message greetings messages as capital letters
poor e-mail etiquette? personal soon as to emphasize
possible certain words
INSTRUCTIONS: 2 Write to Ravi Ask your Write to Ravi Ask Ravi if you
Indicate your preferred to decline the project accepting the should attend
response to the invitation manager if invitation or not
multiple choice citing you should
questions based on workload attend
information presented
in the following email.

From: Namita Padhi

[Group Lead Watson
Telecom Account]
Sent: 17 May 2016

Hi all,

We will be organizing
an internal technical
session for the Watson
Telecom Account team
Time: Tuesday, 17th
May at 5:30 PM
Venue: Conference Hall
# 12

We have invited some

of our internal senior
technology experts to
talk to us about the
latest trends in the
Telecom industry
including 4G, 5G, LTE

We will also discuss the

new standards and how
some of these
emerging technologies
will impact the kind of
work we do here at
EMC Tech and the new
technical skills we may
all need to learn.

Please confirm your

attendance by writing
to Ravi Bose before 11
am today.

Namita is your business

leader and has sent this
invite at the last
minute. With reference
to the technical session
mentioned in Namitas
email, how should you
ideally proceed
considering that you
have a busy day on
17th May?

INSTRUCTIONS: Select 4 twice yearly biannual semiannual biennial

the appropriate word
which means "every
two years" for the
following sentence.

Within our global

organization, each
national company holds
its own sales
conference on a yearly
basis; an international
sales conference is
scheduled on a
__________ basis.
Tia is the moderator for 3 If you can't I'm sorry, I I believe you'd Because
a symposium ask questions couldn't hear like to know you're a man,
presentation on in a more the question. how we you can't
"Gender Bias in the respectful Does anyone decided on this possibly
Workplace." After each way, I can't else have a topic. Well understand
member has spoken, answer. question? our problem.
the floor is opened for
questions. Rex stands
up and asks Tia, "How
did you decide on such
a stupid topic for this

How should Tia

Flexing your 4 conforming withholding changing the Temporarily
communication style is to the other your opinions other person's adjusting your
about: persons and not style of behavior to
point of view expressing communicating manage
them tension and to
others to
behave more
with you

Complete the following 3 find had found found could find

sentence with the
correct form of verb.

What would you do if

you (find)
_________________ a
wallet on the sidewalk.
The best way to make 1, 3 Use lists with Include all Use the 'One Include all the
several points in an bullets or the points in idea, one points in the
email is to __________. numbers the last paragraph rule' first
paragraph paragraph
Before forwarding an 4 Check the Compress the Check whether All of the
email which has an people in To: file, then the above
attachment, I should: and Cc: and email it information is
determine if confidential or
it needs to be not, and
sent to all accordingly
send it to the
What are the correct 8 1 Have a clear Have a result Have a clear None of the
steps of teamwork? (in goal, results- driven goal, result above
order) driven structure, driven
structure, unified structure,
competent commitment, unified
team feedback commitment,
members, sharing, external
unified external support,
commitment, support, competent
a competent team
collaborative team members,
climate members, a feedback
understood collabrative sharing, and a
by all, climate collabrative
external understood climate
support, and by all, and a understood by
feedback clear goal all
One of the most 3 Inactive Empathetic Active Objective
important Listening Listening Listening Listening
communication skill is
The message may be 4 Noise Distractions Distortions Barriers
misinterpreted because
You are part of a 4 You do not You made It was wrong The
session and you did not like the assumptions time to ask conversation
understand what the speaker never
speaker just said but happened
you did'nt ask. So the
conversation failed
Which of the following 1 The receiver The sender The receiver The sender
is the final phase of the sends has an idea. gets the transmits the
communication feedback. message message.

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