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Student-Teacher: Maitha - Alya

Date:20- October- 2017

Course: EPC-2903

Grade Level: KG2, children age 4-5 years old.

Subject: English ,vowel (a).
Strand: My favoriat food.
Learning Outcome (ADEC code and words):

ADC: (Recognize the sequence of letters in words)

By the end of this lesson :

-Students will be able to identify the vowel a.
-Students will be able to form the letters and make one word correctly.

Resources (what materials/equipment will you and Preparation (what do you need to make or check before
the students use? Be specific) class?)

Teacher materials: 1- Attend early.

1- White bored. 2- Prepare the materials on the tables.
2- Marker. 3- Make sure that everytning is in the right place
3- Flashcards. and the centers are organized.
4- Clips.
5- Playdough.
Key vocabulary:
6- Colors.
1- Bat.
7- Papers. 2- Rat.
8- Stikers (to reinforce the good behaveour). 3- Mat.
9- Mignatic letters. 4- Cat.
5- Jam.
6- Clips.
7- Aubergin.
8- Cucamber.

Opening (warmer activity + teacher introduction/demonstration of small group activities)

1- Warm up by stand up and set down game + put the song of their theme which is my favourite.
2-Ask them about days of the week (whats the day today? Today is Wednesday tomorrow is? )
3-Remind them with the rules.
Time: 15 min

4- Ask them about their favourate food . ( Teacher Maithas favourate food is bnnana, whats your
favourate food? You have to say my favourate food is? * rise your hands*
5- Put the mignatic letters on the boared and ask them how many vowels do we have? And they
distinguish the five 5 vowels which are (u,a,e,I,o).
6-Explain the activites on each group and how to rotate after finshing from one activity when I will ring
the bell.

Guided Experience (group working with the teacher)

Time: 20 min

Materials of Activity 1:

1- 5 Flash cards with pictures and words include all the vouwels such as ( u,a,e,I,o) .
2- Playdough.

-Children will form the words by the playdough.

Independent Experience (small group activity 2)
Solving puzzle:
Pictures of: beans , chicken, fish ,salad, rice, cucamber, abergines,banana Mango,strawberry.
Ask them whats the name of each picture.

Independent Experience(small group activity 3)

Materials of Activity 3:
1- 5 Flash cards of: bat, rat, mat, cat, jam, dog, web,run ,wit, tap,fun, dip , van,pan, hat,red.
2- Coloured clips.

*Each flash card will include 3 different words with vowels.

-The flash card with picture will include different words with vowels and the children will identify the
right one by putting the coloured clip on the right word with vowel that represent the picture.

Independent Experience(small group activity 4)

- Colours
- Papers
Children will be drowing their favoriat food and color it .

Time: 10 min

-Make the children tidy up.


-Ask them what did we learnd today in general?

For example:Who knows whats the vowel in Bat word ?
-Form few words with vowel( a) on the bored with the mignatic letters.

1- Cheack list.
2- Observation.
3- Taking photos to document their learning.

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