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Princes of Glantri

Clan of Alhambra
Prince: Carlotina Erewan (Wizard 18)
Titles: Marchioness of Ellerovyn (7)
Offices: Chamberlain of the Land (4)
Votes: 21
Votes in Parliament: 32
Lady Aliana Nyraviel, Countesse of Soth-Kabree (6)
Lord Ezechiel Naramis, Viscount of Nathrat (5)

Enemies: Crownguard

House of Haaskinz
Prince: Harold Haaskinz (Wizard 22)
Titles: Archduke of Kern (9)
Offices: Grand Master of the Great School of Magic (10), Viceroy of Sablestone (1)
Votes: 30
Votes in Parliament: 39
Gerrid Rientha, Archduke of Westheath (9)

Enemies: Crownguard

House of Igorov
Prince: Morphail Gorevitch-Woszlany (Necromancer 19)
Titles: Baron of Igorov (4)
Offices: Viceroy of Tchernovodsk (1)
Votes: 15
Votes in Parliament: 35
Lady Natacha Datchenka, Baroness of Pavlova (4)
Lady Szasza Markovitch, Baroness of Vladmirov (4)
Lord Piotr-Grygory Timenko, Baron of Kutchevski (4)
Lord Youri Laszlo Wutlya, Baron of Mariksen (4)
Lord Youri Ivanov, Baron of Palatinsk (4)

Enemies: Crownguard, Silverston, Sylaire

House of Linden
Prince: Vanserie Vlaardoen (Conjurer 23)
Titles: Viscount of Linden (5)
Offices: Treasurer of the Council (2)
Votes: 17
Votes in Parliament: 32
Lady Rowena Krollnar, Viscountess of Bergen (5)
Lady Siniaria Verlien, Countess of High Sonden (6)
Lord Pieter Vandehaar, Baron of Oxhill (4)

Enemies: Singhabad, Silverston, Ellerovyn, Belcadiz

House of Ritterburg
Prince: Jaggar von Drachenfels (Invoker 24)
Titles: Count of Ritterburg (6)
Offices: Warden of the Marches, Viceroy of Nordling (1)
Votes: 17
Votes in Parliament: 33
Lady Mariana Terlegand, Marchioness of Berrym (7)
Herr Franz Lowenroth, Baron of Adlerturm (4)
Herr Rolf von Graustein, Viscount of Blofield (5)

Enemies: Sirrechia, Silverston, Singhabad

House of Silverston
Prince: Volospin Aendyr (Wizard 18)
Titles: Count of Silverston (6)
Offices: Chancellor of the Princes (6)
Votes: 22
Votes in Parliament: 41
Lady Margaret of Hillsbury, Duchess of Fenwick (8)
Lady Arbana Jerbat, Viscountess of Redstone (5)
Lord Emeth Urbaal, Count of Wylon (6)

Enemies: Igorov, Linden, Ritterburg, Sirrechia

House of Singhabad
Prince: Jherek Viryana IV (Illusionist 18, but can't cast 9th level spells due to Intelligence only
Titles: Khan (Marquis) of Singhabad (7)
Offices: Supreme Judge of the Council (8)
Votes: 25
Votes in Parliament: 33
Lord John Beaumarys-Moorkroft, Duke of Hightower (8)
House of Skullhorn

Enemies: Linden, Ritterburg

House of Sirrechia
Prince: Innocenti di Malapietra (Diviner 13)
Titles: Viscount of Sirrechia (5)
Offices: Viceroy of Ylourgne (1)
Votes: 16
Votes in Parliament: 26
Signor Antonio di Tarento, Viscount of Castelbianco (5)
Signor Griseo Fulvina, Viscount of Verazzno (5)

Enemies: Ritterburg, Silverston, Sylaire

House of Skullhorn
Prince: Urmahid Krinagar (14th level wizard/ex-thief 4)
Titles: Count of Skullhorn (6)
Votes: 16
Votes in Parliament: 16
House of Singhabad

Enemies: Linden, Ritterburg

House of Sylaire
Prince: Isidore de Ambreville (Wizard 11)
Titles: Vicomtesse of Sylaire (5)
Votes: 15
Votes in Parliament: 35
Sire Gilles Grenier, Vicomte de Fausseflammes (5)
Sire Malachie du Marais, Baron de Morlay (4)
Dame Diane de Moriamis, Vicomtesse de Malinbois (5)
Dame Genevieve de Sephora, Comtesse de Touraine (6)

Enemies: Alhambra, Crownguard, Igorov, Sirecchia

Council of Princes:
12 Princes, 227 Votes:
Proposal fails with 0-76 Votes
Proposal goes to Parliament with 77-151 votes
Proposal is approved by 152 or more votes.

Treasurer of the Council (2): Linden

Chamberlain of the Land (4): Elleroyvn
Chancellor of the Princes (6): Blackhill
Supreme Judge of the Council (8): Singhabad
Grand Master of the School of Magic (10): Haaskinz

Viceroy (1) of
Montleone: Belcadiz
Nordlingen: Ritterburg
Sablestone: Haaskinz
Tchernodovsk: Igorov
Ylourgne: Sirecchia

29 Nobles (33 with PCs) and 12 Princes
Prince Votes: 227
Noble Votes: 156 (192 with the PCs)
383 (419) total votes. It takes 255 (279) votes to approve a measure by 2/3rds vote, or 192 (210)
for a simple majority.

Major Standing Committees:

Chairman: Lord Eachainn McDougal, Marquis of Dunvegan (7)
Lord Emeth Urbaal, Count of Wylon (6)
Herr Rolf von Graustein, Viscount of Blofield (5)
Lord Ezechiel Naramis, Viscount of Nathrat (5) [His spokesman usually stands in for him, as
Lord Ezechiel often fails to attend]
Herr Franz Lowenroth, Baron of Adlerturm (4)

Foreign Relations:
Chairman: Lady Margaret of Hillsbury, Duchess of Fenswick (8)
Lady Rowena Krollnar, Viscountess of Bergen (5)
Signor Antonio di Tarento, Viscount of Castelbianco (5)
Lady Szasza Markovitch, Baroness of Vladmirov (4)
Lord Gerrid Rientha, Archduke of Westheath (9)
Chairman: Lady Aliana Nyraviel, Countesse of Soth-Kabree (6)
Don Fernando de Casanegra, Marques de Satolas (7) [Formerly the Chairman of this committee
for many years, but has withdrawn from that role to turn his attentions elsewhere]
Dame Genevieve de Sephora, Comtesse de Touraine (6)
Lady Arbana Jerbat, Viscountess of Redstone (5)
Lord Youri Ivanov, Baron of Palatinsk (4)

The Nobility:
10 Barons

Herr Franz Lowenroth, Baron of Adlerturm (4)

Allied to: Prince Jaggar von Drachenfels
Enemies: None known.
Nicknames: The Lion Master, Druid Lowenroth (by his enemies)
Reputation: Largely ignores his subjects if they pay their taxes
Notes: Tall, muscular and handsome. He is noted for his animal related magics. He takes little
interest in politics, only intervening to vote for wars proposed by Jaggar. He is also a personal
friend of Prince Jherek and they often go hunting together. Sometimes seen roaming the streets
of Glantri City with two lions. Has been thrice accused of Clericism, but cleared each time, then
challenged the accuser to a duel and ripped them limb from limb.
DM Notes:
Wizard 12
Lowenroth has developed his own secret art of Animal Mastery. He is effectively Third Circle:
3/day at 84%: Protection from Animals (1 HD/level)
2/day at 74%: Control Animals (1 HD/Level)
2/day at 74%: Beast Features (Take on one feature of an animal with HD equal to or less than
your level, such as sprouting claws or its sense of smell)
1/day at 64%: Conjure Animals (1d4 creatures, total HD = your level)
1/day at 64%: Shapechange to a single animal form (Must have HD = to or less than your level)
The Fourth Circle Ability will enable you to shapechange to any animal. Fifth Circle would
make you an Animal Lord of the species you chose at third circle.

Dona Isabella de Montebello, Baronesa del Egorn (4)

Allied to: Princess Carnelia, Vicomte Giles Grenier of Fauseflammes
Enemies: Lord Pieter Vandehaar, Baron of Oxhill [He has accused her of various crimes in the
past, including hiding outlaws and murder], Prince Harald Haaskinz [She was hoping to found a
principality in the Sablestone area, but he beat her to the punch]
Reputation: Beloved by her subjects
Notes: Short and beautiful, she is a gracious hostess and a generous ruler. She is noted for her
skill as a potion maker. She has recently begun a romance with Vicomte Giles Grenier of
DM Notes:
Enchanter 10 and 3rd circle Witch
Embittered by her defeat at the hand of Harald Haaskinz, she now seeks subtle revenge by
turning his family against him and by uniting her lands with those of Giles Grenier to found a
cross-mountains principality. While she originally used a love potion on him, she is surprised to
discover herself starting to feel a strong affection for him.

Lord Piotr-Grygory Timenko, Baron of Kutchevski (4)

Allied to: Prince Morphail
Enemies: Orcs in the local mountains, Ethengars
Nicknames: The Sage Baron
Reputation: Incompetent as a ruler, skillful as a scholar
Notes: Short, fat, and ugly, Lord Timenko is a noted scholar of vampires, demons, and other
nasty things of the night. Lord Timenko shares his knowledge freely with other nobles in return
for future favors, while earning substantial amounts of money advising adventuring parties. At
least one Solar has been seen leaving his tower on a winter morning, leading many to wonder
what sort of consulting fee such a being might have paid. Lord Timenko is noted for rarely ever
leaving home, and always sends a spokesman or gives a proxy for Parliament sessions. This is
generally assumed to be the result of his left arm being hacked off fifteen years ago the last time
he attended Parliament during the 'Session of Blood'.
DM Notes:
Vampire Diviner 9 and 2nd Circle Necromancer.
Lord Timenko is actually a vampire, using his knowledge to send people to their doom at
Morphail's command, although those who come to consult him on other matters will find him an
ugly but gracious host and a helpful scholar.

Lord Youri Laszlo Wutlya, Baron of Mariksen (4)

Allied to: Prince Morphail, Prince Jaggar
Enemies: Ethengars
Nicknames: Point Man
Reputation: Doomed
Notes: Rumor has it that the Council of Princes themselves have a betting pool as to when
Baron Wutlya will die. His lands have been raided to the point where all but the most desperate
or loyal have fled. It remains unclear as to why the Ethengars hate him so much, but it's
generally assumed that if outright war ever erupts, it will start with the Ethengars storming his
castle and burning it. At the same time, the man is too stubborn and proud to abandon the area.
Rumor has it that he has staffed his castle with an army of skeletons and zombies made from the
peasants who have died. He strongly supports Jaggar's call for war.
DM Notes:
Boldavian Vampire Wizard 9 and 2nd Circle Necromancer.
Laszlo hungers for blood and takes it out on the Ethengars to avoid breaking Boldavian vampire
law. Now the Ethengars are striking back. However, he has an army of hundreds of zombies, so
they've been unable to root him out of his castle. At the same time, he's too stubborn to leave.

Sire Malachie du Marais, Baron de Morlay (4)

Allied to: Princess Isadore of New Averoigne, Dame Diane de Moriamis [His lover]
Enemies: Dame Genevieve de Sephora, Comtessa de Touraine
Nicknames: The Albino Lord, The White Wolf
Notes: Sire Malachie is an Albino, who wears magical dark glasses to protect his eyesight. He
is at least a hundred and fifty years old, although he looks to be in his thirties, thanks to longevity
magics. Rumor has it that he is a werewolf, although this has been repeatedly disproved, and he
is known to wear silver bracelets to help disprove this. He is believed to have once trained in the
sword. Rumor also has it that he and his lover will soon be wed, and hope to apply to create a
principality from their dominions and the surrounding territory.
DM Notes:
See G: KOM main book.

Lord Pieter Vandehaar, Baron of Oxhill (4)

Allied to: Prince Vanserie Vlaardoen
Enemies: Dona Isabella de Montebello, Baronesa del Egorn, Prince Harald Haaskinz
Nicknames: 'That Cranky Old Bastard in the Mountains'
Reputation: Cranky Old Bastard in the Mountains. Rules by Terror.
Notes: Lord Pieter Vandehaar is a bitter old man who has spent his life trying to become a
prince and failing. He has left a trail of bodies in duel victories, killed huge numbers of
monsters in battles to develop his skills, and learned how to conduct finances and lead armies.
Unfortunately, because he's a complete bastard, he has never been able to get more than 10
signatures for an Act of Enfeofment. Everyone is counting the days until he challenges Harald
Haaskinz to another duel (The first one ended with Harald turning Pieter into a mouse and
keeping him in a cage on his desk for a year)
DM Notes:
Wizard 13, Third Circle Fire Elementalist, Follower of Fire, Fruitcake on Patrol
Pieter is too smart to go for the direct approach again, but instead plans to use his elemental
minions to cause havoc. He is now negotiating with the Adri Varna nomads to trigger an
invasion of Glantri which would cut off Sablestone and enable him to truly humiliate Haaskinz,
then emerge as the man of the hour.

Lord Youri Ivanov, Baron of Palatinsk (4)

Allied to: Prince Morphail
Enemies: Ethengars, Vampires
Nicknames: Youri the Vampire Slayer
Reputation: Retired Hero. Loved by his peasants for his exploits.
Notes: Lord Youri and his wife Kei were noted vampire hunters until about eight years ago,
when the previous Baron of Palatinsk, Vladimir Stalin, was revealed to be a vampire in cahoots
with the Ethengars, and slain by them. Parliament awarded them the barony, which they have
since turned into a fairly shining model of noble rule. Lord Youri has been known to sometimes
assist adventurers seeking to destroy vampires, leaving his wife to rule in his stead. There have
been several efforts by local peasants to organize an Act of Enfeoffment in his favor, but all such
efforts have failed.
DM Notes:
Boldavian Vampire Wizard 10 and Third circle Necromancer. His wife is a Boldavian Vampire
Rogue 12.
He is now one of Morphail's pawns, forced to help lure heroes into traps or arranging for them to
kill fake vampires so they think the problem is solved and go away. He does his best to rule

Lady Natacha Datchenka, Baroness of Pavlova (4)

Allied to: Prince Morphail
Enemies: Various people she's beaten up
Nicknames: Ugly Redheaded...My nose! My nose! OWWWW!!!!!
Reputation: Gets Mad and Pounds People Flat. Feared by her peasants.
Notes: An ugly redhead with a reputation as a pugilist of some skill. The source of her martial
skills remains disputed, as she fights far too skillfully for a normal magus, and it's considered
that she can't possibly be enhancing herself with magic all the time. Wiry and muscular, she is
also noted for developing various 'fist' creating spells.
DM Notes:
Boldavian Vampire Wizard 12/ex-Monk 9.
She spent many years outside Glantri training as a pugilist, then returned with her winnings to
attend the Great School and become a mage. She enjoys her body's powers, but dislikes being
Morphail's goon.

Lady Mira McDuff, Baroness of Uigmuir (4)

Allied to: Prince Quentin McGregor
Enemies: Wendarian Reaches Orcs
Reputation: Never leaves her tower, mostly ignores her subjects.
Notes: She has ruled Uigmuir for thirty years. After four years of benevolent rule, a massive
orcish incursion overran her Barony for a year until finally the GAG drove them out. She was
held captive, and never entirely recovered. She has never married and never leaves her tower.
Indeed, she largely ignores anything outside her barony, having given first Brannart, and now
Quentin her proxy vote. She is believed to use longevity magic, as she has not aged a day since
the day she was freed.
DM Notes:
She is now a ghost under control of Angus McBaine, who plans to have her designate him her
heir, then 'die' after a discreet amount of time.

Lady Szasza Markovitch, Baroness of Vladmirov (4)

Allied to: Prince Morphail
Enemies: Many, many people's wives.
Nicknames: The Black Widow
Reputation: Seductress and User of Men, treats her peasants fairly most of the time, but is
horrible when in one of her rages.
Notes: A beautiful and sensual blonde with a reputation for using her charms to turn men into
her pawns. Persistent rumor indicates she has her eye on Morphail to marry him, although given
that her last husband mysteriously spontaneously combusted while bathing, most think she will
not succeed in her quest. On the other hand, she is noted as a gracious and generous hostess.
DM Notes:
Boldavian Vampire Enchanter 12 and Third Circle Witch.
She is indeed after Morphail, although at the moment, she's intriguing with Angus McGregor,
who she has successfully charmed, to put him on the throne of Klantyre.

8 Viscounts

Lady Rowena Krollnar, Viscountess of Bergen (5)

Allied to: Prince Vanserie Vlaardoen
Enemies: Loknar, a Fiend of the Abyss
Nicknames: The Veiled Viscountess
Reputation: Frequently depressed, obsesses over her scar. She is a good and just ruler.
Notes: A beautiful woman marred by a nasty scar across her right cheek, given her by a creature
from the Abyss who attacked her when a spell went awry. As a result, she usually wears a
translucent blue veil. She has offered her hand in marriage to any hero who can kill the creature
and bring her proof of the deed.

Herr Rolf von Graustein, Viscount of Blofield (5)

Allied to: Prince Jaggar
Enemies: Free Anachronic Society of Aalban [They hate his golems]
Nicknames: Herr Doctor Rolf
Reputation: Cares more for his Golems than people. Rules efficiently and fairly, but without
much exertion on behalf of his subjects.
Notes: A lunatic obsessed with creating the 'perfect' Golem. It remains unclear as to what that
'perfection' would consist of, other than not wrecking his castle. Still, the man is the foremost
maker of Golems in Glantri, and most of them don't malfunction. He is Jaggar's closest friend.

Signor Antonio di Tarento, Viscount of Castelbianco (5)

Allied to: Prince Innocenti
Enemies: "I have no currently living enemies"
Nicknames: The Poisoner
Reputation: A cruel ruler with criminal ties.
Notes: Persistant rumors connect Signor Antonio to some sort of criminal network in Caurenze
and Glantri City, possibly some sort of society of assassins, but nothing has ever been proven.
He is a noted alchemist, and generally believed to be a noted poisoner as well. He is a very close
ally of Prince Innocenti.

Sire Gilles Grenier, Vicomte de Fausseflammes (5)

Allied to: Princess Isidore de Ambreville, Dona Isabella de Montebello, Baronesa del Egorn [his
Enemies: Lord Pieter Vandehaar, Baron of Oxhill [enemy of his lover]
Nicknames: The Alchemist
Reputation: A fair ruler, but periodically has fits of anger in which he does various bad and
foolish things.
Notes: He is stocky and brunet, around fifty years in physical appearance, but like most of the
major New Averoignean rulers, over a hundred and fifty years old. Various rumors claim he
murdered his wife in a jealous rage before coming to Glantri from wherever the New
Averoigneans came from, but this has yet to be proven. There are also whispers of some sort of
curse. This hasn't stopped various elves flocking to his dominion, or prevented Dona Isabella de
Montebello, Baronesa del Egorn, becoming his lover in recent months. [Although his enemies
spread vicious rumors that he used a love potion on her] He is noted for his charismatic and
oratory abilities, and has several times swayed Parliament to some course of action through an
impassioned speech, although he mostly avoids the political game.

Dame Diane de Moriamis, Vicomtesse de Malinbois (5)

Allied to: Princess Isidore de Ambreville, Sire Malachie du Marais, Baron de Morlay [her lover]
Enemies: Dame Genevieve de Sephora, Comtesse de Touraine [an enemy of her lover]
Nicknames: Diane the Bald, Diane the Magpie
Reputation: A fair ruler.
Notes: She is short and fat, and also bald due to a magical accident, forced to wear various wigs.
She is around fifty years in physical appearance, but like most of the major New Averoignean
rulers, over a hundred and fifty years old. She is Sire Malachie du Marais' lover, but many
suspect he is using her for political gain [or strange tastes]. If the Home Shopping Club existed
in Glantri, she'd watch it all day, and tends to wear expensive but tasteless jewelry and clothing.
Rumor says she sometimes sends agents to steal jewelry she likes. She has a ferret for a familiar.
She is quite politically active, apparently enjoying trading favors and intriguing.

Lord Ezechiel Naramis, Viscount of Nathrat (5)

Allied to: Princess Carlotina Erewan
Enemies: None.
Nicknames: Ezechiel the Adventurous
Reputation: Spends his time exploring instead of ruling, and tends to appoint regents who
prove corrupt or incompetent.
Notes: An ugly, but strong and sturdy Elven warrior/mage, he is a noted explorer of the Silver
Sierras, largely leaving his dominion to be run by poorly-chosen regents. He gives his proxy
vote to Carlotina Erewan, although he has periods where he jumps full force into politics.

Lady Arbana Jerbat, Viscountess of Redstone (5)

Allied to: Prince Volospin Aendyr
Enemies: Prince Innocenti and his allies
Nicknames: 'Sneaky Old Biddy'
Reputation: Truly a political animal, heavily involved in various intrigues, treats her subjects
Notes: Twenty years ago, Lady Jerbat came from Alphatia and by indebting many nobles to her
for magical services, was able to gain the Viscounty of Redstone on the death of its previous lord
after he killed himself with an illcast spell on the Night of the Red Moon. She has since gone on
to dive head first into the politics of Glantri, buying and selling favors, aiding others but rarely
seeming to have any personal agenda, except in the case of measures which directly affect her
Viscounty. She has few enemies because she will help almost anyone, however, she has
constantly feuded with the house of Caurenze, who she refuses to ever aid for reasons unknown.
She runs her dominion as if it was part of Alphatia, and has, over the years, gotten many Private
Bills passed which have enabled her to use many Alphatian legal practices and laws.
Signor Griseo Fulvina, Viscount of Verazzno (5)
Allied to: Prince Innocenti di Malapietra
Enemies: Lady Mariana Terlagand (Frequent political opponent), Marchioness of Berrym
Nicknames: 'Shifty'. This can be made to mean either sneaky or a reference to his
shapechanging, depending on if you like or hate him.
Reputation: Kneedeep in politics, tends to ignore his dominion.
Notes: Signor Griseo is noted for his shapechanging skills and political savvy. He spends most
of his time either in Glantri City or travelling about politicking instead of running his dominion,
which tends to be run by mildly tyrannical, but efficient regents.

5 Counts

Lord Alasdair McAllister, Count of Glenargyll (6)

Allied to: Prince Quentin McGregor
Enemies: None.
Nicknames: 'That reckless fool', 'Scarface'
Reputation: An idiot who has repeatedly made a mess of himself with magical accidents with a
wife who deserves better.
Notes: He is the brother-in-law of Prince Quentin, married to Barbara McGregor (who is noted
for her skills with a claymore), with a ten year old son Sean, in the Great School of Magic, where
the boy has shown a true genius for magic and is already able to cast fourth level spells. It is
hoped he will not go the way of his father, who at the age of thirty, has managed to mutilate his
face, his chest, and one arm in the course of magical accidents during spell research. It is hoped
the man has something to show for all this, but if he does, none know what it is, other than that
he possesses the most accurate clock in all of Glantri. Rumor has it that he may be intriguing
with Angus McGregor, but nothing is known for sure.

Lady Siniaria Verlien, Countess of High Sonden (6)

Allied to: Prince Vanserie Vlaardoen
Enemies: Prince Jherek, Prince Urmahid (She has repeatedly called for expulsion of all
Nicknames: 'The Spider'
Reputation: A bigoted loudmouth and manipulator of people. Treats her subjects better than
her peers.
Notes: Vocally anti-dwarf, anti-Ethengar, anti-elf, anti-technology, anti-Alphatia, and pro-
Glantri, pro-Linden, and pro-Lady Siniaria Verlien. She is noted for her skill with fire magics
and her heavy use of fire elementals for various tasks. Her palace is a wonder of magic, which
she has spent some twenty years heavily enchanting. She is also heavily involved in politics,
mostly to try to vote against anything new.

Lady Aliana Nyraviel, Countesse of Soth-Kabree (6)

Allied to: Princess Carlotina Erewan
Enemies: Broken Lands Tribes
Nicknames: 'The Griffon Lady'
Reputation: A shining example of the best Glantri has to offer, although a little obsessed with
Notes: Lady Aliana is an example of Glantrian nobility at its best, combining magical skill and
scholarship, honest and fair justice in her rulership, and compassion for mundaners (Although
her Elven-dominated County has few of them). She has one major quirk however--her love of
griffons. She has at least twenty and is constantly pestering Jaggar and the other princes to build
an 'airforce' of griffon riders for Glantri.

Dame Genevieve de Sephora, Comtesse de Touraine (6)

Allied to: Princess Isidore d'Ambreville
Enemies: Sire Malachie du Marais, Baron de Morlay
Nicknames: The Werewolf Hunter
Reputation: A brilliant alchemist and a skillful administrator
Notes: Dame Genevieve tends to spend much of her time either in the lab or hunting
werewolves. She has repeatedly proclaimed that Malachie du Marais is a werewolf, but has
never been able to prove it. She is little involved in politics, prefering to simply run her county,
create new chemicals, and hunt werewolves. Like most NA nobles, she is over one hundred and
fifty years old, but appears to be only about thirty five.

Lord Emeth Urbaal, Count of Wylon (6)

Allied to: Prince Volosopin Aendyr
Enemies: None
Nicknames: Urbaal the Blue, Blue Beard
Reputation: A skillful researcher and competent noble.
Notes: Lord Emeth is a bit of a dandy and posturer, noted for wearing clothing made from spun
silver and dying his beard blue for no discernable reason. [He seems to believe it's attractive,
instead of silly looking] Still, he is a master of air and weather magic, and possesses an airboat
which is carried by an enchanted cloud. He is said to have studied some Alphatian air magics.

3 Marquis

Don Fernando de Casanegra, Marques de Satolas (7)

Allied to: Princess Carnelia de Belcadiz
Enemies: Don Hippoloto de Belcadiz, Castellan of Monteleone (Don Fernando has publically
proclaimed the man a fraud on multiple occassions)
Nicknames: None.
Reputation: An honorable, just ruler, though not always the most skillful of rulers.
Notes: He is an aging, honorable elf, at least two hundred years old and possibly more, but still
a dignified gentleman. In recent years, he has turned from adventure and politics to scholarship
and has published several books on Invocation magics. Still, he remains the sort of Glantrian
noble who periodically hears the call of adventure and vanishes for months on some quest, then
returns with new lore, new wealth, new trophies, and new scars.

Lady Mariana Terlagand, Marchioness of Berrym (7)

Allied to: Prince Jaggar
Enemies: Signor Griseo Fulvina, Viscount of Verazzno (Frequent political opponent)
Nicknames: None.
Reputation: Never leaves her dominion, rarely leaves her palace. Rules coldly but efficiently.
Notes: Lady Mariana rarely leaves her palace, and never leaves her dominion, although her
spokesmen are usually quite active in Parliament. She appears to be in her thirties, but is
actually around a hundred years old. She is said to collect tapestries depicting historical events.

Lord Eachainn McDougall, Marquis of Dunvegan (7)

Allied to: Prince Quentin McGregor, Prince Jaggar von Drachenfels, Prince Urmahid Krinagar
[He shares common interests in Military Science with Jaggar and Urmahid]
Enemies: Sir Angus McGregor (The current prince's son and rival for the Principate)
Nicknames: 'War Gamer'
Reputation: A fair ruler who neglects politics and rulership to study the art of war.
Notes: Lord McDougall is generally admitted to be one of Glantri's foremost military leaders.
He is tall and athletic with a thick dark beard. Some eight years old, he is physically in his late
twenties. He spent twenty years as deputy commander of the Shield of the North (the army
based at Nordlingen), and ten years in the Glantrian military before that, before being rewarded
with the creation of a Marquisate at Dunvegan twenty years ago. He is now theoretically 'in
reserve', likely to be called to act as Deputy Commander to one of the armies the next time
Glantri goes to war. He spends his time conducting war games of both the 'manuevers' and
'board game' kinds.

2 Duchies
Lady Margaret of Hillsbury, Duchess of Fenwick (8)
Allied to: Prince Volospin Aendyr, Princess Isidore d'Ambreville [A personal friend from
before either came to a throne]
Enemies: Lady Serena Aendyr (Volospin's wife)
Nicknames: 'Volospin's Hammer'
Reputation: Strong willed and a strong ruler who very much rules 'by the book'. This is both
good (She is absolutely fair) and bad (Not very good at mercy)
Notes: Tall, strong, pale, and dark haired, she has a reputation for unbreakable will and
stubborness. She rules her dominion very strictly by the law, and is the very model of a Lawful
Nuetral. This does not preclude kindness to the unfortunate, but it does tend to preclude mercy
to the convicted. She is often seen as Volospin's political hatchet woman, as she is known to be
quite devoted to him; some whisper it applies to more than politics. She is fairly involved in the
political game.

Lord John Beaumarys-Moorkroft, Duke of Hightower (8)

Allied to: Prince Jherek
Enemies: Too numerous to count, but especially all Elven nobility. Lord Gerrid Rientha,
Archduke of Westheath is his current target, as he wishes to become the next Archduke of
Nicknames: 'You Ugly Bastard', 'The Great Betrayer', 'Social Climber', 'Slut'
Reputation: You can tell he's lying by the fact that his lips are moving. The only man who
could teach the House of Caurenze about betrayal.
Notes: Lord Beaumarys-Moorkroft is the most hated man in Glantri. There are evil Immortals
with fewer enemies and more friends. A skinny, weasely type, he is physically in his thirties, but
actually close to a hundred years old. Rumors persist that he is related to Lord Moorkroft
Elvenbane, although he denies this. In the last sixty years, he has climbed from Baron of Oxhill
(which then passed to Lord Pieter Vandehaar after B-M moved up to a Viscounty through a duel)
to Duke of Hightower, and now he is believed to have his eyes on the Archduchy of Westheath.
He has remained remarkably loyal to Prince Jherek in the last ten years, probably because if he
betrays the man, he will be bereft of potential sponsors for another climb up the ladder.

1 Archduke (and four PC Archdukes)

Lord Gerrid Rientha, Archduke of Westheath (9)

Allied to: Prince Harald Haaskinz
Enemies: John Beaumarys-Moorkroft, Duke of Hightower [who is after Gerrid's title]
Nicknames: 'Harald's Lapdog' (spread by those jealous of his rise)
Reputation: 'Who is he, and how did he qualify for this?'
Notes: It remains unclear as to how Lord Gerrid managed to earn his current rank, as he was
previously merely a gentleman. This caused a lot of discontent among all those who hoped to
move up in rank when the vacancy opened in Westheath upon Harald's elevation to the
Principality of Sablestone. He is noted for his skills with water magic, however, and possesses a
river and canal boat powered by water elementals.

The Secret Crafts

Brotherhood of the Radiance [Now Effectively Defunct]
High Master: Etienne d'Ambreville [Gone]
Don Fernando de Casanegra
Prince Harald Haaskinz
Lord Alasdair McAllister
Angus McGregor

Air Elementalists:
High Master: Prince Volospin Aendyr

4th Circle: Tereis Haaskinz

3rd Circle:
Lady Serena Aendyr
Lady Thylera Aendyr
Lady Margaret of Hillsbury
Lord Emeth Urbaal

2nd Circle:
Frau Gertrud von Drachenfels (Jaggar's wife)
Lady Arbana Jerbat

High Master: Dame Genevieve de Sephora

3rd Circle:
Sire Guillaume d'Ambreville
Master Jakar Daron
Lord Rolf von Graustein
Sire Malachie du Marais
Dame Diane de Moriamis
Signor Antonio di Tarento

High Mistress: Carlotina Erewan
4th Circle:
Lady Bethys Erewan
Lady Eleesea Erewan (Treekeeper of the Erewan clan)
Lady Norelia Erewan

3rd Circle:
Herr Franz Lowenroth

High Master: Prince Jaggar von Drachenfels

3rd circle:
Lord Eachainn McDougall

2nd circle:
Fraulein Helgar von Drachenfels
Sire Ezechiel Naramis
Lady Aliana Nyraviel
Don Miguelito de Belcadiz

Earth Elementalists:
High Master: Prince Innocenti di Malapietra

Fourth Circle:
Frau Hildegarde von Drachenfels
Professor Innocenti Giovanni of the GSOM

3rd Circle:
Lucrecia di Malapietra

2nd circle:
Giovanni di Malapietra

Fire Elementalists:
High Master: Prince Vanserie Vlaardoen

Fourth Circle:
Lady Siniara Verlien
Lady Wilhelmine Vlaardoen

Third Circle:
Lady Rowena Krollnar
Lord Pieter Vandehaar

First Circle:
Lady Juliana Vlaardoen

High Master: Prince Jherek

Fourth Circle:
Prince Urmahid Krinagar
Lan-Syn Virayana

2nd circle:
Sir Ralindi Virayana

First Circle:
Sir Rejladan Virayana

High Master: Prince Morphail

3rd Circle:
Lord Youri Ivanov
Angus McGregor

2nd circle:
Lord Piotr-Grygory Timenko
Lord Laszlo Wutyla

Water Elementals:
High Master: Prince Harald Haaskinz

3rd circle:
Dominick Haaskinz
Quentin McGregor
Gerrid Rientha

1st circle:
Sean McGregor

High Master: Princess Carnelia de Belcadiz

3rd Circle:
Lady Szasza Markovitch
Dona Isabella de Montebello

2nd Circle:
Dona Carmina de Belcadiz
Dona Victoria de Belcadiz [Also Treekeeper for the Belcadiz clan]
Lady Esmerelda Erewan

1st Circle:
Dona Yolanda de Belcadiz

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