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COMELEC COMELEC en banc due to the matter thereby resolved being the
[G.R. No. 183366; August 19, 2009] petitioners motion for reconsideration. The action of the 1st Division
was contrary to Sec. 3, Art. IX-C of the Constitution which provides
Facts: that provided that motions for reconsiderations of decisions shall
On Oct. 2007, simultaneous barangay and SK elections were be decided by the Commission en banc. Moreover, the COMELEC
held all over the country. Rules of Procedure provides that upon the filing of a motion for
In Brgy Ibabao, Loay, Bohol, Duco was proclaimed as reconsideration of a Division, the Clerk of Court concerned shall
elected Punong Barangay. notify the Presiding Commissioner, who shall thereafter certify the
Avelino, his opponent, initiated an election protest in the case to the Commission en banc. The Clerk of Court shall then
MCTC seeking a recount of the ballots in four precincts. calendar the motion for reconsideration for the resolution of the
o He alleged that the election results were spurious, commission en banc within 10 days from the certification thereof.
fraudulent and did not indicate the true will of the There is no showing that the clerk of court of the 1st Division notified
electorate. the Presiding Commissioner; or that the Presiding Commissioner
MCTC ruled in favor of Avelino. certified the case to the COMELEC en banc; or that the Clerk of
Duco filed a notice of appeal and subsequently a motion for Court of COMELEC en banc calendared the motion within 10 days
reconsideration. from its certification.
o COMELEC dismissed for failure to pay necessary
motion fees and for failure to specify that evidence is Overlooking the said constitutional violation, the court provides that
insufficient to justify assailed COMELEC Order. there is no need to remand the motion for reconsideration to the
COMELEC en banc for its proper resolution. Considering the urgent
Issue: need for resolution of election cases, the court has decided that the
WON COMELEC committed grave abuse of discretion amounting to petition for certiorari lacks merit.
lack or excess of jurisdiction in dismissing Ducos appeal and in
denying his Motion for Reconsideration Firstly, Duco filed his appeal on time but paid the deficiency of his
appeal fees beyond the 5-day reglementary period. This payment did
Held: not cure the defect because the date of payment of appeal fee is
Yes and no. The court noted that the assailed resolution by deemed the actual date of the filing of notice of appeal. This means
COMELEC denying the Motion for Reconsideration was issued by the decision of the MCTC was already final and immutable, since his
the 1st Division when instead it should have been made by the appeal is considered filed beyond the reglementary period. The court

Bersamin Political Law Case Digests 2017 1

will not bar any claim of good faith, excusable negligence or mistake RE: QUERY OF MR. ROGER C. PRIORESCHI RE
in any failure to pay the full amount of filing fees in election cases. EXEMPTION FROM LEGAL AND FILING FEES OF
Thus, the plea for a liberal application of technical rules of procedure THE GOOD SHEPHERD FOUNDATION, INC.
is undeserving of any sympathy. Such payment is not a mere A. M. No. 09-6-9-SC, August 19, 2009
technicality of law or procedure, but an essential requirement. An
appeal is not a right but a mere statutory privilege that must be Facts:
exercised strictly in accordance with the provisions set by law. Good Shepherd Foundation, Inc. is a foundation working for
indigent and underprivileged people.
Lastly, petitioners claim that MCTC was not furnished a copy of
Mr. Roger C. Prioreschi, administrator of the Good Shepherd
said Resolution lacks substance. The resolution was not unknown to
Foundation, Inc., wrote a letter addressed to the Chief
the MCTC and to his counsel, because it has already been issued in
2002. Thus, the COMELEC did not commit any grave abuse of
o He asks the Court to apply to it the exemption from
discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction. The petitioner
paying legal fees granted to indigent applicants.
was not able to discharge the burden of proving that there was not
merely a reversible error but grave abuse of discretion amounting to
lack or excess of jurisdiction on the part of COMELEC for his
WON a foundation working for the indigent and underprivileged
issuance of such order.
people can be granted the same exemption from payment of legal
fees granted to indigent litigants. NO


The basis of the exemption from legal and filing fees is the free
access clause embodied in Art. 3, Sec. 11 of the Constitution which
is implemented under Rule 3, Sec. 21 and Rule 141, Sec. 19 of the
Rules of Court. The clear intent and precise language of said
provisions of the Rules of Court indicate that only a natural party
litigant may be regarded as an indigent litigant. Good Shepherd
Foundation has a separate juridical personality from its members. It
being a juridical person, it is not covered by the scope of the free

Bersamin Political Law Case Digests 2017 2

access clause and the provisions of the Rules of Court. Furthermore, GUZMAN v. COMELEC
poverty is a condition that can only be experienced by a natural [GR No. 182380, August 28, 2009]
person. Other reasons for denying the expansion of the language of
the law is that such allowance could be prone to abuse by Facts
corporations and that scrutiny of the necessary documents if a On March 31, 2004, the Sangguniang Panlungsod of
corporation were to comply would be time consuming for the courts. Tugegarao City authorized City Mayor Ting to acquire two
parcels of land for use as a public cemetery
As payment, City Treasurer Garcia issued and released a
Treasury Warrant
Guzman then filed a complaint in the Office of the
Provincial Election Supervisor of Cagayan Province against
both Ting and Garcia for violations of the Omnibus Election
Code, for having undertaken construction of a public
cemetery and disbursement of public funds withing 45 days
prior to the May 9, 2004 elections due to the election ban
having commenced on March 26, 2004, ending on May 9,
The Acting Provincial Election Supervisor of Cagayan
recommended dismissal of the complaint, which the
COMELEC en banc adopted
It argued that acquisition of the two parcels of land
was not considered within the term public works,
hence this present case
This is a petition under Rule 64 in relation to Rule 65
assailing the resolution of the COMELEC of the dismissing
the criminal complaints against Mayor Randolph Ting and
City Treasurer Salvacion Garcia, both of Tugegarao City

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The two were charged with allegedly violating prohibitions and; 4) The release, disbursement or expenditure of the
against: 1) disbursing public funds and undertaking public public funds should not cover any exceptions of Section 261
works; and 2) issuing treasury warrant in payment (v) of the OEC. The Local Government Code of 1991
Guzman alleges that the COMELEC committed defines public works to be the fixed infrastructures and
grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or facilities owned and operated by the government for public
excess of jurisdiction in exonerating Ting and use and enjoyment. Likewise the Administrative Code in
Garcia, based on its finding that the acquisition of defining the Declaration of Poliy of the DPWH states that
the land for use as a public cemetery and the the said department has the responsibility in: The planning
issuance of treasury warrants design, construction and maintenance of infrastructure
facilities, especially national highways, flood control and
water resources development systems and other public works
Issues in accordance with national development objectives Thus
only fixed infrastructures for the use of the public are
1. WON the acquisition of lots during the election ban was regarded as public works. This construction conforms to the
covered by the term public works as to be in violation of rule of ejusdem generis. The Omnibus Election Code
Section 261 (v) of the Omnibus Election Code construes public works as any building or structure on land
2. WON the issuance of Treasury Warrants during the period of or to structures (such as roads or dams) built by the
the election ban was in violation of Section 261 (w) of the Government for public use and paid for by public funds.
Omnibus Election Code Public works are clearly works, whether of construction or
adaptation undertaken and carried out by the national, state,
Held or municipal authorities, designed to subserve some purpose
or public necessity, use or convenience, such as public
1. NO. To be liable for violation of Section 261 (v) of the buildings, roads, aqueducts, parks, etc:; or, in other words,
Omnibus Election Code, four essential elements must all fixed works construed for public use
concur: 1) A public official releases, disburses or expends
any public funds; 2) The release, disbursement or 2. THERE IS PROBABLE CAUSE TO CHARGE TING AND
expenditure of such funds must be within forty-five days GARCIA. The OSG posits that there are two methods of
before regular elections; 3) The release, disbursement or violation of Section 261 (w) of the OEC: a). By any person
expenditure of funds is for any and all kinds of public works, who, within 45 days preceding a regular election and 30 days

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before a special election, undertakes the construction of any SUHURI v. COMELEC
public works except those exempted by law or b) by any [G.R. No. 181869; October 2, 2009]
person who issues, uses or avails of treasury warrants or any
device undertaking future delivery of money, goods or other Facts:
things of value chargeable against public funds within 45 Ismunlatip Suhuri ran for the position of Municipal Mayor of
days preceding a regular election and 30 days before a Patikul, Sulu during the 2007 national and local elections.
special election. The court concurred with the OSGs He was opposed by Kabir Hayudini and a third candidate,
position. There was a probable cause to believe that Section Datu Jun Tarsum.
261 (w), subparagraph (b) of the OEC was violated by Ting During the canvassing, Suhuri orally objected to the
and garcia when they issued a treasury warrant during the inclusion of the election returns from 25 precincts.
election ban period. The COMELEC en banc gravely abused o He asserted that the 25 election returns were (1)
its discretion in dismissing the election case for lack of obviously fabricated (2) tampered with or falsified
merit. (3) prepared under duress and (4) characterized by
statistical improbability.
The Municipal Board of Canvassers (MBC) ruled against
Suhuri by rejecting his objections to the 25 election returns.
Suhuri filed his notice of appeal.
MBC proclaimed Hayudini as the duly elected Mayor.
Suhuri filed a petition-appeal with the COMELEC. This was
assigned to the Second Division.
Suhuri filed an election protest ad cautelam in the RTC in
Patikul, Sulu to contest the results of the elections.
RTC held the election protest in abeyance given the pending
pre-proclamation controversy.
Suhuri brought a petition to declare a failure of election with
urgent motion to suspend and/or annul the canvass the
election returns.
COMELEC en banc denied the petition to declare a failure
of election for insufficiency of evidence.

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COMELEC Second Division gave due course to Suhuris is without jurisdiction to go beyond or behind the election returns
petition-appeal. and to investigate election irregularities. In a special civil action for
COMELEC Second Division excluded the 25 questioned certiorari, the petitioner carries the burden of proving not merely
electoral returns and voided the proclamation of Hayudini as reversible error but grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or
the duly elected Mayor. excess of jurisdiction non the part of the public respondent for its
Hayudini moved for the reconsideration of the COMELEC issuance of the impugned order. In this case, Suhuri did not
Second Division resolution. discharge his burden as petitioner. The COMELEC cannot look
Due to the fact that the required majority vote necessary to behind or beyond the 25 contested election returns in a pre-
reverse the COMELEC Second Division resolution was not proclamation controversy. Thus Court affirmed COMELEC en banc
reached, COMELEC en banc conducted a re-hearing. resolution, and confirmed the proclamation of Hayudini as the duly
COMELEC en banc granted the motion for reconsideration. elected Mayor of the Municipality of Patikul, Sulu in the 2007 local
Thus the proclamation of Hayudini was declared valid. elections.

WON there were proper grounds for a pre-proclamation controversy?

NO. Not every question bearing on or arising from the elections may
constitute a ground for a pre-proclamation controversy. Sec. 243 of
the Omnibus Election Code enumerates the scope of a pre-
proclamation controversy; the enumeration is restrictive and
exclusive. As a result, the petition for a pre-proclamation controversy
must fail in the absence of any clear showing or proof that the
election returns canvassed are incomplete or contain material defects;
or appear to have been tampered with, falsified or prepared under
duress; or contain discrepancies in the votes credited to any
candidate, the difference of which affects the result of the election.
To be noted too is that in a pre-proclamation controversy, the
COMELEC is restricted to an examination of the election returns and

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Mayor Tolentino vs. COMELEC Tolentino and De Castro moved for the reconsideration of
[G.R. Nos. 187958, 187961, and 187962; April 7, 2010] the order. -GRANTED
The Division suspended the revision proceedings until all the
Facts: contested ballots were already in the custody of the
In the May 14, 2007 elections, Tolentino and De Castro were COMELEC. But lifted the suspension when the SET agreed
proclaimed as the duly elected Mayor and Vice-Mayor, to conduct the revision proceedings in the SET premises.
respectively. De Castro filed a verified omnibus motion requesting the
Ricardo contested the election results in 116 ballot Division to formulate the mechanics, guidelines and
boxes by filing 3 separate election protests against the procedure for the simultaneous revision of the ballots for the
proclaimed winning candidates for Mayor, VM and 3 distinct positions protested, and to defer the revision
Members of the Sanggunian Panlungsod. proceedings until after all pending incidents had been
After finding the protests sufficient in form and substance, resolved. DENIED
the COMELEC Division required the City Treasurer of De Castro assailed the denial.
Tagaytay to inventory the protested ballot boxes and turn Meanwhile, Tolentino filed a supplement to his petition
them over to the Election Officer for delivery and asserting that the revision proceedings conducted within the
submission to the COMELECs Electoral Contests SET premises involved only 28 ballot boxes because the
Adjudication Department (ECAD) in Manila. Revision Committee suspended the revision of the set-aside
The delivery and submission took place only in Dec. 17, 16 ballot boxes.
2008 due to the actions of Tolentino and Castro in
suspending the transmittal. Issue:
Further delay occurred because 44 of the 116 contested WON the COMELEC committed grave abuse of discretion in
ballot boxes became involved in the election protest of Koko ordering the revision, thereby depriving Tolentino and De Castro
Pimentel against Sen. Migz Zubiri pending in the SET. of due process? NO.
These were set aside due to apparent sealing defects or
irregularities. Held:
On Jan. 6, 2009, upon receipt of the 72 ballot boxes, the NO. The SC held that the order of revision and the
Division ordered the constitution of the 4 Revision revision of ballots synchronized with that of the SET
Committees. were proper.

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In the case of Air Manila, Inc. v. Balatbat, the arguments; besides, he could still raise them in his
procedural due process was simplified into four basic memorandum should he chose to. During the
rights, as follows: revision stage, he should raise all objections, present
1. The right to notice, be it actual or constructive, his evidence and witnesses, and file his
of the institution of the proceedings that may memorandum before the case would be submitted
affect a persons legal right; for resolution.
2. The right to a reasonable opportunity to appear Thus, the Division did not commit any abuse of discretion,
and defend his rights and to introduce witnesses least of all grave, in its issuance of the assailed orders. Its
and relevant evidence in his favor; actuations relative to the conduct of the revision proceedings
3. The right to a tribunal so constituted as to give in the three election protests were far from capricious or
him reasonable assurance of honesty and whimsical.
impartiality, and one of competent o The Division issued ground rules with sufficient
jurisdiction; and notice to the parties, who were thereby adequately
4. The right to a finding or decision of that tribunal shielded from partiality or unfairness during the
supported by substantial evidence presented at process of revision. The Division should instead be
the hearing or at least ascertained in the records commended for carrying out its mandate to expedite
or disclosed to the parties. the disposition of the present election controversies.
Gauged upon the foregoing guidelines, Tolentinos In an election protest, the electoral tribunal has an imperative
complaint was unwarranted. duty to promptly ascertain by all means within its command
o He was not denied procedural due process. the candidates the electorate have chosen. It bears stressing
o The Division had required him to provide the names that in the exercise of the plenitude of its powers to protect
of his revisors whose tasks included the raising of the integrity of the elections, the COMELEC should not and
objections, the claiming votes for him, or the must not be straitjacketed by procedural rules in resolving
contesting of the votes in favor of his opponent. He election disputes.
has neither alleged being deprived of this The nature of election protests cases often makes the
opportunity, nor indicated any situation in which his COMELEC face varied situations calling for the exercise of
revisors were denied access to the revision its general authority to adopt means necessary to effect its
proceedings. He could not also insist that the powers and jurisdiction. The COMELEC, in its performance
COMELEC did not consider his legal and factual of its duties, must be given a considerable latitude in

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adopting means and methods that would insure the CIBAC v. COMELEC
accomplishment of the great objective for which it was GR No. 179431-32, June 22, 2010
created to promote free, orderly, and honest elections. The
choice of the means by the COMELEC should not be Facts:
interfered with, unless the means were clearly illegal or the Citizens Battle Against Corruption (CIBAC) is a duly-
choice constituted grave abuse of discretion. organized party-list.
Thus, a liberal construction of its rules should be conceded CIBAC submitted a list of 5 nominees from which its
to the COMELEC representatives will be chosen.
o The nominees are Villanueva (CIBACs president),
Lokin, Jr., Cruz-Gonzales, Tugna, and Galang.
o This list was also published in newspapers of general
Prior to the election, CIBAC, through Villanueva, filed a
certificate of nomination, substitution, and amendment of the
list of nominees.
o The new list consist of Villanueva, Cruz-Gonzales,
and Borje.
Following the close of polls, Villanueva sent a letter to
COMELEC Chairman Abalos transmitting a signed petition
of CIBAC members confirming the withdrawal of Lokin,
Tugna, and Galang.
CIBAC filed with COMELEC en banc a motion seeking the
proclamation of Lokin as its second nominee as it is entitled
to a second seat based on preliminary computations.
o This motion was opposed by Villanueva and Cruz-
COMELEC, as National Board of Canvassers, issued a
resolution proclaiming CIBAC as one of the winning party-

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o Another resolution was issued by COMELEC Issues:
proclaiming CIBAC to an additional seat. (1) Whether or not the Court has jurisdiction. YES
Ricardo de los Santos, the secretary of CIBAC, requested the (2) Whether or not Section 13 of Resolution No. 7804 or the
secretary general of the House of Representatives to have IRR is unconstitutional and violates the Party-List System Act.
Lokin be sworn in by Speaker Jose de Venecia. YES
o De los Santos replied that he could not do so because
he was notified by the COMELEC regarding the Held:
issue in CIBACs list of nominees.
COMELEC en banc issued a resolution declaring that (1) YES. The court has jurisdiction over the issue of Lokin
CIBACs list of nominees is composed of Villanueva, Cruz- because it is neither an election protest or a proper subject for quo
Gonzales, and Borje and the withdrawal of Lokin, Tugno, warranto. Hence, a petition for certiorari and mandamus is the
and Galang. proper remedy. Lokins case is not an issue wherein one nominee of
o COMELEC ruled that such change was done by a party-list seeks to unseat a nominee of another party-list nor is it an
Villanueva within his power as CIBACs president. issue imputing ineligibility or disloyalty of Cruz-Gonzales to the
o As a result, Cruz-Gonzales became the official Republic of the Philippines. Lokins case is one in which he seeks to
second nominee of CIBAC. be seated as the proper second nominee of CIBAC.
Hence, Lokin seeks through certiorari and mandamus to An election protest proposes to oust the winning
compel COMELEC to declare him as the official second candidate from office. It is strictly a contest between the
nominee of CIBAC. defeated and the winning candidates, based on the
o He assails Resolution No. 7804 (promulgating the grounds of electoral frauds and irregularities, to
IRR for RA 7941) and COMELECs resolution determine who between them has actually obtained the
allowing the amended list of nominees as majority of the legal votes cast and is entitled to hold the
unconstitutional because it expands the scope of RA office. It can only be filed by a candidate who has duly
7941 (Party-list System Act). filed a certificate of candidacy and has been voted for in
o COMELEC counters that the proper remedy should the preceding elections.
be an election protest with the HRET and not a A special civil action for quo warranto refers to
petition with the Court. questions of disloyalty to the State, or of ineligibility of
the winning candidate. The objective of the action is to
unseat the ineligible person from the office, but not to

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install the petitioner in his place. Any voter may initiate For an IRR to be valid, the following requisites must be
the action, which is, strictly speaking, not a contest present:
where the parties strive for supremacy because the o Its promulgation must be authorized by the
petitioner will not be seated even if the respondent may Legislature;
be unseated. o It must be within the scope of the authority
The proper remedy is a petition for certiorari under given by the Legislature;
Rule 64 of the Rules of Court which seeks to review the o It must be promulgated in accordance with
judgments or resolutions of COMELEC. the prescribed procedure; and
o It must be reasonable.
(2) YES. RA 7941 provides that no change of names or
alteration of the order of nominees shall be allowed after the
same shall have been submitted to the COMELEC except in
cases where the (1) nominee dies, (2) withdraws in writing
his nomination, or (3) becomes incapacitated. On the other
hand, the IRR includes as a fourth exception the instance
when the nominee withdraws his acceptance to the
The Court noted that adding the fourth ground is against
the object of RA 7941. It will promote arbitrariness on
the part of the party-list and will not give the electorate
a chance of making an intelligent and informed choice.
Since such provision or additional exception in the IRR
is void, COMELEC gravely abused its discretion in
allowing the amendment of the list of nominees of
CIBAC after it has submitted an original list to
COMELEC. Hence, the proclamation of Cruz-Gonzales
was annulled and set-aside and the Court ordered
COMELEC to have Lokin be proclaimed as one of the
representatives for CIBAC.

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GOMEZ-CASTILLO v. COMELEC notice of appeal on December 23, 2008, a day too
[G.R. No. 187231; June 22, 2010] late to appeal.
Castillo moved for reconsideration of dismissal of appeal.
Facts: COMELEC denied the motion because Castillo did not pay
Minerva Gomez-Castillo and Strike Revilla ran for the motion fees required under Sec. 7 (f), Rule 40 of the
Municipal Mayor of Bacoor, Cavite during the May 14, 2007 COMELEC Rules of Procedure.
local elections. Castillo brought the present recourse, contending that the
After the Municipal Board of Canvassers proclaimed Revilla COMELECs orders were issued with grave abuse of
as the elected Municipal Mayor, Castillo filed an Election discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction.
Protest Ad Cautelam in the RTC in Bacoor, Cavite.
o The election protest was raffled to Branch 19. Issues:
Revilla sought the dismissal of the election protest, alleging 1) Does Sec. 13 of Rule 2 of A.M. No. 07-4-15-SC designate
that it was filed in the wrong Branch of the RTC. the RTC Branch that has jurisdiction over an election
o Supreme Court Administrative Order No. 54-2007 contest, or does it merely designate the proper venue for
designated Branch 22 of the RTC in Imus, Cavite filing?
and Branch 88 of the RTC in Cavite City to hear, try 2) WON Castillos tardy appeal should be dismissed?
and decide election contests involving municipal
officials in Cavite. Held:
Branch 19 dismissed Castillos election protest for being 1) It merely designates the proper venue for filing. Jurisdiction
violative of SCAO No. 54-2007. over election contests involving municipal offices has been
Castillo presented a notice of appeal. vested in the RTC by Section 251, Batas Pambansa Blg. 881
RTC ordered that the complete records of the protest be (Omnibus Election Code). On the other hand, A.M. No. 07-
forwarded to the Election Contests Adjudication Department 4-15-SC, by specifying the proper venue where such cases
(ECAD) of the COMELEC. may be filed and heard, only spelled out the manner by
COMELEC First Division dismissed the appeal for being which an RTC with jurisdiction exercises such jurisdiction.
brought beyond the five-day reglementary period prescribed Like other rules on venue, A.M. No. 07-4-15-SC was
in Sec. 3 of Rule 22 of COMELEC Rules of Procedure. designated to ensure a just and orderly administration of
o Although Castillo received the November 21, 2008 justice and is permissive. Castillos filing her protest in the
order of RTC on December 15, 2008, she filed the RTC in Bacoor, Cavite amounted only to a wrong choice of

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venue. The dismissal of the protest by Branch 19 constituted DE CASTRO v. JUDICIAL AND BAR COUNCIL (JBC)
plain error, considering that her wrong choice did not affect and PRESIDENT GLORIA MACAPAGAL ARROYO
the jurisdiction of the RTC. What Branch 19 should have [GR No. 191002, March 17, 2010]
done under the circumstances was to transfer the protest to
Branch 22 of the RTC in Imus, Cavite, which was the proper Facts
venue. The controversy in the case arose from the then-forthcoming
2) YES. Although Castillo had received the November 21, 2008 compulsory retirement of Chief Justice Puno on May 17,
order of the RTC on December 15, 2008, she filed her notice 2010 or seven days after the presidential election. Under
of appeal only on December 23, 2008 or eight days after her Section 4(1), in relation to Section 9, Article VIII, that
receipt of the decision. Her appeal was properly dismissed vacancy shall be filled within ninety days from the
for being too late under the aforequoted rule of COMELEC. occurrence thereof from a list of at least three nominees
The period of appeal and the perfection of appeal are not prepared by the Judicial and Bar Council for every vacancy.
mere technicalities to be so lightly regarded, for they are The JBC passed a resolution stating that it will open
essential to the finality of judgments, a notion underlying the applications or recommendations and deliberate on the list of
stability of our judicial system. candidates for Chief Justice, however, as to the time to
submit the list, the JBC said that it welcomes and will
consider all views on the matter taking into consideration
the seemingly incongruent provisions banning midnight
appointments in Article VII and the imperative duty of the
president to fill out a vacancy in the Supreme Court within
ninety days from the occurrence thereof
The OSG submitted its comment stating that the incumbent
President can appoint the successor of Chief Justice Puno
upon his retirement by May 17, 2010
The OSG contends that the incumbent President may
appoint the next Chief Justice, because the
prohibition under Section 15, Article VII of the
Constitution does not apply to appointments in the
Supreme Court. It argues that any vacancy in the

Bersamin Political Law Case Digests 2017 13

Supreme Court must be filled within 90 days from were not arbitrarily or whimsically done by the framers. It was the
its occurrence, pursuant to Section 4(1), Article VIII intention of the framers that the awesome powers of the government
of the Constitution were allocated among the three great departments. Had the framers
It argues that the framers of the Constitution neither intended to extend the prohibition contained in Section 15, Article
mentioned nor referred to the ban against midnight VII to the appointment of Members of the Supreme Court, they could
appointments or its effects on such period, vice versa have explicitly done so. They could not have ignored the meticulous
Had the framers intended the prohibition to apply to ordering of the provisions. They would have easily and surely
the Supreme Court, they could have expressly stated written the prohibition made explicit in Section 15, Article VII as
so in the Constitution being equally applicable to the appointment of members of the
The Valenzuela case involved the appointment of Supreme Court in Article VIII itself, most likely in Section 4(1).
RTC judges, the situation now refers to the Moreover, the usage of in Section 4(1), Article VIII of the word shall
appointment of the next Chief Justice to which the an imperative, operating to impose a duty may be enforced should
prohibition does not apply not be disregarded. Thereby Section 4(1) imposes on the President
At any rate, Valenzuela even recognized that there the imperative duty to make an appointment of a Member of the
might be the imperative need for an appointment Supreme Court within 90 days from the occurrence of the vacancy.
during the period of the ban The failure of the President to do so will be a clear disobedience to
the Constitution.

WON the ban on midnight appointments in Section 15, Article VII of

the 1987 Constitution applies to appointments in the Supreme Court
as well?


NO. The deliberations of the Constitutional COmmission reveal that

the framers evoted time to meticulously drafting, styling and
arranging the Constitution. Such meticulousness indicates that the
organization and arrangement of the provisions of the Constitution

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SPS. YUSAY v. COURT OF APPEALS o The passage of said Resolution would already pave
[G.R. No. 156664; April 6, 2011] the way for the City to deprive Sps. Yusay and their
heirs of their only property without due process
Facts: CA reversed RTCs second decision claiming presumption
Sps. Yusay owned a parcel of land with an area of 1,044 sq. of regularity and validity of laws.
meters between 2 streets in Mandaluyong City.
o Half of their land was used as their residence, while Issue:
the rest was rented out to nine other families. WON the validity of a resolution may be assailed even before its
o Allegedly, the land was their only property and only implementation?
source of income.
On Oct. 1997, the Sangguniang Panglungsod of Held:
Mandaluyong City adopted a Resolution authorizing the No. Certiorari does not lie to assail the issuance of a resolution by the
Mayor to take necessary steps for the expropriation of the Sanggunian Panglungsod which was not part of the Judiciary settling
land of Sps. Yusay an actual controversy involving legally demandable and enforceable
o This was said to be for the purpose of developing it rights when it adopted the Resolution but a legislative and policy
for low cost housing for the less privileged but making body declaring its sentiment or opinion. Moreover, the LGC
deserving city inhabitants. required the City to pass an ordinance and not adopt a resolution.
Despite such resolution being only the initial step, Sps. Such resolution that merely expresses the sentiment of the
Yusay became alarmed and filed a petition for certiorari and Sangguniang Panglungsod is not sufficient for the purpose of
prohibition in the RTC initiating an expropriation proceeding.
o They prayed for the annulment of the Resolution for
being unconstitutional, confiscatory, improper, and Prohibition also does not lie against expropriation considering that
without force and effect. only a resolution expressing the desire of the Sangguniang
RTC ruled in favor of the City saying that certiorari did not Panglungsod to expropriate the property was issued. As of then, it
lie against a legislative act of the City Government. was premature for Sps. Yusay to mount any judicial challenge.
On Motion for Reconsideration, RTC set aside its decision Before the City, as the expropriating authority, files a verified
and declared the resolution null and void. complaint, no expropriation proceeding could be said to exist. Until
then, Sps. Yusay, as the owners, could not also be dperived of heir
property under the power of eminent dominion.

Bersamin Political Law Case Digests 2017 15

NAPOCOR v. Heirs of Sangkay in 1979. By reason of the tunnel being an apparent
[G.R. No. 165828; August 24, 2011] and continuous easement, any action arising from
such easement prescribed in five years.
Facts: RTC ruled in favor of the Heirs of Sangkay. NPC had
Pursuant to its legal mandate under RA 6395, NPC concealed the construction of the tunnel in 1979 and had
undertook the Agus River Hydroelectric Power Plant Project since continuously denied its existence.
in the 1970s to generate electricity for Mindanao. o Prayer for removal or dismantling of tunnel was
o The project included the construction of several denied. However RTC ordered payment just
underground tunnels to be used in diverting the compensation.
water flow from the Agus River to the hydroelectric o RTC fixed the just compensation at P500/square
plants. meter based on the testimony of Dionisio Banawan,
The Heirs of Sangkay sued NPC in the RTC for recovery OIC-City Assessor of Iligan City. RTC based its
damages and property, with the alternative prayer for fixing of just compensation on the prevailing market
payment of just compensation. value at the time of the filing of the complaint,
o They alleged that (1) the underground tunnel had instead of reckoning from the time of taking.
been constructed without their knowledge and NPC appealed to the CA.
consent (2) the presence of the tunnel deprived them CA affirmed the decision of RTC.
of the agricultural, commercial, industrial and
residential value of their land, and (3) their land had Issue:
become an unsafe place for habitation. WON the Heirs of Sangkay are entitled to just compensation?
NPC countered that the Heirs of Sangkay had no right of
compensation, and assuming that they were entitled to Held:
compensation, their cause of action already prescribed. YES. Firstly, the five-year prescriptive period under Sec. 3 (i) of RA
o NPC argued that the Heirs of Sangkay had no right 6395 is applicable only to an action for damages, and does not
to compensation under Sec. 3 (f) of RA 6395, under extend to an action to recover just compensation. An action to
which a mere legal easement of their land was recover just compensation, also known as inverse condemnation, has
established. And should they be entitled to the objective to recover the value of the property taken by the
compensation, their cause of action already governmental defendant. Just compensation is the full and fair
prescribed due to the tunnel having been constructed equivalent of the property taken from its owner by the expropriator.

Bersamin Political Law Case Digests 2017 16

On the other hand, action for damages seeks to vindicate a legal EXPORT PROCESSING ZONE AUTHORITY v.
wrong through damages, which may be actual, moral, nominal, PULIDO
temperate, liquidated or exemplary. Secondly, NPC is liable to pay [GR No. 188995, August 24, 2011]
not merely an easement fee but rather the full compensation for the
land. It is settled that the taking of private property for public use, to Facts
be compensable, need not be an actual physical taking or This case involved expropriation of three parcels of land in
appropriation. Compensable taking includes destruction, restriction, Rosario Cavite, by the petitioner, Export Processing Zone
diminution, or interruption of the rights of ownership or of the Authority, of land belonging to Salud Jimenez (who would
common and necessary use and enjoyment of the property in a lawful later be represented by the Estate of Salud Jimenez).
manner, lessening or destroying its value. NPC then should pay just Export Processing Zone Authority filed expropriation cases
compensation for the entire land. Lastly, the valuation of in May 15, 1981
P500/square meter is binding given that NPC did not assail the Originally, three parcels of land were subject of
valuation in the lower courts. As for the reckoning value, Court held expropriation, Lots 1408, 1409-B-2 and 1406.
that value should be determined at the time of the filing of the o Lot 1406 was later subdivided into Lots 1406 A and
complaint in order to prevent NCC from unjustly profiting from its B during the pendency of the case For this case, Lot
deliberate acts of denying due process of law to the Heirs of 1406 B is of importance
The RTC sustained the right of EPZA to expropriate the land
except Lot 1406-A 1991, which led EPZA to file an appeal
to the Court of Appeals.
EPZA and the Estate of Salud Jimenez later entered into a
compromise agreement where the parties agreed that:
o EPZA would withdraw its appeal over the release of
1406 A from expropriation while the Estate would
waive its claim for damages because of the
possession by EPZA over the parcel of land since
o The Estate would transfer Lot 1406-B in exchange
for Lot 434, as just compensation

Bersamin Political Law Case Digests 2017 17

The CA remanded the case to the RTC and the RTC had in fact settled between themselves the question of what
approved the compromise agreement in August of 1993 is just compensation and that had intended that the Estate
The EPZA was not able to transfer the title of Lot 434 to the would be compensated on the basis of the prevailing values
Estate because the registered owner was Progressive Realty at the time of the agreement. What the compromise
Inc., not EPZA agreement only set out to do is to determine the mode of
The Estate filed a motion to partially annul the compromise compensation which is by land swap. Since such is not
agreement which was granted. The EPZA appealed from this possible the value of the Lot 1406 B or Lot 434 in 1993
decision by the RTC and the RTC which the CA granted. should be the basis for the determination of just
o The CA remanded the case to the RTC to determine compensation
just compensation for Lot 1406 B 2. YES. The EPZA should have known the inefficacy of land
o The RTC determined that the just compensation swapping as a mode of just compensation. In view of the
should be the value of Lot 1406 B in 1993 when the long delay in the payment of just compensation to the Estate,
compromise agreement was entered into, not 1981, an interest rate of 12% is imposed from the approval of the
when the actual taking occurred compromise agreement until full payment.
o EPZA appealed from this decision, hence this
present case

1. WON just compensation should be determined from the
value or assessment rate prevailing in 1981 (date of taking)
or 1993 (date of the compromise agreement) or 1997 (the
date when the compromise agreement was set aside)
2. WON the Estate is entitled to legal interest

1. Just compensation should be determined from the value or
assessment rate prevailing in 1993. When the parties signed
the compromise agreement and the same was approved, they

Bersamin Political Law Case Digests 2017 18

LAND BANK OF THE PHILIPPINES V. SUNTAY Suntay alleged that the RARAD Decision had already
[GR. No. 188376; December 14, 2011] attained finality in DARAB v. Lubrica because the Land
Bank failed to file the petition within the reglementary
Facts: period, notwithstanding its recourse to the special agrarian
Federico Suntay owned land situated in Sta. Lucia, Sablayan, court.
Occidental Mindoro.
In 1972, the Department of Agrarian Reform expropriated Issue:
948.1911 hectares of Suntays land pursuant to Presidential WON a final and executory decision may be reversed, modified, or
Decree No. 27. set aside by the Supreme Court en banc
o Land Bank and DAR fixed the value of the
expropriated portion at P4,497.50/hectare, for a total Held:
valuation of P4,251,141. NO. Such insinuation runs afoul of the well settled doctrine of
Rejecting the valuation, however, Suntay filed a petition for immutability of judgments. Although Article VIII, Section 4 (1) of
determination of just compensation in the Office of the the Constitution gives the Supreme Court the discretion to sit either
Regional Agrarian Reform Adjudicator of Region IV, en banc or in divisions of three, five, or seven Members, the
DARAB. divisions are not considered separate and distinct courts. Nor is a
On January 24, 2001, after summary administrative hierarchy of courts thereby established within the Supreme Court,
proceeding, RARAD Mias rendered a decision fixing the which remains a unit notwithstanding that it also works in divisions.
total just compensation for the expropriated portion at The actions taken and the decisions rendered by any of the divisions
P157,541,951.30. are those of the Court itself, considering that the divisions are not
On October 11, 2007, the Supreme Court promulgated its considered separate and distinct courts but as divisions of one and
decision in Land Bank v. Suntay (G.R. No. 157903) holding the same court. Lastly, the only thing that the Constitution allows the
that it is the Regional Trial Courts sitting as Special Agrarian banc to do in this regard is to reverse a doctrine or principle of law
Courts which has original and exclusive jurisdiction over the laid down by the Court en banc or in division.
determination of just compensation.
o Adjudicators are merely empowered to make a
preliminary determination of the compensation,
subject to the ultimate power of the courts.

Bersamin Political Law Case Digests 2017 19

LEAGUE OF CITIES v. COMELEC Both Houses of Congress approved the individual cityhood
[G.R. No. 176951; February 15, 2011] bills.
Petitions were then filed seeking to declare the cityhood laws
Facts: unconstitutional for violation of Art. X of the Constitution,
Congress filed 57 bills for the conversion of 57 as well as violation of the equal protection clause.
municipalities into component cities. o The conversion of the municipalities into cities will
o Only 33 were enacted into law. 24 remained as reduce the share of existing cities in the Internal
pending bills, with 16 municipalities already Revenue Allotment.
converted into component cities through the On Nov. 2008, the court held that the exemption clauses in
Cityhood Laws the pending bills were unconstitutional because they were
A Senate Bill was introduced to amend LGC not written in the LGC.
o The amendment sought to increase the income
requirement to qualify for conversion into a city Issue:
from P20M average annual income to P100M WON the Cityhood Laws are unconstitutional and violative of the
locally generated income equal protection clause
The said amendment was signed into law as RA 9009
After he effectivity of RA 9009, the Congress soght to Held:
exempt from the income requirement in the law the 24 No.
municipalities The phrase in the Constitution in accordance with the criteria
o However, Senate did not approve the Resolution established in the LGC was put to lay stress that it is Congress alone
exempting them and no other which can impose the criteria. Since the GC is a
During a Senate session, Sen. Pimentel asserted passing the creation of Congress, Congress also has the power to alter or modify
Resolution, suggesting that the House of Representatives file as it did when it enacted RA 9009. This power of amendment of laws
individual bills. was again exercised when Congress enacted the Cityhood Laws. The
o Heeding the advice, 16 municipalities filed exemption clauses found in the individual Cityhood Laws are the
individual cityhood bills, which all had a provision express articulation of that intent to exempt respondent
exempting the municipality from the P100M municipalities from the coverage of RA 9009, which amended the
requirement LGC. Therefore, since the Cityhood Laws explicitly amended the 16

Bersamin Political Law Case Digests 2017 20

municipalities from RA 9009, such Cityhood Laws are also AIR TRANSPORTATION OFFICE v. SPOUSES DAVID
amendments to the LGC itself. AND ELISEA RAMOS
[GR No. 159402, February 23, 2011]
As to the equal protection clause, the favorable treatment accorded to
the 16 municipalities rests on substantial distinction. It must be noted Facts:
that the 16 municipalities were going through the process of Spouses Ramos discovered that a portion of their lot was
becoming a city when RA 9009 was passed. It would be unfair if being used as a runway of the Loakan Airport being operated
they were suddenly restricted by the sudden increase in the revenue by Air Transportation Office (ATO).
requirement. The classification was also germane to the purpose of Spouses Ramos agreed to convey the affected portion by
law because it was meant to reduce inequality brought by the deed of sale to ATO in consideration of P 778,150.
amendment, which was non-retroactive since it was a mere ATO failed to pay despite demands. Thus, the Spouses filed
declaration of prior qualification with the non-retroactive effect of a collection case against ATO.
RA 9009.
ATOs invoked the following defenses:
o Proclamation No. 1358 by Pres. Marcos reserving
The constitutional protection extends to all persons within the
certain parcels of land, including the Spouses, for
territorial jurisdiction. Artificial persons, however, are entitled to
use by Loakan Airport
protection only insofar as their property is concerned. League of
o Since the deed of sale was entered by ATO in the
cities cannot invoke equal protection clause because no deprivation
performance of its governmental function, it cannot
of property results by virtue of the enactment of the Cityhood Laws.
be sued without the consent of the State.
It is also presumptuous on the part of the League of Cities member-
RTC ruled in favor of the Spouses which was affirmed by
cities to stake a claim on the IRA as the IRA is yet to be allocated.
the CA.
For final consideration, the existence of cities consequent to the
approval of the creating, but challenged cityhood laws in the
plebiscites held in the affected LGUs is now an operative fact. Thus,
WON ATO can be sued without the States consent (or can it claim
the Cityhood Laws are constitutional.
State immunity).


Bersamin Political Law Case Digests 2017 21

YES. ATO is an agency of the government NOT performing a purely CAGAS v. COMELEC
governmental or sovereign function, but was involved in the [G.R. No. 194139; January 29, 2012]
management and maintenance of the Loakan Airport, an activity that
was not the exclusive prerogative of the State in its sovereign Facts:
capacity. Hence, the ATO had no claim to the States immunity from Douglas Cagas and Claude Bautista contested the position of
suit. Governor of Province of Davao del Sur in the May 10, 2010
automated national and local elections.
Furthermore, the doctrine of State immunity cannot be used as a o Cagas was proclaimed the winner with 163,440
shield to defeat a valid claim for compensation arising from the votes, with Bautista garnering 159,527 votes.
taking without just compensation and without the proper Bautista filed an electoral protest alleging fraud, anomalies,
expropriation proceeding being first resorted to. irregularities, vote buying and violation of election laws,
rules and resolutions.
Lastly, RA 9497 or the Civil Aviation Authority Act of 2008 which o The protest was raffled to COMELEC First
abolished ATO and to be replaced by CAAP. Section 23 of said Act Division.
provides that one of the powers of CAAP is to sue and be sued. Cagas averred that Bautista did not make the requisite cash
Hence, the obligations of ATO it incurred through the deed of sale deposit on time, and that Bautista did not render a detailed
can now be enforced against CAAP which can be sued. specification of the acts or omissions complained of.
COMELEC First Division issued the first assailed order
denying the special affirmative defenses of Cagas.
Cagas moved to reconsider on the ground that the order did
not discuss whether the protest specified the alleged
irregularities in the conduct of the elections.
o COMELEC Resolution No. 8804 requires all
decisions to clearly and distinctly express the facts
and the law on which they were based, and further
requires a detailed specified of the acts or omissions
complained of.
o Cagas prayed that the matter be certified to the
COMELEC en banc.

Bersamin Political Law Case Digests 2017 22

Bautista countered that the assailed orders, being merely power to review on certiorari an interlocutory order or even a final
interlocutory, could not be elevated to the COMELEC en resolution issued by a COMELEC Division. A decision, order or
banc. resolution of a COMELEC Division must be reviewed by the
COMELEC First Division issued its second assailed order, COMELEC en banc via a motion for reconsideration before the final
denying Cagas motion for reconsideration for failing to en banc decision may be brought to the Supreme Court on certiorari.
show that the first order was contrary to law. The pre-requisite filing of a motion for reconsideration is mandatory.
o The allegations in Bautistas petition have
substantially complied with the requirements of
COMELEC Resolution No. 8804 that will warrant
the opening of the ballot boxes in order to resolve
not only the issues raised in the protest but also those
set forth in Cagas answer.
o The prayer to elevate the motion for reconsideration
to the COMELEC en banc is denied considering that
the COMELEC First Division order is merely
interlocutory and it does not dispose of the instant
case with finality.
Cagas commenced this special civil action for certiorari
directly in this Court.

WON Court can take cognizance of the petition for certiorari?

NO. Sec. 7, Art. IX of the 1987 Constitution, although it confers on
the Court the power to review any decision, order or ruling of the
COMELEC, limits such power to a final decision or resolution of the
COMELEC en banc. It does not extend to an interlocutory order
issued by a COMELEC Division. Otherwise stated, the Court has no

Bersamin Political Law Case Digests 2017 23

PEOPLE v. BAKUNAWA employee in the office of the Social Secretary; that the
[GR No. 180418, August 28, 2013] properties acquired while Luz Bakunawa was employed in
the government were purchased with honestly earned money
Facts and their acquisition was well within their legitimate income
The Republic appeals from the decision of the
Sandiganbayan dismissing the action for reconveyance Issue
brought against Luz Reyes-Bakunawa, Manuela Bakunawa,
Jr. Manuel Bakunawa III, President Marcos and First Lady WON the defendant Luz Bakunawa, considering her position in
Imelda R. Marcos for allegedly having acquired and Malacanang during the incumbency of President Marcos occupied a
accumulated ill-gotten wealth consisting of funds and other confidential position and was able to obtain contracts, run businesses
property in unlawful concert with one another and in and acquire real properties using her officer and the influence of
flagrant breach of trust and of their fiduciary obligations as either or both of the spouses Ferdinand and Imelda Marcos so as to
public officers give propriety to the filing of cases by the Presidential Commission
The complaint alleged that respondent Luz Reyes-Bakunawa on Good Government under EOs 1, 2, 14 and 14-a
had served as Imelda Marcos Social Secretary during the
Marcos administration; that it was during that period of her Held
incumbency in that position that Luz Bakunawa and her
husband Manuel Bakunawa had acquired assets, funds and NO. In Republic v. Migrino, the Court held that it does not suffice
other property grossly and manifestly disproportionate to her that the respondent is or was a government official or employee
salaries and their other lawful income and that Luz during the administration of Former President Marcos.. There must
Bakunawa by herself and/or in unlawful concert with be prima facie showing that the respondent unlawfully accumulated
Defendants Ferdinand E. marcos and Imelda R. marcos, wealth by virtue of his close association or relation with former
taking undue advantage of her position, influence and President Marcos and/or his wife.
connection with the latter Defendant spouses, for their
benefit and unjust enrichment and in order to prevent The Republic particularly insists that Luz Bakunawa served as the
disclosure and recovery of assets illegally obtained, engaged Social Secretary or the Assistant Social Secretary of the First Lady
in devices, schemes and startagems Marcos; and mentions several other circumstances that indicated her
In their defense, the Bakunawas alleged that Luz Bakunawa close relationship with the Marcoses, such as her assumption of
was never Social Secretary of Imelda Marcos, but only an office in the early part of the Marcos administration, the

Bersamin Political Law Case Digests 2017 24

accommodations extended to her during her various travels, and the FUNA v. AGRA
fact that her close relationship was common knowledge among the [GR. No. 191644; February 19, 2013]
Masbatenos, and the negotiated contracts with Bakunawas entered
into during the Marcos administration. The Court holds that the Facts:
Sandiganbayan correctly ruled that the evidence of Republic was On January 12, 2010, Alberto C. Agra was the Government
able to establish, at best, that Luz Bakunawa had been an employee Corporate Counsel when President Arroyo designated him as
in Malacanang Palace during the marcos admnistration, and did not the Acting Solicitor General in place of Solicitor General
establish her having a close relationship with the Marcoses Devanadera.
On March 5, 2010, President Arroyo designated him also as
the Acting Secretary of Justice vice Secretary Devanadera
who had tendered her resignation in order to run for
Agra alleged that he then relinquished his position as the
Government Corporate Counsel, and that pending the
appointment of his successor, Agra continued to perform his
duties as the
Acting Solicitor General.
On April 7, 2010, Funa, in his capacity as a taxpayer, a
concerned citizen and a lawyer, commenced this suit to
challenge the constitutionality of Agras concurrent
appointments or designations, claiming it to be prohibited
under Section 13, Article VII of the 1987 Constitution.
During the pendency of the suit, President Benigno S.
Aquino III appointed Atty. Jose Anselmo I. Cadiz as the
Solicitor General.

1. WON the designation of Agra as the Acting Secretary of
Justice, concurrently with his position of Acting

Bersamin Political Law Case Digests 2017 25

Solicitor General, violates the constitutional prohibition officials offices. In Civil Liberties Union v. The Executive Secretary,
against dual or multiple offices for the Members of the the Supreme Court held that the phrase the Members of the Cabinet,
Cabinet and their deputies and assistants and their
2. WON the Agra was designated as Secretary of Justice in deputies or assistants found in Section 13 referred only to the heads
an ex officio capacity. of the various executive departments, their undersecretaries and
3. Assuming that his designation as Secretary of Justice is assistant secretaries, and did not extend to other public officials
void, WON his actions are without effect. given the rank of Secretary, Undersecretary or Assistant Secretary.

Held: 2. NO. Agras designation as the Acting Secretary of Justice was not
1. YES. The designation of Agra as Acting Secretary of Justice in an ex officio capacity, by which he would have been validly
concurrently with his position of Acting Solicitor General was authorized to concurrently hold the two positions due to the holding
unconstitutional and void because the Constitution has not otherwise of one office being the consequence of holding the other. An ex
so provided. It was of no moment that Agras designation was in an officio means from office; by virtue of office. It refers to an
acting or temporary capacity. The prohibition against dual or authority derived from official character merely, not expressly
multiple offices being held by one official must be construed as to conferred upon the individual character, but rather annexed to the
apply to all appointments or designations, whether permanent or official position.
temporary, for it is without question that the avowed objective of
Section 13 of Article VII is to prevent the concentration of powers in Indeed, the powers and functions of the OSG are neither required by
the Executive Department officials, specifically the President, the the primary functions nor included by the powers of the DOJ, and
Vice-President, the Members of the Cabinet and their deputies and vice versa. The OSG, while attached to the DOJ, is not a constituent
assistants. unit of the latter, as, in fact, the Administrative Code of 1987 decrees
that the OSG is independent and autonomous. With the enactment of
According to Public Interest Center, Inc. v. Elma, the only two Republic Act No. 9417, the Solicitor General is now vested with a
exceptions against the holding of multiple offices are: (1) those cabinet rank, and has the same qualifications for appointment, rank,
provided for under the Constitution, such as Section 3, Article VII, prerogatives, salaries, allowances, benefits and privileges as those of
authorizing the Vice-President to become a member of the Cabinet; the Presiding Justice of the Court of Appeals. Considering that the
and (2) posts occupied by Executive officials specified in Section 13, nature and duties of the two offices are such as to render it improper,
Article VII without additional compensation in ex officio capacities from considerations of public policy, for one person to retain both,
as provided by law and as required by the primary functions of the an incompatibility between the offices exists, further warranting the

Bersamin Political Law Case Digests 2017 26

declaration of Agras designation as the Acting Secretary of Justice, Nazareth vs. COA
concurrently with his designation as the Acting Solicitor General, to [GR. No. 188635; January 29, 2013]
be void for being in violation of the express provisions of the
Constitution. Facts:
Congress enacted R.A. No. 8439 to provide a program for
3. NO. All official actions of Agra as a de facto Acting Secretary of human resources development in science and technology in
Justice were presumed valid, binding and effective as if he was the maintaining the necessary reservoir of talent and manpower
officer legally appointed and qualified for the office. A de facto that would sustain the drive for total science and technology
officer is one who derives his appointment from one having mastery.
colorable authority to appoint, if the office is an appointive office, Sec. 7 grants additional allowances and benefits (Magna
and whose appointment is valid on its face. Consequently, the acts of Carta benefits) such as honorarium, share in royalties,
the de facto officer are just as valid for all purposes as those of a de hazard allowance, subsistence allowance, laundry allowance,
jure officer, in so far as the public or third persons who are interested housing and quarter allowance, longevity pay and medical
therein are concerned. examination.
The funds of the Magna Carta benefits are to be
appropriated by the GAA of the year following the
enactment of the law.
The DOST Regional Offices released the Magna Carta
benefits to the covered officials and employees commencing
in CY 1998 despite the absence of specific appropriation for
the purpose in GAA.
Subsequently, COA State Auditor Vargas issued several
Notice of Disallowances (ND) disapproving the payment of
the benefits following a post-audit.
This prompted DOST Sec. Uriarte Jr. to request the OP for
the authority to utilize the DOSTs savings to pay the
benefits. -GRANTED
Exec. Sec. Zamora, acting by authority of the Pres, approved
the request through a Memorandum.

Bersamin Political Law Case Digests 2017 27

Nazareth as the DOST RD in Region IX, lodged an appeal provision of RA 8439 and in ruling that the Memorandum did not
with COA RD Sescon, urging the lifting of the disallowance cover the payment of the Magna Carta benefits for CY2001?
of the benefits for the period covering CY 1998 to CY 2001
amounting to P4,363,997.47, citing the Memorandum issued Held:
by Exec. Sec. Zamora and Sec. 58 of GAA in 1998. She No. The Memorandum is not a blanket authority from the
argued that the Memorandum ratified the payment of the OP to pay the benefits out of the DOSTs savings. Although
benefits out of the savings for CY 1998 and CY 1999 and it was silent as to the period, it was clear that it only
allowed the use of the savings for CY 2000, but also encompassed CY 1998, 1999, and CY 2000.
operated as a continuing endorsement of the use of savings o The limitation of its applicability to those calendar
to cover the benefits in succeeding calendar years. years was based on the tenor of the request of
DENIED. Secretary Uriarte, Jr. to the effect that the DOST had
Director Inok of COA Legal and Adjudication Office denied previously used its savings to pay the Magna Carta
the appeal but set-aside the NDs covering the Magna Carta benefits in CY 1998 and CY 1999; that the 2000
benefits for CY 2000 in view of the authorization under the GAA did not provide for the use of savings; and that
Memorandum. the DOST personnel were looking forward to the
Nazareth filed a petition for review with COA Head Office, Presidents favorable consideration. The
insisting that the payments had been allowed under RA Memorandum could only be read as an authority
8349. covering the limited period until and inclusive of CY
COA rendered a decision lifting the NDs covering the 2000. The text of the Memorandum was also bereft
Magna Carta benefits for CY 1998 and CY 1999 for the of any indication that the authorization was to be
same reason for lifting NDs for CY 2000. However, it indefinitely extended to any calendar year beyond
maintained the disallowance of the benefits for CY 2001 CY 2000.
because they were not covered by the authorization granted The COA correctly ruled on the matter. Art. VI Sec. 29 (1)
by the Memorandum. provides that, No money shall be paid out of the Treasury
except in pursuance of an appropriation made by law. This
Issue: requires that the GAA be purposeful, deliberate and precise
WON the COA committed grave abuse of discretion in affirming the in its provisions and stipulations. In line with this, the
disallowance of the Magna Carta benefits for CY 2001 despite the requirement in RA 8439 that the amounts needed to fund the
Magna Carta benefits were to be appropriated by the GAA

Bersamin Political Law Case Digests 2017 28

only meant that such funding must be purposefully, appropriation which upon implementation or
deliberately and precisely included in the GAA. subsequent evaluation of needed resources is
The funding for the Magna Carta benefits would not determined to be deficient. In no case, therefore,
materialize if not initially proposed by the officials of the shall a non-existent item, project, activity, purpose
DOST for submission and consideration by the Congress. or object of expenditure be funded by augmentation
RA 8439 alone could not fund the payment of the benefits from savings or by the use of appropriations
because the GAA did not mirror every provision of law that authorized otherwise in this Act.
referred to it as the source of funding. DOST itself Clearly and indubitably, the prohibition against the transfer
acknowledged the need for appropriation. of appropriations is the general rule. Consequently, the
In the funding of current activities, projects, and programs, payment of the Magna Carta benefits for CY 2001 without a
the general rule should still be that the budgetary amount specific item or provision in the GAA and without due
contained in the appropriations bill is the extent Congress authority from the President to utilize the DOSTs savings in
will determine as sufficient for the budgetary allocation for other items for the purpose was repugnant to R.A. No. 8439,
the proponent agency. the Constitution, and the re-enacted GAA for 2001.
o The only exception is found in Section 25 (5), The COA is generally accorded complete discretion in the
Article VI of the Constitution, by which the exercise of its constitutional duty and responsibility to
President, the President of the Senate, the Speaker of examine and audit expenditures of public funds, particularly
the House of Representatives, the Chief Justice of those which are perceptibly beyond what is sanctioned by
the Supreme Court, and the heads of Constitutional law.
Commissions are authorized to transfer
appropriations to augment any item in the GAA for
their respective offices from the savings in other
items of their respective appropriations. The plain
language of the constitutional restriction leaves no
room for the Nazareths posture.
Lastly, Nazareth ignored the provisions in the 2000 GAA on
the use of savings
o Augmentation implies the existence in this Act of an
item, project, activity or purpose with an

Bersamin Political Law Case Digests 2017 29

LAND BANK OF THE PHILS v. SPS. RIGOR-SORIANO No. It appears that the parties entered into a Joint Manifestation and
[G.R. No. 178312; January 30, 2013] Motion stating the approval by Land Bank of the revaluation of the
properties which was communicated to Sps. Rigor Soriano for their
Facts: unconditional acceptance. There is no question that the agreement
Sps Rigor-Soriano and other respondents are children of the was a compromise that the parties freely and voluntarily entered into
owners of two parcels of land in Nueva Ecija covered by a for the purpose of finally settling their dispute in this case. A
Transfer Certificate of Title. compromise is either judicial, if the objective is to put an end to a
The properties became subject to Operation Land Transfer pending litigation; or extrajudicial, if the objective is to avoid a
(OLT) and were valued at P10,000/hectare by Land Bank litigation. It is perfected by mutual consent. However, a judicial
and DAR. compromise, while immediately binding between the parties upon its
Sps. Rigor-Soriano filed an action for just compensation execution, is not executory until it is being approved by the court and
contending that the valuation was too low compared to other reduced to a judgment.
existing valuations of agricultural lands.
o They claim that the properties were irrigated lands A review of the terms of the Agreement indicates that it is a judicial
o They asked that a final valuation of the properties be compromise because the parties intended it to terminate their
pegged at P1,800,000. pending litigation by fully settling their dispute. With the
Land Bank claimed that under PD27 and EP228 the respondents thereby expressly signifying their unconditional or
Government, through the DAR had taken the properties in absolute acceptance and full receipt of the foregoing amounts as just
1972 and had since then redistributed the properties to compensation, the ultimate objective of the action to determine just
farmer-beneficiaries. compensation for the landowners was achieved. Therefore, the court
o Thus, in all cases under PD27 and EO 228, its approves the agreement being in compliance with the requirements
participation was only to pay the landowners of the law.
accepting the valuations fixed by the DAR.

WON the respondents may ask for a revaluation for just


Bersamin Political Law Case Digests 2017 30

MANALANG-DEMIGILLO v TIDCORP issued her appointment as head of RCMSS, such
[G.R. No. 168613 ; March 5, 2013] appointment being in nature a reappointment under
the reorganization plan.
Facts: o This was later approved by the president
Petitioner Rosario Manalang-Demigillo (Demigillo) was Demigillo challenged before the Board of Directors the
appointed as Senior Vice President (PG 15) with permanent validity of Resolution No. 1365 and of her assignment to the
status, and was assigned to the Legal and Corporate Services RCMSS.
Department (LCSD) of TIDCORP. o She averred that she had been thereby illegally
In 2002, TIDCORP President Joel C. Valdes sought an removed from her position of Senior Vice President
opinion from the Office of the Government Corporate in the LCSD to which she had been previously
Counsel (OGCC) relative to TIDCORPs authority to assigned during the 1st reorganization.
undertake a reorganization under the law. o She insisted that the Board of Directors had not been
o Assailing that Sec 7 and Sec 8 provides that it must authorized to undertake the reorganization and
be the Board of directors who should reorganize. corporate restructuring.
Government Corporate Counsel released an Opinion which Pending determination of her challenge by the Board of
sided with TIDCORP Directors, Demigillo appealed to the Civil Service
TIDCORP then passed a resolution (Resolution 1365) to Commission (CSC), raising the same issues.
approve the following The TIDCORP board dismissed Demigillos appeal for its
o a so-called Organizational Refinement/Restructuring lack of merit, thereby rendering the question about the
Plan to implement a new organizational structure propriety of Demigillos appeal moot and academic
and staffing pattern, In the meanwhile, by letter, President Valdes informed
o a position classification system, Demigillo of her poor performance rating for the period from
o a new set of qualification standards. January 1, 2002 to December 31, 2002,
During the implementation of the Organizational Demigillo formally communicated to Atty. Florencio P.
Refinement/Restructuring Plan, the LCSD was abolished. Gabriel Jr., Executive Vice President of the Operations
o Petitioner Demigillo, albeit retaining her position as Group, appealing the "poor rating" given her by President
a Senior Vice President, was assigned to head the Valdes.
Remedial and Credit Management Support Sector o Atty. Gabriel informed Demigillo that he could not
(RCMSS). On the same date, President Valdes act on her appeal because of her "failure to state

Bersamin Political Law Case Digests 2017 31

facts and arguments constituting the grounds for the the functions of Demigillos office were in
appeal and submit any evidence to support the fact transferred to the Operations Group.
same." o that the dropping from the rolls of Demigillo did not
Demigillo received a memorandum from President Valdes comply with the mandatory requirement
stating that her performance rating for the period from
January 1, 2003 to June 2003 "needs improvement,"
WON the Board of Directors of TIDCORP was an alter ego
attaching the pertinent Performance Evaluation Report Form
of the President who had the continuing authority to
that she was instructed to return "within 24 hours from
reorganize TIDCORP NO
The Board of Directors rendered Decision No. 03-003 which
unanimously dropped Demigillo from the rolls.
The doctrine of qualified political agency essentially
CSC decision held the following:
postulates that the heads of the various executive
o that the 2002 Organizational Refinements or
departments are the alter egos of the President, and, thus, the
Restructuring Plan of TIDCORP had been valid for
actions taken by such heads in the performance of their
being authorized by Republic Act. No. 6656
official duties are deemed the acts of the President unless the
o that Section 7 of Republic Act No. 8498 granted a
President himself should disapprove such acts.
continuing power to TIDCORPs Board of Directors
o This doctrine is in recognition of the fact that in our
to prescribe the agencys organizational structure,
presidential form of government, all executive
staffing pattern and compensation packages
organizations are adjuncts of a single Chief
o that such grant continued until declared invalid by a
court of competent jurisdiction or revoked by
that the heads of the Executive Departments
are assistants and agents of the Chief
o However, TIDCORPs implementation of its
Executive; and
reorganization did not comply with Section 6 of
that the multiple executive functions of the
Republic Act No. 6656
President as the Chief Executive are
that although there was no diminution in
performed through the Executive
Demigillos rank, salary and status, there
was nonetheless a demotion in her functions
The doctrine has been adopted here out of practical
and authority
necessity, considering that the President cannot be expected

Bersamin Political Law Case Digests 2017 32

to personally perform the multifarious functions of the ARAULLO V. AQUINO III
executive office. [G.R. No. 209287; February 3, 2015]
But the doctrine of qualified political agency could not be
extended to the acts of the Board of Directors of Facts:
TIDCORP despite some of its members being themselves In a privilege speech, Sen. Jinggoy Estrada revealed that he
the appointees of the President to the Cabinet. and his fellow senators received 50 million-peso incentive
o Under the circumstances, when the members of the because of their vote to impeach Chief Justice Corona.
Board of Directors effected the assailed 2002 Sec. Abad responded to the speech saying that it is part of
reorganization, they were acting as the responsible the Spending Acceleration Program.
members of the Board of Directors of TIDCORP 1. The Spending Acceleration Program is also known
constituted pursuant to Presidential Decree No. as the Disbursement Acceleration Program [DAP].
1080, as amended by Republic Act No. 8494, not as 2. Sec. Abad also said that the money was given in
the alter egos of the President. response to several funding requests from the
Nonetheless, the court upholds the 2002 reorganization and senators.
declare it valid for being done in accordance with the The money used for the DAP are taken from:
exclusive and final authority expressly granted under 1. Unreleased appropriations under personnel services;
Republic Act No. 8494 2. Unprogrammed [sic] funds;
The court also reiterate that the ruling of the CSC that deals 3. Carry-over appropriations unreleased from the
with specific cases coming within its area of technical previous year; and
knowledge and expertise 4. Budget for slow-moving items or projects that had
that the reorganization was not arbitrary and whimsical. It been realigned to support faster-disbursing projects.
had been formulated following lengthy consultations and The Department of Budget and Management [DBM]
close coordination with the affected offices within released a claim on its website saying that the money used
TIDCORP in order for them to come up with various for the DAP are savings from:
functional statements relating to the new organizational 1. Pooling of unreleased appropriations, and
setup 2. Withdrawal of unobligated allotments.
The legal bases of DBM in implementing DAP vis--vis the
use of savings are as follows:

Bersamin Political Law Case Digests 2017 33

1. Article VI, Sec. 25 (5) of the Constitution, which 3. WON the DAP, NBC Bo. 541, and all other executive
granted the President the power to augment an item issuances allegedly implementing the DAP violate Article
for his office in the general appropriations law, VI, Sec. 25 (5) of the Constitution insofar as:
2. Administrative Code of 1987s Book VI, Chapter 5, a. They treat the unreleased appropriations and
Sections 38 (suspension of expenditure unobligated allotments withdrawn from government
appropriations) and 49 (Authority to use savings for agencies as savings as the term used in Sec. 25 (5),
certain purpose), in relation to 2011-2013 GAAs,
3. 2011-2013 General Appropriations Acts (GAAs) b. They authorize the disbursement of funds for
which provides for (a) use of savings, (b) meanings projects or programs not provided in the GAAs for
of savings and augmentation, and (c) priority in the the Executive Departments, and
use of savings. c. They augment discretionary lump sum
With regard to unprogrammed [sic] funds, the legal bases of appropriations in the GAAs?
DBM are the 2011-2013 GAAs. 4. WON the DAP violates (1) the equal protection clause
Araullo, et al., filed a petition to the Supreme Court assailing [EPC], (2) the system of checks and balances, and (3)the
the Constitutionality of National Budget Circular [NBC] No. principle of public accountability enshrined in the
541, which was issued to implement the DAP. Constitution that it authorizes the release of funds upon the
request of legislators?
Issues: 5. WON factual and legal justification exists to issue a TRO to
1. WON the certiorari, prohibition, and mandamus are proper restrain the implementation of DAP and other executive
remedies to assail the Constitutionality and validity of the issuances implementing DAP?
DAP, NBC no. 541, and other issuances implementing the
DAP? Held/Ratio:
a. WON controversy is ripe for judicial determination; 1. Yes, certiorari, prohibition, and mandamus are proper
and remedies to assail the Constitutionality of DAP. Since
b. WON the petitioners have locus standi? certiorari and prohibition are large in scope and the issues
2. WON the DAP violates Article VI, Sec. 29 of the involved the limitations of the Executives spending power,
Constitution, which provides, [n]o money shall be paid out the said remedies are proper.
of the Treasury except in pursuance of an appropriation a. The case is not moot and academic even if the
made by law? President has terminated the DAP. The fact that huge

Bersamin Political Law Case Digests 2017 34

public funds have been allocated, disbursed, or any programmed appropriation in the GAA free from any
utilized by reason or on account of the challenged obligation or encumbrance, which are:
executive acts gave rise to an actual controversy that a. Still available after the completion or final
is ripe for adjudication. Even if assuming that the discontinuance or abandonment of the work, activity
DAP has mooted the case, this case still falls under or purpose for which the appropriation is authorize,
the exception to the requirement of ripeness: b. From appropriations balances arising from unpaid
i. There is a grave violation of the compensation and related costs pertaining to vacant
Constitution, positions and leaves of absences without pay, and
ii. The case involved a situation of exceptional c. From appropriations balances realized form the
character and was of paramount public implementation of measures resulting in improved
interest, systems and efficiencies and thus enabled agencies
iii. When the constitutional issue raised required to meet and deliver the required or planned targets,
the formulation of controlling principles to programs, and services approved in the GAAs at a
guide the Bench, the Bar, and the public, and lesser cost.
iv. When the case was capable of repetition yet Mere declaration of the DBM will not ripen the status of the
evading review. funds under the DAP to the categories considered as savings.
b. The petitioners have legal standing to assail the It is necessary that these funds must be released first and not
Constitutionality of the DAP. Considering that the merely withheld.
issue involves the expenditure of public funds and On the other hand, the term augment means to enlarge or
the present case is of transcendental importance, the increase the allotment for an item in the GAA wherein the
petitioners do have a legal standing to raise the current appropriation for the said item is deficient.
issues before the Court. The Constitution also limits the augmentation within the
2. No, there is no violation of the provision since DAP is not an office of the President; hence, savings of the Executive
appropriation measure but a program of prioritizing branch must be augmented only to an item under the
spending. Congresss duty vis--vis treasury is to allocate executive. In the present case, the savings of the Executive
funds in the treasury in a particular fund. were augmented to the members of Congress. Therefore, the
3. Yes. The term savings does not include unreleased Constitutional provision was violated.
appropriations and withdrawn unobligated allotments under 4. The Court did not pass upon a judgment over the alleged
the DAP because savings refers to portions or balances of violation of the EPC because the contentions of Luna and

Bersamin Political Law Case Digests 2017 35

COURAGE are speculative. As regards to the violation of and make it into GAA [See PHIL. CONST. art. VI,
separation of powers and the public accountability, the Court 27 (2)].
has already addressed the issue in the discussion of other o Budget execution- the Budget Execution Phase is
issues. primarily the function of the DBM, which is tasked
5. No, the doctrine of operative fact applies. A legislative or to perform the following procedures, namely: (1) to
executive act is presumed to be constitutional such that when issue the programs and guidelines for the release of
it is declared void for being unconstitutional does not give funds; (2) to prepare an Allotment and Cash Release
rise to any right or obligation. The Court recognized that the Program; (3) to release allotments; and (4) to issue
result of the DAP and its related issuances could not be disbursement authorities.
ignored and be undone. The Court also declared that the o Accountability- it ensures that the government
doctrine of operative fact is not confined to statutes and rules funds have been effectively and efficiently utilized
and regulations. The doctrine can be invoked only in to achieve the States socio-economic goals. It also
situations where the nullification of the effects of what used allows the DBM to assess the performance of
to be a valid law would result in inequity and injustice. agencies during the fiscal year for the purpose of
Other concepts discussed: implementing reforms and establishing new policies.
Budget cycle: An agencys accountability may be examined and
o Budget preparation- it is commenced by the evaluated through (1) performance targets and
issuance of DBM of budget calls, i.e., one for outcomes; (2) budget accountability reports; (3)
government offices including SUCs and another for review of agency performance; and (4) audit
GOCCs and GFIs. The government agencies will conducted by the Commission on Audit (COA).
then submit their respective budget proposals to the Public Expenditures:
DBM. DBM will consolidate these proposals to the o Categories:
National Expenditure Program [NEP] and a Budget Capital Expenditures are the expenses
of Expenditures and Sources of Financing [BESF]. whose usefulness lasts for more than one
o Budget legislation or budget authorization- the year, and which add to the assets of the
Congress will receive the Presidents budget, which Government, including investments in the
includes the NEP and BESF. With this, Congress capital of government-owned or controlled
will come up with a General Appropriations Bill corporations and their subsidiaries.
[GAB]. The President will then approve of the GAB

Bersamin Political Law Case Digests 2017 36

Current Operating Expenditures are the REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES, represented by
purchases of goods and services in current NATIONAL POWER CORPORATION (NAPOCOR) v.
consumption the benefit of which does not HEIRS OF SATURNINO BORBON
extend beyond the fiscal year. [GR No. 165354, January 12, 2015]
o Functions:
Economic development expenditures Facts:
Social services or social development In 1993, NAPOCOR entered into the property owned by the
expenditures Heirs of Borbon in order to construct and maintain
General government or general public transmission lines.
services expenditures
In 1995, NAPOCOR filed a complaint for expropriation in
National defense expenditures
the RTC seeking the acquisition of easement of right of way
Public debt
over a portion of the same property.
o It allege that it had negotiated with the Heirs but
failed to reach any agreement and that it is willing to
deposit an amount of P 9,790 representing the
assessed value of the property.
The Heirs answered that there was no prior negotiation.
NAPOCOR entered their property without consent and in the
process destroyed some fruit trees without payment.
o They also allege that the presence of the high tension
wires rendered the remaining unaffected portion
inutile for any future use and capabilities.
o They tendered no objection to the expropriation by
NAPOCOR as long as it is for the entire property
and not only for the affected portion.
The RTC ruled in favor of the Heirs and ordered NAPOCOR
to pay the Heirs just compensation for the whole property.
The CA affirmed the RTC ruling.
Hence, NAPOCOR appealed to the SC.

Bersamin Political Law Case Digests 2017 37

o During the pendency of the appeal, NAPOCOR filed transmission lines, the Court considered the
a manifestation stating that there is no longer any Memorandum and the Certificate of
public purpose since the transmission lines will be Inspection/Accomplishment attached to
retired already. NAPOCORs motion attesting to the retirement of
o NAPOCOR wants the expropriation proceedings to the transmission lines as sufficient to establish that
be discontinued. the public purpose has ceased to exist.
(2) NO. In view of the discontinuance of the expropriation
Issue: proceedings, there is no need to pay just compensation since
the property will be returned to the Heirs. However,
(1) Whether or not the expropriation proceedings should be NAPOCOR is liable to compensate the Heirs for the
discontinued. YES disturbance they caused given that NAPOCOR entered the
(2) Whether or not just compensation should be paid by property without the Heirs consent, destroying fruit trees,
NAPOCOR. NO and the effect of the transmission lines or hogh tension wires
with respect to the whole property.
Held: The Court ordered that the payment will be reckoned
when the property was taken (1993) and not when
(1) YES. Since public use is the fundamental basis for the action the expropriation complaint was filed (1995).
of expropriation, NAPOCORs motion to discontinue the Furthermore, the compensation should be based on
proceedings is warranted. what the Heirs actually lost as a result of
The very moment that it appears at any stage of the dispossession of their property and its use including
proceedings that the expropriation is not for a public the value of the fruit trees and crops destroyed.
use, the action must necessarily fail and should be Considering that the dismissal of the expropriation
dismissed, for the reason that the action cannot be proceeding occurred during the appeal, the action is
maintained at all except when the expropriation is now treated as an action for damages. Hence, the
for some public use. That must be true even during case will be remanded back to the RTC to give both
the pendency of the appeal or at any other stage of parties the opportunity to re-establish the factual and
the proceedings. legal issues.
Although there is no Board Resolution showing that
NAPOCOR decided as a corporate body to retire the

Bersamin Political Law Case Digests 2017 38

LIMKAICHONG v. LBP Suntay alleged that the RARAD Decision had already
[GR. No. 158464; August 2, 2016] attained finality in DARAB v. Lubrica because the Land
Bank failed to file the petition within the reglementary
Facts: period, notwithstanding its recourse to the special agrarian
Federico Suntay owned land situated in Sta. Lucia, Sablayan, court.
Occidental Mindoro.
In 1972, the Department of Agrarian Reform expropriated Issue:
948.1911 hectares of Suntays land pursuant to Presidential WON a final and executory decision may be reversed, modified, or
Decree No. 27. set aside by the Supreme Court en banc
o Land Bank and DAR fixed the value of the
expropriated portion at P4,497.50/hectare, for a total Held:
valuation of P4,251,141. NO. Such insinuation runs afoul of the well settled doctrine of
Rejecting the valuation, however, Suntay filed a petition for immutability of judgments. Although Article VIII, Section 4 (1) of
determination of just compensation in the Office of the the Constitution gives the Supreme Court the discretion to sit either
Regional Agrarian Reform Adjudicator of Region IV, en banc or in divisions of three, five, or seven Members, the
DARAB. divisions are not considered separate and distinct courts. Nor is a
On January 24, 2001, after summary administrative hierarchy of courts thereby established within the Supreme Court,
proceeding, RARAD Mias rendered a decision fixing the which remains a unit notwithstanding that it also works in divisions.
total just compensation for the expropriated portion at The actions taken and the decisions rendered by any of the divisions
P157,541,951.30. are those of the Court itself, considering that the divisions are not
On October 11, 2007, the Supreme Court promulgated its considered separate and distinct courts but as divisions of one and
decision in Land Bank v. Suntay (G.R. No. 157903) holding the same court. Lastly, the only thing that the Constitution allows the
that it is the Regional Trial Courts sitting as Special Agrarian banc to do in this regard is to reverse a doctrine or principle of law
Courts which has original and exclusive jurisdiction over the laid down by the Court en banc or in division.
determination of just compensation.
o Adjudicators are merely empowered to make a
preliminary determination of the compensation,
subject to the ultimate power of the courts.

Bersamin Political Law Case Digests 2017 39

Macapagal-Arroyo v. People of the Philippines Petitioners filed this case before the Supreme Court
[G.R. No. 220598, July 19, 2016] on certiorari before the Supreme Court to assail the denial of
their demurrers to evidence, on the ground of grave abuse of
FACTS: discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction.
The Ombudsman charged in the Sandiganbayan with plunder
as defined by, and penalized under Section 2 of Republic Act Issue:
(R.A.) No. 7080, as amended by R.A. No. 7659 the WON the special civil action for certiorari is proper to assail the
following: (1) GMA, (2) Aguas, (3) former PCSO General denial of the demurrers to evidence NO.
Manager and Vice Chairman Rosario C. Uriarte, (4) former
PCSO Chairman of the Board of Directors Sergio O.
Valencia, (5) former members of the PCSO Board of Held:
Directors, and (6) two former officials of the Commission on The special civil action for certiorari is generally not proper to assail
Audit (COA). such an interlocutory order issued by the trial court because of the
The Sandiganbayan eventually acquired jurisdiction over availability of another remedy in the ordinary course of law.
most of the accused, including petitioners. All filed petitions Moreover, Section 23, Rule 119 of the Rules of Court expressly
for bail, which the Sandiganbayan granted except those of provides that the order denying the motion for leave of court to file
the petitioners. Their motions for reconsideration were demurrer to evidence or the demurrer itself shall not be reviewable
denied. GMA assailed the denial of her petition for bail by appeal or by certiorari before judgment. It is not an insuperable
before the Supreme Court. However, this remains obstacle to this action, however, that the denial of the demurrers to
unresolved. evidence of the petitioners was an interlocutory order that did not
After the Prosecution rested its case, the accused separately terminate the proceedings, and the proper recourse of the demurring
filed their demurrers to evidence asserting that the accused was to go to trial, and that in case of their conviction they
Prosecution did not establish a case for plunder against them. may then appeal the conviction, and assign the denial as among the
The Sandiganbayan granted the demurrers and dismissed the errors to be reviewed. Indeed, it is doctrinal that the situations in
case against the accused within its jurisdiction, except for which the writ of certiorari may issue should not be limited, because
petitioners and Valencia. It held that there was sufficient to do so x x x would be to destroy its comprehensiveness and
evidence showing that they had conspired to commit usefulness. So wide is the discretion of the court that authority is not
plunder. wanting to show that certiorari is more discretionary than either
prohibition or mandamus. In the exercise of our superintending

Bersamin Political Law Case Digests 2017 40

control over other courts, we are to be guided by all the
circumstances of each particular case as the ends of justice may
require. So it is that the writ will be granted where necessary to
prevent a substantial wrong or to do substantial justice.

The exercise of this power to correct grave abuse of discretion

amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction on the part of any branch
or instrumentality of the Government cannot be thwarted by rules of
procedure to the contrary or for the sake of the convenience of one
side. This is because the Court has the bounden constitutional
duty to strike down grave abuse of discretion whenever and
wherever it is committed. Thus, notwithstanding the interlocutory
character and effect of the denial of the demurrers to evidence, the
petitioners as the accused could avail themselves of the remedy of
certiorari when the denial was tainted with grave abuse of discretion.

Bersamin Political Law Case Digests 2017 41

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