Osceejb Pee (: The Giving Tree

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The Giving Tree

osCeejb Pee[ Shell Silverstien

The Giving Tree osCeejb Pee[

MeesYee YeeieJele
Mesue efmeuJejmeFve
Shel Silverstien ke=le%elee -
DejefJebo ieghlee

DeeYeej -
jsKeebkeve : oggueejer
eeefHekeme : DeYee kegceej Pee

ceje"er DevegJeeo : MeesYee YeeieJele

cegke : efmeh Dee&

914 meoeefMeJe hes",
hegCes - 411 030.

ekeeMeveJe<e& : 2005

cetue : . 10/-

ceje"er ekeeMeve -
kepee kepee ce ekeeMeve
eje : iejJeejs yeeueYeJeve
meejmeyeeiesmeceesj, hegCes - 411 002.
Heesve : 24442109.
osCeejb Pee[
The Giving Tree

osCeejb Pee[
The Giving Tree

Mesue efmeuJnjmeFve
Shell Silverstien
1 2
lee Pee[euee Ske ese cegueiee
Heej DeeJe[eeee.
and she loved
a little boy.
Ske Pee[ nesleb.

Once there was a


3 4
DeeefCe Pee[eeer heeveb
lees cegueiee jespe lee
ieesUe kejeeee.
Pee[eheeMeer eeeee.
... and he would gather
And everyday the boy the leaves
would come ...

5 6
Pee[eeer Hegueb ieesUe keve lees Pee[eJej
lees leeee ceeUe kejeeee. e{eeee.
and gather the flowers,
and make them
into a garland.
He would climb up her

7 8
Heebeebvee Oeve
DeeefCe Pee[eeer
Peeskes Ieeeee.
HeUb Keeeee.
and swing from and eat apples.
her branches

9 10
keOeer lees Pee[eyejesyej KesUvt e KesUvt e oceuee keer
ueheeheer KesUeeee. lees Pee[eee meeJeueerle
Peeshetve peeeee.
And they would play
And when he was tired,
he would sleep in her

11 12
Demes Kethe efoJeme iesues.
cegueeuee heCe les Pee[ Heej DeeJe[eeeb.
Pee[euee Kethe Deevebo Jneeee.
But time went by.
And the boy loved the tree
very much.
And the tree was happy.

13 14
DeeefCe cegueiee cees"e Peeuee.

And the boy grew older.

Deelee Pee[euee Heej Skeb
Skeb Jeeeeuee ueeieueb.
And the tree was
often alone.

15 16
Ske efoJeme lees cegueiee Pee[epeJeU Deeuee lesJne Pee[
cnCeeueb, es yese, es ceePee Kees[eJej e{. ceePee
HeebeebJej Peeskes Ies. ceePeer HeUb Kee. ceePee meeJeueerle
KesU DeeefCe cepesle jne. cegueiee cnCeeuee, Deelee ceer
cees"e Peeuees Deens. Deelee Pee[eJej e{Ceeeb,
KesUCeeeb ceePeb Jee veener. Deelee ceuee Kethe Jemlet
efJekele IesTve cepee kejeJeer Demeb Jeeleb. ceuee
leemee"er hewmes nJesle. let osMeerue kee ceuee hewmes ?
Pee[ cnCeeueb, hewmes lej veenerle yegJee. heCe
ceePeepeJeU heeveb Deensle, HeUb Deensle. ceePeer HeUb cegueiee Pee[eJej e{uee.
lees[ DeeefCe Menjele vesTve Jeerke. ceie leguee hewmes leeves meieUer HeUb lees[ueer,
efceUleerue DeeefCe leguee Deevebo nesF&ue. ieesUe kesueer DeeefCe lees yeepeejele
IesTve iesuee. Pee[euee Deevebo Peeuee.
ceie lees cegueiee hegvne yejse efoJeme
Deeuee veener.
Then one day the boy came to the tree
and the tree said, "Come, Boy, come and
climb up my trunk and swing from my And so the boy climbed up
branches and eat apples and play in my shade and the tree and gathered her
be happy." apples and carried them
"I am too big to climb and play," said the boy. away. And the tree was
"I want to buy things and have fun. happy. But the boy stayed
I want some money. Can you give it?" away for a long time....
"But I have no money.
I have only leaves and apples.
Take my apples, Boy, and sell them in the city.
Then you will have money and you will be happy."

17 18
veblej ceie pesJne Ske efoJeme lees cegueiee hejle Deeuee ceie cegueeveb keee kesueb ceeefnle Deens ?
lesJne Pee[ Deeveboeves [esueeeuee ueeieueb DeeefCe leeveb Pee[eee meieee Heebee keeheuee DeeefCe Iej
cnCeeueb, es es. ceePee Kees[eJej e{. ceePee kejeeuee lee IesTve iesuee. Pee[euee Kethe Deevebo Peeuee.
HeebeebMeer KesU DeeefCe cepesle jne. heCe lees cegueiee hegvne Kethe Je<e hejle Deeueee veener.
cegueiee cnCeeuee, Deelee ceuee Pee[e-efye[eJej pesJne lees Deeuee lesJne Pee[euee Flekee Deevebo Peeuee keer
e{eeuee JesUe veener. ceuee Ske Iej nJeb Deens. leeuee keee yeesueeJeb keUsvee. Pee[ cnCeeueb, es es yese.
Iej Demeueb keer keeUpeer vemeles. ceuee Deelee ueive es DeeefCe KesU.
kejeeebed. cegueb nJeerle. leebeemee"er Iej nJeb. And so the boy cut off her branches
let Iej osMeerue kee ceuee ? and carried them away to build his
And the tree was happy.
ceePeepeJeU Iej lej veener js yeeyee.
ns pebieue cnCepese ceePeb Iej Deens. let Demeb kej. But the boy stayed away for a long
And when he came back, the tree was
ceePee Heebee keehe leebeb ueeket[ Jeeheve Iej yeebOe
DeeefCe cepesle jne. so happy she could hardly speak.
"Come, Boy," she whispered,
"come and play."

and the tree was sad. And then one day

the boy came back and the tree shook
with joy and she said, "Come Boy, climb
up my trunk and swing from my
branches, and be happy."
"Im too busy to climb trees," said the
boy. "I want a house to keep me warm,"
he said. "I want a wife and I want
children and so I need a house. Can you give
me a house?"
"But you may cut off my branches and build a
house. Then you will be happy."
19 20
ceuee Ske nes[er heeefnpes. efleeee yemetve ceer ceie cegueeves Pee[eeb meieUb Kees[ keeheueb,
meeleemecegeheej peeF&ve. let osMeerue ceuee Ske nes[er yeveJeueer
nes[er ? DeeefCe lees mecegeheueerke[s iesuee.
ns ceePeb Kees[ keehe DeeefCe leeeeheemetve Ske Pee[euee Deevebo Peeuee heCe.....
nes[er yeveJe, Pee[ cnCeeueb, ceie let meceg KejeKegje Deevebo veener Peeuee.
heej kejMeerue DeeefCe Deeveboele jent MekeMeerue.
And so the boy cut down
her trunk and made a boat
and sailed away.
And the tree was happy
.... but not really.
"I want a boat that will take me
far from here. Can you give me a
"Cut down my trunk and make a
boat," said the tree. "Then you
can sail away.... and be happy."

21 22
Kethe Je<eeveer lees cegueiee hejle Deeuee. Pee[ cnCeeueb, ceeHe kej
yese. Deelee ceePeepeJeU leguee osCeemeejKeb keenere Gjueb veener
yeIe. ceePeer HeUb veener jeefnueer.
cegueiee cnCeeuee, heCe ceePes oele Flekes ogKeleele keer ceuee HeUb
eeJelee esle veener.
Pee[ cnCeeueb, ceePee Heebee heCe veenerle Deelee. leguee Peeskes
Ieeeuee keener Gjueb veener.
cegueiee cnCeeuee, ceer Deelee cneleeje Peeuees. Deelee keg"ueb Peeskes
IesCeb !
Pee[ cnCeeueb, ceePeb Kees[ heCe veener jeefnueb. let e{Ceej
keMeeJej ?
ceer Heej Leketve iesueese. Pee[eJej e{CeeSJe{er leekeo keg"ueer
DeeCet ? cegueiee cnCeeuee.
And after a long time the boy came back again. "
ceuee leguee keenerlejer eeJebmeb Jeeleb js, heCe Deelee ceePeeheeMeer
I am sorry, Boy," said the tree, "but I have leguee eeeuee keener jeefnuebe veener. ns yeIe Hekele Ske legkee yegOb ee
nothing left to give you - my apples are gone,"
said the tree.
Peeueee ceePee. ceuee ceeHe kej yeeyee......
"My teeth are too weak for apples," said the boy. ceuee Deelee peemle keener vekeese Deens, cegueiee cnCeeuee.
"My branches are gone," said the tree.
"You cannot swing on
Demeb Jeeleb keer Ske Meeble peeiee efceUeJeer. eflePes peeTve mJemLe
them." yemetve jneJeb. ceer heej Lekeuees Deens.
"I am too old to
swing on branches,"
ceie keee... Pee[eves leeleueeleele Deeheuee yegOb ee mejU kesuee
said the boy. DeeefCe les cnCeeueb, es yese, ceePee yegOb eeJej yeme DeeefCe Deejece
kej. DeeefCe lees cegueiee lee Pee[eee legkeee yegOb eeJej yemeuee
DeeefCe lee Pee[euee Kethe Deevebo Peeuee.
23 24
"My trunk is gone," said the tree.
"You cannot climb..."
"I am too tired to climb," said the boy.
"I am sorry," sighed the tree.
"I wish I could give you something....
but I have nothing left.
I am just an old stump. I am sorry....."
"I dont need very much now," said the boy,
"just a quiet place to sit and rest.
I am very tired."
"Well," said the tree, straightening herself up as
much as she could," well, an old stump is good for
sitting and resting.
Come, Boy, sit down. Sit down and rest."
And the boy did.
And the tree was happy.

ner efvemeie& DeeefCe ceeCetme eebee veeleeeer iees Deens.
Pee[b Deeheueeuee HeUb osleele, meeJeueer osleele, Iejebmee"er ueeket[,
yeesermee"er ueeket[, eeCeJeeet DeeefCe efkeleerlejer keee keee...
DeeheCe Pee[ebvee keee oslees ? kegNne[eres IeeJe DeeefCe Deeieeres
ekes. lejerner Pee[b efkeleer esceU, oeeUt Demeleele,
les ee ieeserle meebefieleueb Deens.
leer osleele DeeefCe oslee jenleele.
A green classic. Trees give us fruit, shade,
wooden houses, boats, oxygen and what not.
In return, we just chop and burn them.
This story recounts the eternal kindness of trees.

iejJeejs yeeueYeJeve
25 cetue . 10/- Price 10 Rupees

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