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In this chapter, the author has examined the factors that inuence timpani
tone. The brand of timpani, mallets, playing style, the grip, composition of
the drumhead, method of striking the timpani, and playing spot are impor-
tant in shaping tone and articulation of a particular stroke. Timpanists are
called to develop a sound that allows them to effectively execute their parts
in an orchestral context. Beyond the purely rhythmical nature of the tim-
pani, timpanists have the opportunity to tonally shape their parts in ways
that support the spiritual nature of the music. Being aware of the tonal ca-
pabilities and limitations of the timpanists art is a prerequisite for playing
well. The next three chapters will examine the interpretation of timpani
parts in the Baroque and Classical eras.

34 Timpani Tone and the Interpretation of Baroque and Classical Music

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