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In communication, you will need to

express an emotion such as joy or sorrow to the
person you're talking to. Learning to express your
feelings will help you to avoid missunderstanding.

HOW ARE YOU.......?

Sometimes, when we are asked :

How are you today?

We just simplily answer I am ok or I am fine.

However, in fact when you say ok or fine, it is
not what you really feel. Deep inside you may
feel different condition of emotion.
In English Language, there are many ways of
expressing our feelings. There are many words
for different emotions which will help you to
express what you really feel inside. Here are
some of them:

Asking someones feeling is usually used to gather the information about someones
condition as well as to show our careness. They way to respond the question is also important
in conversation. To ask about feelings and how to respond it properly,you can use the
following expression:

Asking about feeling Responding

How are you? I am fine.

How are you feeling today ? I am litle bit sad/ happy / angry ....

How do you feel ? I feel upset / shocked / worried

How was your day? Its great / bored/ miserable

Is everything Ok/ alright ? Yes its fine / alright / OK

What is the matter? It's been a difficult day

Are you OK / alright? I am mad at him/ her/ them

You seem a little blue today. Whats wrong? The thing is that, I am angry / sad /

You look sad / upset. What happen? To be honest, I am little bit sad/ upset

SometimesWHATS UP? and Whats Going

On?are also used to asking about feeling in casual

Look at the following picture and please tell me what George feels and why he feels that!

3 4

5 6 7

8 9 10

A. Read the following dialogue and please find out the feeling in the dialogue and tell me
the reason!


Sam : Hi Anna, you look sad. Is everything alright?

Anna : Well, actually I am liltle bit worried about my final test score.

Sam : Whats wrong with that?

Anna : The standard minimum score is 80 and it seems hard to reach because the test
is quite difficult. I just lost my confident.

Sam : Dont worry Anna. You had tried your best to answer it and I believe your
score will be more than 80.

Anna : Thank you Sam, I hope so. I cant imagine how angry my father will be if my
score is low. I am really nervous to wait the result.

Sam : Trust me, your father will be proud of you for your efforts rather than the
result. When will you get the result?

Anna : Mr. Smith said I can take it this afternoon in his office.

Sam : Do you need me to come with you?

Anna : No, thank you Sam.

B . Please tell me when you will feel those feelings in five sentences ( minimum) !

Example :

Teacher : When do you feel sad ?

Student : I feel sad when my sister moved to Australia. My sister is the best friend
Ive ever had. We always do many activities together such as going to
school, having dinner, travelling and playing game. When my sister
moved to other place, we are not be able to do the same things together.
Eventhough I know she moves to Australia to reach her dream, it still
makes me feel sad and lonely.
In English there are many expressions used in
conversation. Expression of Requesting is one of expression used
to express a demand which can include services, objects or
attention deliberately aimed at a person. There are many ways of
requesting in English. However, inrequesting something we need
to consider other peoples status, position, feeling.

Making Request
It's important to be polite when you ask for something. You can make a request by
using these following expression :
Can you ...?
Could you ...?
Will you ...?
Would you mind ...?
Do you mind...?
Here are some examples of how to make a request..
Can you take that umbrella for me, please?
Will you lend me your note book, please?
Could you tell me the way to the nearest hospital, please?
Would you help me to finish my homework, please?
Would you mind taking care my dog when I buy some snack, please?

Responding to Request
Accepting Request Refusing Request
Sure, Id be glad/happy to Id loved to, but
Of course/Certainly. It sounds great, but
No problem. Im sorry, but
Sure. Just a moment. Sorry to say that
Example : Example :
Sure, Id be happy to lend her my note book Id loved t but I have only one pen. Sorry.
Things to remember about making a request:

1. "Would you mind..." is followed by a gerund (verb+ing)

Example: "Would you mind lending me your book? "
2. The response to the following request
A: "Would you mind giving me your book? "
is either
"No, I don't mind."(which is a positive response to the request. It means that I
accept to lend you my book)
or "Yes." (which is a negative response to the request. It means that I don't want
to lend you my book.)
3. Could is more polite than can.
4. d in Id loved to is the short form of would
5. To refuse someones request, it is better if you can tell the reason and saying sorry.
6. In casual conversation people often use please to request something.
Example : Open the door please!


Susan : Hi dad! You look so busy. What are you doing?

Joe : Oh, hi, Susan! Yeah! Im preparing dinner for your mom. A special dinner.
Can you help me?
Susan : Wow! It sounds great! Sure I Can help you. What can I do for you?
Joe : Get some chicken from the refrigerator, cut it into small pieces and wash it,
Susan : Yes, Dad. Just a minute.
Joe : Umm Susan, Could you help me to set the table? Your mom may be at home
Susan : Yes, of course.
Make a request based on the following situation.
1. Ask your partner to open the window.
2. Ask your partner to help you with your homework.
3. Ask your partner to "give you a lift" to school.
4. Ask your partner to donate money to charity.
5. Ask your partner to baby sit your children.
6. Ask your partner to clean up the mess.
7. Ask your partner to take notes for you in class.
8. Ask your parents to escort you to your school.
9. Ask your secretary to send you some documents
10. Ask your sister to buy some snack before coming to your house.

Respond to the following request. Use the proper expression of accepting or refusing
1. Your friend wants to borrow your note book but you cant lend him because you need it
for studying.
2. Your boss needs your help to print some documents. Accept his request.
3. Your neighbour needs your help to take care her dog while she goes to the market but
you have appointment with your friend.
4. Your father wants you to turn off the TV because he wants to sleep. Accept his request.
5. Your mother asks you to pick her up at her office, but you have another school activity
at school.
6. Your teacher wants you to collect your friend assignment. Accept her request.
7. Your sister needs your help to escort her to her friends birthday party, but you have to
attend group study at your friends house.
8. An old woman needs your help to carry her shopping bags. Accept her request.
9. Your aunt needs your help for baby sitting her baby, but you have to refuse her because
you are not confident taking care a baby
10. Your partners bracelet falls into the swimming pool, she needs your help to take it
but you cant swim.

How to make offers in English?

It is common that English speakers make offers in conversations in order to be polite and
helpful. When they do so they use these expressions:
Can I ?
Shall I ?
Would you like ?
How about ...?
English learner must be able to make offers as well as accept or reject them. The following
are useful expressions to do so.
"Can I help you?"
"Shall I open the window for you?"
"Would you like another cup of coffee?"
"Would you like me to clean the board?"
"How about a juice? "
Shall, can and will are followed by the verb without to.
"Can I help you?"
"Shall I bring you the mobile phone?
Shall is more formal than can.
Would you like is followed either by a noun, or by the verb with to.
"Would you like some tea ?"
"Would you like to drink some coffee?
Responding to offers
Accepting Declining
Yes please. I'd like to. It's OK, I can do it myself.
That would be very kind of you. Don't worry, I'll do it.
Yes please, that would be lovely. No, thanks
Yes please, I'd love to. No, thank you
If you wouldn't mind.
If you could.
Thank you, that would be great.

"Can I help you?"
"No thanks, I'm just having a look." (With a shop assistant.)
"Shall I help you with your maths problem?"
"Yes, please. That would be very nice of you."
"Would you like a cup of tea?"
"No thanks." Or, "No thank you."
1. Match the requests or problems with the most suitable offer.
Requests/problems Offers
1. Im a bit cold. a. Ill help you.
2. Im hungry. b. Ill bring you a glass of water.
3. Im thirsty. c. Ill get you a blanket.
4. Im bored. d. Ill help you look for it.
5. I have lost my wallet/passport/ticket. e. Ill bring you a pillow.
6. I cant sleep. f. Ill get you some more headphones.
7. I cant hear the music. g. Ill just go and find out.
8. Can you tell me when well land? h. Ill get you one.
9. I cant put my seatbelt on. i. Ill bring you a sandwich.
10. Could I have a pen, please? j. Ill get you a newspaper.

2. Practice using the expressions above in dialogue.

Here is an example dialogue:
Steward : Can I help you?
Passenger: Yes, Im a bit cold.
Steward : Ill get you a blanket.
Passenger: Thank you.
Steward : Here you are.
Passenger: Thank you very much.

ACTIVITY 2 : Situation cards

In this activity you will make the most appropriate offer for each situation given.
You will be given a few cards with different situation in it. (The cards have been
provided on the next page).
Choose the cards randomly one by one and make the most appropriate offer. Used any
expression of making offer you have learnt.
Example :
Situation : Your mother is very busy preparing dinner in the kitchen. At the same time
your little sister asks her to help her do her homework.
Possible offer : Mom is busy right now, can I help you do your homework?
Situation cards
(Your teacher will cut and provide the cards. You can prepare yourself by studying this
activity before class is started)

Your house is in a bad state:

Your parents have to go away the walls need painting, one
Your sister has just broken her
for the weekend for a business window is broken and the
leg. She has to stay in bed for
trip. They have lots of plants front door doesnt close
2 months. She has 3 children
in your house and 3 cats. properly. Your parents have
and 2 dogs.
no money for repairs.

Your friend had a big party

Your wife has an important
last night and his house is a
job interview tomorrow Your girlfriend is organising a
complete mess, the carpet is
morning but her car is at the cocktail dinner party but she
stained with red wine, all the
mechanics being fixed. She cant cook or make cocktails
dishes are dirty, there are cans
also needs to take your and she doesnt have any CDs
and bottles everywhere and the
children to school at the same or records to play.
toilet is broken. He needs
time as the interview.
some help to clean it.

You see an old lady. She has You are working in an Your friend had an accident at
just been to the supermarket, expensive restaurant. Some work and she has to wear two
she is carrying a lot of heavy customers say that the patches over her eyes for 2
bags and she wants to cross restaurant is too cold and weeks. She needs some helps
the road. smells bad. for her daily activities.

Your grandparents are moving You have a new boss at work. You are an old man, you have
house. They have to transport You want to impress him/her come to visit your children,
everything in their old house because you want a you have arthritis and you
to the new one. They dont promotion. Offer to do some need help with lots of things.
have a van, they need help. extra work.

Everybody makes mistakes sometimes. When it happens we need to apologize to tell

someone that we are sorry for having done something that has caused them inconvenience or
I must apologize to Isabel for my late arrival.
I'd like to apologize for my trouble making.
Trains may be subject to delay on the northern line. We apologize for any
inconvenience caused.
Here are some expressions you can use to make and respond to apologies
Making apologies:
I do apologize for... Please, forgive me for...
I must apologize for... Excuse me for ...
I apologize for... I'm terribly sorry for...
I'd like to apologize for... Pardon me for this...
I am so sorry for... Please, forgive me for my....
I shouldn't have... Please, accept my apologies for...
It's all my fault.
I'm ashamed of...

Accepting apologies:

That's all right. That's OK.

Never mind. I quite understand.
Don't apologize. You couldn't help it.
It doesn't matter. Forget about it.
Don't worry about it. Don't worry about it.
Don't mention it. No harm done.
No Expression How to use
1 Sorry This phrase is a general short apology. We use this when
we bump into people on the street. At once times, it
sounds too weak.
2 Im (so/very/terribly) sorry We use so, very or terribly to make the meaning
stronger. Terribly is the strongest.
3 Ever so sorry This phrase is quite formal but its a stronger apology
than just sorry.
4 How It is used to criticise ourselves and the mistake that we
stupid/careless/thoughtless of have just made.
5 Pardon (me)
6 Thats my fault Phrase 6 and 7 are to take all the responsibility for what
7 Sorry. It was all my fault happened. Phrase 7 is a little stronger.
8 I (do/must/would like to) It is used in formal situasion.
apologize for ...
9 Please excuse my (ignorance) It is used to apologize for our lack of knowledge or
ability. We can replace the word in bracket with other
nouns, e.g. careless, forgetfulness.
10 Please dont be mad at me It is used to ask the other person not to get angry. The
tone is quite informal.
11 Please forgive me for ... It is used in formal situasion.
12 Please accept my/our It is often used in formal letters. The word sincerest
(sincerest) apologies makes the apology very stronge and very formal.
Read and practice the following dialogue with a partner.
Andy : Excuse me, Sir.
Teacher : Why are you so late, Andy?
Andy : I am very sorry, but I got a traffic jam.
Teacher : Really? You told me the same thing every time you came late.
Andy : But, Sir. I was really trapped in the traffic jam. I do apologize.
Teacher : Next time, please come earlier, otherwise you will miss the lesson.
Andy : Yes, Sir. I promise!
Teacher : Good! Then you may have a seat.

Make conversations based on the situations below.
1. You have an appointment to meet your friend, but you are late because of the traffic jam.
2. You have lost your friends ticket to a concert.
3. You have let your friend copy your answers to the homework but all the answers are
4. You borrowed a book from a friend a few days ago. You promised to give it back today,
but you forgot to bring it. Your friend really needs the book because she is going to have a
test tomorrow. Apologize her and offer the solution.
Please complete the following table with the appropriate expressions of apologizing!

Situation Expression Situation Expression

You kept You are a child
someone who is who has broken
phoning you on someones
hold for a long window
You have arrived You behaved
late at a badly when you
restaurant. Your were drunk last
friend has been there night.
waiting for you.
You have spilt You have eaten
someones drink your friends

You have to tell You have just

someone their blown your nose
flight has been in front of
cancelled someone

You spilled your You didnt follow

drink on someones someones
clothes instructions

What are complaints?

Complaints are expressions of "displeasure or annoyance" in response to an action that is seen
by the speaker as unfavorable. Suppose you want to complain about the pizza you have just
ordered because it's too salty, what are the expressions needed to express and respond to

Here are expressions you can use when complaining:
I have a complaint to make. ...
Sorry to bother you but...
I'm sorry to say this but...
I'm afraid I've got a complaint about...
I'm afraid there is a slight problem with...
Excuse me but there is a problem about...
I want to complain about...
I'm angry about...

1. I have a complaint to make. Your pizza is just too salty.
2. Im sorry to say this but your food is inedible.
3. I'm afraid I've got a complaint about your child. He's too noisy.
4. I'm afraid there is a slight problem with the service in this hotel.
5. Excuse me but you are standing on my foot.
6. I want to complain about the noise you are making.
7. I'm angry about the way you treat me.

Responding to complaints
Positive response to complaints:
I'm so sorry, but this will never occur / happen again.

I'm sorry, we promise never to make the same mistake again.

I'm really sorry, we'll do our utmost/best not to do the same mistake again.
Im sorry about that.
Negative response to complaints:
Sorry there is nothing we can do about it.
I'm afraid, there isn't much we can do about it.
We are sorry but the food is just alright.

Things to remember about complaints:

When expressing a complaint in English, it must be polite. Although "I'm angry about your
pizza. It's too salty" is one possible way of expressing a complaint, it is considered too rude
and you'd better use more polite expressions if you want to get what you want!

You are going to make complaints and requests using the words and pictures in the cards.
Below is example dialogue you can use in this activity.

A: Excuse me! There appears a fly in my soup.

B: Im very sorry about that.
A: Could you bring me a new bowl?
B: Certainly. One moment please.

1. Choose one card and make complaint based on the words and pictures on your
card. Use expressions you have learned.
2. After your partner (probably your teacher) apologizes, make a request based on
the words and pictures on your card.
3. Choose other cards and repeat no 1 and 2 until you finish all cards.
4. Exchange role and repeat this activity.

Read the following dialogue

Situation : I am waiting for Julie with another friend, David.
I ask : Where is Julie?
David guesses:
She must be on the bus. (I'm fairly sure this is a good guess)
She might come soon. (maybe)
She could be lost. (maybe)
She may be in the wrong room. (maybe)
She can't be at home. (I'm fairly sure this isn't true)
In this dialogue, David does not know exactly where Julie is and is not sure with his answer.
Therefore, he used words in bold which is known as modals to show probability.
Look at the following diagram. It shows the modals to express probability in order of

- isnt cant be could be may/might be must be is +

Below is how you use modal in sentence :

must + infinitive
might / might not + infinitive
could / could not + infinitive
may / may not + infinitive
can't + infinitive
For example : She must be on the bus be is infinitive

Besides those modals, another modal such as should and shouldn't are used to make an
assumption about what is probably true, if everything is as we expect:
They should be there by now.
It shouldn't take long to drive here.
Another useful expression for probability and improbability
It will probably rain this evening.
It is probably/likely that my grandfather repairs my bike.
May be / perhaps the problem wont be serious.
I doubt/guess/suppose she will come to your party.
No, probably not.
I don't suppose my grandfather will repair the bike.
I doubt my father will buy me a new computer, either.
She is unlikely/likely to return home early this evening.
I'd be surprised if he got the best score.
Make predictions about the things below happening during your weekend, how likely that thing
is to happen. Use the expression of probability and improbability you have learnt.
1. Rain
2. Hail
3. Cloudy
4. Meet an old friend in the street
5. Spend more than 500 dollars
6. Get drunk
7. Lose something
8. Get caught in a traffic jam
9. Watch lots of TV
10. Get a cold
11. An argument
12. A gift (= A present)
13. Photo
14. Study
15. Travel
16. Work overtime
17. Borrow or lend money
18. Meet a colleague
19. Make new friends
20. Have a quiet weekend

Make predictions using expression of probability and improbability for the following situations.

1. You are talking to your friend. While talking she cant see you in the eyes. Her voice is
shaking. She often changes her story.
2. Ive bought a lottery ticket. There is a chance Ill become a millionaire.
3. I didnt have enough time to prepare for my exam. Im not sure Im going to pass the
exam. I dont feel very confident.
4. She is an American. Shes just lived in Paris for few weeks. She never learns and speaks
5. I only remember putting my keys in my pocket, on the table and in the drawer. Now, my
key isnt in my pocket or on the table.
6. Our team has practiced hard for 3 months. They are playing very well today and their
opponent seems weak.


How do you express your feeling when you have a good and bad news?
And how do you respond on them if your friends say so?
There are so many expressions according to respond and express; bad and good news.
Therefore, you have to make sure that you express and respond in appropriate ways meaning
that you use the right expressions.
There are different ways to give good and bad news as following:
I'm really pleased to tell you... I'm afraid I've got some bad news for
I've got a bit of good news to tell you.. you...
I've got some good / brilliant / great / I'm sorry I've got a bit of bad news to tell
wonderful / splendid news for you... you..
You know what! I've got a bit of great I really dont know how to say it, but
news for you... Im sorry to have to say this, but
Great news for you... I really feel bad to have to say this, but

Responding Good News

No Expression How to use
1 Congratulations! It is used when something good happened, e.g. getting
married/engaged/a job/promotion, having a baby/ a
wedding anniversary/ some success, receiving an
award/recognition, being accepted into college, etc.
2 Good/ great/ nice job! It is used when a person did something good
3 Lucky you! It is used when something good happened to the person
by luck, when they received something nice or a good
opportunity, e.g. winning a lottery, receiving free tickets
4 That's good / brilliant / great It is used to respond to some information or a piece of
/ wonderful / splendid news! news, for example:
What a fantastic / good / My son passed all his exams.
brilliant / great / wonderful / Thats great news!
splendid news!/ Great news!
5 Im so happy for you! It is used when there is (or will be) a very positive
change in someones life, especially when their life will
be very different as a result, for example:
Were going to have a baby!
Congratulations! Im so happy for you! Youll be
great parents.
6 Good for you! It is used when a person has done (or is going to do)
something to make their life better, for example:
I quit smoking last year.
Good for you!

Responding Bad News

No Expression How to use

1 Im so sorry to hear that. It is used when you hear about sickness, death, divorce,
job loss, financial trouble, big disappointment, and other
Im sorry to hear such
serious problems or pieces of bad news that can make a
terrible news.
person very sad..
Im awfully sorry that
My goodness!
2 That must have been awful. It is used when someone tells you about a bad experience
That must have been hard for they had. This phrase can be use for a serious bad
you. experience (accident or death) or a less serious bad
(serious bad experience only) experience.

Other expressions to respond to news

Responding to good news Responding to bad news
Wow, that sounds exciting ! I cant believe it!
Thats great ! / Sounds great! Poor you!
How fantastic ! / Incredible! /Superb! I do sympathize with you.
That sounds like great news! Please, accept my deepest sympathy.
Thats wonderful / fantastic! I know how you must be feeling.
Im glad to hear that! Oh, dear !
Oh, how wonderful! Too bad !
I cant believe that! Thats awful / a pity / unfortunate.
1. Read the dialogue below.
2. Do the speakers talk about good or bad news?
3. Find out the expressions of giving good and bad news!
4. Find out the expressions of responding to good and bad news!
5. Practice the dialogue with your partner!

William and Matt has just come into the studio.

William : Hello Matt.
Matt : Hello William.
William : Now the reason I have called you into the studio today is because I have some good news.
Matt : Ah excellent I like good news.
William : I am going to get married next month
Matt : Oh congratulations, thats fantastic news! Are you excited?
William : I am very excited, yes! Erm and er..yeah so
Matt : Are you getting married in a church?
William : No, were not getting married in a church but er, no, were doing the modern thing
Matt : Youre doing the modern thing rather than the traditional
William : Yes, thats right.
Matt : Very good.
William : Thats my news.
Matt : Thats splendid news. I also have some very exciting news
William : You dont! Do you also..?
Matt : I I also have some exciting news.
William : Whats your news?
Matt : In one month, my wife is having a baby boy our first child.
William : Is she?!
Matt : Yes, she is.
William : Wow, I didnt know that! When did you well, you must have found out along time
Matt : I found out a long time ago, but weve been keeping it quiet.
William : Oooh, well congratulations! Do you know if its a boy or a girl?
Matt : I said it was a boy.
William : Oh yes! Good point OK Matt, thats all I wanted to tell you.
Matt : Ah, fantastic well, good luck.
William : Good luck to you too. Bye bye.
Tell your friend/family the following news properly
1. You have just passed your driving test.
2. You have won 100 millions in the lottery.
3. You will get married next month.
4. Your son gets first rank in his class.
5. You get scholarship to study in your favorite university in UK.
6. You broke your arm so you couldnt come to your friends birthday party.
7. You will come home late because of a sudden
work at office.
8. You lost your golden ring given by your
A man receives a phone call
mother, tell your mother. from his doctor.
9. You didnt pass your exam, tell your parents. The doctor says, "I have some
good news and some bad news."
10. You are broke because of gambling, tell your The man says, "OK, give me the
partner. good news first."
The doctor says, "The good
news is, you have 24 hours to
Respond to the following news properly live."
1. My brother passed the final exams. The man replies, "Oh no! If that's
the good news, then what's the
2. My cousin had a terrible accident. bad news?"
3. I got a promotion at work. The doctor says, "The bad news
is, I forgot to call you yesterday."
4. I lost my job.
5. My first short story has been published
6. I obtained a scholarship to study abroad.
7. I was refused a grant to study abroad.
8. Your sales people have sold many products.
9. Your friend told you that he is going to have a baby boy.
10. After an accident your friend cant work for 2 months and got depressed.
There are many reasons why a person may interrupt
others while speaking. Sometimes, when you don't understand
or you don't agree with the speakers, you want to interrupt
them to ask for clarification or to disagree with the point they
are making. The phrases below showcase the formal and
informal interruptions.


I'm sorry to interrupt, but... Will you let me speak?

Sorry, I didn't catch that, is it possible to repeat Cant you be quiet for a moment?
the last point... Will you just shut up for a minute, please?
Excuse me (name), may I add to that...? What was that?
Do you mind if I jump in here? Hold on/Hold up while I say...
Pardon me... Be quiet...
I don't mean to intrude... It's my turn to talk...
Before you move on, Id like to say something. What are you talking about?
Before you go on, Id like to say something. But, I already said....
Excuse me for interrupting but You're not listening to me... I said....
Excuse me for butting in but.. What did you say?
Sorry for interrupting but. Can I just say something here?
Just a moment, Id like to. Can I stop you there for a moment?
If I could just come in here. I think... Can I just butt in for a second?
Can I just mention something?
Can I just add something here?

Remember, if interrupting politely doesnt work, you can interrupting impoletely.

Impolite interrupting doesnt mean you are rude and not showing the respect but it is
used to get someones attention and sometimes to show strong warning
Read the following dialogue and try to find out the expressions of interupting people.
Steve : Over the last four weeks, myself and Jill have gone over the performance statistics
for the customer service department, the response rates, closing down enquiry.
Fred : Excuse me for interrupting, but who asked you to do this? I'm the Customer Service
Manager and I wasn't aware that this was taking place.
Steve : It was the Sales and Service Director. So, as I said we have looked at the different
performance statistics and we have found that although the majority of teams are
meeting their targets, they are doing it by manipulating the statistics .
Fred : Just a minute!, how can you say that? I haven't seen you down here reviewing my
Steve : Do you mind if I finish? As I was just saying, our review has shown that the level of
customer service isn't up to the appropriate standard. We came to this conclusion by
monitoring a random selection of responses to customer emails and customer phone
calls to the service desk.
Sally : Sorry to butt in, but may I just ask what the percentage of this random sample was?
Steve : Well, the sample covered the whole service desk and......
Jill : If I can just come in here Steve. I was responsible for doing the monitoring. And
over a period of two weeks, we monitored on average 5% of customer calls and 3% of
Sally : To be honest I don't think that monitoring 5% of customer calls and 3% of emails
gives a fair representation of the quality of service the customer service department .
Steve : You may have a point there and it is something that we have thought about. But it's
the standard random sample size we've used before. So, as a result we feel should be
implemented to the customer service department as soon as possible. The first ......
Fred : Hang on a minute! Have you thought about how long that will take and.......
Jill : I think you should let him finish!
Steve : Fred, let me come back to that later! As I was just saying.....
Fred : I'm sorry, I don't think you have thought this through.
Steve : May I just finish! You'll have an opportunity to make any comments shortly.

Answer the following questions with items from the box. One of the item is extra.

I think you should let him finish.

Sorry to butt in but may I just ask.....
Just a minute!
If I can just coming here...
Do you mind if I finish...
Let me come back that later!
As I was just saying
Excuse me for interrupting but....
You may have point there..
May I just finish?
Its my turn to talk!

1. A different way to say 'sorry to interrupt, can I ask', is .....

2. When another person asks the person that has interrupted to stop and let the speaker
continue, is ......
3. A very impolite way to interrupt somebody, is ......
4. A direct way to say 'can I continue what I was saying' when you are interrupted by
someone, is ......
5. A way to tell somebody that has interrupted you that what they have said is possibly valid,
6. A very polite way to interrupt somebody, is .....
7. A way to say 'going back to where I stopped before the interruption', is ....
8. A polite way to deal with an interruption by saying you'll answer their question later, is ......
9. A polite way to say 'can I continue what I was saying' when you are interrupted by
someone, is ......
10. A phrase of interruption that a colleague uses when they want to add
something to what you have said, is....
Please express the interrupting people expression based on the following situation.


1. You and your friends have a plan to spend your holiday in Bali. One of your friend explains
about the schedule and location that you will visit but you dont understand her
2. Your teacher gives you new task for speaking class. Her explanation is not clear to you.
Interrupt her and ask for the clarification.
3. Your head class tells you about the list of activities for summer festival in your school. You
are not in the same opinion with her. Please interrupt her and add your opinion.
4. Your group have to present your assignment in front of the class. When you do
presentation, all of your classmates are so busy with their work and the dont pay attention
to your presentation.
5. You have an important meeting with your secretary but she talk to fast and her explanation
isnt clear.
6. You are in the meeting. When you explain something someone interrupt you because he
doesnt understand what youve said. You want to continue your explanation.
7. Your parents are arguing about your education. They dont pay attention on your opinion.
Interrupt them and tell your opinion.
8. Your sister sings a song very loud at midnight. She doesnt realize that she disturb other
family members and even your neighbors.
9. Your younger brother is talking with his friends in front of your room. You need a quiet
atmoshphere for studying. Interrupt him and ask him to go to another room.
10. Your boyfriend is talking with his friend but you need to tell him that you want to go home.



Here is a list of useful English phrases you can use to express lack of understanding (that is,
when you fail to understand what has been said to you) and seek clarification from the person you
are talking to.

A. Express Lack Of Understanding ( When you fail to understand what has been said to you)

I beg your pardon? I don't quite see what you mean.

I beg your pardon, but I don't quite I'm not sure I got your point.
understand. Sorry, I didn't quite hear what you said.
I'm not quite sure I know what you mean. Sorry, I didn't get your point.
I'm not quite sure I follow you. I don't quite see what you're getting at.

B. Ask For Clarification ( When you don't understand what someone has said, you can ask for

What do you mean by...? Could you explain what you mean
Do you mean...? by...?
Could you say that again, please? Could you give us an example?
Could you repeat please? I wonder if you could say that in a
Could you clarify that, please? different way.
Could you be more explicit? Could you be more specific, please?

C. Clarifying one's point or idea

Let me explain that...
Let me explain that in more detail...
Let me put it in another way...
Sorry let me explain...
In other words...
To say this differently...
To put it differently...
Samir is a Moroccan university student in an American University. He is now talking
to the foreign student counselor, Mr. Taylor. Read the conversation and answer the following
Did Mr. Taylor know that burping in Morocco is not considered offensive? How do you
Samir : Good morning, Mr. Taylor!
Mr.Taylor : Good morning. Please have a seat. Can I help you?
Samir : Yes, Mr.Taylor. Id like to talk to you about an embarrassing experience I
had this weekend.
Mr. Taylor : An embarrassing experience? What do you mean?
Samir : Well, I was invited by a friend of mine for dinner. His family was really nice
and hospitable. But then something happened which made them stare at me.
Mr. Taylor : Stare at you? I dont quite follow you. Could you be more explicit?
Samir : Well, actually, they didnt seem to like my burping.
Mr.Taylor : Oh my dear, do you mean you burped during the meal? Thats culturally
Samir : What do you mean by culturally inappropriate?
Mr.Taylor : Well, what Im trying to say is that what you did is not acceptable in our
society. Its even- sorry to say the word disgusting.
Samir : Oh dear! But I was taught in my family to thank God whenever I burp.
Mr. Taylor : Really? In that case, all youve got to do is toexplain the matter to your
Samir : Thanks, Mr.Taylor
Mr.Taylor : Youre welcome

Complete the chart with expressions from the dialogue

Showing lack of understanding Asking for clarification

What would you say in the following situations?
1. You didnt hear well your teachers instructions.
2. Doctor: You really have a stomach ulcer, therefore you have a terrible pain. I advise
you to go on diet.
You:( express lack of understanding and ask for clarification)
3. Because of their accent, you didnt understand what some tourists asked you. Tell them
that you didnt understand.
You :
4. You were chatting with an American girl, when she used an idiom you didnt
understand. Tell her that you didnt understand and ask for more clarification.
You : .
Communicating properly on the phone is important, as the person you are speaking to
cannot see your facial movement or your body language. It is also vital to use the right level
of formality. Here are some phrases that you can use in an English telephone conversation.

Answering the phone

Hello? (informal)
Thank you for calling ( companys name), Jody speaking.
How can I help you?
( name) office. May I help you?

Introducing yourself
Hey George. It's Lisa calling. (informal)
Hello, this is ( name ) calling.
Hallo, it's ( name) from ( office name) here.

Asking to speak with someone

Is ( name) in? (informal) / Is ( name )there, please? (informal)
Can I talk to your ( brother, sister, father,etc.)? (informal)
I am trying to get in touch with ..... ( informal)
Is .......there please? ( informal )
Id like to speak to...
I am trying to contact...
May I speak with Mr. Green, please?
Would the doctor be in/available?

Connecting someone
Just a sec. I'll get him. (informal)
Hang on one second. (informal)
Please hold .... / One moment please...
All of our operators are busy at this time. Please hold for the next available person.
Taking a message for someone
Sammy's not in. Who's this? (informal)
I'm sorry, Lisa's not here at the moment. Can I ask who's calling?
I'm afraid he's stepped out. Would you like to leave a message?
He's on lunch right now.Who's calling please?
He's busy right now. Can you call again later?
I'll let him know you called.
I'll make sure she gets the message.

Leaving a message with someone

Yes, can you tell him his wife called, please.
No, that's okay, I'll call back later.
Thanks, could you ask him to call Brian when he gets in?
Do you have a pen handy. I don't think he has my number.

Confirming information
Okay, I've got it all down.
Let me repeat that just to make sure.
Did you say( information).?
I'll make sure he gets the message.

Leaving a message on an answering machine

Hey Mikako. It's Yuka. Call me! (informal)
Hello, this is Ricardo calling for Luke. Could you please return my call as soon as
possible. My number is 334-5689. Thank you.
Hello Maxwell. This is Marina from the doctor's office calling. I just wanted to let
you know that you're due for a check-up this month. Please give us a ring/buzz
whenever it's convenient.

Finishing a conversation
Well, I guess I better get going. Talk to you soon.
Thanks for calling. Bye for now.
I have another call coming through. I better run.
I'm afraid that's my other line.
I'll talk to you again soon. Bye
Example :

Practice this informal telephone conversation with your partner!

Shirley: Hi, Joanna, it's Shirley.

Joanna: Hello, Shirley!

Shirley: I was wondering if you'd like to go into town and do some shopping on

Joanna: Oh, I'd love to, but I'm afraid I can't because I promised Mom I'd help her
clean the house on Saturday.

Shirley: That's a shame. Tina will be coming, too, and we thought we'd have lunch at
that new caf on Bond Street.

Joanna: That sounds like fun. Well, sorry. I can't let Mom down. Thanks for asking
though. Maybe another time?

Shirley: Sure. Talk to you later, Joanna. Bye!

Joanna: Bye, Shirley.

Here is a more formal telephone conversation between two businessmen.

Brian: Hello, this is Brian Adams from ABC company speaking.
George: Hello Brian, George here. I was expecting your call. How can I help you?
Brian: George, I would like to inform you about next project. It is important that we
meet tomorrow to discuss our strategies.
George: Yes, I agree, Brian. How about at 10 am?
Brian: No, I'm terribly sorry, but I have another appointment then. Do you have any
free time after lunch?
George: I believe I have a meeting with a new client. Perhaps we could meet early
Brian: Very well, although I'm afraid I will have to leave by seven.
George: That's fine. It will not take more than an hour, will it?
Brian: No, I shouldn't think so.
George: I'll look forward to meeting you tomorrow, then.
Read the telephone conversation below. Thelma is phoning her dental clinic
to make an appointment with her dentist. Fill in the missing words.

Receptionist: Thank you for calling Maple Dental Clinic........................

Thelma Wods: Hi, Sylvia............................... how are you?
Receptionist : Im fine Mrs. Wood. ..........................
Thelma Wods : Well actually I have a bit sore of tooth. I am hoping to see Dr. Morris as
soon as possible. ..........................................?
Receptionist : I am afraid hes booked this week. I can put you in for 2pm next Tuesday.
How does that sound?
Thelma Wods : .......................2 pm next Tuesday? I think i cannot wait until next Tuesday.
Can you check another day for this week?
Receptionist : Dr. Morrish would be avaible on Wednesday at 6 pm but he will has to leave
by 8.................................?
Thelma Wods : That's fine. It will not take more than an hour, will it?
Receptionist : Great. Ill give you adress of our new office. Do you have a pen handy?
Thelma Wods : .......................................please. Okay go a head Sylvia.
Receptionist : We are on 723 Baltic Avenue. Suite 004.
Thelma Wods : Okay I got it. ............................................
Receptionist :......................................

Make telephone conversation based on the following situation and do a role play with your
1. Your best friend doesnt go to school for 3 days but you are busy enough to visit her. You
call her house for asking about her condition.
2. You want to have hair coloring in the beauty salon and you would like to come after work
at 5 oclock pm.
3. You have got stomachache and you want to see the doctor. You would like to come during
your lunch time at 12 oclock.
4. Your friend inviting you to join with her next weekend but you have made appointment
with your sister.
5. You are a receptionist in the spa therapy. Someone call you to ask about schedule for
6. You want to call your friend due a schedule for next group work but she isnt at home.
Leave a massage to her mother by phone.
7. You have an appointment tomorrow with your dentist, Dr. White, at 8 am. Call his office
and try to reschedule your appointment to next week. You are free next week on Thursday
and Friday in the early morning.
8. You have never travelling to another country. Tomorrow, next week you will go for the
first time and you dont have idea how to prepare it. Call your friend for help.
9. Its holiday time.One of your best friend will call you soon for help. Give her
recomendation about the destination.
10. You want to call your sister who is living in different country but her handphone is so
busy. Leave the massage in the answering machine.

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